Violent Intolerant Left Just Keeps Attacking Republicans

Sure, why not? How many threads have we seen with Nazis hitting protesters and the right wingers here laughing and encouraging it?
Those were cases of people being attacked fighting back....against scumbag POSes like this:

Portland Protester Tells Alleged 9/11 Widow That Her Husband Should ‘Rot In The Grave’

The protester told the woman to “shut the fuck up” and alleged that her husband punches her, to which the NYPD hat-wearing woman calmly responded with a smile that she is not married.

“My husband died in 9/11,” she turned around and said.

“Good for him! Good. Good,” the protester shot back. “NPYD were a bunch of sodomized — fucking sodomizing immigrants with their bully sticks.”

“So yeah … your husband should probably fucking rot in the grave,” the protester
screamed at the woman.

WTF is wrong with you and those Liberals freaks like you? Hillary blows her dog whistle and you puppets jump...Hillary calls for more violence and the sheep ramp it up....Hillary calls for more lack of civility and scumbags like this rush to comply...

Yep. Lots of people say mean things to victims. Which right wing radio idiot was it that said 9/11 widows were lucky? What about when old lady Bush said the victims of the New Orleans flood were better off than they had ever been? Of course none of that has anything to do with your panties being in a knot over being told you're wrong. You are wrong, and you should expect to hear it often.
I get it. You're just more comfortable behind a keyboard.
You don't 'get' shit, troll. You make stupid comments like that, comfortable with the fact that YOU are behind the keyboard. As I said, after 30 years and several wars, I am very comfortable / secure wherever I go. You TALK a good game.....

You bet BooBoo.
If you spend any time consuming right-wing media in America, you quickly learn the following: Liberals are responsible for racism, slavery, and the Ku Klux Klan. They admire Mussolini and Hitler, and modern liberalism is little different from fascism or, even worse, communism. The mainstream media and academia cannot be trusted because of the pervasive, totalitarian nature of liberal culture.

This belief in a broad liberal conspiracy is standard in the highest echelons of the conservative establishment and right-wing media. The Russia investigation is dismissed, from the president on down, as a politicized witch hunt. George Soros supposedly paid $300 to each participant in the “March for Our Lives” in March. (Disclosure: I marched that day, and I’m still awaiting my check.) What is less well appreciated by liberals is that the language of conspiracy is often used to justify similar behavior on the right. The Russia investigation is not just a witch hunt, it’s the product of the real scandal, which is Hillary-Russia-Obama-FBI collusion, so we must investigate that. Soros funds paid campus protestors, so Turning Point USA needs millions of dollars from Republican donors to win university elections. The liberal academic establishment prevents conservative voices from getting plum faculty jobs, so the Koch Foundation needs to give millions of dollars to universities with strings very much attached.

How the right-wing convinces itself that liberals are evil

This did not begin with Donald Trump. The modern Republican Party may be particularly apt to push conspiracy theories to rationalize its complicity with a staggeringly corrupt administration, but this is an extension of, not a break from, a much longer history. Since its very beginning, in the 1950s, members of the modern conservative movement have justified bad behavior by convincing themselves that the other side is worse. One of the binding agents holding the conservative coalition together over the course of the past half century has been an opposition to liberalism, socialism, and global communism built on the suspicion, sometimes made explicit, that there’s no real difference among them.
Yep. Lots of people say mean things to victims.
This was not a 'mean thing', as you callously try to brush it off as. This was despicable, deplorable, socially unacceptable, inappropriate behavior for human beings, unethical, immoral, unbelievable sick.

It is telling how you snowflakes can accept such behavior as 'normal', just 'mean'.....
...which is exactly what Hillary called for

Eight Violent Attacks On Republicans Just This Year

Republican politicians, their staffers and the offices where they work have become a recurring target for political violence.

1. Male Democratic operative allegedly assaults female Trump staffer

2. Same male Democratic operative allegedly assaults female GOP campaign manager

3. Wyoming GOP office set on fire

4. Vandals throw brick through window of Nebraska GOP office

5. Minnesota state GOP candidate says she was chased by property-destroying anarchist

6. Minnesota state GOP candidate says he was assaulted, concussed by politically motivated assailant

7. Windows of New York GOP office smashed, warning left

8. Switchblade stabbing attempt

Aside from all of the above, there has been 8 years of Obama aiding and abetting terrorists, arming Mexican Drug Cartels, protecting human traffickers and MS13 gangs, protecting illegal sanctuary cities and illegals, illegally spying on Americans / reporters / the media / US Senators, USSC Justices ... the exposed 'Watergate 2' / Anti-Trump criminal conspiracy ...not to forget the continuous wave after wave of treason / espionage committed by Democrats: The Debbie Wasserman-Schultz terrorist-connected Pakistani spy ring, Diane Feinstein working with / harboring a Chinese spy for 20 years, and Hillary 'giving' the Chinese, Russians, and 4 other foreign entities TOP SECRET+ Information off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured Server....

After Hillary Clinton - former 1st Lady, US Senator, Secretary of State, and Felon 2016 DNC Presidential Candidate - called for even MORE violent from the intolerant Left / Democrats - who had already attempted to assassinate GOP politicians, called for and engaged in stalking / harassing GOP members, calling for Trump's son / women on Trump's team to be kidnapped / beaten / raped - its about time the President labeled the DNC a criminal, if not terrorist, organization.

Eight Violent Attacks On Republicans Just This Year

That's nothing.....

583 threats of violence against conservatives.

If you're SKARED then say you're SKARED
I can surmise from your response that you condone such actions. pathetic

Sure, why not? How many threads have we seen with Nazis hitting protesters and the right wingers here laughing and encouraging it? Looks like you condone it yourself. For too long the right has gotten away with that crap. Does it scare you when it's returned? Good. You should be scared.
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No very violent just some paint.

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Peaceful man at Church

Fine people out for a walk.
If you spend any time consuming right-wing media in America, you quickly learn the following: Liberals are responsible for racism, slavery, and the Ku Klux Klan.
Are you claiming the Democrats were not the Party of the KKK / did not create the KKK?

Are you suggesting that the majority of Democrats did not oppose Civil Rights?

Are you saying that in 2016 the DNC's personal e-mails were not hacked and released, exposing extremely racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic e-mails / members within their ranks?

Thank you for the attempted re-write of history......
This thread reminds me of a video of a young black man on a city bus. He got up and starting harassing an elderly man, acting all ghetto and shit. When the young black man attacked the elderly man, the elderly man, a USMC WWII veteran stood up and stomped the shit out of the young black man. The young black man then lay there bleeding playing the victim card.

You liberals don't understand the beat down you are risking.
Yep. Lots of people say mean things to victims.
This was not a 'mean thing', as you callously try to brush it off as. This was despicable, deplorable, socially unacceptable, inappropriate behavior for human beings, unethical, immoral, unbelievable sick.

It is telling how you snowflakes can accept such behavior as 'normal', just 'mean'.....

And this isn't mean?
This thread reminds me of a video of a young black man on a city bus. He got up and starting harassing an elderly man, acting all ghetto and shit. When the young black man attacked the elderly man, the elderly man, a USMC WWII veteran stood up and stomped the shit out of the young black man. The young black man then lay there bleeding playing the victim card.

You liberals don't understand the beat down you are risking.

You gonna beat me to death with your keyboard?
If you spend any time consuming right-wing media in America, you quickly learn the following: Liberals are responsible for racism, slavery, and the Ku Klux Klan.
Are you claiming the Democrats were not the Party of the KKK / did not create the KKK?

Are you suggesting that the majority of Democrats did not oppose Civil Rights?

Are you saying that in 2016 the DNC's personal e-mails were not hacked and released, exposing extremely racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic e-mails / members within their ranks?

Thank you for the attempted re-write of history......

Thanks for proving the article to be correct and true in every aspect.

In the House the vote among Democrats was 153 to 91 in favor.

In the Senate it was 41 to 26 in favor.
It's all on Democrat leadership. They've been inciting violence since Election Day. It's intimidation by way of mob violence. Shame on em.
Violence should never be the answer. People who call for it usually have no idea how to even throw a punch.
This thread reminds me of a video of a young black man on a city bus. He got up and starting harassing an elderly man, acting all ghetto and shit. When the young black man attacked the elderly man, the elderly man, a USMC WWII veteran stood up and stomped the shit out of the young black man. The young black man then lay there bleeding playing the victim card.

You liberals don't understand the beat down you are risking.

You gonna beat me to death with your keyboard?

You really don't matter so meh. :eusa_hand:
And this isn't mean?
'THIS' is a picture (unless you can prove otherwise) of peaceful, law-abiding citizens exercising their Constitutional Rights of Freedom to Peacefully Assemble and of Free Speech....

Versus the criminal, violent, intolerant Left:


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