Viral News: Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings revealed as one of the IRS conspirators

"At least as early as February 2012, the IRS was requesting information from True the Vote about its activities, including any for-profit organizations it was associated with.

A few months later, in August, Cummings contacted the IRS to notify the agency that his own staff was planning to investigate the organization. On October 4, 2012, his office sent the first of a series of letters to True the Vote requesting information about its activities.

Cummings was concerned that the group was engaging in voter intimidation and partisan activities, such as making a $5,000 donation to the Republican State Leadership Committee. Cummings asked the IRS for "publicly available information" about the group in January 2013."

Then why did he deny it?
He didn't.

He made it public at the time.

There was also some high profile articles in the New York Times in 2012 about True the Vote voter intimidation tactics that put them on the radar.
Cummings a few years ago PUBLICLY said he wanted to investigate True the Fucking Vote because there were some major headlines coming out about how they were following people in buses, taking photographs of license plates at polling stations, hovering over people, disrupting lines...complaints of voter intimidation that were getting out of hand...

True the Vote was pulling **** like this on their website:

The video, which features white activists warning of rampant voter fraud, also featured an image of an African-American woman holding a sign that had been doctored to say "I only got to vote once." In the original photograph, the sign read "don't mess with my vote."

"True the Vote," the Victim? Voter Vigilante Group Says IRS Targeted Its "Verify the Recall" Effort in Wisconsin | PR Watch
I heard her lawyer's justification for pleading the 5th, and it makes pretty damned good sense.

I have no doubt that it makes sense for her to do it.

And she has the legal right to do it.

But it doesn't make it ethical.

It is completely ethical. She is combating a team of "investigators" who are driven by POLITICS, not truth. And that's for both sides, but she is smart for heeding her Lawyer's professional advice.

I don't give a flying fuck what Issa's or Cummings motivation is. They both should be recused if you ask me.

I want the truth. I want to know if politicians have the ability to use the IRS to drown out Americans first amendment rights.

And Lois Lerner knows the truth. We, the people paid her a salary to ensure all is done in a legal and ethical manner.

And if the President can say that there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS, then she spoke with him. If she spoke with him (or his people), then she should speak with us.

It is an example of where the government is not by the people...perhaps for the people....but by no means by the people...for the people don't know the truth....just the government does.
Cummings was within his right to request publicly available information - Issa did the same thing with the IRS in regards to ACORN.

By the way, True the Vote broke the law by giving 5,000 to the republican party.

These things don't matter in a witch hunt.


Paperview neglected to point out one simple item...

If he wanted that info, he could have gone to the group itself.....but to ask it from the IRS gave the IRS reason to do what they did....STALL THE APPLICATION PROCESS.

And that was exactly what the original complaint was all about...

Conservative groups had their applications stalled for as long as 3 years. Despite submitting all required info, they continually were asked for more.......

Individual Congressmen can NOT conduct their own investigations. It is a CRIME.

They can't do it. ESPECIALLY when it's not even in their own district.

To compound the problem, the lying scumbag denied he did it and withheld the e-mails from a LEGALLY formed investigative committee.

the scumbag broke the law. Will he be convicted and sent to prison where he belongs?

Not by the criminals who make up the dimocrap party. No way.

The dimocrap party is a criminal organization, not a political party.
Just to give some of the readers here some more background history on Engelbrech's group - which started out as The King Street Patriots...

It was back in 2010 I began following this group. Stories were coming out about a huge mysterious fire that destroyed all of Houston's voting machines.

This happened concurrently with this group's stated mission to hit Houston, and hit it big. It was their crusade.

"If we lose Houston, we lose Texas. And guess what? If we lose Texas we lose the country."

Then I saw the duplicity and outright fraud of this woman when I read how her group in their gang-busters premier "instructional video" doctored some nasty signs from rallies - heightening the fever to "stamp out voter fraud.""A video on their website pictures only people of color when it talks of voter fraud. White people are shown talking patriotically about the need for a million vigilantes to suppress illegal votes."
Here is the original sign, from a Gore-Lieberman rally:


It says "Don't Mess with my Vote." You can see the Lieberman sign there.
(here is another picture of the woman at another angle and the full sign)

Engelbrecht's group then altered the signs in their dramatic video to show This:

"A right-wing group in Houston engaged in a systematic voter suppression and intimidation effort used a doctored photo in its showcase video. Tellingly, a hand-lettered sign carried by an African-American woman at a 2000 Florida, Gore-Lieberman recount rally was changed from, "Don't Mess With Our Vote," to read, "I Only Got to Vote Once."

Huffington Post editors first suspected the photoshopping after I posted "Possible Arson and the Right's Texas Voter Suppression Effort" regarding King Street Patriots' attacks on a nonprofit voter registration effort and the mysterious fire that destroyed all of Harris County's (Houston) voting machines."
Glenn W. Smith: Right-Wing Voter Suppression Effort Caught Using Doctored Photo (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

That's just a teeny bit of insight into some of the ways this woman manipulates. As has been shown, many of her charges of a "government out to get her" are outright lies or half-truths.

I intend to follow through with making sure people are aware of the kind of person she is. The right wing I saw at the last hearing she was at seem intent on making her a "hero."

Why does she lie so much?​
I heard her lawyer's justification for pleading the 5th, and it makes pretty damned good sense.

I have no doubt that it makes sense for her to do it.

And she has the legal right to do it.

But it doesn't make it ethical.

It is completely ethical. She is combating a team of "investigators" who are driven by POLITICS, not truth. And that's for both sides, but she is smart for heeding her Lawyer's professional advice.

no one needs to plead the 5th if they have nothing to hide. you only need the 5th if the truth will incriminate you.

Her lawyers are paid by the hour, the longer they can drag it out, the more they make. The whole system is corrupt. Who do you think is paying her legal team? Not her, she does not have that kind of money. I suspect that we the taxpayers are paying it.
"It's certainly not unusual for lawmakers to request publicly available information from government agencies. In fact, Issa sent a sharply worded letter to the IRS in August 2009 requesting documents related to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), the now defunct progressive organization.

He specifically wanted to ensure that ACORN's political contributions "satisfy federal and state campaign finance laws" and was concerned the nonprofit was engaging in partisanship.

About a month after Issa sent his letter, ACORN employees were caught on tape advising conservative activists who were posing as a prostitute and a pimp on how to evade the IRS. ACORN then lost funding from a number of federal sources. Issa quickly took credit for these developments."
These things don't matter in a witch hunt.


Paperview neglected to point out one simple item...

If he wanted that info, he could have gone to the group itself.....but to ask it from the IRS gave the IRS reason to do what they did....STALL THE APPLICATION PROCESS.

And that was exactly what the original complaint was all about...

Conservative groups had their applications stalled for as long as 3 years. Despite submitting all required info, they continually were asked for more.......

Individual Congressmen can NOT conduct their own investigations. It is a CRIME.

They can't do it. ESPECIALLY when it's not even in their own district.

To compound the problem, the lying scumbag denied he did it and withheld the e-mails from a LEGALLY formed investigative committee.

the scumbag broke the law. Will he be convicted and sent to prison where he belongs?

Not by the criminals who make up the dimocrap party. No way.

The dimocrap party is a criminal organization, not a political party.

is it a crime though bro?

I see the far left is yet again in denial.

The far left pushed for this to happen around the elections, they are scared that this will be linked to their messiah, who they defend at all costs and beyond any sense of logic or reasoning.

No, it's you idiots in denial. Didn't you read this?

A crooked dimocrap?

Say it isn't so :dunno:

Except he's not.

The crooks are True the Vote.

More from Source Watch:

On May 21, 2013, True the Vote filed a complaint [3] against the Internal Revenue Service to "force a decision in court" of whether its 3-year-pending application for 501(c)3 tax-exempt status should be approved. [33] This complaint arose from the IRS pattern of targeting organizations containing the words "Tea Party" or "patriot," which the IRS claimed was a method of centralizing a large influx of nonprofit applications between 2010 and 2012. [34] While the IRS did admit that mistakes were made in the categorization and review process, it is likely that True the Vote has rightly been scrutinized since its inception in 2010. [35] Many media sources identify 2012 as the year when targeted IRS investigations and abuses occurred, but True the Vote's status has been questioned since its inception in 2010. [36] While a 501(c)4 Tea Party group, such as the King Street Patriots may engage in some political activity, a 501(c)3 status is an absolute bar against any campaign or partisan activity. [37]

So, basically what this boils down to is you're bitching now that the IRS :cuckoo:.

True The Vote broke the law. The IRS was fully justified to investigate. In fact, it's so obvious True The Vote broke the law that the incident may be the impetus for the IRS to have started investigating all organizations Tea Party related.

So you fools have noone to blame but the crooked tactics of your party.
Here are my questions:

1) Why did Cummings deny his office asked for that info?

2) How could President Obama state emphatically that there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS in early February seeing as the Acting Director of the IRS, in March, claimed it could take years to produce the documents requested by the committee to come to that conclusion
I heard her lawyer's justification for pleading the 5th, and it makes pretty damned good sense.
I'm going to guess that it had nothing to do with letting Americans know how the government they supposedly own does business?

No, because she did all of that in her private interviews with Issa and his team, and Issa wont release the transcripts.

Private interviews aren't released because they are private, not because Issa won't release them!
I'm going to guess that it had nothing to do with letting Americans know how the government they supposedly own does business?

No, because she did all of that in her private interviews with Issa and his team, and Issa wont release the transcripts.

Private interviews aren't released because they are private, not because Issa won't release them!

Ehhhh, wrong.

He's already released a hand select few and promised to released them all, in full, in "due time."

Want to try again for another shot at brilliance?
Engelbrecht sought (and received) 501c3 status and people who want to give money to True the Vote get a tax deduction.

IRS rules are clear on the line of no political engagement with candidate or party

So, here in this case, a person can contribute to the Republican Party -- tax freeeee!

Golden, innit?

Nonpartisan? True the Vote gave $5,000 to Republican State Leadership Committee

Amidst the media coverage and controversy, True the Vote and its leader, Catherine Engelbrecht, have been vehement on one point: True the Vote is "nonpartisan."

In a recent New York Times story, Engelbrecht insisted the group's work had no partisan political aims: “It is not about party or politics; it is about principle." In its press releases, True the Vote describes itself as a "nonpartisan election integrity organization."

The bottom of the group's donation page also claims that "True the Vote is a non-profit corporation pending 501(c)(3) determination under the Internal Revenue Code." The IRS expressly prohibits 501(c)(3) organizations from engaging in political activity.

But in August 2012, True the Vote gave money to a group with unquestionably partisan goals: the Republican State Leadership Committee.

According to the committee's IRS tax filings, on August 17, 2012, True the Vote contributed $5,000 to the RSLC. Here is a pdf of the RSLC's August IRS report; below is a screenshot of the contribution record:


The Republican State Leadership Committee is a so-called 527 political organization that describes itself this way: "The RSLC is the largest caucus of Republican state leaders and the only national organization whose mission is to elect down ballot, state-level Republican office-holders."
No, because she did all of that in her private interviews with Issa and his team, and Issa wont release the transcripts.

Private interviews aren't released because they are private, not because Issa won't release them!

Ehhhh, wrong.

He's already released a hand select few and promised to released them all, in full, in "due time."

Want to try again for another shot at brilliance?
A little reminder of just some of Issa's past shenanigans.

"The Issa statements appear to be nothing more than attempted retaliation for Cummings past actions in revealing Issa's attempts to twist the investigation

Calling Darrell Issa’s bluff

June 13, 2013 at 1:30 pm
Darrell Issa’s bluff on the IRS investigation is being called in a big way by top Democrats on Issa’s House Oversight Committee. In a letter sent today to Issa, they are demanding he explain in more detail why he continues to refuse to release full transcripts of witness testimony on the IRS scandal — and they are giving him until Monday to do so.

As you know, Democrats have been pressing Issa — the House GOP’s leading investigations ringleader — to release full transcripts of testimony given to the Committee, which Issa chairs, in the course of its investigation into the IRS scandal. Issa has released selected snippets of that testimony, and has suggested — without substantiation — that the White House directed the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

When Issa refused to release the transcripts, Cummings went ahead with his actions:

June 18, 2013
Darrell Issa Furious After Democrat Releases IRS Transcript That Blows Up His Investigation
Cummings called on Issa to release the entire transcripts, which Issa said would harm the investigation. Cummings asked him for specific reasons, and demanded he respond by Monday. When Issa didn't respond, Cummings released the entirety of the transcripts."

On January 31, Paz sent True the Vote's 990 forms to Cumming's staff.

On January 31, Paz sent True the Vote's 990 forms to Cumming's staff.

Up until this point, Rep. Cummings has denied his staff ever contacted the IRS about True the Vote and their activities during Oversight hearings. In fact, on February 6, 2014 during a Subcommittee hearing where Engelbrecht testified, Cummings vehemently denied having any contact or coordination in targeting True the Vote when attorney Cleta Mitchell, who is representing the group, indicated staff on the Committee had been involved in communication with the IRS. This was the exchange:

Ms. Mitchell:(Patriot) We want to get to the bottom of how these coincidences happened, and we’re going to try to figure out whether any – if there was any staff of this committee that might have been involved in putting True the Vote on the radar screen of some of these Federal agencies. We don’t know that, but we – we’re going to do everything we can do to try to get to the bottom of how did this all happen.

Mr. Cummings(douchebag). Will the gentleman yield?

Mr. Meadows(Pattriot). Yes.

Mr. Cummings.(scumbag motherfucker) I want to thank the gentleman for his courtesy. What she just said is absolutely incorrect and not true.

After the hearing, Engelbrecht filed an ethics complaint against Cummings for his targeting and intimidation of her organization.

[ame=]2-6-14 The IRS Targeting Investigation: What is the Administration Doing? Part One - YouTube[/ame]

dimocraps are lying scum. Their supporters, their backers, the politicians, their staffers.... ALL of them. Every single one.

dimocraps lie. ALL of them
Private interviews aren't released because they are private, not because Issa won't release them!

Ehhhh, wrong.

He's already released a hand select few and promised to released them all, in full, in "due time."

Want to try again for another shot at brilliance?
A little reminder of just some of Issa's past shenanigans.

"The Issa statements appear to be nothing more than attempted retaliation for Cummings past actions in revealing Issa's attempts to twist the investigation

Calling Darrell Issa’s bluff

June 13, 2013 at 1:30 pm
Darrell Issa’s bluff on the IRS investigation is being called in a big way by top Democrats on Issa’s House Oversight Committee. In a letter sent today to Issa, they are demanding he explain in more detail why he continues to refuse to release full transcripts of witness testimony on the IRS scandal — and they are giving him until Monday to do so.

As you know, Democrats have been pressing Issa — the House GOP’s leading investigations ringleader — to release full transcripts of testimony given to the Committee, which Issa chairs, in the course of its investigation into the IRS scandal. Issa has released selected snippets of that testimony, and has suggested — without substantiation — that the White House directed the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

When Issa refused to release the transcripts, Cummings went ahead with his actions:

June 18, 2013
Darrell Issa Furious After Democrat Releases IRS Transcript That Blows Up His Investigation
Cummings called on Issa to release the entire transcripts, which Issa said would harm the investigation. Cummings asked him for specific reasons, and demanded he respond by Monday. When Issa didn't respond, Cummings released the entirety of the transcripts."

They're still not released in full - that was just regarding a portion.

Cummings pressed Issa in last week's hearings to go ahead and release the entirety of the interviews if there's nothing to which case Issa denied it to the good people of the USA. :lol:
Issa cherry picks what he wants, then we find out later it was a complete mischaracterization. He's been caught outright lying ...

He's only pulled it like 50 times now. When will people realize see yolk that's dripping off his face?

One highlight that comes out of this is -- some people are being educated on this thick web of gaming the system and morass of wink wink regulations, and what these tax exempt p̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶ ̶o̶r̶g̶a̶n̶i̶z̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ social welfare groups are all about.

The educable ones anyway. That is a good thing.
Ehhhh, wrong.

He's already released a hand select few and promised to released them all, in full, in "due time."

Want to try again for another shot at brilliance?
A little reminder of just some of Issa's past shenanigans.

"The Issa statements appear to be nothing more than attempted retaliation for Cummings past actions in revealing Issa's attempts to twist the investigation

Calling Darrell Issa’s bluff

June 13, 2013 at 1:30 pm
Darrell Issa’s bluff on the IRS investigation is being called in a big way by top Democrats on Issa’s House Oversight Committee. In a letter sent today to Issa, they are demanding he explain in more detail why he continues to refuse to release full transcripts of witness testimony on the IRS scandal — and they are giving him until Monday to do so.

As you know, Democrats have been pressing Issa — the House GOP’s leading investigations ringleader — to release full transcripts of testimony given to the Committee, which Issa chairs, in the course of its investigation into the IRS scandal. Issa has released selected snippets of that testimony, and has suggested — without substantiation — that the White House directed the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

When Issa refused to release the transcripts, Cummings went ahead with his actions:

June 18, 2013
Darrell Issa Furious After Democrat Releases IRS Transcript That Blows Up His Investigation
Cummings called on Issa to release the entire transcripts, which Issa said would harm the investigation. Cummings asked him for specific reasons, and demanded he respond by Monday. When Issa didn't respond, Cummings released the entirety of the transcripts."

They're still not released in full - that was just regarding a portion.

Cummings pressed Issa in last week's hearings to go ahead and release the entirety of the interviews if there's nothing to which case Issa denied it to the good people of the USA. :lol:

Stupid ****....

There are people that are going to be targeted for interviews and subpoenas.

If they find out that they are under the microscope, they might destroy important information or even flee the Country.

Remember, over 50 people targeted by Ken Starr during the investigation of the rapist fled the Country.

criminal dimocraps (like there's any other kind) do it all the time.

You're an idiot. Do the world a favor and euthanize yourself. At the very least, don't procreate

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