Violence And Intimidation Against Republicans Are Becoming The New Normal - Thanks, Snowflakes.

Not at all. 'Safe Places' are for overly sensitive, frail, fragile liberals who can't bare to stand to be 'assaulted' by anyone else's point of view / ideas / opinions, who suffer an 'allergic reaction' from such instances, causing them to riot, burn, destroy, steal, assault, etc....and when they are physically unable to do that, need a safe place to retreat to in order to get away from those other 'un-acceptable' thoughts / opinions.
And yet here you are shaking in your shoes over those harmless sensitive liberals
I don't know why anyone is surprised that the Democrats have become a 3rd-World political party. One only has to look at their rank-and-file.
You must've voted for pussy grabber
No, I've never voted for a Clinton and I doubt anyone will again. That's over, passé.
But you did vote for Trump who bragged about grabbing women's pussies against their will
I think the sex starved trumpies are jealous . Old white farts sucking off their socialist SS and medicare benefits
Violence And Intimidation Against Republicans Are Becoming The New Normal

"Violence and intimidation against Republicans are quickly becoming the new normal in an increasingly tense political climate.

In one of the most recent incidents, police in Tennessee
charged a woman with felony reckless endangerment on Thursday for allegedly trying to run Republican Congressman David Kustoff off the road after a town hall. The woman, Wendi Wright, was reportedly enraged over Kustoff’s support for the American Health Care Act and screamed at the congressman and his aide, striking his car windows and reaching inside the vehicle. The same day that Tennessee police charged Wright for reckless endangerment, police in North Dakota escorted an enraged man from another town hall after he became physical with Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer over his support for the GOP Obamacare replacement."


"The day before that, a Huffington Post article that showed “how to really turn up the heat on elected officials” went viral. The author, Michaelangelo Signorile, called on protesters to harass Republicans at dinner, when they’re out shopping and even at home. Societal norms for the basic levels of decency one should afford political opponents, Signorile argued, no longer apply to liberals.

“It’s time to move beyond polite protests within specified boundaries. It’s time to escalate the expression of our outrage and our anger in a massive way,” he wrote."

Liberals are now promoting civil unrest, harassment, and even violence.

"Political violence has been increasingly common as left-wing organizations have whipped up mobs against Republicans and supporters of the president. An email warning parade organizers promised 200 or more protesters would rush into the parade and drag the Republican marchers out, if that’s what it took to keep them from participating. “You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely,” the email warned. Portland has been a site for organized left-wing protests, which have often turned into violent riots."

Hillary's campaign was exposed as having paid groups to send violent protestors to Trump rallies to disrupt the events and engage in violence against Trump supporters.

Snowflakes / radical leftists believe theirs is the only tolerable opinion, that all other voices and ideas must be any cost. This has been demonstrated time and again but none better than through the violent riots a Berkley in which radical leftists engaged in riots, destruction of property, arson, looting, terrorism, assaults, etc in which they successfully silenced the right of Free Speech. They proved violence 'trumps' (no pun intended) Freedom of Speech and seem to have decided they will make doing so a part of the 'norm' they seek to impose on everyone from now on.
I thought snowflakes were millenials, right and left.
Ah well, I don't read diatribes by people who don't even know the def of liberal. Latin, free, for the individual and small gov. Don't even know trump is the word for fart in the uk.
libturd, squat juice left that think they can pressure innocent individuals.
Not at all. 'Safe Places' are for overly sensitive, frail, fragile liberals who can't bare to stand to be 'assaulted' by anyone else's point of view / ideas / opinions, who suffer an 'allergic reaction' from such instances, causing them to riot, burn, destroy, steal, assault, etc....and when they are physically unable to do that, need a safe place to retreat to in order to get away from those other 'un-acceptable' thoughts / opinions.
And yet here you are shaking in your shoes over those harmless sensitive liberals
I don't know why anyone is surprised that the Democrats have become a 3rd-World political party. One only has to look at their rank-and-file.
You must've voted for pussy grabber
nope never voted for Bill Clinton.
Your snowflake buddy already beat you to that one
You asked I answered.
And yet here you are shaking in your shoes over those harmless sensitive liberals
I don't know why anyone is surprised that the Democrats have become a 3rd-World political party. One only has to look at their rank-and-file.
You must've voted for pussy grabber
nope never voted for Bill Clinton.
Your snowflake buddy already beat you to that one
You asked I answered.
But you did vote for Trump - Who bragged about grabbing women's pussies against their will
And yet here you are shaking in your shoes over those harmless sensitive liberals
I don't know why anyone is surprised that the Democrats have become a 3rd-World political party. One only has to look at their rank-and-file.
You must've voted for pussy grabber
No, I've never voted for a Clinton and I doubt anyone will again. That's over, passé.
But you did vote for Trump who bragged about grabbing women's pussies against their will
I think the sex starved trumpies are jealous . Old white farts sucking off their socialist SS and medicare benefits
'jealousy' is a leftist word, here from Wikipedia the left's encyclopedia:

"Jealousy is an emotion, and the word typically refers to the thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, concern, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of status or something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. In its original meaning, jealousy is distinct from envy,"

Libturd creed right there!!! oh no Trump fired Comey? ewwwwwwwwwww watch out libturds more fear setting in.
Not at all. 'Safe Places' are for overly sensitive, frail, fragile liberals who can't bare to stand to be 'assaulted' by anyone else's point of view / ideas / opinions, who suffer an 'allergic reaction' from such instances, causing them to riot, burn, destroy, steal, assault, etc....and when they are physically unable to do that, need a safe place to retreat to in order to get away from those other 'un-acceptable' thoughts / opinions.
And yet here you are shaking in your shoes over those harmless sensitive liberals
I don't know why anyone is surprised that the Democrats have become a 3rd-World political party. One only has to look at their rank-and-file.
You must've voted for pussy grabber
No, I've never voted for a Clinton and I doubt anyone will again. That's over, passé.
But you did vote for Trump who bragged about grabbing women's pussies against their will
No, he said you can grab their pussies, nothing about their will or actually doing it

You might have phrased it "grabbing some cock".

People need to realize that not everyone has turned into snowflakes, which is why Trump won.
Not at all. 'Safe Places' are for overly sensitive, frail, fragile liberals who can't bare to stand to be 'assaulted' by anyone else's point of view / ideas / opinions, who suffer an 'allergic reaction' from such instances, causing them to riot, burn, destroy, steal, assault, etc....and when they are physically unable to do that, need a safe place to retreat to in order to get away from those other 'un-acceptable' thoughts / opinions.
And yet here you are shaking in your shoes over those harmless sensitive liberals
I don't know why anyone is surprised that the Democrats have become a 3rd-World political party. One only has to look at their rank-and-file.
You must've voted for pussy grabber
No, I've never voted for a Clinton and I doubt anyone will again. That's over, passé.
But you did vote for Trump who bragged about grabbing women's pussies against their will
I voted for the current president yes.
You rubes earned it :dunno:
Here is what you assholes will "EARN"

Keep up the Violence and people will arm themselves with firearms and mace, and Conservatives will band together, and when you attack them, they will fight back.
I'll applaud every time a liberal gets his ass kicked for trying to disrupt and overthrow Democracy.

Fuck you and your whole piece of shit lineage.

Judgement day cannot come soon enough for you possessed evil son of a bitches.

We aren't going to lay down and take what you hope to dish out like your Brown Shirt Ancestors gave it to The Jews in Nazi Germany.

We will defend ourselves, and you will "get what you deserve"!

We'll send you straight to your eternal destination! HELL!

You will not be allowed to bully and intimidate your way in to creating a Liberal Nazi Regime here in America.
Rigging Primaries

Engaging in Election Fraud during Primaries

Helping a favored candidate cheat in debates


Destruction of Property

Criminal Civil Unrest / Disobedience



Terrorism (Fire-bombing GOP HQs)

Candidates FUNDING criminal acts / violence

Using Violence to shut down Freedom of Speech

Fighting for the 1st Candidate under multiple FBI investigations days before the election to stay in the race (and we now know she broke numerous laws)

Calling for Impeachment before an Oath of office is taken

Seditiously Calling for Military Coups

Treasonously Calling for Assassination of the Newly Elected President

Political Espionage perpetrated by the Previous Administration / loyalists to undermine / overthrow the newly elected administration

This is a partial list of what the Democratic Party and it's radical leftists engaged in during the election and after so far...If any 'democrat' even attempts to claim these acts were in any way justified you are just plain wrong - it is how you can tell if you are an unrepentant radical leftist. NONE of it is justified, should be defended, protected, or - God forbid - become 'the norm'.
And yet here you are shaking in your shoes over those harmless sensitive liberals
I don't know why anyone is surprised that the Democrats have become a 3rd-World political party. One only has to look at their rank-and-file.
You must've voted for pussy grabber
No, I've never voted for a Clinton and I doubt anyone will again. That's over, passé.
But you did vote for Trump who bragged about grabbing women's pussies against their will
No, he said you can grab their pussies, nothing about their will or actually doing it

You might have phrased it "grabbing some cock".

People need to realize that not everyone has turned into snowflakes, which is why Trump won.
My bad. He bragged about using his power to intimidate women into not crying rape when he grabbed them by the pussy without their consent.

That's much better :thup:
how close the cops were to the students. Brave boys

They were armed National Guard Troops. Not cops. As old as the soldiers Nixon was sending to Vietnam. But they were out for payback. Rioters had burn the ROTC building down. I don't think the officer panicked,mm I think he did it on purpose.
My bad. He bragged about using his power to intimidate women into not crying rape when he grabbed them by the pussy without their consent.

That's much better :thup:
He certainly wasn't that wordy:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anyth

Not great words,for sure, but there is no suggestion of against their will and certainly not rape.

You're obviously too much of a snowflake - too beta-male. That's not something that commands much respect from either sex, just other snowflakes and beta males.
My bad. He bragged about using his power to intimidate women into not crying rape when he grabbed them by the pussy without their consent.

That's much better :thup:
He certainly wasn't that wordy:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anyth

Not great words,for sure, but there is no suggestion of against their will and certainly not rape.

You're obviously too much of a snowflake - too beta-male. That's not something that commands much respect from either sex, just other snowflakes and beta males.
And you voted for that guy. He's a real man, right? Wow. Do you have any daughters? They must be proud of you.
everything is HATE when lefties disagree . Border Wall is hate because lefties disagree , Rebuilding USA military is hate because lefties disagree , exercising border control and American Sovereignty is hate according to the un-american dems , liberals and left Dean .
Two Wings of the Same Vulture

Leftists are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. Since the 60s, their assignment has been to make the Democratic Party insult and threaten working-class Whites in order to trick us into voting for Republicans against our economic interest. hillary clinton was a Goldwater Girl in 1964. When that anal-retentive GreedHead HeirHead lost in a landslide, she and other richkids devised the plan to pretend they had dropped their snobbery and become socially conscious Democratic. The spoiled and ignorant Born to Rule guillotine-fodder even claimed they were anti-Establishment. But their agenda is all class-biased:

Feminism: so upper-class sorority snobs could inherit the same rank their brothers always could. Also, to emasculate workers so they wouldn't stand up to their bosses.

Racial job quotas: to break up the solidarity of labor unions by forcing in incompatible elements. To exclude the talented by basing scholarship money on race. To humiliate us with the Right Winger's insult about "tyranny of the majority," since the 1964 Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Act never would have passed if put on a national referendum.

Environmentalism: to create artificial scarcities in order to increase profit margins. To eliminate high-paying jobs, forcing those workers to be desperate for any job at any wage.

Gayism: A proven fad of excessively spoiled richkids, this psychological sickness is not a sexuality at all, but extreme and careless self-indulgent experimentation.

Anti-militarism and made-up war crimes: Because Chickenhawks never have to fight and need to make up a moral excuse for their Daddies getting them out of wars that their Daddies make the most profit from
Immigration: cheap labor from proven submissive ethnicities, even though the hereditary class's fake Liberalism has made all Americans submissive. Even in matters of life and death we are Preppies' punching bags. For example we are proud to die taking a rich kid's place, as long as that sissyboy traitor talks tough waves the flag, and "supports the troops." How pathetic, when we outnumber these scumbags and can crush them like grapes.

Promoting tolerance for the Islamic cult of human sacrifice: Because the petrocracy collaborates with OPEC price-gouging and has to take in dangerous immigrants as part of deals made to drill the oil for the lazy jihadi sheiks.
My bad. He bragged about using his power to intimidate women into not crying rape when he grabbed them by the pussy without their consent.

That's much better :thup:
He certainly wasn't that wordy:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anyth

Not great words,for sure, but there is no suggestion of against their will and certainly not rape.

You're obviously too much of a snowflake - too beta-male. That's not something that commands much respect from either sex, just other snowflakes and beta males.
And you voted for that guy. He's a real man, right? Wow. Do you have any daughters? They must be proud of you.
yep, I voted for the guy. My daughter doesn't have anything to say about who I vote for. I believe in the country and the state of the world. And obummer and your side are too busy politicizing everything to the nth degree to take jobs out of america. So my goal was to save america. Sorry bubba, you can't make me feel bad about that.

Hey btw, both of my sisters, my wife, my son in laws as well voted for him. oops
My bad. He bragged about using his power to intimidate women into not crying rape when he grabbed them by the pussy without their consent.

That's much better :thup:
He certainly wasn't that wordy:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anyth

Not great words,for sure, but there is no suggestion of against their will and certainly not rape.

You're obviously too much of a snowflake - too beta-male. That's not something that commands much respect from either sex, just other snowflakes and beta males.
And you voted for that guy. He's a real man, right? Wow. Do you have any daughters? They must be proud of you.
I don't know if he's a "real" man, whatever that is. I do know that Trump has two daughters and they are proud of him. He is a billionaire and president of the US after all as well as being a hands-on father.

I don't believe most daughters want snowflakes/beta-males as fathers. That would be a case of no father being better than a baby-daddy.
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