violence of the left vs right


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
OldLady and i were talking about which side is more prone to violence to justify their "thoughts" and to me, the left by far. my examples were anti-fa cause who can argue that, but she dismissed them as no more "left" than KKK is right - so let's remove 'em. after that i will pull from various sources and many may not be "mainstream" so i expect some push back - but that's fine. the question is more "is this real, and is it an example of violence from a particular side"?

let's start off with a left leaning site.
Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any | HuffPost
In the face of media, politicians, and GOP primary voters normalizing Trump as a presidential candidate—whatever your personal beliefs regarding violent resistance—there’s an inherent value in forestalling Trump’s normalization. Violent resistance accomplishes this. In spite of this, such resistance is apparently more offensive and unacceptable to societal norms and liberal sensibilities than the nastiness being resisted in the first place.
this does try to pre-face it with "good old boy" stereotyping and of course let's scream CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION to get an emotional buy in - but they pretty much say get violent. resist. it's your duty.

and just wow - that article is a piece of shit and why i usually avoid huffpost.

the article ends with:
And when those who hold that privilege dismiss the potential validity or logic of violent resistance, it’s effectively an effort to dictate the rules under which oppressed peoples respond to existential threats, and to silence forms of resistance disagreeable to privileged sensibilities. Don’t be that liberal.

Liberal Intolerance for Conservative Ideas Is Inspiring Violence - Say Anything
Meanwhile, the sort of left wing violence Beinart decries is moving off campus. Progressive demonstrators rioted for days after Trump’s election day victory. His inauguration prompted more violence. Over the weekend pro-Trump rallies also invited violence from the left, notably in California and Minnesota.
How The American Left Made Political Violence The New Normal
On Thursday night, leftist protesters at a Donald Trump rally in San Jose, California, chased down Donald Trump supporters and beat them bloody, spit in their faces, pelted a female Trump supporter with eggs, hurled rocks at police horses, and broke down metal barriers – all while burning American flags and screaming slogans like “America Was Never Great!” and “Make America Mexico Again!”

Why violence is all liberals have left

Election Rejection: Liberal Hatred and Hypocrisy Rage in Violence Due to Biased Media | Zero Hedge
calling out the media for encouraging it.

Violent Rhetoric Is Terrible, But Actual Violence Is Cool

then you have people making up hate from the right to justify their behaviors against mom and dad for example
There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in 'Trump's America'

that one went viral and everyone at it up cause they said SEE WHY WE MUST BE VIOLENT FIRST!!! only it was a lie.

and this one is just a good study:
Left-wing v. right-wing violence

i actually appreciated the breakdown in how he does it on this page.

i'll let you tag in with examples of the right. from what i'm seeing i would say that while both sides are capable of it, the left today uses the potential "evil" of the right to justify their anger, hate and yes, violence. just the other day in texas it got heated in our gov and a R called ICE cause protestors were holding signs saying I'M ILLEGAL AND YOU CAN'T DO SHIT (more or less :) and the other guy said he'd put a bullet in his head - a D. which is worse, calling ICE on illegal immigrants or threatening a mans life?

tag - you're it. :)

I rest my case........
It isn't rocket science. I don't recall the right showing their asses in the streets protesting the democratic election of Obama, destroying property, rioting, blocking citizens from the right to travel, trying to shut down their right of free speech, shouting burn this bitch down through a bullhorn. Liberals like OL are incapable of critical analysis because their ideology over rides everything else. Reality must conform to their world view, if it doesn't then reality is wrong.

I rest my case........

she is taking a beating from this one. even chelsea is ripping her a new one. when CNN calls you out - you went way too far. :)

now of course fanatical conservatives are saying OFF WITH HER JOB and they need to cut that shit out. let CNN or any org do what they want wtih their employees in their own manner. i'm long since sick and tired of people demanding jobs because someone did something you didn't like.
So much information so little sense. The right in America has an amazing number of Internet sites, many supported by wealthy conservatives. You can find anything there, Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, Hillary's list of murders, etc etc, hidden in all this BS and baloney is reality in America today. I often watch Fox, another biased site to see how they treat some topic and it soon becomes a circle jerk of smiling legs. Of course all media is corporate owned and operated and reality is missing there too. On occasion 60 Minutes touches the reality of life for so many in America so I have to salute them at times. America seems lost in lalaland pointing fingers at each other and accomplishing little for each other.

"We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, 'What is real?' Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms." Philip K. Dick

Some help if you read:

The Trouble with Reality: A Rumination on Moral Panic in Our Time' by Brooke Gladstone
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer

'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America' by Kevin M. Kruse
'Inventing a Christian America: The Myth of the Religious Founding' Steven Green
'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg
So much information so little sense. The right in America has an amazing number of Internet sites, many supported by wealthy conservatives. You can find anything there, Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, Hillary's list of murders, etc etc, hidden in all this BS and baloney is reality in America today. I often watch Fox, another biased site to see how they treat some topic and it soon becomes a circle jerk of smiling legs. Of course all media is corporate owned and operated and reality is missing there too. On occasion 60 Minutes touches the reality of life for so many in America so I have to salute them on at times. America seems lost in lalaland pointing fingers at each other and accomplishing little for each other.

"We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, 'What is real?' Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms." Philip K. Dick

Some help if you read:

The Trouble with Reality: A Rumination on Moral Panic in Our Time' by Brooke Gladstone
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer

'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America' by Kevin M. Kruse
'Inventing a Christian America: The Myth of the Religious Founding' Steven Green
'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg
yea, cause lord knows there are no left leaning sites to produce lies about the right.

it's just a right thing. the left wouldn't understand.

pu-leez. besides, this doesn't even come close to addressing the topic at hand.
OldLady and i were talking about which side is more prone to violence to justify their "thoughts" and to me, the left by far. my examples were anti-fa cause who can argue that, but she dismissed them as no more "left" than KKK is right - so let's remove 'em. after that i will pull from various sources and many may not be "mainstream" so i expect some push back - but that's fine. the question is more "is this real, and is it an example of violence from a particular side"?

let's start off with a left leaning site.
Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any | HuffPost
In the face of media, politicians, and GOP primary voters normalizing Trump as a presidential candidate—whatever your personal beliefs regarding violent resistance—there’s an inherent value in forestalling Trump’s normalization. Violent resistance accomplishes this. In spite of this, such resistance is apparently more offensive and unacceptable to societal norms and liberal sensibilities than the nastiness being resisted in the first place.
this does try to pre-face it with "good old boy" stereotyping and of course let's scream CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION to get an emotional buy in - but they pretty much say get violent. resist. it's your duty.

and just wow - that article is a piece of shit and why i usually avoid huffpost.

the article ends with:
And when those who hold that privilege dismiss the potential validity or logic of violent resistance, it’s effectively an effort to dictate the rules under which oppressed peoples respond to existential threats, and to silence forms of resistance disagreeable to privileged sensibilities. Don’t be that liberal.

Liberal Intolerance for Conservative Ideas Is Inspiring Violence - Say Anything
Meanwhile, the sort of left wing violence Beinart decries is moving off campus. Progressive demonstrators rioted for days after Trump’s election day victory. His inauguration prompted more violence. Over the weekend pro-Trump rallies also invited violence from the left, notably in California and Minnesota.
How The American Left Made Political Violence The New Normal
On Thursday night, leftist protesters at a Donald Trump rally in San Jose, California, chased down Donald Trump supporters and beat them bloody, spit in their faces, pelted a female Trump supporter with eggs, hurled rocks at police horses, and broke down metal barriers – all while burning American flags and screaming slogans like “America Was Never Great!” and “Make America Mexico Again!”

Why violence is all liberals have left

Election Rejection: Liberal Hatred and Hypocrisy Rage in Violence Due to Biased Media | Zero Hedge
calling out the media for encouraging it.

Violent Rhetoric Is Terrible, But Actual Violence Is Cool

then you have people making up hate from the right to justify their behaviors against mom and dad for example
There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in 'Trump's America'

that one went viral and everyone at it up cause they said SEE WHY WE MUST BE VIOLENT FIRST!!! only it was a lie.

and this one is just a good study:
Left-wing v. right-wing violence

i actually appreciated the breakdown in how he does it on this page.

i'll let you tag in with examples of the right. from what i'm seeing i would say that while both sides are capable of it, the left today uses the potential "evil" of the right to justify their anger, hate and yes, violence. just the other day in texas it got heated in our gov and a R called ICE cause protestors were holding signs saying I'M ILLEGAL AND YOU CAN'T DO SHIT (more or less :) and the other guy said he'd put a bullet in his head - a D. which is worse, calling ICE on illegal immigrants or threatening a mans life?

tag - you're it. :)
Thanks, Iceberg, for the articles and examples. I see what you are saying, and I'm certainly not in agreement with those who think violence is a good response, even to bigotry. Certainly not to political rallies or college speakers. I have no intention of defending that.
There are plenty of examples of the Right's violent rhetoric and promotion of violence, but once again you are asking me to argue a side here, and I'm not going to.
My position is and has been that the right should not be using the left as an excuse for violence. The left should not be using violence either, or promoting or excusing it.
Maybe one of the Dyed Blue Democrats on here will jump in and continue this discussion, but I'm not wading through a bunch of Right sites looking for examples. I do appreciate that you did that for me, though.
Thanks again.

I rest my case........

she is taking a beating from this one. even chelsea is ripping her a new one. when CNN calls you out - you went way too far. :)

now of course fanatical conservatives are saying OFF WITH HER JOB and they need to cut that shit out. let CNN or any org do what they want wtih their employees in their own manner. i'm long since sick and tired of people demanding jobs because someone did something you didn't like.
I bet her actions will help her sagging career. LWNJs love it. Do doubt she did this solely to benefit herself.

Are LWNJs so easily duped?
Here in Portland, Oregon, it is the right that is killing people. The stupid anti-fa's may be doing property damage, but they are not murdering people. And it was the right that took over federal property south of Burns, Oregon, and threatened all with their guns. And left the place with shit all over it, and badly damaged. So we taxpayers had to pay for that damage.

I rest my case........

she is taking a beating from this one. even chelsea is ripping her a new one. when CNN calls you out - you went way too far. :)

now of course fanatical conservatives are saying OFF WITH HER JOB and they need to cut that shit out. let CNN or any org do what they want wtih their employees in their own manner. i'm long since sick and tired of people demanding jobs because someone did something you didn't like.
I bet her actions will help her sagging career. LWNJs love it. Do doubt she did this solely to benefit herself.

Are LWNJs so easily duped?
What a fucked up liar you are.

Chelsea Clinton: Kathy Griffin's Trump-beheading photo ‘vile and wrong'

Chelsea Clinton on Tuesday criticized Kathy Griffin for a “vile” photo of the comedian posing with a fake decapitated head resembling President Trump.

“This is vile and wrong,” Clinton tweeted. “It is never funny to joke about killing the president.”

I rest my case........

she is taking a beating from this one. even chelsea is ripping her a new one. when CNN calls you out - you went way too far. :)

now of course fanatical conservatives are saying OFF WITH HER JOB and they need to cut that shit out. let CNN or any org do what they want wtih their employees in their own manner. i'm long since sick and tired of people demanding jobs because someone did something you didn't like.
I bet her actions will help her sagging career. LWNJs love it. Do doubt she did this solely to benefit herself.

Are LWNJs so easily duped?
What a fucked up liar you are.

Chelsea Clinton: Kathy Griffin's Trump-beheading photo ‘vile and wrong'

Chelsea Clinton on Tuesday criticized Kathy Griffin for a “vile” photo of the comedian posing with a fake decapitated head resembling President Trump.

“This is vile and wrong,” Clinton tweeted. “It is never funny to joke about killing the president.”
Just one man's opinion. No need to be so nasty today Old Crotch.

I bet when Kathy comes to your town, you will gladly pay money to see her. Right?
left and right designations should be discarded as PASSE'

Originally-----or so I was told----in school, the designation of "RIGHT" politics was based on
the fact in some European country (great Britain) ---the "NOBLES" sat on the right side
of isle in political discussion and the "CLERGY" sat on the Left-------and the clergy favored
doing good stuff for the masses like lowering taxes and not hanging them for catching
a duck for supper. Thus Right referred to rich bastards who liked the status quo-----and
Left referred to the nice guys who wanted social justice. ------------that meaning is totally

I rest my case........

she is taking a beating from this one. even chelsea is ripping her a new one. when CNN calls you out - you went way too far. :)

now of course fanatical conservatives are saying OFF WITH HER JOB and they need to cut that shit out. let CNN or any org do what they want wtih their employees in their own manner. i'm long since sick and tired of people demanding jobs because someone did something you didn't like.
I bet her actions will help her sagging career. LWNJs love it. Do doubt she did this solely to benefit herself.

Are LWNJs so easily duped?
What a fucked up liar you are.

Chelsea Clinton: Kathy Griffin's Trump-beheading photo ‘vile and wrong'

Chelsea Clinton on Tuesday criticized Kathy Griffin for a “vile” photo of the comedian posing with a fake decapitated head resembling President Trump.

“This is vile and wrong,” Clinton tweeted. “It is never funny to joke about killing the president.”
Just one man's opinion. No need to be so nasty today Old Crotch.

I bet when Kathy comes to your town, you will gladly pay money to see her. Right?

NEVER!!! watta bitch
left and right designations should be discarded as PASSE'

Originally-----or so I was told----in school, the designation of "RIGHT" politics was based on
the fact in some European country (great Britain) ---the "NOBLES" sat on the right side
of isle in political discussion and the "CLERGY" sat on the Left-------and the clergy favored
doing good stuff for the masses like lowering taxes and not hanging them for catching
a duck for supper. Thus Right referred to rich bastards who liked the status quo-----and
Left referred to the nice guys who wanted social justice. ------------that meaning is totally
Okay, but that has nothing to do with what we have today.

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