Vile Dimocrat mob goes after Mitch McConnell again

All they do is demonstrate how rude and uncivil they are, which just pisses off regular people and hurts their cause.

Hurts their cause and recruits more people to Walk Away.

Sane Democrats are getting sick of being embarrassed by these asshats. People who have voted Democrat for decades just because that's how they were raised are waking up and Walking Away. These loons are pushing them out the door as fast as they can.

As Napoleon said, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
So the alt right can go after McConnell and that is OK, but the Dems going after McConnell is vile, wrong, unAmerican.
no one can "go after" and harass anyone. it's not ok. i don't see anyone BUT THE LEFT advocating it's ok for one group to do it to another. i do see the right going "PAYBACK BITCH" and i've said that is a problem both sides have had for a long long long time.

let me know who these right based groups are that are publically harassing mconnell or anyone for that matter.

these days i think you just type to say shit but you really have no idea what you're saying. you're like the "um..." when someone is speaking.
Such a statement above is myopic and looking only one way.

The Alt Right goes after McConnell on the Board all the time here. But when that head up their ass crew sees the left and center criticizing McConnell, they start screaming at the 'unfairness' of it all. :lol:
One of your boys tried to grape-shoot a Republican baseball team.

Post an incident where the opposite occurred.
Look up our very own shooter

"Over the course of six blog entries, Austin bombing suspect Mark Anthony Conditt outlined conservative-leaning views on a number of political issues as part of his 2012 assignments from a community college government course."

James A. Fields Jr.,

Eric Robert Rudolph

Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier, .

Dylann Storm Roof

and more...
I would inform the person who threatened to come to my home I will be sure to have all my guns locked and loaded.
Drama Queens post here too? Or are you projecting an interweb threat to be taken so seriously you pee your pants?
Pretty soon one of these thugs will bring a gun...………………………….oh wait, they already did that last year at the Congressional baseball practice.
The left becomes more unhinged every day.

‘Where are the babies, Mitch?’: McConnell pursued from restaurant by angry crowd

A group of democratic socialists and other angry protesters pursued Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) through a restaurant parking lot on Saturday, berating him with a mixture of immigration rhetoric and personal insults — and at one point an apparent threat to visit his home.

The Louisville encounter was the second time in two weeks that McConnell's private life has been disrupted by a spontaneous protest — and it was the latest in a weeks-long series of confrontations between powerful Republicans and those eager to shame them on camera, wherever they are found.

“If the Leader comments on being called a fascist and a supporter of ICE by a small handful of extremist protesters then I will let you know,” McConnell's spokesman, David Popp, wrote to The Washington Post after the incident.

McConnell — who supports the Trump administration's detention of families who illegally cross the border but opposed the president's short-lived policy of separating parents from their children — was having lunch Saturday at Bristol Bar & Grille, in his hometown.

As it happened, hundreds of people were protesting outside Louisville's Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office, just a few miles from the restaurant. Among them were leaders of the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, whose national fame has been growing since one of its members upset the Democratic incumbent in a New York congressional primary last month.
Mitch can’t Duck forever
Pretty soon one of these thugs will bring a gun..
Mitch is one of the most vile people in the Congress next to Jim Jordan (two houses of Congress)

and stop projecting. it is your side that wants to shoot people they disagree with

Lol !!!

Guess you missed last years Congressional Baseball Game for Charity shooting.
I guess you missed that last half a century? That nutjob was a nutjob LOL and a poor shot
The Bullshit Lie “We must remember that the folks committing these acts are small in number, extreme in their methods and not yet proven to be members of our movement,” he said. “But we must be diligent in denouncing all acts of political violence and racism, when they occur.”

Tea partiers condemn harassment
Democrats are evil -- just look at the guy who shot Steve Scalise -- that is what democrats always do -- kill people they disagree with

That is why democrats always form militias and say things like "the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of tyrants" -- that is a call to arms against conservatives
Democrats are evil -- just look at the guy who shot Steve Scalise -- that is what democrats always do -- kill people they disagree with

That is why democrats always form militias and say things like "the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of tyrants" -- that is a call to arms against conservatives
Oh the drama!!! Please

Look up our very own shooter

"Over the course of six blog entries, Austin bombing suspect Mark Anthony Conditt outlined conservative-leaning views on a number of political issues as part of his 2012 assignments from a community college government course."

James A. Fields Jr.,

Eric Robert Rudolph

Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier, .

Dylann Storm Roof

and more...
show me republicans following around democratic leaders harassing them. feel free to reach back 10+ presidents.
Tea Party? but now the other side has learned not to sit back and take it

Tea partiers condemn harassment
heh - do you read the shit you put out?

Tea party organizers across the country are condemning the harassment and threats of violence against House Democrats who voted in favor of the health care overhaul that passed the House Sunday.
Drama Queen alt right. They never grow up.

They ignore Mark Anthony Conditt James A. Fields Jr. Eric Robert Rudolph Tim McVeigh Terry Nichols Michael Fortier Dylann Storm Roof

Only a very few are condemning the TPM violence threat while many are condoning it
heh - do you read the shit you put out?

Tea party organizers across the country are condemning the harassment and threats of violence against House Democrats who voted in favor of the health care overhaul that passed the House Sunday.
yes. Violence occurred at Tea Party meetups where they went after democrats. the leaders claimed lots, but we all know the Tea Partiers said they were not led by those so-called leaders

Democratic leaders, actually leaders of the democrat party have condemned any and all violence. Do you believe Democratic leaders are still responsible for what some people do?
I can see where Conservatives would be upset over McConnells dinner being interrupted over something as trivial as 2000 children being locked up
heh - do you read the shit you put out?

Tea party organizers across the country are condemning the harassment and threats of violence against House Democrats who voted in favor of the health care overhaul that passed the House Sunday.
yes. Violence occurred at Tea Party meetups where they went after democrats. the leaders claimed lots, but we all know the Tea Partiers said they were not led by those so-called leaders

Democratic leaders, actually leaders of the democrat party have condemned any and all violence. Do you believe Democratic leaders are still responsible for what some people do?

i've always been a believer that we are responsible for ourselves. "the devil made me do it" is a total cop out to me. if anyone goes into the streets because of what maxine waters says and start harassing people, *they* deserve what they get. you don't do that to people. waters needs to be called out for this but she's not alone anymore. we now have trump in the mix dishing it back out on their level and they hate it and run to LOOK WHAT THAT BAD TRUMP IS DOING!!!

same thing most are, but at least he admits it.

i don't get your point now because you were using this lnk as an example of the tea party being violent as i understood it and this link shows them saying STOP IT to anyone who is thinking violence is the answer.

i'm after personal accountability and if waters sets you off to do something stupid, if it weren't her it would be someone else.
202 acts of violence and harassment against Trump supporters since Jan of 2016.
Rap Sheet: ***202*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart
And you want to punch Maxine Waters. God, you're full of shit.
Wanting to and doing are two different things.
But i can understand your confusion.
You're a Democrat who can't control his emotions.
And that's the way you vote, with your emotions and no common sense.

You cry about losing, and the media gives you support when you throw a temper tantrum.
When you support policies of violence, intolerance, and hate, don't be surprised when that chicken comes home to roost
Intolerance and hate meaning not advancing the Demonrat agenda
But it works so well for the GOP.


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