Viral News: Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings revealed as one of the IRS conspirators

A crooked dimocrap?

Say it isn't so :dunno:

Not necessarily.

He is on the oversight committee.

For all we know, he was ensuring that the group wasn't fraudulently applying for the tax credit, being most of their activities are supposed to be a-political.

His inquiry was likely partisan in nature, but like the majority's are as well. These are the reasons why our Government doesn't work. Everyone is so keen on gotcha.

He can't do that. He just simply can NOT do that.

He can act THROUGH the committee. He can have Committee staffers ask for info, he can write Committee letters on Committee Letterhead and he can request that the Committee Chairman demand information.....

But the lying cocksucker didn't do that. He set out on his own. Without authorization from ANYBODY.

It is not only improper, it is ILLEGAL.

If he did it, it was a CRIME. He is NOT in Law Enforcement, he is NOT an investigator, he was NOT acting on behalf of the committee

What part of that are you having trouble understanding?

Fucking moron.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. ALL of them.

Even their dickbreath supporters. Actually, ESPECIALLY their dickbreath supporters
A crooked dimocrap?

Say it isn't so :dunno:

Not necessarily.

He is on the oversight committee.

For all we know, he was ensuring that the group wasn't fraudulently applying for the tax credit, being most of their activities are supposed to be a-political.

His inquiry was likely partisan in nature, but like the majority's are as well. These are the reasons why our Government doesn't work. Everyone is so keen on gotcha.

Oh come on, you make an intelligent admission and then revert to stupidity. typical

Did you read the emails?

Is it inappropriate to oversee the IRS while on the oversight committee?

It is smarmy that he didn't advise that the emails existed before recently. That's a part of where he is corrupt. Sure.

It doesn't advance the IRS scandal, though.
A crooked dimocrap?

Say it isn't so :dunno:

Not necessarily.

He is on the oversight committee.

For all we know, he was ensuring that the group wasn't fraudulently applying for the tax credit, being most of their activities are supposed to be a-political.

His inquiry was likely partisan in nature, but like the majority's are as well. These are the reasons why our Government doesn't work. Everyone is so keen on gotcha.

He can't do that. He just simply can NOT do that.

He can act THROUGH the committee. He can have Committee staffers ask for info, he can write Committee letters on Committee Letterhead and he can request that the Committee Chairman demand information.....

But the lying cocksucker didn't do that. He set out on his own. Without authorization from ANYBODY.

It is not only improper, it is ILLEGAL.

If he did it, it was a CRIME. He is NOT in Law Enforcement, he is NOT an investigator, he was NOT acting on behalf of the committee

What part of that are you having trouble understanding?

Fucking moron.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. ALL of them.

Even their dickbreath supporters. Actually, ESPECIALLY their dickbreath supporters

It was his staff. Neat rant though.
Fascinating, how quickly all the ODS kooks parrot every idiot propaganda point they get fed. They certainly are reliable little sheep, instantly bleating exactly what they're told to bleat.

Trouble is, nobody outside of their cult cares. Time after time, nobody outside of their unreality bubble will pay any notice to them. And that enrages the ODS kooks, causing them to proclaim an even bigger conspiracy and to retreat even further into their unreality bubble. Hence, the cycle continues and intensifies.
A crooked dimocrap?

Say it isn't so :dunno:

Not necessarily.

He is on the oversight committee.

For all we know, he was ensuring that the group wasn't fraudulently applying for the tax credit, being most of their activities are supposed to be a-political.

His inquiry was likely partisan in nature, but like the majority's are as well. These are the reasons why our Government doesn't work. Everyone is so keen on gotcha.


In other words, you were too lazy to even read the link you offered up.

I will sum it up

1) Cummings staff made these inquiries back in 2012
2) Their inquiries were met with corresponding inquiries by the IRS to True the Vote....meaning that Cumming Staff was involved in extra scrutiny by the IRS
3) Cummings denied such correspondence occurred

3, in itself is one that should be concerning...even to a true "hare the GOPer" like yourself.
A crooked dimocrap?

Say it isn't so :dunno:

Not necessarily.

He is on the oversight committee.

For all we know, he was ensuring that the group wasn't fraudulently applying for the tax credit, being most of their activities are supposed to be a-political.

His inquiry was likely partisan in nature, but like the majority's are as well. These are the reasons why our Government doesn't work. Everyone is so keen on gotcha.


In other words, you were too lazy to even read the link you offered up.

I will sum it up

1) Cummings staff made these inquiries back in 2012
2) Their inquiries were met with corresponding inquiries by the IRS to True the Vote....meaning that Cumming Staff was involved in extra scrutiny by the IRS
3) Cummings denied such correspondence occurred

3, in itself is one that should be concerning...even to a true "hare the GOPer" like yourself.

You're always so behind the conversation.

I addressed this like 1 or 2 posts ago.

Go hunt down a gotcha somewhere else, and stop drooling.
Not necessarily.

He is on the oversight committee.

For all we know, he was ensuring that the group wasn't fraudulently applying for the tax credit, being most of their activities are supposed to be a-political.

His inquiry was likely partisan in nature, but like the majority's are as well. These are the reasons why our Government doesn't work. Everyone is so keen on gotcha.

He can't do that. He just simply can NOT do that.

He can act THROUGH the committee. He can have Committee staffers ask for info, he can write Committee letters on Committee Letterhead and he can request that the Committee Chairman demand information.....

But the lying cocksucker didn't do that. He set out on his own. Without authorization from ANYBODY.

It is not only improper, it is ILLEGAL.

If he did it, it was a CRIME. He is NOT in Law Enforcement, he is NOT an investigator, he was NOT acting on behalf of the committee

What part of that are you having trouble understanding?

Fucking moron.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. ALL of them.

Even their dickbreath supporters. Actually, ESPECIALLY their dickbreath supporters

It was his staff. Neat rant though.

ah yes.....the old "His staff did it...he had nothing to do with it"

Obama used it....that was fine with the left
Holder used it....that was fine with the left
Hillary used it....that was fine with the left
Cummings will use it...that will be fine with the left

Christie uses it....and ...."The man is a fucking liar and even if he didn't know about it, he is responsible for what his staff does. HANG THE MAN!!!!!"

You are a very pathetic individual GT.
He can't do that. He just simply can NOT do that.

He can act THROUGH the committee. He can have Committee staffers ask for info, he can write Committee letters on Committee Letterhead and he can request that the Committee Chairman demand information.....

But the lying cocksucker didn't do that. He set out on his own. Without authorization from ANYBODY.

It is not only improper, it is ILLEGAL.

If he did it, it was a CRIME. He is NOT in Law Enforcement, he is NOT an investigator, he was NOT acting on behalf of the committee

What part of that are you having trouble understanding?

Fucking moron.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. ALL of them.

Even their dickbreath supporters. Actually, ESPECIALLY their dickbreath supporters

It was his staff. Neat rant though.

ah yes.....the old "His staff did it...he had nothing to do with it"

Obama used it....that was fine with the left
Holder used it....that was fine with the left
Hillary used it....that was fine with the left
Cummings will use it...that will be fine with the left

Christie uses it....and ...."The man is a fucking liar and even if he didn't know about it, he is responsible for what his staff does. HANG THE MAN!!!!!"

You are a very pathetic individual GT.

You're dumb.

Now, go ahead and read the post I was responding to and ponder why I said "it was his staff."

(hint: its cuz the guy said the inquiry is only appropriate through staff)

Jesus, you're pathetic. :lol:
Not necessarily.

He is on the oversight committee.

For all we know, he was ensuring that the group wasn't fraudulently applying for the tax credit, being most of their activities are supposed to be a-political.

His inquiry was likely partisan in nature, but like the majority's are as well. These are the reasons why our Government doesn't work. Everyone is so keen on gotcha.

He can't do that. He just simply can NOT do that.

He can act THROUGH the committee. He can have Committee staffers ask for info, he can write Committee letters on Committee Letterhead and he can request that the Committee Chairman demand information.....

But the lying cocksucker didn't do that. He set out on his own. Without authorization from ANYBODY.

It is not only improper, it is ILLEGAL.

If he did it, it was a CRIME. He is NOT in Law Enforcement, he is NOT an investigator, he was NOT acting on behalf of the committee

What part of that are you having trouble understanding?

Fucking moron.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. ALL of them.

Even their dickbreath supporters. Actually, ESPECIALLY their dickbreath supporters

It was his staff. Neat rant though.

You STUPID motherfucker, his staff acts on his behalf. Only.

Just like Hitler never personally murdered the first Jew.

You really are a stupid motherfucker

On Wednesday, Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and five Subcommittee Chairmen on the committee sent a letter to Ranking Member Cummings demanding an explanation for his staff’s queries from the IRS, why the Minority hid these efforts from the Majority, and why the Ranking Member denied such actions by his staff at a February Subcommittee hearing:

“Although you have previously denied that your staff made inquiries to the IRS about conservative organization True the Vote that may have led to additional agency scrutiny, communication records between your staff and IRS officials – which you did not disclose to Majority Members or staff – indicates otherwise,” wrote the Chairman and five Subcommittee Chairmen of the Oversight Committee. “As the Committee is scheduled to consider a resolution holding Ms. Lerner, a participant in responding to your communications that you failed to disclose, in contempt of Congress, you have an obligation to fully explain your staff’s undisclosed contacts with the IRS.”

This is not good news for Cummings.
According to Cummings could go to prison for five years for obstructing Congressional proceedings.

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees | LII / Legal Information Institute

Rep. Elijah Cummings could go to prison for 5 years

Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up, destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits another to do so; or

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—

Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.
A crooked dimocrap?

Say it isn't so :dunno:

Except he's not.

The crooks are True the Vote.

More from Source Watch:

On May 21, 2013, True the Vote filed a complaint [3] against the Internal Revenue Service to "force a decision in court" of whether its 3-year-pending application for 501(c)3 tax-exempt status should be approved. [33] This complaint arose from the IRS pattern of targeting organizations containing the words "Tea Party" or "patriot," which the IRS claimed was a method of centralizing a large influx of nonprofit applications between 2010 and 2012. [34] While the IRS did admit that mistakes were made in the categorization and review process, it is likely that True the Vote has rightly been scrutinized since its inception in 2010. [35] Many media sources identify 2012 as the year when targeted IRS investigations and abuses occurred, but True the Vote's status has been questioned since its inception in 2010. [36] While a 501(c)4 Tea Party group, such as the King Street Patriots may engage in some political activity, a 501(c)3 status is an absolute bar against any campaign or partisan activity. [37]

So, basically what this boils down to is you're bitching now that the IRS :cuckoo:.
He can't do that. He just simply can NOT do that.

He can act THROUGH the committee. He can have Committee staffers ask for info, he can write Committee letters on Committee Letterhead and he can request that the Committee Chairman demand information.....

But the lying cocksucker didn't do that. He set out on his own. Without authorization from ANYBODY.

It is not only improper, it is ILLEGAL.

If he did it, it was a CRIME. He is NOT in Law Enforcement, he is NOT an investigator, he was NOT acting on behalf of the committee

What part of that are you having trouble understanding?

Fucking moron.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. ALL of them.

Even their dickbreath supporters. Actually, ESPECIALLY their dickbreath supporters

It was his staff. Neat rant though.

You STUPID motherfucker, his staff acts on his behalf. Only.

Just like Hitler never personally murdered the first Jew.

You really are a stupid motherfucker

On Wednesday, Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and five Subcommittee Chairmen on the committee sent a letter to Ranking Member Cummings demanding an explanation for his staff’s queries from the IRS, why the Minority hid these efforts from the Majority, and why the Ranking Member denied such actions by his staff at a February Subcommittee hearing:

“Although you have previously denied that your staff made inquiries to the IRS about conservative organization True the Vote that may have led to additional agency scrutiny, communication records between your staff and IRS officials – which you did not disclose to Majority Members or staff – indicates otherwise,” wrote the Chairman and five Subcommittee Chairmen of the Oversight Committee. “As the Committee is scheduled to consider a resolution holding Ms. Lerner, a participant in responding to your communications that you failed to disclose, in contempt of Congress, you have an obligation to fully explain your staff’s undisclosed contacts with the IRS.”

This is not good news for Cummings.
According to Cummings could go to prison for five years for obstructing Congressional proceedings.

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees | LII / Legal Information Institute

Rep. Elijah Cummings could go to prison for 5 years

Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up, destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits another to do so; or

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—

Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.

I was responding to your post, idiot.

Hey side note....

Do you want organizations that are primarily political to get tax breaks? Just curious your views on that, aside from the blanket "everyone should get tax breaks." j/w man.
You STUPID motherfucker, his staff acts on his behalf. Only.

Just like Hitler never personally murdered the first Jew.

You really are a stupid motherfucker

I was responding to your post, idiot.

Hey side note....

Do you want organizations that are primarily political to get tax breaks? Just curious your views on that, aside from the blanket "everyone should get tax breaks." j/w man.

Eat shit and die scumbag.

The motherfucker is a slimeball.

And so are you.

Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?
I was responding to your post, idiot.

Hey side note....

Do you want organizations that are primarily political to get tax breaks? Just curious your views on that, aside from the blanket "everyone should get tax breaks." j/w man.

Eat shit and die scumbag.

The motherfucker is a slimeball.

And so are you.

Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?

they keep ranting and raving no matter how much the law is explained to them.

there's something really bizarre about it.
Ah yes...the typical "attack the opponent in a debate when there is little else one can do to show some intelligence"

You are as transparent as they come GT.

Time to grow up and debate like an adult, GT.

But, alas, I doubt it will happen.

All you've done is swing from my nuts this whole time, what the fuck is that called?

Youre so interested in trying to catch someone in something that you dropped the ball like 6 times already.

You suck at the sport you're obsessed with.

Get a life, it's sad bro.


You are great entertainment.
You like to dish it out but way too much of a girlie girl to take it.

Hey GT...check your fingers....they must be bleeding by now.....

If you think it's hard to tell that you're desperately clinging to my satchel here, you're just not sane dude. :lol:
I was responding to your post, idiot.

Hey side note....

Do you want organizations that are primarily political to get tax breaks? Just curious your views on that, aside from the blanket "everyone should get tax breaks." j/w man.

Eat shit and die scumbag.

The motherfucker is a slimeball.

And so are you.

Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?

Your question is flawed/loaded. As is your brain. Flawed, I mean

Start a new thread on it. Not your flawed brain..... Your flawed/loaded/juvenile question
Ron. Ron my buddy!

Posting in bold doesn't make you right. It makes you look foolish. Not to mention your rants are nothing more than classic deflections. You were asked for a link and failed to provide one, instead going off on this tirade.

You don't go to "Left wing sewer sites" but spew all of their garbage. You think you're objective? You're far from it. Just like rdean and Joe, "I was a Republican once." No, you're just a liar who had no argument to begin with.

jesus was married thus jesus hated gays is your logic.

and that makes you look foolish.

posting an OP with OPENLY biased news sources is also foolish.

what the FUCK are you talking about ?

have you lost your fucking mind ?


Eat shit and die scumbag.

The motherfucker is a slimeball.

And so are you.

Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?

they keep ranting and raving no matter how much the law is explained to them.

there's something really bizarre about it.

Ron. Ron my buddy!

Posting in bold doesn't make you right. It makes you look foolish. Not to mention your rants are nothing more than classic deflections. You were asked for a link and failed to provide one, instead going off on this tirade.

You don't go to "Left wing sewer sites" but spew all of their garbage. You think you're objective? You're far from it. Just like rdean and Joe, "I was a Republican once." No, you're just a liar who had no argument to begin with.

jesus was married thus jesus hated gays is your logic.

and that makes you look foolish.

posting an OP with OPENLY biased news sources is also foolish.

what the FUCK are you talking about ?

have you lost your fucking mind ?



I was referring to an OP created by the poster I was quoting, jackass.

Maybe you'd have known what I was talking about if I was quoting YOU/talking to YOU :lol:
Eat shit and die scumbag.

The motherfucker is a slimeball.

And so are you.

Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?

Your question is flawed/loaded. As is your brain. Flawed, I mean

Start a new thread on it. Not your flawed brain..... Your flawed/loaded/juvenile question

The question is very relevant to this entire case. But I didn't think you'd understand that. Thanks.
I was responding to your post, idiot.

Hey side note....

Do you want organizations that are primarily political to get tax breaks? Just curious your views on that, aside from the blanket "everyone should get tax breaks." j/w man.

Eat shit and die scumbag.

The motherfucker is a slimeball.

And so are you.

Your thoughts of who I am are irrelevant to the conversation.

Cummings is a slimeball?


Should organizations who are primarily political be applying for tax exempt status or naw?

Sure they should...and if, in fact, they do not meet the criteria, they should be denied.

Being "primarily political" is an opinion...and therefore it is foolish for one to assume they are and not apply.

For example.....a group that is pro life can easily be deemed as primarily political if, in fact, their primary goal is to campaign for pro life candidates...But they are by no means primarily political if their primary goal is to preach the evils of abortion.

Now, the founder of the group may truly have the latter in mind....but the folks on the street may be doing otherwise.

Thus why they call them "applications" and not "demand for acceptance"

Now, why is Cummings out of line? ( I do not call public servants names. It is childish and inappropriate)...

Because his staff was interacting with the IRS and he denied it in a hearing...and the minute he found out that his office was directly involved in the controversy, he should have recused himself from the hearings....especially as the minority leader.

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