Viral News: Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings revealed as one of the IRS conspirators

Issa cherry picks what he wants, then we find out later it was a complete mischaracterization. He's been caught outright lying ...

He's only pulled it like 50 times now. When will people realize see yolk that's dripping off his face?

One highlight that comes out of this is -- some people are being educated on this thick web of gaming the system and morass of wink wink regulations, and what these tax exempt p̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶ ̶o̶r̶g̶a̶n̶i̶z̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ social welfare groups are all about.

The educable ones anyway. That is a good thing.

Issa is a scumbag. He's been caught lying in almost every hearing so far, it's hilarious how he shrugs it off and doesn't even justify it. It's great entertainment tbh.
Issa cherry picks what he wants, then we find out later it was a complete mischaracterization. He's been caught outright lying ...

He's only pulled it like 50 times now. When will people realize see yolk that's dripping off his face?

One highlight that comes out of this is -- some people are being educated on this thick web of gaming the system and morass of wink wink regulations, and what these tax exempt p̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶ ̶o̶r̶g̶a̶n̶i̶z̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ social welfare groups are all about.

The educable ones anyway. That is a good thing.

Again, scumbag.

You make an oblique reference with nothing to back it up and declare it to be true.

You're a lying scumbag.

But, you're a dimocrap, what else is new :dunno:
Issa cherry picks what he wants, then we find out later it was a complete mischaracterization. He's been caught outright lying ...

He's only pulled it like 50 times now. When will people realize see yolk that's dripping off his face?

One highlight that comes out of this is -- some people are being educated on this thick web of gaming the system and morass of wink wink regulations, and what these tax exempt p̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶ ̶o̶r̶g̶a̶n̶i̶z̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ social welfare groups are all about.

The educable ones anyway. That is a good thing.

Issa is a scumbag. He's been caught lying in almost every hearing so far, it's hilarious how he shrugs it off and doesn't even justify it. It's great entertainment tbh.

Back it up, lying scumbag.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

scumbags, all of them

On January 31, Paz sent True the Vote's 990 forms to Cumming's staff.

I'll add one more for you to chow down, champ, about another org:


You know 990 Forms are required to be public, right?

And: Section 6104 of the IRS Rules:

26 USC § 6104 - Publicity of information required from certain exempt organizations and certain trusts

26 U.S. Code § 6104 - Publicity of information required from certain exempt organizations and certain trusts | LII / Legal Information Institute
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The people who first started jiggling the concept 990 Forms are private info was that loonie tunes outfit, Judicial Watch.

"According to Judicial Watch, the materials “from the IRS’ files sent from Lerner to the FEC containing detailed, confidential information about the organizations. These include annual tax returns (Forms 990) ..."

and then implies what she be doing: against the law! .....Hilarious.

Spookyworld continues: "Under Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code, it is a felony for an IRS official to disclose either “return information” or “taxpayer return information...”

Hot dammity! That sounds awful lawbreaky, donut?

Notice those words in quotes. Except what was shown was not “taxpayer return information."

I mean, look how confidential *this* ...erm, return information is:


26 pages 'O 513 See Fun!
Ehhhh, wrong.

He's already released a hand select few and promised to released them all, in full, in "due time."

Want to try again for another shot at brilliance?
A little reminder of just some of Issa's past shenanigans.

"The Issa statements appear to be nothing more than attempted retaliation for Cummings past actions in revealing Issa's attempts to twist the investigation

Calling Darrell Issa’s bluff

June 13, 2013 at 1:30 pm
Darrell Issa’s bluff on the IRS investigation is being called in a big way by top Democrats on Issa’s House Oversight Committee. In a letter sent today to Issa, they are demanding he explain in more detail why he continues to refuse to release full transcripts of witness testimony on the IRS scandal — and they are giving him until Monday to do so.

As you know, Democrats have been pressing Issa — the House GOP’s leading investigations ringleader — to release full transcripts of testimony given to the Committee, which Issa chairs, in the course of its investigation into the IRS scandal. Issa has released selected snippets of that testimony, and has suggested — without substantiation — that the White House directed the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

When Issa refused to release the transcripts, Cummings went ahead with his actions:

June 18, 2013
Darrell Issa Furious After Democrat Releases IRS Transcript That Blows Up His Investigation
Cummings called on Issa to release the entire transcripts, which Issa said would harm the investigation. Cummings asked him for specific reasons, and demanded he respond by Monday. When Issa didn't respond, Cummings released the entirety of the transcripts."

They're still not released in full - that was just regarding a portion.

Cummings pressed Issa in last week's hearings to go ahead and release the entirety of the interviews if there's nothing to which case Issa denied it to the good people of the USA. :lol:

Issa did not say he won't release them. What Issa said is they will be released as soon as the investigation is complete.
All in good time, dear.
A little reminder of just some of Issa's past shenanigans.

"The Issa statements appear to be nothing more than attempted retaliation for Cummings past actions in revealing Issa's attempts to twist the investigation

Calling Darrell Issa’s bluff

June 13, 2013 at 1:30 pm
Darrell Issa’s bluff on the IRS investigation is being called in a big way by top Democrats on Issa’s House Oversight Committee. In a letter sent today to Issa, they are demanding he explain in more detail why he continues to refuse to release full transcripts of witness testimony on the IRS scandal — and they are giving him until Monday to do so.

As you know, Democrats have been pressing Issa — the House GOP’s leading investigations ringleader — to release full transcripts of testimony given to the Committee, which Issa chairs, in the course of its investigation into the IRS scandal. Issa has released selected snippets of that testimony, and has suggested — without substantiation — that the White House directed the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

When Issa refused to release the transcripts, Cummings went ahead with his actions:

June 18, 2013
Darrell Issa Furious After Democrat Releases IRS Transcript That Blows Up His Investigation
Cummings called on Issa to release the entire transcripts, which Issa said would harm the investigation. Cummings asked him for specific reasons, and demanded he respond by Monday. When Issa didn't respond, Cummings released the entirety of the transcripts."

They're still not released in full - that was just regarding a portion.

Cummings pressed Issa in last week's hearings to go ahead and release the entirety of the interviews if there's nothing to which case Issa denied it to the good people of the USA. :lol:

Issa did not say he won't release them. What Issa said is they will be released as soon as the investigation is complete.
All in good time, dear.

I know what he said.

He's kicking the can down the road hoping to find a smoking gun, instead of advising the people that his allegations on national television have been thus far unfounded - i.e. telling the truth.
"These documents, indicating involvement of IRS officials at the center of the targeting scandal responding to your requests, raise serious questions about your actions and motivations for trying to bring this investigation to a premature end. If the Committee, as you publicly suggested in June 2013,'wrap[ped] this case up and moved on' at that time, the Committee may have never seen documents raising questions about your possible coordination with the IRS in communications that excluded the Committee Majority," the letter sent by Issa and the Chairmen further states. "As the Committee continues to investigate the IRS's wrongdoing and to gather all relevant testimonial and documentary evidence, the American people deserve to know the full truth. They deserve to know why the Ranking Member and Minority staff of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform surreptitiously contacted the IRS about an individual organization without informing the Majority Staff and even failed to disclose the contact after it became an issue during a subcommittee proceeding...We ask that you explain the full extent of you and your staff's communications with the IRS and why you chose to keep communications with the IRS from Majority Members and staff even after it became a subject of controversy."

Taken from: BREAKING: Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings - Katie Pavlich
They're still not released in full - that was just regarding a portion.

Cummings pressed Issa in last week's hearings to go ahead and release the entirety of the interviews if there's nothing to which case Issa denied it to the good people of the USA. :lol:

Issa did not say he won't release them. What Issa said is they will be released as soon as the investigation is complete.
All in good time, dear.

I know what he said.

He's kicking the can down the road hoping to find a smoking gun, instead of advising the people that his allegations on national television have been thus far unfounded - i.e. telling the truth.

Lol...has Issa EVER completed an investigation?
Issa did not say he won't release them. What Issa said is they will be released as soon as the investigation is complete.
All in good time, dear.

I know what he said.

He's kicking the can down the road hoping to find a smoking gun, instead of advising the people that his allegations on national television have been thus far unfounded - i.e. telling the truth.

Lol...has Issa EVER completed an investigation?

Has this admin ever released all requested documents or allowed access to all witnesses?
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Thread reopened after being cleaned of numerous violative posts. Please remember posts in Politics MUST have content along with flames. Should you choose to express yourself with insults include some relevant material about the topic under discussion.

Any further violations will be dealt with accordingly.

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Here are my questions:

1) Why did Cummings deny his office asked for that info?

2) How could President Obama state emphatically that there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS in early February seeing as the Acting Director of the IRS, in March, claimed it could take years to produce the documents requested by the committee to come to that conclusion

Does anyone have an answer to these questions above....or is this not about debating and simply about insulting....
He can't do that. He just simply can NOT do that.

He can act THROUGH the committee. He can have Committee staffers ask for info, he can write Committee letters on Committee Letterhead and he can request that the Committee Chairman demand information.....

But the lying cocksucker didn't do that. He set out on his own. Without authorization from ANYBODY.

It is not only improper, it is ILLEGAL.

If he did it, it was a CRIME. He is NOT in Law Enforcement, he is NOT an investigator, he was NOT acting on behalf of the committee

What part of that are you having trouble understanding?

Fucking moron.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. ALL of them.

Even their dickbreath supporters. Actually, ESPECIALLY their dickbreath supporters

It was his staff. Neat rant though.

So that makes it legal, because his staff did it?

On the flip side, at least you admitted that the story is true, since you admitted that someone did it.
Here are my questions:

1) Why did Cummings deny his office asked for that info?

2) How could President Obama state emphatically that there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS in early February seeing as the Acting Director of the IRS, in March, claimed it could take years to produce the documents requested by the committee to come to that conclusion

Does anyone have an answer to these questions above....or is this not about debating and simply about insulting....
I'd answer you, but you told me I was on ignore, so....why bother?
Form 990: Could yours be front page news? : Tax Law and Business Organization Strategy

Seems like the Form 990 BY ITSELF is not restricted for public disclosure EXCEPT for the list of donors in the case of certain 501C(x) status.. So the copy above does not show that section and we don't know if the Donor list was made public..

But as the link above shows -- Congress has access to these..
Edgedup seems to think those 990 forms are private taxpayer information, apparently.

So do the doofus' at Judicial Watch and other assorted uneducated connies.

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