Violence And Intimidation Against Republicans Are Becoming The New Normal - Thanks, Snowflakes.

You rubes earned it :dunno:

So you Lefties support the use of violence against those with a different political view? And the denial of freedom of speech too. Sad days when people resort to this approach.
Did I say that? You rubes and Trump campaigned on hate. Don't be surprised at being met with opposition.
Do you actually believe anyone is swallowing your bullshit?

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This is what happens when we have a 20 year run of feelings trumping fact and emotions governing intelligence
Triggered! Need a safe space, snowflake?
Not at all. 'Safe Places' are for overly sensitive, frail, fragile liberals who can't bare to stand to be 'assaulted' by anyone else's point of view / ideas / opinions, who suffer an 'allergic reaction' from such instances, causing them to riot, burn, destroy, steal, assault, etc....and when they are physically unable to do that, need a safe place to retreat to in order to get away from those other 'un-acceptable' thoughts / opinions.
How's that Yuppy recruiting slogan, "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education" working out for you hypocrites? The fatcats' fatkittens living off a fat allowance are the only ones with time and a Born to Rule attitude to lead those campus movements. Outlaw that class and give the working-class students the same allowance and paid-up tuition and the university will become a center of developing our best human resources. Otherwise, quit blaming others for a phenomenon your own Masters caused.
He is a billionaire and president of the US after all as well as being a hands-on father.
Yeah he sure is "hands on" with his daughter. He's also like to fuck her
Don't extend your own fantasies to others. I would not champion "thought police, but these should be very private matters, especially this one.

Pathology is one thing, but this is just sick.
Triggered! Need a safe space, snowflake?
Not at all. 'Safe Places' are for overly sensitive, frail, fragile liberals who can't bare to stand to be 'assaulted' by anyone else's point of view / ideas / opinions, who suffer an 'allergic reaction' from such instances, causing them to riot, burn, destroy, steal, assault, etc....and when they are physically unable to do that, need a safe place to retreat to in order to get away from those other 'un-acceptable' thoughts / opinions.
How's that Yuppy recruiting slogan, "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education" working out for you hypocrites? The fatcats' fatkittens living off a fat allowance are the only ones with time and a Born to Rule attitude to lead those campus movements. Outlaw that class and give the working-class students the same allowance and paid-up tuition and the university will become a center of developing our best human resources. Otherwise, quit blaming others for a phenomenon your own Masters caused.
it's what happens when one has no skin in the game. It is why low income housing is trashed and set a fire and finally demolished. there is no value. no skin, no pride it is yours. So the best thing to do is piss on the hand that gives it to you and tell them to fk off.
How's that Yuppy recruiting slogan, "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education" working out for you hypocrites? The fatcats' fatkittens living off a fat allowance are the only ones with time and a Born to Rule attitude to lead those campus movements. Outlaw that class and give the working-class students the same allowance and paid-up tuition and the university will become a center of developing our best human resources. Otherwise, quit blaming others for a phenomenon your own Masters caused.
Liberals have spent decades transitioning our schools and colleges into indoctrination camps ON PURPOSE while sending most of the factories and jobs overseas. They have created a 'dependent' class that is dependent on the govt programs / handouts, who continue to vote for the politicians who promise to keep those give-aways coming (not those who will help them become independent again), who are ignorant, etc...

Bomb-throwers and 1st-responder murderers like Bill Ayers realized that they would never get what they wanted by committing acts of terror - they had to control the schools so they could begin indoctrinating kids at an early age. (Barak Hussein Obama, Mmm Mmm Mmm) and now we have colleges where rioting/looting/violent snowflakes use violence to shut down opposing thoughts / free speech (surred on by radical college professors / deans as we saw recently) while simultaneously claiming THEY need a 'safe space'.
How's that Yuppy recruiting slogan, "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education" working out for you hypocrites? The fatcats' fatkittens living off a fat allowance are the only ones with time and a Born to Rule attitude to lead those campus movements. Outlaw that class and give the working-class students the same allowance and paid-up tuition and the university will become a center of developing our best human resources. Otherwise, quit blaming others for a phenomenon your own Masters caused.
Liberals have spent decades transitioning our schools and colleges into indoctrination camps ON PURPOSE while sending most of the factories and jobs overseas. They have created a 'dependent' class that is dependent on the govt programs / handouts, who continue to vote for the politicians who promise to keep those give-aways coming (not those who will help them become independent again), who are ignorant, etc...

Bomb-throwers and 1st-responder murderers like Bill Ayers realized that they would never get what they wanted by committing acts of terror - they had to control the schools so they could begin indoctrinating kids at an early age. (Barak Hussein Obama, Mmm Mmm Mmm) and now we have colleges where rioting/looting/violent snowflakes use violence to shut down opposing thoughts / free speech (surred on by radical college professors / deans as we saw recently) while simultaneously claiming THEY need a 'safe space'.
yes, you must get the upcoming crop in order to promote a fallacy. giveaways is the way to achieve the goal.
You notice how the government has been content to offer people programs that provide 'minimally' for their needs...keeping them dependent on the govt for those programs...but never any serious programs to help make people more independent, to get them OFF those programs?!

It reminds me of these machines once up in the mountains in Tn - Gatlinburg. The machine had a round plate that spun with a duck inside the machine. You dropped a quarter in the machine, the plate would start spinning slowly, and the duck would 'dance'. After the song was over a small measure of food dropped out of the machine and into a cup for the duck to eat.

The 'truth' behind the 'illusion' was that the spinning plate was electrified. Once you put the money in, the plate would spin, and a small current would be applied to the plate, shocking the duck and causing it to 'dance'. The duck felt the pain, had to endure it and 'do it's little dance' to get the food, but no matter how many 'handouts' it got nothing ever changed. It remained 'enslaved', in pain, and always having to rely on the 'handouts' to live.

For the duck, shoes who controlled all of this - caused all of it called it 'entertainment'. Those who keep Americans in pain and dependent on handouts call it 'mercy', 'charity'.
No, "lefties" don't approve of violence, intimidation or destruction of property. We do approve of Resisting Trump's agenda by pressuring our elected representatives.

And if they won't meet with their constituents, I think they should be confronted by one or many of their constituents every single time they show their faces in public.

I also really like what this guy did. This is the way to #RESIST
Dems host town-hall meetings on health care in GOP districts
define pressuring? LOL!

Writing letters, making phone calls, sending faxes, attending Town Halls. If your Representatives won't have them, show up and confront them whenever they appear in public.
My bad. He bragged about using his power to intimidate women into not crying rape when he grabbed them by the pussy without their consent.

That's much better :thup:
He certainly wasn't that wordy:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anyth

Not great words,for sure, but there is no suggestion of against their will and certainly not rape.

You're obviously too much of a snowflake - too beta-male. That's not something that commands much respect from either sex, just other snowflakes and beta males.

You think that women who suddenly get randomly molested or attacked by this so called alpha-male star, let him do it out of respect of his stardom, or fear of the reprisal if they say something?
Sorry you balless guys and incensed females want to have everyone have a stroke over a p grab quip but it's not going to happen
80%+ of heterosexual males make such offhand comments quietly to other guys from time to time
Quit trying to make All males balless males
80%+ of heterosexual males make such offhand comments quietly to other guys from time to time

Bullshit. 80% of guys don't think they are stars with the privilege of grabbing beautiful women by the snatch.
Mental Orange urged crowds at his rallies to commit violence and that he would pay the legal fees for them.

Conservative snowflakes get used to it, you fuck with other people you get it shoved back down your lie-hole. Too scary for you? Lock the doors and windows and turn on Sponge Bob.
These libtards with a death wish need to start showing up inside homes the way they break into cars.
Mental Orange urged crowds at his rallies to commit violence and that he would pay the legal fees for them.

Conservative snowflakes get used to it, you fuck with other people you get it shoved back down your lie-hole. Too scary for you? Lock the doors and windows and turn on Sponge Bob.

This one?

War Pigs was great but they've blocked it.
Mental Orange urged crowds at his rallies to commit violence and that he would pay the legal fees for them.

Conservative snowflakes get used to it, you fuck with other people you get it shoved back down your lie-hole. Too scary for you? Lock the doors and windows and turn on Sponge Bob.
Open the doors and windows, the easier to drag the bodies inside.

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