Violent Revolution Coming To Europe...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Seems to be a consensus on this belief from people like Ron Paul, Nigel Farage, Jim Rogers, & Peter Schiff.

[ame=]Violent Revolution coming to Europe;Ron Paul,Nigel Farage,Jim Rogers & Peter Schiff - YouTube[/ame]
Ron Paul, Nigel Farage, and Peter Schiff are all doomsayers...they have been for the last 20 years or so. Jim Rogers less then the others, but he still likes attention and drama.

If you don't believe this, look up pretty much any youtube video of any of the three of's nothing but "the end is near! government will collapse next year! it's all over! the end! run for the hills!"

Luckily they've been wrong every. single. time.
Violent revolution will be coming somewhere.

The history of the world demonstrates that quite regularly.

But whether the far right doom sayers are correct on Europe because of the reasons they give, who knows?
Seizing control of Citizens' bank accounts is a pretty shocking development in Europe. Will it spread to most of Europe and the States? I guess we'll see.
watching europe is like watching our future...

I get that same sense. Yeah, keep an eye on the bank account thing. Europe is testing the Peoples' response. So far, the People haven't protested much.

Any scholar of history knows that people always protest or rise up far too late. it's part of the reason people of the pro-freedom stance are so staunchly against encroachment of "authorities".

To put it bluntly, peope will not really do much until they are essentially starving to death. At which point they have littel to give in effort to stop Statists from destroying their lives.

True Story. As of right now, I only know of one European place where confiscation of accounts took place. And it happened a while ago. You have new info for me here, Paulie?
watching europe is like watching our future...

I get that same sense. Yeah, keep an eye on the bank account thing. Europe is testing the Peoples' response. So far, the People haven't protested much.

Any scholar of history knows that people always protest or rise up far too late. it's part of the reason people of the pro-freedom stance are so staunchly against encroachment of "authorities".

To put it bluntly, peope will not really do much until they are essentially starving to death. At which point they have littel to give in effort to stop Statists from destroying their lives.

True Story. As of right now, I only know of one European place where confiscation of accounts took place. And it happened a while ago. You have new info for me here, Paulie?

Well said. But no, i don't have any new info. That one case is a test-case. They're testing to see what the Peoples' response will be. And so far, they're very pleased. It could be the green light to spread it to the rest of Europe and the States. I guess we'll see though.

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