Viral News: Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings revealed as one of the IRS conspirators

Eat shit and die scumbag.

The motherfucker is a slimeball.

And so are you.

Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?

Sure they should...and if, in fact, they do not meet the criteria, they should be denied.

Being "primarily political" is an opinion...and therefore it is foolish for one to assume they are and not apply.

For example.....a group that is pro life can easily be deemed as primarily political if, in fact, their primary goal is to campaign for pro life candidates...But they are by no means primarily political if their primary goal is to preach the evils of abortion.

Now, the founder of the group may truly have the latter in mind....but the folks on the street may be doing otherwise.

Thus why they call them "applications" and not "demand for acceptance"

Now, why is Cummings out of line? ( I do not call public servants names. It is childish and inappropriate)...

Because his staff was interacting with the IRS and he denied it in a hearing...and the minute he found out that his office was directly involved in the controversy, he should have recused himself from the hearings....especially as the minority leader.

Let the slimeball start his own thread if the scumbag wants to talk about that shit.

The scumbag is just trying to deflect.
No link.

All conjecture.

No link to what, scumbag?

There's links all over the internet and in here?

What do you want, photographic evidence of Cummings in a closet with a 10 year old?

Like you'd care. You'd deny that, too.

You're a scumbag. You're not an American, you're a socialist scumbag who puts party above everything.

I'm not even sure you qualify as human.

You want to 'otherize' the opposition? You're doing it to yourselves, scumbag.

It will just make it easier when the time comes.

I just hope I'm there to watch
Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?

Sure they should...and if, in fact, they do not meet the criteria, they should be denied.

Being "primarily political" is an opinion...and therefore it is foolish for one to assume they are and not apply.

For example.....a group that is pro life can easily be deemed as primarily political if, in fact, their primary goal is to campaign for pro life candidates...But they are by no means primarily political if their primary goal is to preach the evils of abortion.

Now, the founder of the group may truly have the latter in mind....but the folks on the street may be doing otherwise.

Thus why they call them "applications" and not "demand for acceptance"

Now, why is Cummings out of line? ( I do not call public servants names. It is childish and inappropriate)...

Because his staff was interacting with the IRS and he denied it in a hearing...and the minute he found out that his office was directly involved in the controversy, he should have recused himself from the hearings....especially as the minority leader.

I already said your last sentence like 10-12 posts ago now.

You're such a terd, seriously.

ouch. You hurt my feelings, GT
Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?

Sure they should...and if, in fact, they do not meet the criteria, they should be denied.

Being "primarily political" is an opinion...and therefore it is foolish for one to assume they are and not apply.

For example.....a group that is pro life can easily be deemed as primarily political if, in fact, their primary goal is to campaign for pro life candidates...But they are by no means primarily political if their primary goal is to preach the evils of abortion.

Now, the founder of the group may truly have the latter in mind....but the folks on the street may be doing otherwise.

Thus why they call them "applications" and not "demand for acceptance"

Now, why is Cummings out of line? ( I do not call public servants names. It is childish and inappropriate)...

Because his staff was interacting with the IRS and he denied it in a hearing...and the minute he found out that his office was directly involved in the controversy, he should have recused himself from the hearings....especially as the minority leader.

Let the slimeball start his own thread if the scumbag wants to talk about that shit.

The scumbag is just trying to deflect.

:lol: u mad honey?

Your heads are like table tennis balls. I'm about to pull my 1942 ping pong tour championship paddle out of its case (obviously lined with shag carpet on its interior) - and toss more of your yellow little heads until they explode. :lol:

The reason the story wasn't reported on is probably because it does nothing to advance the scandal part. I mean, it reaffirms that Cummings is a partisan hack, but it doesn't show him ordering extra scrutiny or else we'd have the smoking gun and Issa would have told all news outlets by now, like he told them "The Whitehouse is Directly Involved!" the week the scandal broke which, turns out, he had no evidence for and he was lambasted for that over and over again in last week's hearing (it was rich).

Should Issa have recused himself for his overt admission of bias?

Probably the both of them should have.
No link.

All conjecture.

No link to what, scumbag?

There's links all over the internet and in here?

What do you want, photographic evidence of Cummings in a closet with a 10 year old?

Like you'd care. You'd deny that, too.

You're a scumbag. You're not an American, you're a socialist scumbag who puts party above everything.

I'm not even sure you qualify as human.

You want to 'otherize' the opposition? You're doing it to yourselves, scumbag.

It will just make it easier when the time comes.

I just hope I'm there to watch

You don't decide who is an American, so much as it hurts your tiny little brain and it gets you all just aren't the arbiter. Sucks, huh? :lol:
Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?

Sure they should...and if, in fact, they do not meet the criteria, they should be denied.

Being "primarily political" is an opinion...and therefore it is foolish for one to assume they are and not apply.

For example.....a group that is pro life can easily be deemed as primarily political if, in fact, their primary goal is to campaign for pro life candidates...But they are by no means primarily political if their primary goal is to preach the evils of abortion.

Now, the founder of the group may truly have the latter in mind....but the folks on the street may be doing otherwise.

Thus why they call them "applications" and not "demand for acceptance"

Now, why is Cummings out of line? ( I do not call public servants names. It is childish and inappropriate)...

Because his staff was interacting with the IRS and he denied it in a hearing...and the minute he found out that his office was directly involved in the controversy, he should have recused himself from the hearings....especially as the minority leader.

Let the slimeball start his own thread if the scumbag wants to talk about that shit.

The scumbag is just trying to deflect.

It wasn't a deflection. It was a valid question as it pertains to the entire issue.
And my answer pretty much is a valid answer.
If one doesn't ask, one will never get. There is nothing wrong with applying even if you assume you wont be approved. The staff at the IRS are paid to do their job. No reason we should do it for them.
jesus was married thus jesus hated gays is your logic.

and that makes you look foolish.

posting an OP with OPENLY biased news sources is also foolish.

not one of you libs has provided anything to disprove the cites in the OP. Just posting "its not true" over and over does not cut it.

either provide proof that Cummings was not involved or accept the facts and STFU.

I'm not a "lib" dork.

And nobody has to disprove something that isn't legitimate news. Why? Cuz that's retarded.

The story will be real just as soon as someone credible reports it. Until then, its a hack job intended for viewers like YOU, who (ironically, "fish") take everything they say at face value with no back research of your own.

That's how little they think of your brain and intelligence. They know they can post whatever, and you'll spread it like a virus despite its truth or untruth. Fucking lemmings.

No one in the MSM is going to report anything bad about Cummings. They don't want to be called racists. He was on Face the Nation and didn't even get asked about his involvement in the IRS profiling of conservative groups.
No link.

All conjecture.

No link to what, scumbag?

There's links all over the internet and in here?

What do you want, photographic evidence of Cummings in a closet with a 10 year old?

Like you'd care. You'd deny that, too.

You're a scumbag. You're not an American, you're a socialist scumbag who puts party above everything.

I'm not even sure you qualify as human.

You want to 'otherize' the opposition? You're doing it to yourselves, scumbag.

It will just make it easier when the time comes.

I just hope I'm there to watch
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." - Voltaire
not one of you libs has provided anything to disprove the cites in the OP. Just posting "its not true" over and over does not cut it.

either provide proof that Cummings was not involved or accept the facts and STFU.

I'm not a "lib" dork.

And nobody has to disprove something that isn't legitimate news. Why? Cuz that's retarded.

The story will be real just as soon as someone credible reports it. Until then, its a hack job intended for viewers like YOU, who (ironically, "fish") take everything they say at face value with no back research of your own.

That's how little they think of your brain and intelligence. They know they can post whatever, and you'll spread it like a virus despite its truth or untruth. Fucking lemmings.

No one in the MSM is going to report anything bad about Cummings. They don't want to be called racists. He was on Face the Nation and didn't even get asked about his involvement in the IRS profiling of conservative groups.

The ONE reporter who was looking into the Benghazi and IRS scandals was Sharyl Atkission.

And she was doing a decent job until....

CBS fired her.

People, I'm telling you for the One Hundred Thousandth time....... It is the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM that is the enemy of this Country.

scumbag dimocraps could NOT exist without them.

scumbag dimocraps act the way they do because they KNOW the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will cover for them.

Just like now. Just like Benghazi. Just like Fast and Furious. Just like Syria. Just like Iraq. Just like Egypt. Just like Russia and Ukraine. Just like they do EVERY SINGLE TIME. Every time dimocrap scum need bailed out, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is there to help out.

They're not just left-leaning, they're ACTIVE participants in the dimocrap party. They have long since given up any pretense of being fair.

They're part of the dimocrap party. Have been for years.
Every hearing I watch, my assumption seems more and more true.

I think it all boils down to Citizens United, understaffing, and the Tea Party-named groups growing in such an unprecedented number whilst being an OBVIOUSLY political party (the have senators and representatives, for shits' sakes) - - - - - and time mismanagement.

I've not seen one shred of anything yet to tell me that Barack Obama said "listen Lois, about them tea baggers, lets not give them a tax break cuz that'll certainly quiet them down and get them out of my hair."
Well shit, I did you mouth breathers' homework for you.

It's looking like Cummings did request information from Lerner.

G'job, rw hack sights. You didn't completely drop the ball on this one.

New IRS E-mails: Lois Lerner Funneled Elijah Cummings Info on Targeted Conservative Group | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform other ragged on people that think differently than you without knowing what you were talking about.

At least you were man enough to admit it.

No, ass clown.

I ragged on their trust of feable news sources.

I wasn't wrong. It's pretty basic shit not to trust those sites and to verify on your own like a normal person.

Like I did.


And sorry - you don't get to choose my politics for me, mmkay?

Apparently their trust in what ever a "feable news source" is was justified. Thanks for proving just that! other ragged on people that think differently than you without knowing what you were talking about.

At least you were man enough to admit it.

No, ass clown.

I ragged on their trust of feable news sources.

I wasn't wrong. It's pretty basic shit not to trust those sites and to verify on your own like a normal person.

Like I did.


And sorry - you don't get to choose my politics for me, mmkay?

Apparently their trust in what ever a "feable news source" is was justified. Thanks for proving just that!

No, trusting a biased news source is never justified.
No link.

All conjecture.

No link to what, scumbag?

There's links all over the internet and in here?

What do you want, photographic evidence of Cummings in a closet with a 10 year old?

Like you'd care. You'd deny that, too.

You're a scumbag. You're not an American, you're a socialist scumbag who puts party above everything.

I'm not even sure you qualify as human.

You want to 'otherize' the opposition? You're doing it to yourselves, scumbag.

It will just make it easier when the time comes.

I just hope I'm there to watch
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." - Voltaire

I'm a calm guy but I'm telling you.... There are forces out there at work who are not at all like me.

You better hope they don't become agitated is all I'm saying.

You won't like it if they do.

And right now, we're sitting on a tinder box. Trust me on that one.
Every hearing I watch, my assumption seems more and more true.

I think it all boils down to Citizens United, understaffing, and the Tea Party-named groups growing in such an unprecedented number whilst being an OBVIOUSLY political party (the have senators and representatives, for shits' sakes) - - - - - and time mismanagement.

I've not seen one shred of anything yet to tell me that Barack Obama said "listen Lois, about them tea baggers, lets not give them a tax break cuz that'll certainly quiet them down and get them out of my hair."

Presidents say things like that in private to his operatives and they dutifully carry out his desires.
No link to what, scumbag?

There's links all over the internet and in here?

What do you want, photographic evidence of Cummings in a closet with a 10 year old?

Like you'd care. You'd deny that, too.

You're a scumbag. You're not an American, you're a socialist scumbag who puts party above everything.

I'm not even sure you qualify as human.

You want to 'otherize' the opposition? You're doing it to yourselves, scumbag.

It will just make it easier when the time comes.

I just hope I'm there to watch
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." - Voltaire

I'm a calm guy but I'm telling you.... There are forces out there at work who are not at all like me.

You better hope they don't become agitated is all I'm saying.

You won't like it if they do.

And right now, we're sitting on a tinder box. Trust me on that one.

Nobody is afraid of your lil' militias, bro. :lol:
Every hearing I watch, my assumption seems more and more true.

I think it all boils down to Citizens United, understaffing, and the Tea Party-named groups growing in such an unprecedented number whilst being an OBVIOUSLY political party (the have senators and representatives, for shits' sakes) - - - - - and time mismanagement.

I've not seen one shred of anything yet to tell me that Barack Obama said "listen Lois, about them tea baggers, lets not give them a tax break cuz that'll certainly quiet them down and get them out of my hair."

Presidents say things like that in private to his operatives and they dutifully carry out his desires.

Catch them then. Let's see your "beyond a reasonable doubt" crucifixion like our Justice System is designed to work.

Is nobody working on this?
"According to [Issa's] logic, simply requesting access to public information is somehow evidence of a nefarious conspiracy."

You stupid scrunt..... IRS status files on investigaraions are NOT public information.

You're not just stupid, you're a liar. A diseased liar.

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