15,000 Dead, 33,000 Injured, 7.2 Million Displaced. And Not a Peep from the Left.

Like it or not, Black lives don't matter.

Parenthetically, the "shit hole countries" quote came from the greatest known liar in the United States Congress. More notorious than Schiff.

Draw your own conclusion.
We need a new way to refer to the Jew-haters whom the leftists wrongly call “Palestinians.” Since they are only two generations from the people living there, in what was Egyptian territory, they should be called Egyptians.

To distinguish this subgroup, I biggest “Gazan Egyptians” - or GEs, for short.
Live in a prison instead of the wealthy regional superpower that maintains the prison?

You should just look up the answers to those questions on the internet, you lazy fuck
Gaza beach, NAZI. Some prison.

They could have used those billions in aid to build a world class Med resort and lived wealthy lives on tourism.

Instead they buy weapons to rape and murder civilians.

These leftists lying about Israel’s “genocide” while ignoring the REAL genocide, outlined in your OP, are driven by antisemitism, even though they deny it.

What possible (valid) explanation is there for falsely accusing Jews of genocide while ignoring the true genocide by blacks in Sudan?

Answer: Leftists do NOT criticize blacks for their actual wrongdoings, while comdemning Jews for things they are NOT doing.
and the left will never criticize their greatest ally and benefactor the CCP for the slave camps and genocide being used against the Uyghurs .
Why won’t you move there?

Because it’s a shithole.
OK. If you also think it a shithole, why did you bother posting the thread? Are you saying you and the Democrats agree on something for a change? I guess, that is news, of a sort.:dunno:
Because every time they have done so, it turned out they were assisting in ethnic cleansing. You think they haven't taken refugees before? You can't do a simple internet search that would answer your own question? :cuckoo:
See post #27. If Gaza had taken the opportunity, they could have developed some prime Mediterranean beach front and become a tourist destination. Instead they chose to pursue violence and hatred. October 7 is on Gaza period. They have reaped what they sowed.
It is a shame, but is this one of the African nations Trump refered to as a "sh#t-hole" country?
He said specifically: "Why do we want people from these shitty little countries?" Completely politically incorrect, non woke, non allowable by the thought and speech police on the left. But it was a perfectly reasonable and honest question in a private discussion behind closed doors re ending the lottery system and going back to a merit system for new LEGAL immigrants.

I bet not one person on the left could give a reasoned answer to that question. They just scream and accuse and attack because it was asked.
are you saying he was right or that you just cant control your TDS and everything is about trump??
I probably would not use his words, but Sudan, has not exactly been on the list of countries, I would ever visit, if not sent.
Why aren’t the left staging protests, attacking people, vandalizing, shutting down public roads and buildings to sto the violence you ask?

Because it involves black people. No Jews defending themselves from terrorists involved.

So the Left simply ignores the fighting.

Geez, the image below looks almost as pathetic as Boston's Logan International Airport illegal alien indoor encampment.


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