Vigilante Justice; Brought to you by the Political Right.

Try your shit in person, incel boy.

Do you think I will tolerate your treasonous fascism in person? Think again, angry little dysfunctional arrested-adolescent punkbutt.
Obvious projection.
Actually, Obama is the one who started this kind of thing. It was B. Hussein O who started running Public Service Announcements telling the people "if you see something, say something".

Further, Sleepy Joe has expanded this immensely. How many are being incarcerated without bail for phony "insurrections" because their neighbors snitched on them?

If the libs don't like it, they shouldn't have started it.
Actually, he didn't. Stop trying to turn the narrative and just own it. The right wing has been building to this since Newt and his "Revolution" blew into DC. First, remove political discourse, then polarize the Congress into going along with the impeachment of a President over lying about a hummer in the WH. Next, fabricate reasons, and then demonize anyone who didn't want to march off to war in Afghanistan and Iraq after the worst terrorist attack on our soil in our history. Next, create a false front of a "Tea Party" to thinly veil the objection of our first black President. Then, throw every fabricated conspiracy theory and piece of fake news at him for eight years. Then, the coup-de-gras....elect an incompetent, corrupt gasbag who's just like your mirror image and combine it with the rise of the aggrieved white media mass.

The people who are currently incarcerated for their participation in January 6th...DESERVE to be there. Anyone who was there that day stood against everything the United States was founded upon.

But you just keep deluding yourself that "liberals" started it...:rolleyes:
LOL… If there are Karen’s are they at people bitching and moaning about temporary mask mandates meant to protect children and at companies that want to protect their customers from Covid spreaders.

‘That you are unable to distinguish a Stasi-like Texas law and temporary public health mandates does not surprise me in the least.
Right on cue with the canned CNN response.
You should realize we have been living in a snitch state for nearly a hundred years if not more, so if you believe this is new, well it ain’t…

People used to snitch on people by claiming they were communist, and other things, so why should you be surprised with today society?
Last year our governor wanted us to call if we saw more than five people gathering at a neighbor's house.

This bill in Texas will get shot down by the Supreme Court in its due time, they just refused to hear the case for an injunction. I believe a lower court has now issued an injunction, which was the proper way to approach this new law. Now, it can work it's way through the appeals process, then the Supreme Court will act.

Funny how people get upset when try to skip lower steps of a process and don't get their way.
The Texas law is a right-wing dream come true. It turns neighbor against neighbor, creates mistrust and fear, and encourages peeping Toms. If there is anything we know about the far-right is that they have no respect for personal privacy. The Texas law proves it.

The new Republican symbol:

View attachment 535235
Are you upset that the Right is using leftwing tactics or that you didn't think of it first?

The left have been pitting neighbor against neighbor for decades now.
Actually, he didn't. Stop trying to turn the narrative and just own it. The right wing has been building to this since Newt and his "Revolution" blew into DC. First, remove political discourse, then polarize the Congress into going along with the impeachment of a President over lying about a hummer in the WH. Next, fabricate reasons, and then demonize anyone who didn't want to march off to war in Afghanistan and Iraq after the worst terrorist attack on our soil in our history. Next, create a false front of a "Tea Party" to thinly veil the objection of our first black President. Then, throw every fabricated conspiracy theory and piece of fake news at him for eight years. Then, the coup-de-gras....elect an incompetent, corrupt gasbag who's just like your mirror image and combine it with the rise of the aggrieved white media mass.

The people who are currently incarcerated for their participation in January 6th...DESERVE to be there. Anyone who was there that day stood against everything the United States was founded upon.

But you just keep deluding yourself that "liberals" started it...:rolleyes:
This started back long before then, we were tattling on each other during prohibition. I don't know who started it and I really don't care. Each side needs to own up to it and stop it.
No, Texas will be changed, not abandoned to the white-right traitorous nuts (like the current Governor).

You don't tell anyone to move, got that?

But I'll tell you to get your treasonous arse to Russia and tout de suite, traitor!
Great. Just what this forum needs. Another sniveling, pathetic, cowardly racist. You need to seek help.
Wrong. In many places mask mandates were rescinded with vaccinations and the decline with Covid. Now with the rise of the delta variant, some school systems want them back temporarily to protect their students. Wow..keeping children from getting sick..what a Concept!
Yet you don't mind killing them in the womb. Hyporcit.
The Texas law is a right-wing dream come true. It turns neighbor against neighbor, creates mistrust and fear, and encourages peeping Toms. If there is anything we know about the far-right is that they have no respect for personal privacy. The Texas law proves it.

The new Republican symbol:

View attachment 535235
Sort of reminds you of governors last year wanting neighbors to report neighbors who had more than five guests in their homes or wanting citizens to report businesses that didn't follow mask mandates. Lots of examples on both sides, which is why both sides are hypocrites. I tend to mind my own business unless I see a real crime that is involving felonies.
Sort of reminds you of governors last year wanting neighbors to report neighbors who had more than five guests in their homes or wanting citizens to report businesses that didn't follow mask mandates. Lots of examples on both sides, which is why both sides are hypocrites. I tend to mind my own business unless I see a real crime that is involving felonies.
The Texas law is distinguishable because it is a state sanctioned law that imposes bounties and encourages law suits against your neighbors.
Your side has become the party of violence, big government and repression. You have used legislative power to silence dissent and the discussion of ideas you don't agree with. That isn't private businesses, this using the government to intimmidate citizens and encourage citizens to spy on each other. You have elected Republican legislaters calling for "bloodshed" and violence when elections are lost. The Relublican party sure has changed.
Like mask mandates, vaccine mandates. The Texas law is wrong, but I see tons of this going on, on both sides of the aisle. I personally hate both parties and I have decided not to vote for a Democrat or Republican in Presidential elections, House elections and Senate elections, the hypocrisy and them slaves to corporate America is disgusting.
Mirror, mirror.
Apparently you were too stupid to read that poster’s prior posts. That you were too stupid and lazy to do so, does not surprise me. Of course that you would agree with that poster does surpise me either. Human trash usually congregate together.
The Texas law is distinguishable because it imposes bounties and encourages law suits against your neighbors.
And it will be struck down in due time, an injunction is already in place and had the people filed for an injunction the right court instead of the Supreme Court, it would have been granted immediately by the lower court. Now, it will work it's way through the courts the proper way and then get struck down by the Supreme Court, this law won't stick.

To me all the laws are the same, they are intruding on ones privacy, that is the key. Both parties want you to actually give up your privacy for their agendas.

You need to fight both sides on this or it will continue, but partisans aren't smart enough to figure it out.
Apparently you were too stupid to read that poster’s prior posts. That you were too stupid and lazy to do so, does not surprise me. Of course that you would agree with that poster does surpise me either. Human trash usual congregate together.
That is exactly what I think of 99% of your posts.

A large portion of the board agrees.
The fact that you constantly have a need to demonize those that dare to disagree with your loony thinking speaks volumes about you.
And it will be struck down in due time, an injunction is already in place and had the people filed for an injunction the right court instead of the Supreme Court, it would have been granted immediately by the lower court. Now, it will work it's way through the courts the proper way and then get struck down by the Supreme Court, this law won't stick.

To me all the laws are the same, they are intruding on ones privacy, that is the key. Both parties want you to actually give up your privacy for their agendas.

You need to fight both sides on this or it will continue, but partisans aren't smart enough to figure it out.
Libs refuse to face the fundamental issue that drives conservatives

and its not politics

unborn children deserve the right to life
That is exactly what I think of 99% of your posts.

A large portion of the board agrees.
The fact that you constantly have a need to demonize those that dare to disagree with your loony thinking speaks volumes about you.
LOL..your avatar says all I need to know about your rancid personality.

Funny how I was responding to someone who was telling others he wanted to see other posters aborted and you attacked me. But of course, you ostensibly agree with his sentiments.

Go back to your cave, kid.
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