Violence And Intimidation Against Republicans Are Becoming The New Normal - Thanks, Snowflakes.

80%+ of heterosexual males make such offhand comments quietly to other guys from time to time

Bullshit. 80% of guys don't think they are stars with the privilege of grabbing beautiful women by the snatch.

That's because they aren't famous or rich and women don't afford them that privilege. However, if you are rich and famous, there are a lot of women who will let you grab their pussy.
There is no longer any restraint. No lower limit where the media, Hollywood and the Left considers "off limits" on where it will not go in talking about, or TO a President. I have to think, wait until a democrat is back in office someday; I want media, late night shows, actors and people in the street to treat that person and say the very same things with the same contemptible, unfair, disgusting ways--- then I want to sit back and wait to hear the cries and complaints from the democrats. What they do today, I hope they get back in their face four fold.
He is a billionaire and president of the US after all as well as being a hands-on father.
Yeah he sure is "hands on" with his daughter. He's also like to fuck her
Truth hurts doesn't it.
In an interview with Ivanka right by his side the interviewer asked Trump," What do you and Ivanka have in common?"
His answer: " sex"
Explain that one you bottom feeder.

Provide a link to this so-called "interview."
Funny how you don't know shit about your serial sexual offender.
Don't know how to use google you freaking moron?

Lol! For years liberals claimed the right was violent and the right was unhinged, they cried and cried about it for years. Now, the violence they feared is coming from themselves and they justify it because Republicans voted for a Republican candidate, go figure.

If congressmen are hiding from town halls, it is out of fear of attack from liberals. And Trump dodged nothing. Why would you legitimize a bunch of people who vilify you every day?
Fear of attack. Lmao. People are pissed as hell about trump's abominable healthcare plan and the lack of a special prosecutor.
Almost all town halls have been loud but peaceful.
Keep denying how angry America is with your worthless buffoon.
Mental Orange urged crowds at his rallies to commit violence and that he would pay the legal fees for them.

Conservative snowflakes get used to it, you fuck with other people you get it shoved back down your lie-hole. Too scary for you? Lock the doors and windows and turn on Sponge Bob.
Sorry you balless guys and incensed females want to have everyone have a stroke over a p grab quip but it's not going to happen
80%+ of heterosexual males make such offhand comments quietly to other guys from time to time
Quit trying to make All males balless males

80% of men you are around maybe. The degenerate crowd.

You mean none of you or your friends ever grabbed any pussy? That's why people think libs are all a bunch of homos.
Violence And Intimidation Against Republicans Are Becoming The New Normal

"Violence and intimidation against Republicans are quickly becoming the new normal in an increasingly tense political climate.

In one of the most recent incidents, police in Tennessee
charged a woman with felony reckless endangerment on Thursday for allegedly trying to run Republican Congressman David Kustoff off the road after a town hall. The woman, Wendi Wright, was reportedly enraged over Kustoff’s support for the American Health Care Act and screamed at the congressman and his aide, striking his car windows and reaching inside the vehicle. The same day that Tennessee police charged Wright for reckless endangerment, police in North Dakota escorted an enraged man from another town hall after he became physical with Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer over his support for the GOP Obamacare replacement."


"The day before that, a Huffington Post article that showed “how to really turn up the heat on elected officials” went viral. The author, Michaelangelo Signorile, called on protesters to harass Republicans at dinner, when they’re out shopping and even at home. Societal norms for the basic levels of decency one should afford political opponents, Signorile argued, no longer apply to liberals.

“It’s time to move beyond polite protests within specified boundaries. It’s time to escalate the expression of our outrage and our anger in a massive way,” he wrote."

Liberals are now promoting civil unrest, harassment, and even violence.

"Political violence has been increasingly common as left-wing organizations have whipped up mobs against Republicans and supporters of the president. An email warning parade organizers promised 200 or more protesters would rush into the parade and drag the Republican marchers out, if that’s what it took to keep them from participating. “You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely,” the email warned. Portland has been a site for organized left-wing protests, which have often turned into violent riots."

Hillary's campaign was exposed as having paid groups to send violent protestors to Trump rallies to disrupt the events and engage in violence against Trump supporters.

Snowflakes / radical leftists believe theirs is the only tolerable opinion, that all other voices and ideas must be any cost. This has been demonstrated time and again but none better than through the violent riots a Berkley in which radical leftists engaged in riots, destruction of property, arson, looting, terrorism, assaults, etc in which they successfully silenced the right of Free Speech. They proved violence 'trumps' (no pun intended) Freedom of Speech and seem to have decided they will make doing so a part of the 'norm' they seek to impose on everyone from now on.

They have to use these tactics because the Dem policies are shit and their ignorant and complaint electorate are sheep.
Sorry you balless guys and incensed females want to have everyone have a stroke over a p grab quip but it's not going to happen
80%+ of heterosexual males make such offhand comments quietly to other guys from time to time
Quit trying to make All males balless males

80% of men you are around maybe. The degenerate crowd.
The accomplishment crowd, the men who pour thousands into the economy every day and like women and sometimes chat it up about the lookers. Sorry that does not fit into your ballet tutu cuck

He's a degenerate. He was talking about sexual assault. His wealth has nothing to do with it.
No one Is swallowing the snowflake sexual assault meme, douche bag. Trump said "they let you," which means it was voluntary.

Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
There is no longer any restraint. No lower limit where the media, Hollywood and the Left considers "off limits" on where it will not go in talking about, or TO a President. I have to think, wait until a democrat is back in office someday; I want media, late night shows, actors and people in the street to treat that person and say the very same things with the same contemptible, unfair, disgusting ways--- then I want to sit back and wait to hear the cries and complaints from the democrats. What they do today, I hope they get back in their face four fold.

Are you kidding? That will never happen.
80% of men you are around maybe. The degenerate crowd.
The accomplishment crowd, the men who pour thousands into the economy every day and like women and sometimes chat it up about the lookers. Sorry that does not fit into your ballet tutu cuck

He's a degenerate. He was talking about sexual assault. His wealth has nothing to do with it.
No one Is swallowing the snowflake sexual assault meme, douche bag. Trump said "they let you," which means it was voluntary.

Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
Moron has nothing to say after I proved Trump said he has sex in common with his daughter. Lol
He is a billionaire and president of the US after all as well as being a hands-on father.
Yeah he sure is "hands on" with his daughter. He's also like to fuck her
Truth hurts doesn't it.
In an interview with Ivanka right by his side the interviewer asked Trump," What do you and Ivanka have in common?"
His answer: " sex"
Explain that one you bottom feeder.

Provide a link to this so-called "interview."
Funny how you don't know shit about your serial sexual offender.
Don't know how to use google you freaking moron?

You can't make out what he says after the sex comment, so you can't draw any conclusions.
The accomplishment crowd, the men who pour thousands into the economy every day and like women and sometimes chat it up about the lookers. Sorry that does not fit into your ballet tutu cuck

He's a degenerate. He was talking about sexual assault. His wealth has nothing to do with it.
No one Is swallowing the snowflake sexual assault meme, douche bag. Trump said "they let you," which means it was voluntary.

Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
Moron has nothing to say after I proved Trump said he has sex in common with his daughter. Lol

He said he was "going to say sex," and the end of the statement is unintelligible, so your attack is meaningless. We can conclude, however, that you're an idiot.
80% of men you are around maybe. The degenerate crowd.
The accomplishment crowd, the men who pour thousands into the economy every day and like women and sometimes chat it up about the lookers. Sorry that does not fit into your ballet tutu cuck

He's a degenerate. He was talking about sexual assault. His wealth has nothing to do with it.
No one Is swallowing the snowflake sexual assault meme, douche bag. Trump said "they let you," which means it was voluntary.

Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.
He's sexually assaulted women all his life. 13 came forward during the election. Did u notice not one came forward looking for money?
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire and known for his honesty unlike Trump has said 2 women told him they were assaulted by your serial sex offender but didn't want to go public for fear of what the Trump supporters would do.
You voted for a serial sex offender.
You probably think Cosby is innocent too, right?
80% of men you are around maybe. The degenerate crowd.
The accomplishment crowd, the men who pour thousands into the economy every day and like women and sometimes chat it up about the lookers. Sorry that does not fit into your ballet tutu cuck

He's a degenerate. He was talking about sexual assault. His wealth has nothing to do with it.
No one Is swallowing the snowflake sexual assault meme, douche bag. Trump said "they let you," which means it was voluntary.

Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.

Yes, the people who believe that Trump was allowed to Sexually harrass women because he knew they would like it all know it's bullshit.
The accomplishment crowd, the men who pour thousands into the economy every day and like women and sometimes chat it up about the lookers. Sorry that does not fit into your ballet tutu cuck

He's a degenerate. He was talking about sexual assault. His wealth has nothing to do with it.
No one Is swallowing the snowflake sexual assault meme, douche bag. Trump said "they let you," which means it was voluntary.

Well if Trump says sexual assault is cool then it must be cool then.

Like I said, people know that your sexual assault claims are total bullshit.

Yes, the people who believe that Trump was allowed to Sexually harrass women because he knew they would like it all know it's bullshit.

As usual, you're reading way more into the statement than is warranted so you can feed your despicable moronic narrative.

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