View on the "Greater Israel" plan...

Do you believe that there is a plan for "Greater Israel"?

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Do you have any actual truths to say? or is all you have is your delusional thinking? Sad, at some point you actually made sense and I felt it wise nice exchanging opinions with you. You went downhill for some reason. Sad.
Do you have any actual truths to say? or is all you have is your delusional thinking? Sad, at some point you actually made sense and I felt it wise nice exchanging opinions with you. You went downhill for some reason. Sad.
Do you have any actual truths to say? Or is all you have is your delusional thinking? Sad, at some point you were actually funny and even laughed at your own bullshit when it was exposed to you and I felt it wise nice exchanging opinions with you. You went downhill for some reason. Sad.

As far as this thread goes...


The above image should be saved to your hard drives for future reference.
You wacky conspiracy theory nutters are a hoot.

You're a Baghdad Bob groupie, right?
The claim is flawed on two counts. First, international law simply does not function like that.

Since when did Israel take ANY notice of international law? Please!!!!

Occupation of Golan by Israel is against international law...

I'm sure you don't need a list of international law that Israel has broken and continues to break...
Empress Elizahontas

I guess we'll just have to give all of the United States back to the Indians.
The claim is flawed on two counts. First, international law simply does not function like that.

Since when did Israel take ANY notice of international law? Please!!!!

Occupation of Golan by Israel is against international law...

I'm sure you don't need a list of international law that Israel has broken and continues to break...
Empress Elizahontas

I guess we'll just have to give all of the United States back to the Indians.

At the time of 'Manifest Destiny" the UN Charter was not in force and there was no law against the conquest of territory through aggression, as there was after the Nuremburg Trials.
Which, to be honest, if you feel that I need to provide a list of broken international laws then you are simply being argumentative...

Well, it is a discussion board. I was just suggesting you discuss things on the correct threads. I can think of a TON of bullshit media soundbites about "illegal this" and "illegal that" when it comes to Israel. Very few are soundly rooted in actual law, including everything about 'settlements' which is about as bullshit as you can get. Start a thread. Resurrect an old one. I'll discuss.

A very 'Zionist' answer to what is clearly written either in laws, in resolutions, in morals...

Since you and I AGREE on a solution to the conflict, you have no right to question my morals -- they are the same as yours. We believe there should be a two-state solution and that BOTH peoples should have self-determination, self-government and sovereignty on part of the territory. The sooner the better. No?

I would appreciate if you do not join the group who uses the term "Zionist" as an insult. If you believe in Jewish self-determination and sovereignty over some of her ancestral and historical lands, as I was under the impression you do, it is beneath you to use a term which means as Jewish self-determination and sovereignty over some of her ancestral and historical lands as a put down mean to demean me or others.

I'm operating on a few very simple but key foundational beliefs here, all of which are both moral and in line with the law:

1. Both peoples should have sovereignty over part of the land.
2. End of conflict can only happen with a peace treaty, negotiated in good faith between the parties involved.
3. Partition must provide contiguous States for both parties.
4. Partition must take into consideration the predominate population distribution of both peoples, and ideally, should include some form of choice from the people actually affected. (ie referendums in border areas)
5. Excluding people from residence and citizenship based on ethnicity, race, creed or religion is abhorrent and a form of ethnic cleansing and must not be permitted.
6. All refugees must be re-settled and achieve adequate compensation for their losses and UNRWA must be disbanded.
7. The Holy Places must be protected and accessible to both peoples.
8. Violent acts against innocent people MUST stop.

Nothing immoral or illegal there. Don't you agree?

Now, with respect to "settlements" being "illegal" -- I have three problems with this little soundbite.

1. What legal instrument divides the (remaining) Mandate for Palestine into two parts and delineates a border between them? Without such an instrument -- there is no way to know what territory is "off limits" to Israel, thus no way to tell if Israel is violating it! (As it happens, there IS such an instrument and it gives Israel full control over the areas in which she builds).

2. Preventing people from being present in a geographical place because of their ethnic, racial or religious background is abhorrent (see#5, above).

3. In NO OTHER area of political conflict are GCIV Articles 49.1 or 49.6 utilized and interpreted in the manner they are with Israel, even though the criteria for the applicability of those Articles are MUCH more valid than in the case of Israel.

And, aside from all this, you still have brought no evidence whatsoever that Israel intends to expand her sovereignty into the sovereign territory of other States.
Do you have any actual truths to say? or is all you have is your delusional thinking? Sad, at some point you actually made sense and I felt it wise nice exchanging opinions with you. You went downhill for some reason. Sad.

What's sad is that you think that my opinions are delusional because they do not always fit with your opinions...

It's not difficult to exchange opinions, under our thinking, provided that they meet your expectations, your opinions... Sadly that is not how life works...

Simply because we have different opinions in some areas does NOT mean that ALL of our opinions are polarised!

My OP, as already stated, is for OTHERS opinions and ideas, it was a question... One that anyone can respond to... Does it make it MY opinion? Well, WHO'S opinion to start with, secondly, IF I have an opinion that differs from yours, it doesn't make me "delusional", if that were the case then I could throw the same "delusional" insult right back at you!

Don't worry, my core "thinking" still remains... You just need to recognise the OP for what it is... A request for OTHERS opinions...
It is pretty clear that unless there is substantial resistance from the U.S. the Jews will implement a greater Israel and continue their subjugation of non-Jews they rule over. Even the pro-Israel U.S press is preparing Americans for the eventuality.

“I think we should no longer think of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, but Palestinian settlements in Israel,” Danny Danon, deputy defense minister, said in an interview.

Danon, recently elected to head the central committee of the Likud party, imagines an archipelago of Palestinian cities — Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah and Hebron — as Arab islands in an Israeli sea.

“The Jewish people are not settlers in the West Bank, but Israel will make the Palestinians settlers...The debate among annexationists is not whether to take greater control of the West Bank — it is how much to take.....Uri Ariel, the housing minister, has said he would start with Area C and continue to assert sovereignty in stages to eventually annex all of the West Bank.

Ariel said Palestinians who wish to become citizens would have to apply and meet criteria such as speaking Hebrew and pledging allegiance to Israel."

Israeli right says no to two states, yes to Greater Israel
Hilarious, since it is a historical fact that not only have Palestinians and Arabs have tried to expand Israel by attacking to destroy it several times, and by their leaders who have openly stated this.

When have the "Arabs" ever attacked anything but the Arab partition, the international partition, or land occupied by Israel within the Arab partition and/or outside the partition assigned to the Jews by the UN?
So you're basically refuting every single historical record including those of the US State Dept. You are a fool. But we knew that already.
Concerning the Golan Heights, Humanity, please read post #41 on this thread and tell us how you would deal with a situation like that.

I am very aware of the geography of the region...

Can I ask you, IF Golan Heights is for "security", in effect a 'buffer zone' why has Israel annexed the region? Introducing 'Golan Heights Law' which, in effect, brings Golan Heights under 'Israeli Law'...

If, as I read more times than I care to remember, it is for 'Security'... Why is it not under UN control?

Annexing Golan Heights is it not the first step to expansion of Israel? Surely, now that Golan Heights is considered Israel, at least BY Israel, isn't there a need for a further 'security buffer zone'?

And, I might suggest that Syria is rather occupied with their own issues without 'worrying' about Israel!

Israel captured the Golan Heights in 1967. That was 50 years ago. If it was only the first step in Israel's expansionist plans, why hasn't Israel pushed further into Syria since then? Fifty years is a very long time. Let me explain this to you once again. Whoever holds that high ground, can shoot on the villages and farms below. The Arabs can't be trusted, so why should Israel give it up? The UN is incompetent and ineffective. UNIFIL did nothing for Israel in Lebanon, and Nasser ordered UN troops out of the Sinai in 1967. Besides, as you said, Syria is in dissaray and doesn't need the Golan. Who should Israel give it to--the genocidal Assad or the barbaric, evil ISIS? Niether choice is very good for Israel. Yes, Israel annexed the Golan in 1981. So what? There's no reason for Israel to give up that strategic plateau.

Sorry, there are plenty of reasons for Israel to give up Golan...

In the same way Germany had to give up Poland!

Israel annexed Golan... So what??? Are you serious? Funny how it's ok for Israel....

Israel give up Golan and expose itself to Assad and ISIS? What exactly are you of those e cigarettes with PCP In it?

Stick your hand in a wasp nest, you gonna get stung!
You should tell that to the Arab Muslims who keep getting their asses kicked by a tiny Israel.
I don't see any mention about Arab Syrians.

Of course not, the indigenous people of Palestine did not become known as Arabs until they adopted the language of the Arabians. They were known as Palestinians, as the text confirms. Arab is a cultural and linguistic distinction, like Hispanic.
No such thing as a Palestinian for the last 700 years of the Ottoman Empire.

That's interesting, the Ottomans conquered Palestine in 1516. Not so hot with math I see. And, the Ottomans called the place Filistin, Turkish for Palestine.

Oh dear, a Manual for Palestinian Arabic written under Ottoman rule (1909). When will Ruddy stop making things up?

View attachment 132371

If there were no Palestinians during Ottoman rule, why would there be a Palestinian Arabic during Ottoman rule?
1909, dumbass! Try again. Ottomans did not recognize a Palestine or Pslestinian.

Who do you think ruled Palestine in 1909? The Martians? It was the Ottoman Empire yoy idiot. You really have aknack for showing your ignorance. Unbelievable that you constantly double down on your ignorance. You are more Trumplike than Trump.
The Ottoman Empire ruled over 700 years and most of their maps and records clearly indicate no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people, you revisionist asshole who quotes in Italian. Ha ha ha!
If it keeps Israelis safe, why does it bother you so much if Israel holds onto the Golan?

This is an exceedingly good question. Why isn't the safety and security of innocent people a valid reason to occupy territory from which an enemy attacks you, and to hold that territory for as long as that enemy remains an enemy (rejects a peace treaty)?

How can a people that invaded an inhabited land and colonized it, expelling a large number of the native people be absolutely "innocent"?
Yawn, always the same stupid, irrelevant, historically incorrect answer, no matter what the subject of the thread or post may be. What a mental midget. LOL
The native people invaded no one.

Exactly. Thank you!

Right, and they were, when the European Zionists invaded, the Christians and Muslims of Palestine.
There were Jews there too, dipstick. It wasn't called Palestine, and in some cities they comprised a majority. Your agenda is transparent.

There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38.png, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


The native people invaded no one.

Exactly. Thank you!

Right, and they were, when the European Zionists invaded, the Christians and Muslims of Palestine.
There were Jews there too, dipstick. It wasn't called Palestine, and in some cities they comprised a majority. Your agenda is transparent.

There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?
I am very aware of the geography of the region...

Can I ask you, IF Golan Heights is for "security", in effect a 'buffer zone' why has Israel annexed the region? Introducing 'Golan Heights Law' which, in effect, brings Golan Heights under 'Israeli Law'...

If, as I read more times than I care to remember, it is for 'Security'... Why is it not under UN control?

Annexing Golan Heights is it not the first step to expansion of Israel? Surely, now that Golan Heights is considered Israel, at least BY Israel, isn't there a need for a further 'security buffer zone'?

And, I might suggest that Syria is rather occupied with their own issues without 'worrying' about Israel!

Israel captured the Golan Heights in 1967. That was 50 years ago. If it was only the first step in Israel's expansionist plans, why hasn't Israel pushed further into Syria since then? Fifty years is a very long time. Let me explain this to you once again. Whoever holds that high ground, can shoot on the villages and farms below. The Arabs can't be trusted, so why should Israel give it up? The UN is incompetent and ineffective. UNIFIL did nothing for Israel in Lebanon, and Nasser ordered UN troops out of the Sinai in 1967. Besides, as you said, Syria is in dissaray and doesn't need the Golan. Who should Israel give it to--the genocidal Assad or the barbaric, evil ISIS? Niether choice is very good for Israel. Yes, Israel annexed the Golan in 1981. So what? There's no reason for Israel to give up that strategic plateau.

Sorry, there are plenty of reasons for Israel to give up Golan...

In the same way Germany had to give up Poland!

Israel annexed Golan... So what??? Are you serious? Funny how it's ok for Israel....

Israel give up Golan and expose itself to Assad and ISIS? What exactly are you of those e cigarettes with PCP In it?

Stick your hand in a wasp nest, you gonna get stung!
You should tell that to the Arab Muslims who keep getting their asses kicked by a tiny Israel.

Ah yes, "tiny Israel" with a military might funded by the US... Schmuck!
Israel captured the Golan Heights in 1967. That was 50 years ago. If it was only the first step in Israel's expansionist plans, why hasn't Israel pushed further into Syria since then? Fifty years is a very long time. Let me explain this to you once again. Whoever holds that high ground, can shoot on the villages and farms below. The Arabs can't be trusted, so why should Israel give it up? The UN is incompetent and ineffective. UNIFIL did nothing for Israel in Lebanon, and Nasser ordered UN troops out of the Sinai in 1967. Besides, as you said, Syria is in dissaray and doesn't need the Golan. Who should Israel give it to--the genocidal Assad or the barbaric, evil ISIS? Niether choice is very good for Israel. Yes, Israel annexed the Golan in 1981. So what? There's no reason for Israel to give up that strategic plateau.

Sorry, there are plenty of reasons for Israel to give up Golan...

In the same way Germany had to give up Poland!

Israel annexed Golan... So what??? Are you serious? Funny how it's ok for Israel....

Israel give up Golan and expose itself to Assad and ISIS? What exactly are you of those e cigarettes with PCP In it?

Stick your hand in a wasp nest, you gonna get stung!
You should tell that to the Arab Muslims who keep getting their asses kicked by a tiny Israel.

Ah yes, "tiny Israel" with a military might funded by the US... Schmuck!
Remove head from Uranus, US did not supply Israel with anything until the mid 1960's and by the it had fought and won all its major wars against the Arab cowards. The US started supporting Israel when it realized the entire Arab Middle East had become client puppet states of the Soviet Union.
The native people invaded no one.

Exactly. Thank you!

Right, and they were, when the European Zionists invaded, the Christians and Muslims of Palestine.
There were Jews there too, dipstick. It wasn't called Palestine, and in some cities they comprised a majority. Your agenda is transparent.

There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Exactly. Thank you!

Right, and they were, when the European Zionists invaded, the Christians and Muslims of Palestine.
There were Jews there too, dipstick. It wasn't called Palestine, and in some cities they comprised a majority. Your agenda is transparent.

There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".
It is
Right, and they were, when the European Zionists invaded, the Christians and Muslims of Palestine.
There were Jews there too, dipstick. It wasn't called Palestine, and in some cities they comprised a majority. Your agenda is transparent.

There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.


Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT
It is
There were Jews there too, dipstick. It wasn't called Palestine, and in some cities they comprised a majority. Your agenda is transparent.

There hardly any Jews in Palestine when the European Jews began their invasion. Except in Zionist propaganda they were not a majority anywhere in Palestine. Prior to 1850 there were only a handful of Jews in Palestine as confirmed by the British Colonial Office in their first Mandatory Report.

"Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

There could possibly have been many Jews in Palestine because the Ottoman authorities wisely issued laws preventing the European Jews from settling in Palestine.

View attachment 133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

And of course it was called Palestine by the Ottomans, the Ottoman postal service called it so on international stamp cancelations.


Ah shadap! I responded a thousand times to your bogus claim, numbskull. Jews kept coming back and there is clear evidence of them there throughout the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire (and before) of which there was never a Palestine. Now watch the idiot repost the same shit and make the same claim. Why don't you go join your Nazi brethren and liberate this fake Palestine instead of all this huffing and puffing on the Internet?

Why don't you STFU. You responded with bullshit and lies.

1. There were no 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans took over in 1517, they ruled for about 400 years.

2. Jews were prohibited from settling in Palestine by law, so there just a few squatter Jews were in Palestine before the Mandate.

upload_2017-6-14_13-5-38-png.133005, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

3. The fact that the Ottoman postal service included Palestine as a location within the Empire makes it clear you are full of shit, as usual.

Khan-Youness, Palestine, Ottoman Empire. You lose again.

Wrong again troll, Ottomans never called it Palestine, it was Southern Syria. I have also posted many times large populations of Jews that resided in many cities as early as 1500's and before that outnumbered the Christian and Muslim populations. These sources included Ottoman census numbers from actual taxpayers, and guess what, they didn't call it Palestine. You are a liar and propogandist that happens to also be an antisemtic psycho.

But maybe you can tell us exactly what all this repetitive, irrelvant garbage you keep posting has to do with the insane accusation which is the topic of the thread, Israel's intention to create a "greater Israel".

It is amazing how you can deny the truth that is right in front of your eyes. The Ottomans called the place Filistin "Palestine" in English. As can be seen in stamps and cancelations for intenational postal services.


The bogus population figures you post from Hasbara sites means nothing. The official Ottoman census data is readily available. In all of Palestine in the 81-93 censusabout , including Jerusalem there were 7,000 Jews. By comparison there were close to 25,000 Christians (of different nationalities) and about 200,000 Muslims.

View attachment 133305

Pages 144 and 145.

Look at it yourself, download the file. Use factual historical documentation instead of propaganda to make your points.

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT
I have seen you do this many times now and they simply can't process this information. It is so far beyond everything they have been brainwashed with since childhood, that to them, it simply must not be true.

But yes, it is right in front of their eyes.

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