View on the "Greater Israel" plan...

Do you believe that there is a plan for "Greater Israel"?

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It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that the Syrians could stand atop the mountains of the Golan Heights and shoot down on the kibbutzim (farms) below, which is what they did before 1967. Perhaps you aren't aware of the geography/geology/topography of the area.
And lest we forget, Syria did the same in 1973.
The people who contribute to the country have the right to exclude those who don't, such as the Paleonasties and any other unevolved feral minority.. Otherwise, "democracy" is suicidal.
So your plan is to declare certain groups subhuman and strip them of basic rights??
All Group Rights Must Be Earned and Are Subject to Forfeiture
I thought our rights are inalienable and from God.

By their behavior, they declare themselves to be that way. We must respond to results, just like we'd take a certain product off the market if it turned out to be harmful, such as Thalidomide.

The people in power who turn anti-social elements loose on us know what they are doing. As you've shown by being so sure of yourself about ideas that were never your own in the first place, the elitists also drum suicidal civic ethics into us from the time we think we know how to think.
But the elites in the U.S. are supportive of Israel. Politicians are bribed to put Israeli interests above American interests.
Wrong again, Thunderfart, the entire American public is overwhelmingly in support of Israel.
Semitic sissies like Roudy put Israel first and America last. The corporate media tricks some Americans into supporting Israel, but the American people won't be fooled by these lies forever.

Why do American taxpayers have to pay billions to welfare queen Israel?
The people who contribute to the country have the right to exclude those who don't, such as the Paleonasties and any other unevolved feral minority.. Otherwise, "democracy" is suicidal.
So your plan is to declare certain groups subhuman and strip them of basic rights??
All Group Rights Must Be Earned and Are Subject to Forfeiture
I thought our rights are inalienable and from God.

By their behavior, they declare themselves to be that way. We must respond to results, just like we'd take a certain product off the market if it turned out to be harmful, such as Thalidomide.

The people in power who turn anti-social elements loose on us know what they are doing. As you've shown by being so sure of yourself about ideas that were never your own in the first place, the elitists also drum suicidal civic ethics into us from the time we think we know how to think.
But the elites in the U.S. are supportive of Israel. Politicians are bribed to put Israeli interests above American interests.
Wrong again, Thunderfart, the entire American public is overwhelmingly in support of Israel.
Semitic sissies like Roudy put Israel first and America last. The corporate media tricks some Americans into supporting Israel, but the American people won't be fooled by these lies forever.

Why do American taxpayers have to pay billions to welfare queen Israel?
Yes, Thunderfart, please write to your congressperson and complain about the overwhelming American support for Israel. Maybe you can get a refund for the $10 a year you pay in taxes.
"Nearly half of Americans support sanctions on Israel, poll finds"
Nearly half of Americans support sanctions on Israel, poll finds | +972 Magazine
No thanks, I'll take gallup over fake news 972 any day.


"according to a national poll published by the Brookings Institute"

Go back into your hole.
Like I said, I'll take Gallup any day over "972 / Brookings institute". You are so transparent and pathetic. It's always garbage and lies with you.
I'm interested in the ideas of Israel not only controlling Israel and Palestine but also the expansion into what is commonly called "Greater Israel"...

I certainly believe that Israel has no intention of ever allowing a Palestinian state to exist... But would Israel stop there?
Greater Israel? Israel is currently sitting on less than 1% of the land Muslims control in the ME, you delusional moron.

You take the "delusional moron" title everytime!

Yes, Israel is sitting on less than 1% of land in the ME... Well done...

It was a question about the expansion of Israel in the future, you know, being larger than the current 1% you moron...

Try and keep up Roudy or at least read the comments BEFORE you look like a fool AGAIN with your stupid inane posts!
Humanity , do you REALLY think that it is the plan of the State of Israel to 'conquer' and 'rule' from the Nile to the Euphrates? Seriously?

I think that Israel wouldn't mind having that territory however, in reality, I don't think it possible...

I also don't believe that the Israel would have many issues in expanding, as they are currently doing, into areas that are not theirs... For example, I am quite certain that Israel would happily incorporate Gaza into the State of Israel, for "security" reasons or otherwise...
In 2003, President Bush and PM Ahmadinejad of Iran had a summit. The Iraqi PM opened by saying to the President, 'I have a dream, that the White House flies the flag of Islam and the roads are draped with banners proclaiming the victory of Islam'.

President Bush said, 'I have a very similar dream where the Tehran is also covered with banners'. Ahmadinejad asked, 'What do the banners say?'. Bush replied, 'I don't know ... I don't read Hebrew'.
I'm interested in the ideas of Israel not only controlling Israel and Palestine but also the expansion into what is commonly called "Greater Israel"...

I certainly believe that Israel has no intention of ever allowing a Palestinian state to exist... But would Israel stop there?
Greater Israel? Israel is currently sitting on less than 1% of the land Muslims control in the ME, you delusional moron.

You take the "delusional moron" title everytime!

Yes, Israel is sitting on less than 1% of land in the ME... Well done...

It was a question about the expansion of Israel in the future, you know, being larger than the current 1% you moron...

Try and keep up Roudy or at least read the comments BEFORE you look like a fool AGAIN with your stupid inane posts!
Expansion where? Which country is Israel trying to expand into "in the future" you delusional moron? It is a tiny speck compared to the ocean of Arab Muslim shitholes around it.

In 2003, President Bush and PM Ahmadinejad of Iran had a summit. The Iraqi PM opened by saying to the President, 'I have a dream, that the White House flies the flag of Islam and the roads are draped with banners proclaiming the victory of Islam'.

President Bush said, 'I have a very similar dream where the Tehran is also covered with banners'. Ahmadinejad asked, 'What do the banners say?'. Bush replied, 'I don't know ... I don't read Hebrew'.
Ha ha ha. I had heard that before but it still makes me laugh.
For 2,000 years, the people called 'Palestinians' were Jews. The word didn't come to mean Arabs only until after 1967.
^^^ quoted for the win!

Actually "For the loss". For the win is the fact that it is documented that the Palestinians were called Palestinians at least as early as the fourth century AD. Of course, Palestine was a Christian land in 380 AD. The treatise below is about the Palestinian martyrs that died ealier on so, it can be assumed that the Palestinians were called Palestinians from when the territory was named Palaestina by the Romans.

"De martyribus Palestinae" (The Palestinian Martyrs)

A manuscript dated 411 AD by Eusebio of Cesarea, born in Caesarea Maritima, Palestine.

La tradizione manoscritta delle agiografie dei martiri palestinesi

In English:

(The manuscriptual tradition of the Palestinian martyrs)

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)
For 2,000 years, the people called 'Palestinians' were Jews. The word didn't come to mean Arabs only until after 1967.
^^^ quoted for the win!

Actually "For the loss". For the win is the fact that it is documented that the Palestinians were called Palestinians at least as early as the fourth century AD. Of course, Palestine was a Christian land in 380 AD. The treatise below is about the Palestinian martyrs that died ealier on so, it can be assumed that the Palestinians were called Palestinians from when the territory was named Palaestina by the Romans.

"De martyribus Palestinae" (The Palestinian Martyrs)

A manuscript dated 411 AD by Eusebio of Cesarea, born in Caesarea Maritima, Palestine.

La tradizione manoscritta delle agiografie dei martiri palestinesi

In English:

(The manuscriptual tradition of the Palestinian martyrs)

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)
And yet, the Ottomans who were Muslims themselves, never recognized such a people as Palestinians or a Palestine for the last 700 years they ruled the entire region. In fact they invited the Jews to come back and settle in the land they considered to be the Jewish ancestral holy land. Which is exactly what happened. So as usual, you're fulla Shiite.
For 2,000 years, the people called 'Palestinians' were Jews. The word didn't come to mean Arabs only until after 1967.
^^^ quoted for the win!

Actually "For the loss". For the win is the fact that it is documented that the Palestinians were called Palestinians at least as early as the fourth century AD. Of course, Palestine was a Christian land in 380 AD. The treatise below is about the Palestinian martyrs that died ealier on so, it can be assumed that the Palestinians were called Palestinians from when the territory was named Palaestina by the Romans.

"De martyribus Palestinae" (The Palestinian Martyrs)

A manuscript dated 411 AD by Eusebio of Cesarea, born in Caesarea Maritima, Palestine.

La tradizione manoscritta delle agiografie dei martiri palestinesi

In English:

(The manuscriptual tradition of the Palestinian martyrs)

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)
And yet, the Ottomans who were Muslims themselves, never recognized such a people as Palestinians or a Palestine for the last 700 years they ruled the entire region. In fact they invited the Jews to come back and settle in the land they considered to be the Jewish ancestral holy land. Which is exactly what happened. So as usual, you're fulla Shiite.

While your assertion that the Ottomans invited the Jews to Palestine is false, see below, who gives a flying f_ck. The point is the Palestinians were known as, and called themselves Palestinians from at least the 4th century AD. So shove it.

The Ottomans specifically prohibited the Jews from settling in Palestine, though they were allowed to settle elsewhere in the Empire.

You keep posting your absurd Zionist propaganda. The facts are far different.

"The Council of Ministers considered the question and in November 1881 it was announced that: OTTOMAN POLICY AND JEWISH SETTLEMENT 313 [Jewish] immigrants will be able to settle as scattered groups throughout Turkey, excluding Palestine. They must submit to all the laws of the Empire and become Ottoman subjects

With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882:

"The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire.", Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
The people who contribute to the country have the right to exclude those who don't, such as the Paleonasties and any other unevolved feral minority.. Otherwise, "democracy" is suicidal.
So your plan is to declare certain groups subhuman and strip them of basic rights??
All Group Rights Must Be Earned and Are Subject to Forfeiture
I thought our rights are inalienable and from God.

By their behavior, they declare themselves to be that way. We must respond to results, just like we'd take a certain product off the market if it turned out to be harmful, such as Thalidomide.

The people in power who turn anti-social elements loose on us know what they are doing. As you've shown by being so sure of yourself about ideas that were never your own in the first place, the elitists also drum suicidal civic ethics into us from the time we think we know how to think.
But the elites in the U.S. are supportive of Israel. Politicians are bribed to put Israeli interests above American interests.
Wrong again, Thunderfart, the entire American public is overwhelmingly in support of Israel.
Semitic sissies like Roudy put Israel first and America last. The corporate media tricks some Americans into supporting Israel, but the American people won't be fooled by these lies forever.

Why do American taxpayers have to pay billions to welfare queen Israel?
Mothlims Into the Flame

Israel is our shield, that's why. After World War One, the Jewish Homeland was set up to be a provocative but well-armed decoy to the inevitable next jihad. It worked until Al Qaida decided to bypass the world-class Israeli armed forces and destroy the decadent and less focused infidel states first.
So your plan is to declare certain groups subhuman and strip them of basic rights??
All Group Rights Must Be Earned and Are Subject to Forfeiture
I thought our rights are inalienable and from God.

By their behavior, they declare themselves to be that way. We must respond to results, just like we'd take a certain product off the market if it turned out to be harmful, such as Thalidomide.

The people in power who turn anti-social elements loose on us know what they are doing. As you've shown by being so sure of yourself about ideas that were never your own in the first place, the elitists also drum suicidal civic ethics into us from the time we think we know how to think.
But the elites in the U.S. are supportive of Israel. Politicians are bribed to put Israeli interests above American interests.
Wrong again, Thunderfart, the entire American public is overwhelmingly in support of Israel.
Semitic sissies like Roudy put Israel first and America last. The corporate media tricks some Americans into supporting Israel, but the American people won't be fooled by these lies forever.

Why do American taxpayers have to pay billions to welfare queen Israel?
Yes, Thunderfart, please write to your congressperson and complain about the overwhelming American support for Israel. Maybe you can get a refund for the $10 a year you pay in taxes.
Why do American soldiers have to fight wars for Israel?

LRB · John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt · The Israel Lobby

Israeli soldiers are only good for fighting children.

Roudy, you haven't even tried to refute the statements I've made. Is this because you are a craven half-wit?
Last edited:
For 2,000 years, the people called 'Palestinians' were Jews. The word didn't come to mean Arabs only until after 1967.
^^^ quoted for the win!

Actually "For the loss". For the win is the fact that it is documented that the Palestinians were called Palestinians at least as early as the fourth century AD. Of course, Palestine was a Christian land in 380 AD. The treatise below is about the Palestinian martyrs that died ealier on so, it can be assumed that the Palestinians were called Palestinians from when the territory was named Palaestina by the Romans.

"De martyribus Palestinae" (The Palestinian Martyrs)

A manuscript dated 411 AD by Eusebio of Cesarea, born in Caesarea Maritima, Palestine.

La tradizione manoscritta delle agiografie dei martiri palestinesi

In English:

(The manuscriptual tradition of the Palestinian martyrs)

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)

I don't see any mention about Arab Syrians.
For 2,000 years, the people called 'Palestinians' were Jews. The word didn't come to mean Arabs only until after 1967.
^^^ quoted for the win!

Actually "For the loss". For the win is the fact that it is documented that the Palestinians were called Palestinians at least as early as the fourth century AD. Of course, Palestine was a Christian land in 380 AD. The treatise below is about the Palestinian martyrs that died ealier on so, it can be assumed that the Palestinians were called Palestinians from when the territory was named Palaestina by the Romans.

"De martyribus Palestinae" (The Palestinian Martyrs)

A manuscript dated 411 AD by Eusebio of Cesarea, born in Caesarea Maritima, Palestine.

La tradizione manoscritta delle agiografie dei martiri palestinesi

In English:

(The manuscriptual tradition of the Palestinian martyrs)

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)

I don't see any mention about Arab Syrians.

Of course not, the indigenous people of Palestine did not become known as Arabs until they adopted the language of the Arabians. They were known as Palestinians, as the text confirms. Arab is a cultural and linguistic distinction, like Hispanic.
For 2,000 years, the people called 'Palestinians' were Jews. The word didn't come to mean Arabs only until after 1967.
^^^ quoted for the win!

Actually "For the loss". For the win is the fact that it is documented that the Palestinians were called Palestinians at least as early as the fourth century AD. Of course, Palestine was a Christian land in 380 AD. The treatise below is about the Palestinian martyrs that died ealier on so, it can be assumed that the Palestinians were called Palestinians from when the territory was named Palaestina by the Romans.

"De martyribus Palestinae" (The Palestinian Martyrs)

A manuscript dated 411 AD by Eusebio of Cesarea, born in Caesarea Maritima, Palestine.

La tradizione manoscritta delle agiografie dei martiri palestinesi

In English:

(The manuscriptual tradition of the Palestinian martyrs)

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)

I don't see any mention about Arab Syrians.

Of course not, the indigenous people of Palestine did not become known as Arabs until they adopted the language of the Arabians. They were known as Palestinians, as the text confirms. Arab is a cultural and linguistic distinction, like Hispanic.

Accept that many of them, if not the vast majority are Arabians and N.Africans.
And the original document still translates "of Palestine" not 'Palestinians'. It refers to geographic area. Martyrs are not a nation....

Although the Arabs try to make a new nation out of martyrs...

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