Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets

Well, Trump claimed it was thousands and thousands of people and that he saw it on TV. So as you see, it’s quite fundamental to the lie that it was well covered in television. It wasn’t covered in TV. It wasn’t thousands of people.

This is what I mean. The bending of reality to fit Trump’s lie.
You think he counted them? hahahaahahahaha see, you just wish to say he lied to say he lied I guess. Me, I don't have to point at exaggerations and tell someone they lied. See that happens everyday, in every situation. you must get exhausted screaming liar at everyone.

BTW, but hearsay is accurate with you all. We now know that.
How could have he counted them if it wasn’t ever on TV? You know, the other half of the lie?
ahhhhh so you think he doesn't watch the streets from which he lived to view it out a window like he said? you think he watched tv. Well there is your mistake, he never said he saw it on tv, he said he saw it on the street. you do know the difference right? I'm hoping so anyway. Color me surprised if you don't.

He never said he saw it in TV? Perhaps you should read your own links.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, the police say that didn’t happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time. So did you misspeak yesterday?”

TRUMP:It did happen. I saw it.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You saw that…”

TRUMP: It was on television. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “…with your own eyes?”

TRUMP:George, it did happen.”

Oops. We know Trump was in Manhattan on 9/11, you want me to believe he took a casual stroll to New Jersey that day?

Just admit he lied. It would be good for your soul.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
You think he counted them? hahahaahahahaha see, you just wish to say he lied to say he lied I guess. Me, I don't have to point at exaggerations and tell someone they lied. See that happens everyday, in every situation. you must get exhausted screaming liar at everyone.

BTW, but hearsay is accurate with you all. We now know that.
How could have he counted them if it wasn’t ever on TV? You know, the other half of the lie?
ahhhhh so you think he doesn't watch the streets from which he lived to view it out a window like he said? you think he watched tv. Well there is your mistake, he never said he saw it on tv, he said he saw it on the street. you do know the difference right? I'm hoping so anyway. Color me surprised if you don't.

He never said he saw it in TV? Perhaps you should read your own links.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, the police say that didn’t happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time. So did you misspeak yesterday?”

TRUMP:It did happen. I saw it.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You saw that…”

TRUMP: It was on television. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “…with your own eyes?”

TRUMP:George, it did happen.”

Oops. We know Trump was in Manhattan on 9/11, you want me to believe he took a casual stroll to New Jersey that day?

Just admit he lied. It would be good for your soul.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
How could have he counted them if it wasn’t ever on TV? You know, the other half of the lie?
ahhhhh so you think he doesn't watch the streets from which he lived to view it out a window like he said? you think he watched tv. Well there is your mistake, he never said he saw it on tv, he said he saw it on the street. you do know the difference right? I'm hoping so anyway. Color me surprised if you don't.

He never said he saw it in TV? Perhaps you should read your own links.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, the police say that didn’t happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time. So did you misspeak yesterday?”

TRUMP:It did happen. I saw it.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You saw that…”

TRUMP: It was on television. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “…with your own eyes?”

TRUMP:George, it did happen.”

Oops. We know Trump was in Manhattan on 9/11, you want me to believe he took a casual stroll to New Jersey that day?

Just admit he lied. It would be good for your soul.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
ahhhhh so you think he doesn't watch the streets from which he lived to view it out a window like he said? you think he watched tv. Well there is your mistake, he never said he saw it on tv, he said he saw it on the street. you do know the difference right? I'm hoping so anyway. Color me surprised if you don't.

He never said he saw it in TV? Perhaps you should read your own links.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, the police say that didn’t happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time. So did you misspeak yesterday?”

TRUMP:It did happen. I saw it.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You saw that…”

TRUMP: It was on television. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “…with your own eyes?”

TRUMP:George, it did happen.”

Oops. We know Trump was in Manhattan on 9/11, you want me to believe he took a casual stroll to New Jersey that day?

Just admit he lied. It would be good for your soul.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."
He never said he saw it in TV? Perhaps you should read your own links.

Oops. We know Trump was in Manhattan on 9/11, you want me to believe he took a casual stroll to New Jersey that day?

Just admit he lied. It would be good for your soul.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."

More false memories it would seem.

Where’s the tape? Supposedly it was very well covered.

Oh that’s right. Hidden by the media cabal in a vast conspiracy.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."

More false memories it would seem.

Where’s the tape? Supposedly it was very well covered.

Oh that’s right. Hidden by the media cabal in a vast conspiracy.
why not? Trump wasn't the only one that saw it. that story is out there. no matter how bad you wish you were right. no one will ever give donald trump that win. No fking person on the left that own's that footage. those people got bitch slapped for filming it I'm sure of.

BTW, I still believe the FBI killed John F. Kennedy. And, Lyndon Johnson was involved.
False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."

More false memories it would seem.

Where’s the tape? Supposedly it was very well covered.

Oh that’s right. Hidden by the media cabal in a vast conspiracy.
why not? Trump wasn't the only one that saw it. that story is out there. no matter how bad you wish you were right. no one will ever give donald trump that win. No fking person on the left that own's that footage.

What win? It didn’t happen. Admit it, it’ll be good for you. You don’t have to do this. Inventing far reaching conspiracy theories to falsely accuse Trump of lying? That’s bonkers. Almost everyone else just happens to have forgotten it? No, sorry. It doesn’t work that way.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."

More false memories it would seem.

Where’s the tape? Supposedly it was very well covered.

Oh that’s right. Hidden by the media cabal in a vast conspiracy.
why not? Trump wasn't the only one that saw it. that story is out there. no matter how bad you wish you were right. no one will ever give donald trump that win. No fking person on the left that own's that footage.

What win? It didn’t happen. Admit it, it’ll be good for you. You don’t have to do this. Inventing far reaching conspiracy theories to falsely accuse Trump of lying? That’s bonkers. Almost everyone else just happens to have forgotten it? No, sorry. It doesn’t work that way.
ahhhhhh what win. Too fking funny. I'm not your bitch bitch. My explanation is available for you to review. Got anything new? almost everyone? give me a percentage, let's see how fking outrageous you really are.
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."

More false memories it would seem.

Where’s the tape? Supposedly it was very well covered.

Oh that’s right. Hidden by the media cabal in a vast conspiracy.
why not? Trump wasn't the only one that saw it. that story is out there. no matter how bad you wish you were right. no one will ever give donald trump that win. No fking person on the left that own's that footage.

What win? It didn’t happen. Admit it, it’ll be good for you. You don’t have to do this. Inventing far reaching conspiracy theories to falsely accuse Trump of lying? That’s bonkers. Almost everyone else just happens to have forgotten it? No, sorry. It doesn’t work that way.
ahhhhhh what win. Too fking funny. I'm not your bitch bitch. My explanation is available for you to review. Got anything new?

It’s really bad when people can’t admit the truth in contradiction of their leaders. Some really Stalin shit there.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."

More false memories it would seem.

Where’s the tape? Supposedly it was very well covered.

Oh that’s right. Hidden by the media cabal in a vast conspiracy.
why not? Trump wasn't the only one that saw it. that story is out there. no matter how bad you wish you were right. no one will ever give donald trump that win. No fking person on the left that own's that footage.

What win? It didn’t happen. Admit it, it’ll be good for you. You don’t have to do this. Inventing far reaching conspiracy theories to falsely accuse Trump of lying? That’s bonkers. Almost everyone else just happens to have forgotten it? No, sorry. It doesn’t work that way.
ahhhhhh what win. Too fking funny. I'm not your bitch bitch. My explanation is available for you to review. Got anything new?

It’s really bad when people can’t admit the truth in contradiction of their leaders. Some really Stalin shit there.
the irony.
More false memories it would seem.

Where’s the tape? Supposedly it was very well covered.

Oh that’s right. Hidden by the media cabal in a vast conspiracy.
why not? Trump wasn't the only one that saw it. that story is out there. no matter how bad you wish you were right. no one will ever give donald trump that win. No fking person on the left that own's that footage.

What win? It didn’t happen. Admit it, it’ll be good for you. You don’t have to do this. Inventing far reaching conspiracy theories to falsely accuse Trump of lying? That’s bonkers. Almost everyone else just happens to have forgotten it? No, sorry. It doesn’t work that way.
ahhhhhh what win. Too fking funny. I'm not your bitch bitch. My explanation is available for you to review. Got anything new?

It’s really bad when people can’t admit the truth in contradiction of their leaders. Some really Stalin shit there.
the irony.
You invented a wide ranging, massive conspiracy to suppress tapes of thousands of protesting Muslims rather than admit Trump lied.

What am I supposed to call that? Rational?
When you get to 10, it shows that you have nothing.

Nothing = Hunter Biden gets job in Ukraine, doesn't speak the language, never shows up to work, gets millions $$$ stuffed in his pockets, his daddy Low IQ Joe brags about getting the Ukraine prosecutor fired, and Dems vehemently oppose any investigation.....

Dem philosophy - once we steal your money, fuck you!!!!!!!!

It’s not illegal for Biden to work for Burisma. It might be illegal if he were paid improperly. As you said yourself, you have no idea if he was or not.
And that is exactly what Shokin was investigating when Biden got him fired and replaced by Lutsenko.


April 7, 2013: Yuriy Lutsenko is pardoned by Yanukovych.
In an announcement on his presidential website, Yanukovych said he had signed a decree granting the pardon following appeals by Ukrainian and European Union officials, including former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski and the former president of the European Parliament, Pat Cox.
Yanukovych Pardons Tymoshenko Ally Lutsenko, Five Others

And along with Hunter Biden, Alexander Kwasniewski just happened to be a Burisma director.



Shokin wasn't investigating anything. That was problem.

Shokin says different. How do you explain that?
Why would you believe a man that the EU, IMF and US wanted replaced because he was NOT addressing corruption and was even benefitting?
You think he counted them? hahahaahahahaha see, you just wish to say he lied to say he lied I guess. Me, I don't have to point at exaggerations and tell someone they lied. See that happens everyday, in every situation. you must get exhausted screaming liar at everyone.

BTW, but hearsay is accurate with you all. We now know that.
How could have he counted them if it wasn’t ever on TV? You know, the other half of the lie?
ahhhhh so you think he doesn't watch the streets from which he lived to view it out a window like he said? you think he watched tv. Well there is your mistake, he never said he saw it on tv, he said he saw it on the street. you do know the difference right? I'm hoping so anyway. Color me surprised if you don't.

He never said he saw it in TV? Perhaps you should read your own links.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, the police say that didn’t happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time. So did you misspeak yesterday?”

TRUMP:It did happen. I saw it.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You saw that…”

TRUMP: It was on television. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “…with your own eyes?”

TRUMP:George, it did happen.”

Oops. We know Trump was in Manhattan on 9/11, you want me to believe he took a casual stroll to New Jersey that day?

Just admit he lied. It would be good for your soul.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
Even worse, Trump then mocked a disabled journalist who tried clarifying the record.

How could have he counted them if it wasn’t ever on TV? You know, the other half of the lie?
ahhhhh so you think he doesn't watch the streets from which he lived to view it out a window like he said? you think he watched tv. Well there is your mistake, he never said he saw it on tv, he said he saw it on the street. you do know the difference right? I'm hoping so anyway. Color me surprised if you don't.

He never said he saw it in TV? Perhaps you should read your own links.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, the police say that didn’t happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time. So did you misspeak yesterday?”

TRUMP:It did happen. I saw it.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You saw that…”

TRUMP: It was on television. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “…with your own eyes?”

TRUMP:George, it did happen.”

Oops. We know Trump was in Manhattan on 9/11, you want me to believe he took a casual stroll to New Jersey that day?

Just admit he lied. It would be good for your soul.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
Liar, no one corroborated Trump. Your own link to ABC news even disagreed with you.
He never said he saw it in TV? Perhaps you should read your own links.

Oops. We know Trump was in Manhattan on 9/11, you want me to believe he took a casual stroll to New Jersey that day?

Just admit he lied. It would be good for your soul.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."
Liar, those were videos from the Middle East, not Jersey City. :eusa_doh:
In his own words....There is definitely something seriously wrong with our justice system if this isn't FULLY INVESTIGATED By the DoJ!!!

Purge do us a favour and fuck off and live in Russia... You would be obviously happier there as you don't believe Democrats, Independents, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, RINOs, etc... are supporting the same country as you.

You will find more like minded people in Russia who believe in a :
  • Autocratic Leader
  • Endemic corruption
  • Propaganda
  • Rich not only pay little taxes but they get big back handers from Government
  • There is an obvious charge of give Putin his cut
  • Nasty Reporters are dealt with efficient manner
  • No Democrats (Democracy is questionable e too)
  • Many more
You have been supporting them in a big way... Good luck Comrade...

This is what is effed up with the right right now, that you would believe corrupt foriegn officials and our adversaries, who have shown to be attacking us, over our own people. It is crazy.
False memory. hahahahahaha, the stations hid all of their footage and coverage. There are some interesting suggestions in this link.

Trump Insists He Witnessed Cheering Muslims on 9/11

"Even President Bush suffered a false memory of what he saw on television the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush recalled more than once how he saw the first plane hit the north of the World Trade Center before he entered a classroom in Florida, where his reaction to the devastating attacks was forever captured on television cameras.

“In reality, he had been told that a plane had hit the building, but had not seen it — there was no live footage of the plane hitting the tower,” the two professors wrote.

As it turns out, muddled memories about the events of (and days after) 9/11 appeared to be exceptionally common among all Americans, not just the people stumping for a nomination. A 6 September 2011 Skeptic article (titled “How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? Recollections of the circumstances of how we first heard of the 2001 terrorist attacks may feel extraordinarily vivid and true, but they are flawed”) examined long-term research into “flashbulb memories” of the event."

This is what I saw and listened to.

Video: Donald Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Saw Muslims Celebrating After 9/11

False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."
Liar, those were videos from the Middle East, not Jersey City. :eusa_doh:
These people are just plain stupid...either that or their hatred blinds them to the facts.
False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."
Liar, those were videos from the Middle East, not Jersey City. :eusa_doh:
These people are just plain stupid...either that or their hatred blinds them to the facts.
Hatred I think. They hate everyone else so much that they cannot allow themselves to acknowledge we’re right.
Shokin is/was the corrupt one, and you RWI will even support a corrupt Ukrainian.
Seems Trump has taken the treaty involving corruption and money laundering that Blow Job Cunton signed over 20 years ago, seriously, and the DemonRATS AND THEIR PAID POSTERS, are all upset over!
Your childish aside, it was already taken seriously and the aid was only authorized after our military reported that Ukraine had taken significant steps to address corruption. All this was, of course a available to the president. Were he truly concerned about corruption.
False memories are an interesting topic. I think that’s probably quite legitimately the real explanation. This is the same as Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia and Brian Williams helicopter ride in Iraq.

But there’s a difference between Trump, Clinton and Williams. When confronted with the falsehood, Clinton and Williams admitted it. Trump dug in. He maintained that he was telling the truth. Then his supporters, like you, bend reality to fit to his statement. That’s what’s so troubling.
well no one corroborated clinton and williams, many did with Trump. So, I know that the media is out to make trump look as stupid and confused as possible. To say otherwise means you don't watch any of it. 97% of what is reported is negative toward trump 97%. fk dude, that isn't even logical. Not close. If you think it is, then you truly have no brain. I truly believe trump saw what he saw. I give two shits media outlets who wish to destroy the man say otherwise. I just don't. fk them. they can eat my shit.

I do believe they hid the footage. I would almost go out on a limb and say they still have it. They will never let it see the light of day. Trump right? hah, can't fking have that. Right?
No one corroborated Trump.

Hid the footage? You’re out of your mind. Thanks for revealing the lengths people will go to defend Trump’s lies. Reality is bent to serve the master.

This is more about whether or not Trump lies. It’s about not letting the “media” or the left win.
dude, I gave you a link with someone corroborating his story. open it.

"Rick S4 years ago

There were videos out the same day of 'Arabs' celebrating the towers coming down - why the hay are people now denying it?!
It wasn't a small handful ..."
Liar, those were videos from the Middle East, not Jersey City. :eusa_doh:
These people are just plain stupid...either that or their hatred blinds them to the facts.
what facts? please, educate us. fill me with your genius.

I mean, you're the ones who can't see that creepy, sleepy joe said, I got this money here and will give it to you if you fire the prosecutor, didn't commit a you don't get this without that, or quid pro quo. yeah, you're genius. too fking funny.

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