Viral News: Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings revealed as one of the IRS conspirators

I never left the Republican Party. It left me when it decided to worship lying (christie), greed (romney), ignorance (palin), and stupidity (bachmann).

And so you turned to a moron who embodies all four of your complaints? That was smart.
No, I turned to four different morons who happen to be the leaders of the republican party. I notice you were unable to defend any of them. Not a surprise. Basically the republican party is a sinking ship. Now on a sinking ship it is usually the rats who leave first. But in the republican party it is the people who left first and it is the rats who have stayed behind. Is it any wonder Obama won the last two presidential elections?
Ha ha. The sinking ship you're going to see is the Democrat Party after the crap you jackasses pulled on the American people. Obama and senators are running scared for the next election. You can blame Dear Leader and those who voted for him. Like you?
I have replied to your posts for over a decade, and never once did I see you make a valid point.

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