View on the "Greater Israel" plan...

Do you believe that there is a plan for "Greater Israel"?

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It is
There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.

View attachment 133305

Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT
I have seen you do this many times now and they simply can't process this information. It is so far beyond everything they have been brainwashed with since childhood, that to them, it simply must not be true.

But yes, it is right in front of their eyes.

Your usual, pointless conspiracy theories.
It is
There were Jews there too, dipstick. It wasn't called Palestine, and in some cities they comprised a majority. Your agenda is transparent.

There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.

View attachment 133305

Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT

Are you surprised at the Moslem and xtian population when after all, they were the earlier invaders / colonizers.
It is
There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.

View attachment 133305

Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT
I have seen you do this many times now and they simply can't process this information. It is so far beyond everything they have been brainwashed with since childhood, that to them, it simply must not be true.

But yes, it is right in front of their eyes.

I am afraid you are right.
It is
There were Jews there too, dipstick. It wasn't called Palestine, and in some cities they comprised a majority. Your agenda is transparent.

There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.

View attachment 133305

Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT
What a fucking idiot. The stamp is from the late 1800's and the letters that say "Palestine" are in parenthesis and in Latin letters. The Arabic says "Khan Yones...Kudos". Which means "Palestine" is a EUROPEAN label. Moreover the census numbers are actual historical Ottoman records which coroborated by the Catholic encyclopedia. Last I checked Catholics weren't "Hasbara". There is clear evidence of Jews living and thriving there in many cities, records show more schools, churches, homes, etc. than Muslims. Now go take your meds or blow yourself up, who cares, one less antisemtic degenerate. LOL
It is
Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.

View attachment 133305

Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT
I have seen you do this many times now and they simply can't process this information. It is so far beyond everything they have been brainwashed with since childhood, that to them, it simply must not be true.

But yes, it is right in front of their eyes.

I am afraid you are right.
You are afraid your sock is right? How cute.
It is
There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.

View attachment 133305

Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT
What a fucking idiot. The stamp is from the late 1800's and the letters that say "Palestine" are in parenthesis and in Latin letters. The Arabic says "Khan Yones...Kudos". Which means "Palestine" is a EUROPEAN label. Moreover the census numbers are actual historical Ottoman records which coroborated by the Catholic encyclopedia. Last I checked Catholics weren't "Hasbara". There is clear evidence of Jews living and thriving there in many cities, records show more schools, churches, homes, etc. than Muslims. Now go take your meds or blow yourself up, who cares, one less antisemtic degenerate. LOL

Oh give it up. International mail was required to be written in latin script, the Ottomans adhered to postal conventions and Filistin was written as Palestin.

There is nothing antisemitic about debunking your ridiculous propaganda.
It is
Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.

View attachment 133305

Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT
What a fucking idiot. The stamp is from the late 1800's and the letters that say "Palestine" are in parenthesis and in Latin letters. The Arabic says "Khan Yones...Kudos". Which means "Palestine" is a EUROPEAN label. Moreover the census numbers are actual historical Ottoman records which coroborated by the Catholic encyclopedia. Last I checked Catholics weren't "Hasbara". There is clear evidence of Jews living and thriving there in many cities, records show more schools, churches, homes, etc. than Muslims. Now go take your meds or blow yourself up, who cares, one less antisemtic degenerate. LOL

Oh give it up. International mail was required to be written in latin script, the Ottomans adhered to postal conventions and Filistin was written as Palestin.

There is nothing antisemitic about debunking your ridiculous propaganda.
when did the cities in the districts of Souther Syria get to stamp their own mail, what year?
It is
Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.

View attachment 133305

Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT
What a fucking idiot. The stamp is from the late 1800's and the letters that say "Palestine" are in parenthesis and in Latin letters. The Arabic says "Khan Yones...Kudos". Which means "Palestine" is a EUROPEAN label. Moreover the census numbers are actual historical Ottoman records which coroborated by the Catholic encyclopedia. Last I checked Catholics weren't "Hasbara". There is clear evidence of Jews living and thriving there in many cities, records show more schools, churches, homes, etc. than Muslims. Now go take your meds or blow yourself up, who cares, one less antisemtic degenerate. LOL

Oh give it up. International mail was required to be written in latin script, the Ottomans adhered to postal conventions and Filistin was written as Palestin.

There is nothing antisemitic about debunking your ridiculous propaganda.

You give it up, you are a fraud and so is your cause, the stamps say Khan Younis and Kudos in Arabic which were Ottoman cities, they never recognized a Palestine. You are a joke and a horrible propagandist.

Education in Ottoman Jerusalem

A publication on education in greater Syria from 1882 showed that there were a total of 3,854 students in school in Jerusalem (2,768 boys and 1,086 girls) and 235 teachers.28 The number of girls in Christian schools (Evangelical, Greek Orthodox, Latin, Greek Catholic, and Armenian) were slightly more than the number of boys (926 girls to 861 boys). While the majority of these students were Christians, four of the Evangelical schools (two for boys and two for girls) totaling 138 students exclusively taught Jews. In addition, there were 1,707 students in Jewish schools, 160 of which were girls. In the eight Muslim schools, all of which were for boys, there were 360 students. In 1891, “the Government opened a general [secondary] school (Rushdiya) [sic] in our city, where all the children of the city, regardless of their religion, could attend classes in Arabic, Turkish, French, and the basic sciences.”29 It was also recorded that a Muslim school for girls had been established.30

Population Growth

Jerusalem had become the largest city in Palestine and the political and cultural center of the country at the end of the Ottoman era, on the eve of World War I.48 Much scholarship on the subject reveals the difficulties in trying to establish definitive population estimates for this period. The Ottoman census figures of 1905 reveal a total of 32,400 Ottoman nationals in Jerusalem: 13,400 Jews, 11,000 Muslims, and 8,000 Christians.49 However, these numbers do not reflect those with foreign nationality living in the city which more than likely would raise the numbers for Jews and Christians.

The Ottoman sources for 1914 for the entire Qada' of Jerusalem, give the number of Jewish citizens to be 18,190. The historian Yehoshua Ben-Arieh has examined innumerable sources on the demography of the city at this time and concludes that:

"In 1917, Colonel Zaki Bey, head of the Jerusalem Wheat Syndicate, reported to Jamal Pasha that Jerusalem had 31,147 Jews in an overall population of 53,410. These figures were based on birth certificates and police records; their accuracy is proven by the first compre- hensive census in Jerusalem, made by the British in 1922. This census showed a general population of 62,000, including 34,300 Jews. 53"

A publication on education in greater Syria from 1882 showed that there were a total of 3,854 students in school in Jerusalem (2,768 boys and 1,086 girls) and 235 teachers.28 The number of girls in Christian schools (Evangelical, Greek Orthodox, Latin, Greek Catholic, and Armenian) were slightly more than the number of boys (926 girls to 861 boys). While the majority of these students were Christians,

Statistics that record the residential area of the population in the different parts of the city were not taken at this period. However, it is known that at the beginning of the British Mandate, the area of the New City was four times greater than that of the Old City.54 Residents of the New City at the end of Ottoman rule, according to Ben-Arieh’s estimates, were as follows: 2,000-2,400 Muslims, around 15% of the estimated 12,000 Muslim Jerusalemites55, and 29,000 of the total 45,000 Jews.56 Christians constituted 15% of the population in the New City (or approximately 5- 6,000 people).57 However, the city continued to grow as a residential area for Muslims, Christians and Jews witnessed by the 1922 Census where 30.3% of the Muslims were living outside of the walls.58
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Interesting that 7 members have said that Israel has a plan for "Greater Israel" and not one of them has brought any evidence to back up that claim.
Interesting that 7 members have said that Israel has a plan for "Greater Israel" and not one of them has brought any evidence to back up that claim.

Well, Humanity has brought up the issue of the Golan Heights which was conquered 50 years ago, but I don't think that argument holds any weight, for reasons that I already spelled out. (The West Bank and/or Gaza do not count in this specific thread because they are part of historic Israel/Palestine Mandate, and Humanity made it clear that he was speaking of other sovereign nations.)
Interesting that 7 members have said that Israel has a plan for "Greater Israel" and not one of them has brought any evidence to back up that claim.

Well, Humanity has brought up the issue of the Golan Heights which was conquered 50 years ago, but I don't think that argument holds any weight, for reasons that I already spelled out. (The West Bank and/or Gaza do not count in this specific thread because they are part of historic Israel/Palestine Mandate, and Humanity made it clear that he was speaking of other sovereign nations.)
All this land in the Middle East and these morons are stuck on the Golan heights. Since Israel was attacked from the Golan Heights by genocidal Assad's father, the reason these delusional antisemites want Israel to give it back is because they want it to become vulnerable once again. Of course that will never happen...Especially considering that Bashar Assad is the same person that so far has killed over 400,000 of his own countrymen, using WMD's in some cases. Sometimes I wonder what these jerkoffs are smoking.
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All this land in the Middle East and these morons are stuck on the Golan heights. Since Israel was attacked from the Golan Heights by genocidal Assad's father, the reason these delusional antisemites want Israel to give it back is because they want it to become vulnerable once again. Of course that will never happen...Especially considering that Bashar Assad is the same person that so far has killed over 400,000 of his own countrymen, using WMD's in some cases. Sometimes I wonder what these jerkoffs are smoking.

I often wonder why these rabid Zionists come up with their propaganda. The civil war in Syria, instigated by the Wahabis, has resulted in a large number of deaths. However, about 115,000 have been civilians, the majority killed by ISIS and Wahabi groups. Syrian Government troops and allies have lost about 100,000 soldiers while ISIS and Wahabi groups (anti-government) have lost 150,000.

The civilian to combatant ratio is much better than the ratio in Gaza where the Israelis killed more civilians than combatants.

War-Inflicted Casualties In Syria By Group
All this land in the Middle East and these morons are stuck on the Golan heights. Since Israel was attacked from the Golan Heights by genocidal Assad's father, the reason these delusional antisemites want Israel to give it back is because they want it to become vulnerable once again. Of course that will never happen...Especially considering that Bashar Assad is the same person that so far has killed over 400,000 of his own countrymen, using WMD's in some cases. Sometimes I wonder what these jerkoffs are smoking.

I often wonder why these rabid Zionists come up with their propaganda. The civil war in Syria, instigated by the Wahabis, has resulted in a large number of deaths. However, about 115,000 have been civilians, the majority killed by ISIS and Wahabi groups. Syrian Government troops and allies have lost about 100,000 soldiers while ISIS and Wahabi groups (anti-government) have lost 150,000.

The civilian to combatant ratio is much better than the ratio in Gaza where the Israelis killed more civilians than combatants.

War-Inflicted Casualties In Syria By Group
I often wonder how can you be so consistently full of shit? Maybe because you consume so much of it. :clap2:

Yeah sure, let's give Assad the genocial mass murderer who is committing a holocaust on his own people some land to attack Israel from! You are clinically insane. :cuckoo:

A Staggering New Death Toll for Syria's War -- 470,000

Syria envoy claims 400,000 have died in Syria conflict | United Nations Radio

Report on Syria conflict finds 11.5% of population killed or injured
I am always right. You just spout propaganda. I gave you the facts, you provide propaganda. You believe that ISIS, the Wahabis and other insurgents killed no one and the Government forces, trying to save the secular Syrian state has been responsible for all the deaths. In Syria, most of the casualties have been combatants, most of the civilians have been killed by the insurgents and the number of civilian casualties have been proportionally lower than the civilians death caused by Israel in Gaza in the last attack.
...yup, like clockwork, he always goes into a blabbering rant every time he is humiliated.
I am always right. You just spout propaganda. I gave you the facts, you provide propaganda. You believe that ISIS, the Wahabis and other insurgents killed no one and the Government forces, trying to save the secular Syrian state has been responsible for all the deaths. In Syria, most of the casualties have been combatants, most of the civilians have been killed by the insurgents and the number of civilian casualties have been proportionally lower than the civilians death caused by Israel in Gaza in the last attack.

Actually, you are rarely right, truthful or accurate. Your taqiyya laced diatribe is unsupported and mere propaganda.

But then, you knew that.

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