Viral News: Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings revealed as one of the IRS conspirators


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Now we know why he wanted to warp the hearings up and routinely went on CNN promoting the "phony scandal" talking point.

Well it seems.... the IRS conspiracy to target.... well, it's not just a theory anymore... The slobbering Obots can't hardly say this is a "phony scandal" but they will try....

True the Vote Calls Out Rep. Cummings for Role in IRS Targeting Scandal | Truth Revolt

BREAKING: Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings - Katie Pavlich

Cummings Caught in Cahoots with Lerner - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Between Califnronai Democrats selling guns and running drugs to gangs and rokcet launcher to Muslim terrorists, Harry Reid making actual armed war on the American people on behalf of Chinese corporations, and Cummings using the IRS to destroy Constitutionalists, one really wonders if there's a single Democrat who actually believes in what they tell their sheep.
Now we know why he wanted to warp the hearings up and routinely went on CNN promoting the "phony scandal" talking point.

Well it seems.... the IRS conspiracy to target.... well, it's not just a theory anymore... The slobbering Obots can't hardly say this is a "phony scandal" but they will try....

True the Vote Calls Out Rep. Cummings for Role in IRS Targeting Scandal | Truth Revolt

BREAKING: Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings - Katie Pavlich

Cummings Caught in Cahoots with Lerner - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Between Califnronai Democrats selling guns and running drugs to gangs and rokcet launcher to Muslim terrorists, Harry Reid making actual armed war on the American people on behalf of Chinese corporations, and Cummings using the IRS to destroy Constitutionalists, one really wonders if there's a single Democrat who actually believes in what they tell their sheep.
Everyday the ultra right sewer sites provide a buffet of bullshit and everyday people like you stop by to feast. All I need do is to look at your links to know you are stuffed with the bullshit. I quickly write you off as not being worth wasting much time on and move on. Bon Apetit!
I never left the Republican Party. It left me when it decided to worship lying (christie), greed (romney), ignorance (palin), and stupidity (bachmann).

And so you turned to a moron who embodies all four of your complaints? That was smart.
Now we know why he wanted to warp the hearings up and routinely went on CNN promoting the "phony scandal" talking point.

Well it seems.... the IRS conspiracy to target.... well, it's not just a theory anymore... The slobbering Obots can't hardly say this is a "phony scandal" but they will try....

True the Vote Calls Out Rep. Cummings for Role in IRS Targeting Scandal | Truth Revolt

BREAKING: Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings - Katie Pavlich

Cummings Caught in Cahoots with Lerner - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Between Califnronai Democrats selling guns and running drugs to gangs and rokcet launcher to Muslim terrorists, Harry Reid making actual armed war on the American people on behalf of Chinese corporations, and Cummings using the IRS to destroy Constitutionalists, one really wonders if there's a single Democrat who actually believes in what they tell their sheep.
Everyday the ultra right sewer sites provide a buffet of bullshit and everyday people like you stop by to feast. All I need do is to look at your links to know you are stuffed with the bullshit. I quickly write you off as not being worth wasting much time on and move on. Bon Apetit!

So disprove his links.
Now we know why he wanted to warp the hearings up and routinely went on CNN promoting the "phony scandal" talking point.

Well it seems.... the IRS conspiracy to target.... well, it's not just a theory anymore... The slobbering Obots can't hardly say this is a "phony scandal" but they will try....

True the Vote Calls Out Rep. Cummings for Role in IRS Targeting Scandal | Truth Revolt

BREAKING: Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings - Katie Pavlich

Cummings Caught in Cahoots with Lerner - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Between Califnronai Democrats selling guns and running drugs to gangs and rokcet launcher to Muslim terrorists, Harry Reid making actual armed war on the American people on behalf of Chinese corporations, and Cummings using the IRS to destroy Constitutionalists, one really wonders if there's a single Democrat who actually believes in what they tell their sheep.
Everyday the ultra right sewer sites provide a buffet of bullshit and everyday people like you stop by to feast. All I need do is to look at your links to know you are stuffed with the bullshit. I quickly write you off as not being worth wasting much time on and move on. Bon Apetit!

So you have nothing that actually aligns with the facts so you just spout the stupid as far as you can and hope for the best.
Senator Cummings might have been a supporter of illegal IRS activity but how the hell can he be held legally responsible for the conduct of a cabinet member?
Now we know why he wanted to warp the hearings up and routinely went on CNN promoting the "phony scandal" talking point.

Well it seems.... the IRS conspiracy to target.... well, it's not just a theory anymore... The slobbering Obots can't hardly say this is a "phony scandal" but they will try....

True the Vote Calls Out Rep. Cummings for Role in IRS Targeting Scandal | Truth Revolt

BREAKING: Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings - Katie Pavlich

Cummings Caught in Cahoots with Lerner - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Between Califnronai Democrats selling guns and running drugs to gangs and rokcet launcher to Muslim terrorists, Harry Reid making actual armed war on the American people on behalf of Chinese corporations, and Cummings using the IRS to destroy Constitutionalists, one really wonders if there's a single Democrat who actually believes in what they tell their sheep.

They absolutely believe what they are selling. Big government telling people to STFU and sit down is all the dems sell these days. Sit down shut up and collect your crumb. They aren't going to put up with this individual freedom shit and that's what they are working toward. They believe it and so do their voters.
Senator Cummings might have been a supporter of illegal IRS activity but how the hell can he be held legally responsible for the conduct of a cabinet member?

Cabinet member? It was his own staff, under his direction and control. And then of course there was all of his hollering at the top of his lungs there was nothing to see and the investigation needed to be stopped. Because if it wasn't he was one of the prime time players.
This incident is corruption to the core. There is nothing out there disproving any of it. I hope anyone involved gets nailed to the wall over this.
I never left the Republican Party. It left me when it decided to worship lying (christie), greed (romney), ignorance (palin), and stupidity (bachmann).

And so you turned to a moron who embodies all four of your complaints? That was smart.
No, I turned to four different morons who happen to be the leaders of the republican party. I notice you were unable to defend any of them. Not a surprise. Basically the republican party is a sinking ship. Now on a sinking ship it is usually the rats who leave first. But in the republican party it is the people who left first and it is the rats who have stayed behind. Is it any wonder Obama won the last two presidential elections?
Now we know why he wanted to warp the hearings up and routinely went on CNN promoting the "phony scandal" talking point.

Well it seems.... the IRS conspiracy to target.... well, it's not just a theory anymore... The slobbering Obots can't hardly say this is a "phony scandal" but they will try....

True the Vote Calls Out Rep. Cummings for Role in IRS Targeting Scandal | Truth Revolt

BREAKING: Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings - Katie Pavlich

Cummings Caught in Cahoots with Lerner - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Between Califnronai Democrats selling guns and running drugs to gangs and rokcet launcher to Muslim terrorists, Harry Reid making actual armed war on the American people on behalf of Chinese corporations, and Cummings using the IRS to destroy Constitutionalists, one really wonders if there's a single Democrat who actually believes in what they tell their sheep.
Everyday the ultra right sewer sites provide a buffet of bullshit and everyday people like you stop by to feast. All I need do is to look at your links to know you are stuffed with the bullshit. I quickly write you off as not being worth wasting much time on and move on. Bon Apetit!

So you have nothing that actually aligns with the facts so you just spout the stupid as far as you can and hope for the best.
Now, as for not arguing the facts, I have no problem with that. The thing is, the last place to find facts is on a sewer site. Basically sewer sites serve up a buffet of bullshit. I prefer to avoid bullshit. You seem to enjoy it. Bon Apetit!
This incident is corruption to the core. There is nothing out there disproving any of it. I hope anyone involved gets nailed to the wall over this.
You do realize that if a person had a dime for every phony scandal the republicans have screamed about they would have a tidy sum of money. Basically what the gop is doing is standing around screaming "Smoke! Smoke! Smoke!" and praying for a fire. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

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