Vigilante Justice; Brought to you by the Political Right.

LOL… If there are Karen’s are they at people bitching and moaning about temporary mask mandates meant to protect children and at companies that want to protect their customers from Covid spreaders.

‘That you are unable to distinguish a Stasi-like Texas law and temporary public health mandates does not surprise me in the least.
Been over a year on the mandates, so I have a feeling what you consider to be temporary might be forever.
Been over a year on the mandates, so I have a feeling what you consider to be temporary might be forever.
Wrong. In many places mask mandates were rescinded with vaccinations and the decline with Covid. Now with the rise of the delta variant, some school systems want them back temporarily to protect their students. Wow..keeping children from getting sick..what a Concept!
Yeah, that was for actual crimes or suspicious activity.

All of the 1/6 arrestees were arrested because they broke the law.
This abortion bill depresses me too. Abortion is the only way that we can guarantee to terminate libturds and people like you. I like the partial birth abortion. Make the fetus suffer for what it did.................Yes sir
Actually, Obama is the one who started this kind of thing. It was B. Hussein O who started running Public Service Announcements telling the people "if you see something, say something".

Further, Sleepy Joe has expanded this immensely. How many are being incarcerated without bail for phony "insurrections" because their neighbors snitched on them?

If the libs don't like it, they shouldn't have started it.
Well that's the stupidest excuse I've heard today.

But it's early yet.
temporary mask mandates meant to protect children

Wrong. In many places mask mandates were rescinded with vaccinations. Now with the rise of the delta variant, some want them for school children. Wow..keeping children from getting sick..what a Concept!
Masks will not protect them and keeping schools closed will and having them doing online courses would be better, and many businesses are requiring you mask up, so it has not gone away no matter vaccinated or not!
This abortion bill depresses me too. Abortion is the only way that we can guarantee to terminate libturds and people like you. I like the partial birth abortion. Make the fetus suffer for what it did.................Yes sir
You do realize that while it may work on particularly stupid children and most conservatives that reverse psychology crap doesn't fly with adults, right?
Wrong. In many places mask mandates were rescinded with vaccinations. Now with the rise of the delta variant, some want them for school children. Wow..keeping children from getting sick..what a Concept!
Imagine you time clock punchers mandate things on peoples bodies when most of your personal lives are disasters You choose what to mandate. You alarm clock button pusher kill me

For the record I strongly support abortion. And I strongly believe in partial birth for disgusting people like you.
Just hearing the crack of the skull would be great
Someone has to. You won’t.
If school systems, based on the opinions of their doctors and health advisors, think mask mandates are best for the safety of their pupils, who are you to second guess them.
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You do realize that while it may work on particularly stupid children and most conservatives that reverse psychology crap doesn't fly with adults, right?
I totally mean what I say. Most women are libturd sluts who abort

But I strongly believe in partial birth abortion for scum like you. Take those foreceps and rip your mother fucking ass out and crack your skull
Well, Blue States can use it against guns
Allow private citizens to sue gun manufacturers, gun shops and private gun owners for the damages done by their guns.
Some friends and I are crafting suits against several prominent local Republicans for various things that we previously wouldn't have been considered to have standing for.
Having read your posts, you are the best example of someone who should have been aborted. You are a wasted human being.
I'd also be willing to bet he's not the self employed business mogle he claims to be. The way he talks about feels like he's trying to convince himself, not us.
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Back up any of this nonsense with facts, boy. You cannot.
Fuck off, you TDS afflicted moron.

Here is proof that Biden cannot pronounce "United States".

That's caused by dementia.

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