Violence And Intimidation Against Republicans Are Becoming The New Normal - Thanks, Snowflakes.

No one Is swallowing the snowflake sexual assault meme, douche bag. Trump said "they let you," which means it was voluntary.

Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?

Where are these women now? Why aren't thy trying to have Trump prosecuted? The reason they didn't ask for money is the sure knowledge that they would lose in a court of law.

Because it was a ploy by the left to stop Trump from getting elected. When that didn't work they all left because they are no longer needed.
Are all 13 women lying? You really want to go with that? Lmao
Anyone who would be proud of walking in on naked teenagers isn't enough to make you think he's a 100% sleeve?
Is Cosby innocent too?
They are the two most notorious sex offenders in America.
Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?

Where are these women now? Why aren't thy trying to have Trump prosecuted? The reason they didn't ask for money is the sure knowledge that they would lose in a court of law.

Because it was a ploy by the left to stop Trump from getting elected. When that didn't work they all left because they are no longer needed.
Are all 13 women lying? You really want to go with that? Lmao
Anyone who would be proud of walking in on naked teenagers isn't enough to make you think he's a 100% sleeve?
Is Cosby innocent too?
They are the two most notorious sex offenders in America.

Once again where did they all go snowflake?

The liberals used them like Cindy.......

On Fox right now:
Former FBI AGENT: Al Qaeda is stronger than ever right now.

Well done, Obama. Another mess your stupid ass left for us to clean up. ISIS didn't even exist until Obama pulled out of Iraq.

In other news, same court that struck down Trump's Muslim Ban just struck it down again.

Why should you ever expect a broken record liberal court system to change? They will simply be overturned. ONLY A JACKASS WOULD CELEBRATE the leaving open of our ports and borders to potential terrorists who intend to destroy our country.
It's called unconstitutional. Maybe you don't know what that means because you won't call out your orange clown for being in violation of the Constitution with the emolument amendment.
Making big bucks on the Citizens dime.
Most terrorists are home grown you imbecile.
It's already been proven that most terrorists are bred after they've been in this country for about 10 years. ICE and Homeland security did a study proving it.
And there's a 1.3 billion chance of a refugee killing an American. You were fed a pack of lies and you swallowed whole.
You're not very bright.
Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?

Where are these women now? Why aren't thy trying to have Trump prosecuted? The reason they didn't ask for money is the sure knowledge that they would lose in a court of law.

Because it was a ploy by the left to stop Trump from getting elected. When that didn't work they all left because they are no longer needed.
Are all 13 women lying? You really want to go with that? Lmao
Anyone who would be proud of walking in on naked teenagers isn't enough to make you think he's a 100% sleeve?
Is Cosby innocent too?
They are the two most notorious sex offenders in America.

Where are they? They were going to sue and now nothing. What happen to the alleged rape case? That went away too.

Please why have they all gone silent after the election. The same thing happened Herman Cain, he bowed out and all the charges and women went away.

You going to tell me all 13 women decided not to sue now?

I could agree with you but we both would be wrong.
Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?

Where are these women now? Why aren't thy trying to have Trump prosecuted? The reason they didn't ask for money is the sure knowledge that they would lose in a court of law.

Because it was a ploy by the left to stop Trump from getting elected. When that didn't work they all left because they are no longer needed.
Are all 13 women lying? You really want to go with that? Lmao
Anyone who would be proud of walking in on naked teenagers isn't enough to make you think he's a 100% sleeve?
Is Cosby innocent too?
They are the two most notorious sex offenders in America.

Oh are we forgetting number 1 are we?

Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?

Where are these women now? Why aren't thy trying to have Trump prosecuted? The reason they didn't ask for money is the sure knowledge that they would lose in a court of law.

Because it was a ploy by the left to stop Trump from getting elected. When that didn't work they all left because they are no longer needed.
Are all 13 women lying? You really want to go with that? Lmao
Anyone who would be proud of walking in on naked teenagers isn't enough to make you think he's a 100% sleeve?
Is Cosby innocent too?
They are the two most notorious sex offenders in America.

That's what they are going with. Along with 17 Intel agencies are lying about Russian hacking. Multiple sources in the White house leaking. 3 people fired for looking into Trump ties to Russia. 18% approval rate for their Healthcare bill. Trumps 36% approval rating. Multiple meetings by Trump campaign with Russians then lying about it and revealing it later and saying "my bad". Business dealings with Russians through Bayrock and other Real Estate deals. Rents to a Russian mafia gambling ring. So many contacts with Russians you lose count.

All of our are lies. Really?
On Fox right now:
Former FBI AGENT: Al Qaeda is stronger than ever right now.

Well done, Obama. Another mess your stupid ass left for us to clean up. ISIS didn't even exist until Obama pulled out of Iraq.

In other news, same court that struck down Trump's Muslim Ban just struck it down again.

Why should you ever expect a broken record liberal court system to change? They will simply be overturned. ONLY A JACKASS WOULD CELEBRATE the leaving open of our ports and borders to potential terrorists who intend to destroy our country.
It's called unconstitutional. Maybe you don't know what that means because you won't call out your orange clown for being in violation of the Constitution with the emolument amendment.
Making big bucks on the Citizens dime.
Most terrorists are home grown you imbecile.
It's already been proven that most terrorists are bred after they've been in this country for about 10 years. ICE and Homeland security did a study proving it.
And there's a 1.3 billion chance of a refugee killing an American. You were fed a pack of lies and you swallowed whole.
You're not very bright.

You're so full of shit what Trump did was constitutional, the 9th circus court baned it because of silly campaign rehtoric..once it goes to the Supreme court they will uphold Trump's ban as legal.

The Trump snowflakes certainly are putting their wimpy victimhood act into overdrive. No wonder why everyone thinks they're epsilon-males..

We know the reason for their fake stories, of course. Most conservatives are cowardly authoritarian suckups. They want violence very badly, but they want someone else to do it. So, they make up stories to justify violence by the authoritarian government that they tongue-bathe. Just look at 'em here, bragging about their plans to have big gubmint kill some liberals.

What, you conservatives thought it wasn't obvious? We know the history of Hitler's actions, fer Glub's sake, so you're not surprising anyone by copying his playbook. When's your Krystalnacht planned?
Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?

Where are these women now? Why aren't thy trying to have Trump prosecuted? The reason they didn't ask for money is the sure knowledge that they would lose in a court of law.

Because it was a ploy by the left to stop Trump from getting elected. When that didn't work they all left because they are no longer needed.
Are all 13 women lying? You really want to go with that? Lmao
Anyone who would be proud of walking in on naked teenagers isn't enough to make you think he's a 100% sleeve?
Is Cosby innocent too?
They are the two most notorious sex offenders in America.

That's what they are going with. Along with 17 Intel agencies are lying about Russian hacking. Multiple sources in the White house leaking. 3 people fired for looking into Trump ties to Russia. 18% approval rate for their Healthcare bill. Trumps 36% approval rating. Multiple meetings by Trump campaign with Russians then lying about it and revealing it later and saying "my bad". Business dealings with Russians through Bayrock and other Real Estate deals. Rents to a Russian mafia gambling ring. So many contacts with Russians you lose count.

All of our are lies. Really?

I didn't say a thing about Russia, I don't like Trump he is a joke but I don't buy that 13 accusers have all of a sudden quit pursuing lawsuits and on and on, pretty suspicious.

The rest of the allegations with Russia is something that needs addressed.

I am not a partisan shithead or an idiot that for some stupid reason thinks he is "reasonable". I try to look at the whole picture and then wait for the evidence to come in. I did this with Benghazi and never thought there was anything there. Play your little one size fits all BS and it just proves you are a partisan loser.
The Trump snowflakes certainly are putting their wimpy victimhood act into overdrive. No wonder why everyone thinks they're epsilon-males..

We know the reason for their fake stories, of course. Most conservatives are cowardly authoritarian suckups. They want violence very badly, but they want someone else to do it. So, they make up stories to justify violence by the authoritarian government that they tongue-bathe. Just look at 'em here, bragging about their plans to have big gubmint kill some liberals.

What, you conservatives thought it wasn't obvious? We know the history of Hitler's actions, fer Glub's sake, so you're not surprising anyone by copying his playbook. When's your Krystalnacht planned?

Is that why the leftist have rioted since Trump was elected? Just wondering, I hear the left cowering in fear of possible future violence and nothing has happened except the left now escalating violence, so I think you are full of crap.
Is that why the leftist have rioted since Trump was elected?

See, that's the point. You're making up stories of "escalating violence" to justify your desire to implement a one-party authoritarian state through government-sanctioned violence.
Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?

Where are these women now? Why aren't thy trying to have Trump prosecuted? The reason they didn't ask for money is the sure knowledge that they would lose in a court of law.

Because it was a ploy by the left to stop Trump from getting elected. When that didn't work they all left because they are no longer needed.
Are all 13 women lying? You really want to go with that? Lmao
Anyone who would be proud of walking in on naked teenagers isn't enough to make you think he's a 100% sleeve?
Is Cosby innocent too?
They are the two most notorious sex offenders in America.

That's what they are going with. Along with 17 Intel agencies are lying about Russian hacking. Multiple sources in the White house leaking. 3 people fired for looking into Trump ties to Russia. 18% approval rate for their Healthcare bill. Trumps 36% approval rating. Multiple meetings by Trump campaign with Russians then lying about it and revealing it later and saying "my bad". Business dealings with Russians through Bayrock and other Real Estate deals. Rents to a Russian mafia gambling ring. So many contacts with Russians you lose count.

All of our are lies. Really?

So you going to tell us with a straight face the US coast guard investigated Trump and the Russians?

Is that why the leftist have rioted since Trump was elected?

See, that's the point. You're making up stories of "escalating violence" to justify your desire to implement a one-party authoritarian state through government-sanctioned violence.

There were riots after Trump was elected, are you denying it? I have lots of links to the riots.

I also never said anything about "government-sanctioned violence," that is just more of the irrational liberal emotion, to divert the post.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?

Where are these women now? Why aren't thy trying to have Trump prosecuted? The reason they didn't ask for money is the sure knowledge that they would lose in a court of law.

Because it was a ploy by the left to stop Trump from getting elected. When that didn't work they all left because they are no longer needed.
Are all 13 women lying? You really want to go with that? Lmao
Anyone who would be proud of walking in on naked teenagers isn't enough to make you think he's a 100% sleeve?
Is Cosby innocent too?
They are the two most notorious sex offenders in America.

That's what they are going with. Along with 17 Intel agencies are lying about Russian hacking. Multiple sources in the White house leaking. 3 people fired for looking into Trump ties to Russia. 18% approval rate for their Healthcare bill. Trumps 36% approval rating. Multiple meetings by Trump campaign with Russians then lying about it and revealing it later and saying "my bad". Business dealings with Russians through Bayrock and other Real Estate deals. Rents to a Russian mafia gambling ring. So many contacts with Russians you lose count.

All of our are lies. Really?

So you going to tell us with a straight face the US coast guard investigated Trump and the Russians?

Well, you know when sitting in those Coast Guard boats they had to do something. ;)
No one Is swallowing the snowflake sexual assault meme, douche bag. Trump said "they let you," which means it was voluntary.

Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?

Where are these women now? Why aren't thy trying to have Trump prosecuted? The reason they didn't ask for money is the sure knowledge that they would lose in a court of law.
You're so fucking stupid you make my head hurt. Why did these women come forward? Do you even know?
Let me educate your dumb ass. When they heard the pervert say on TV he never assaulted any woman they were so infuriated with his lying they felt a need to come forward and tell their story. Grandmothers, People magazine writer. Regular people.
I bet you think all 13 were lying and a proven pathological liar was telling the truth.
I see you dodged my comment you probably think Cosby is innocent.
You voted for a scumbag. A malignant narcissist who doesn't care who he hurts. He only cares about himself.

They came forward because the Hillary campaign paid them to come forward, or they are women scorned and therefor hate Trump.

They were all proven to be liars. Their stories fell apart within hours. Only truly gullible snowflakes like you actually believe them
Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.

Yes, the people who believe that Trump was allowed to Sexually harrass women because he knew they would like it all know it's bullshit.

As usual, you're reading way more into the statement than is warranted so you can feed your despicable moronic narrative.

Go on and grab a chicks puss and ehen they complain tell them they let you. I'll send $5 in commissary for a nice pack of oodles of noodles.
Your admission that you have never grabbed a woman's pussy is utterly hilarious. Do you here your friends smirking about you behind your back? They all think you're a cuck.

I've grabbed the pussies of lots of women, and they loved it.

Something I never said is hilarious? That's HILARIOUS!

I'm Sure they loved it. When it's consensual. You can't use that as an excuse as they are saying don't do that. That's saying "just lay back and enjoy it" to a woman trying to scratch your eyes out.

So what you're saying is that you grabbed women's pussy because they let you do it.
Gee why would 24 million people losing their HC under Trump be mad?

You mean 24 million will stop buying it when they aren't forced to any longer.
Liar. Your pathetic bill had a 17% approval rating.
Who said this?
" I will repeal and replace Ocare on DAY ONE and everyone will be covered."
You were conned, you schmuck.

The Bill's approval rating has nothing to do with the reason 24 million people would supposedly "lose" their healthcare.
No nothing at all. Lol. People love losing their health insurance and watching their family suffer.
Your idiocy and partisanship is difficult to tolerate.
What happened to your orange clown's "DAY ONE" pledge?
You were duped.
39% approval rating and it wouldn't be that high if it weren't for bottom feeders like you who would support him if he strangled a puppy on live TV.
You'd come out and say," Dogs are overrated."

My family is suffering because of that piece of shit Obamacare, you callous asshole.
Gee why would 24 million people losing their HC under Trump be mad?

You mean 24 million will stop buying it when they aren't forced to any longer.
Liar. Your pathetic bill had a 17% approval rating.
Who said this?
" I will repeal and replace Ocare on DAY ONE and everyone will be covered."
You were conned, you schmuck.

The Bill's approval rating has nothing to do with the reason 24 million people would supposedly "lose" their healthcare.
No nothing at all. Lol. People love losing their health insurance and watching their family suffer.
Your idiocy and partisanship is difficult to tolerate.
What happened to your orange clown's "DAY ONE" pledge?
You were duped.
39% approval rating and it wouldn't be that high if it weren't for bottom feeders like you who would support him if he strangled a puppy on live TV.
You'd come out and say," Dogs are overrated."

Why didn't you complain when 6 million plus lost their health insurance under obozo care?


And the rest of us had our premiums double.
On Fox right now:
Former FBI AGENT: Al Qaeda is stronger than ever right now.

Well done, Obama. Another mess your stupid ass left for us to clean up. ISIS didn't even exist until Obama pulled out of Iraq.

In other news, same court that struck down Trump's Muslim Ban just struck it down again.

Why should you ever expect a broken record liberal court system to change? They will simply be overturned. ONLY A JACKASS WOULD CELEBRATE the leaving open of our ports and borders to potential terrorists who intend to destroy our country.
It's called unconstitutional. Maybe you don't know what that means because you won't call out your orange clown for being in violation of the Constitution with the emolument amendment.
Making big bucks on the Citizens dime.
Most terrorists are home grown you imbecile.
It's already been proven that most terrorists are bred after they've been in this country for about 10 years. ICE and Homeland security did a study proving it.
And there's a 1.3 billion chance of a refugee killing an American. You were fed a pack of lies and you swallowed whole.
You're not very bright.

When a leftwing judge says A Republican EO is unconstitutional, then it's guaranteed that it is constitutional.

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