15,000 Dead, 33,000 Injured, 7.2 Million Displaced. And Not a Peep from the Left.

I confess. I do think Shit-hole countries exist, but it is not important enough to make me vote for him.
yeah I would run from that to if I were you,,

wouldnt want people to think you agree with trump on something,,

that brings us back to you not being able to control your TDS,,
Is visiting Gaza on your top 100 nations to visit?
Jerusalem, Israel, Yes. Gaza NO, not only not top 100, but not willing to go there at all, until Isreal wipes out HAMAS and all organizers and participants of the attack on Israel. I don't see that being completed in my lifetime.
You know nothing. Most in Gaza are descendants of Palestinians forced off their land and pushed into Gaza after the Nakba and the many other pogroms your beloved Israel committed.
Too bad. They should not have attacked, killed, raped, and taken civilian prisoners. I do not care what Israel does with them. I am glad they are not here.
I'm just fine letting the Fuzzy-Wuzzies fight it out.

Because the Israeli lobby is extraordinarily powerful in the USA as Republican Thomas Massey points out… that’s why Israel and what they do gets mega attention in the USA.

As for Ukraine… there could be a number of theories. Corrupt money, the power players in the USA see an opportunity to “weaken Russia”… which is questionable because Russia did not take an opportunity to try and weaken America when we invaded our sovereign country Iraq in 2003. Is Russia really our enemy?

There’s also a brutal war going on in Myanmar, and a humanitarian crisis in Haiti…that people have no idea about. That’s why the media and the Ukraine supporters and supporters of Israel or Palestine in American politics are not really in it for morals are they? And by the way, the overwhelming majority of politicians Democrat or Republican support Israel, including the Democrat Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries.

Myanmar, Haiti and the Sudan do not have a powerful lobby in the USA, and apparently they’re not viewed as important by the power players in the USA.

I think the last conflict America was truly involved that actually affected us here in continental USA was World War II. The Japanese attacked us , German submarines were threatening us. Obviously the Japanese empire, and the third Reich were extraordinarily powerful attempting a new world order. Germany tried to wipe out all Jews that they could, and what stood in their way was the American people and our allies the Soviets, the British and the Chinese and other allies. That makes opposition to Russia all the more unfortunate.
Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens have been hated by pro-Israeli people for no good reason. And there has been attempt to stifle free speech in the USA on behalf of the Israeli lobby.

Many people in Israel do not agree with what their government is doing.

Some portion of Americans are totally brainwashed by the Israeli lobby.
I don’t mind if somebody’s supports Israelis or Palestinians so long as they do not attempt to stifle free speech.
Why aren’t the left staging protests, attacking people, vandalizing, shutting down public roads and buildings to sto the violence you ask?

Because it involves black people. No Jews defending themselves from terrorists involved.

So the Left simply ignores the fighting.

As a Republican Thomas Massie points out, we need to help out poor and homeless Americans before giving away our money to Israel or Ukraine or any other foreign country.

The US media outlets and politicians concentrate way too much on Israel and Ukraine. I think that the media and politicians should dedicate a portion of time for talking about foreign wars and injustices, but do so equally and that includes talking about the situation in Myanmar, Haiti and Sudan on an equal basis of Israel and Ukraine.
Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens have been hated by pro-Israeli people for no good reason. And there has been attempt to stifle free speech in the USA on behalf of the Israeli lobby.

Many people in Israel do not agree with what their government is doing.

Some portion of Americans are totally brainwashed by the Israeli lobby.
This one dropped a few days ago. . . I spent the time to listen to it all, well worth it.

Glenn Greenwald: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil​

Jun 18, 2024
Too bad. They should not have attacked, killed, raped, and taken civilian prisoners. I do not care what Israel does with them. I am glad they are not here.
Too ignorant for a response. GET I FORMED. SHUT OFF THE TV.
These leftists lying about Israel’s “genocide” while ignoring the REAL genocide, outlined in your OP, are driven by antisemitism, even though they deny it.

What possible (valid) explanation is there for falsely accusing Jews of genocide while ignoring the true genocide by blacks in Sudan?

Answer: Leftists do NOT criticize blacks for their actual wrongdoings, while comdemning Jews for things they are NOT doing.
When was the last time you heard any politician talk about what is happening in some African countries? None.

The OP just started a thread for the racist to come and attack black, but if the US started talking about sending sending any 🪖 into one of those countries you would be the first ones bitching and moaning.
When was the last time you heard any politician talk about what is happening in some African countries? None.

The OP just started a thread for the racist to come and attack black, but if the US started talking about sending sending any 🪖 into one of those countries you would be the first ones bitching and moaning.
That’s how you’d see it….but WRONG.

The OP started the thread to show that Israel is being FALSELY accused of genocide by the leftists, while they refuse to condemn Sudan for a REAL genocide - which is what just did. And it’s due to antisemitism and double standards.

Let’s say there are two kids - one white and one black. The black kid knocks over a fork as he’s running through the house, and the white kid walks over to and intentionally knocks over an expensive vase. And then you have racists yelling and screaming about how blacks destroy valuable property, and don’t say a WORD about how the white broke an expensive vase.

That would be due to racism.

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