Violent Intolerant Left Just Keeps Attacking Republicans

The Democrats formed the KKK to terrorize Republicans, so this is nothing new.
Thanks for proving the article to be correct and true in every aspect.

In the House the vote among Democrats was 153 to 91 in favor.

In the Senate it was 41 to 26 in favor.

I just LOVE catching snowflakes lying their asses off. You responded back to my comment about 'who supported Civil Rights More' with the above LIE.

Here is the actual TRUTH / FACT:

When the Voting Rights Act hit the floor in 1965, the vote results mirrored those of the Civil Rights Act. In the House, the measure passed by a 333-85 margin, with 78 percent of Democrats backing it (221 yeas and 61 nays) and 82 percent of Republicans backing it (112 yeas to 24 nays).May 25, 2010

Care to 'clarify' / change your comment?
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Yep. Lots of people say mean things to victims.
This was not a 'mean thing', as you callously try to brush it off as. This was despicable, deplorable, socially unacceptable, inappropriate behavior for human beings, unethical, immoral, unbelievable sick.

It is telling how you snowflakes can accept such behavior as 'normal', just 'mean'.....

And this isn't mean?
You are too immature to understand that the republicans don't condone the violence and harassment.
You do, child.
The Democrats formed the KKK to terrorize Republicans, so this is nothing new.

In reality it was an insurgency to reestablish white rule in the South. They achieved victory and erected a bunch of statues along with institutionalized racism in the South. In the South there was only the Democrat party. So yeah they were a creation of the White's only Democrat party, as in past tense, not so anymore is it?

But don't let historical perspective get in the way of a highly and long established partisan rant.....
In reality it was an insurgency to reestablish white rule in the South. They achieved victory and erected a bunch of statues along with institutionalized racism in the South. In the South there was only the Democrat party. So yeah they were a creation of the White's only Democrat party, as in past tense, not so anymore is it?

But don't let historical perspective get in the way of a highly and long established partisan rant.....
The Democrats formed the KKK to terrorize Republicans, so this is nothing new.
Actually they formed it to terrorize, control, and kill blacks.

Nah, they killed thousands of Republicans black and white in my home state alone.
So you are saying the KKK's origin had nothing / little to do with race / color, it was all an anti-Republican thing?

Anti Northern control of the Southern States which included voting rights and civil rights for blacks. Many of the office holders were Black Republicans and the former slaves all voted republican, so of course they were targeted.
Anti Northern control of the Southern States which included voting rights and civil rights for blacks.
So how exactly was burning crosses and hanging blacks suppose to help fight that anti-Northern / Republican Control? Was that supposed to replace the 'Massah's' whip to keep the (ex)slaves in line?
Anti Northern control of the Southern States which included voting rights and civil rights for blacks.
So how exactly was burning crosses and hanging blacks suppose to help fight that anti-Northern / Republican Control? Was that supposed to replace the 'Massah's' whip to keep the (ex)slaves in line?

You must be conflating the original KKK with the one formed after the Racist Wilson took control. I'm sure it better for the propagandists who want to draw a line straight from the original to today's diverse Democrat party.
The Democrats formed the KKK to terrorize Republicans, so this is nothing new.
Actually they formed it to terrorize, control, and kill blacks.

Nah, they killed thousands of Republicans black and white in my home state alone.
So you are saying the KKK's origin had nothing / little to do with race / color, it was all an anti-Republican thing?
The Democratic party's KKK did not exclusively lynch black Republicans, they also lynched white Republicans. They were equal opportunity terrorists.

So obviously this violence by Democrats against Republicans isn't anything new.
Hopefully, the communist revolution is about to begin, so we can shoot these motherfuckers and rid the world of their goose-stepping cancer.
You must be conflating the original KKK with the one formed after the Racist Wilson took control.
So you are saying there was a 'peaceful', non-racist KKK at one time?

So, you're going off the rails of the Crazy Train?

No iteration of the KKK was peaceful or non-racist.

Or is it you simple don't understand American History?
So, you're going off the rails of the Crazy Train? No iteration of the KKK was peaceful or non-racist. Or is it you simple don't understand American History?
I am just attempting to clarify what YOU are saying to make sure I understand without any assumptions, confusions, or mis-interpretations. Thank you.

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