Viral News: Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings revealed as one of the IRS conspirators

Every hearing I watch, my assumption seems more and more true.

I think it all boils down to Citizens United, understaffing, and the Tea Party-named groups growing in such an unprecedented number whilst being an OBVIOUSLY political party (the have senators and representatives, for shits' sakes) - - - - - and time mismanagement.

I've not seen one shred of anything yet to tell me that Barack Obama said "listen Lois, about them tea baggers, lets not give them a tax break cuz that'll certainly quiet them down and get them out of my hair."

you haven't heard about it because Lerner took the 5th. When she is forced to tell the truth or go to jail, you will hear about it. Unless, like Susan McDougall, she chooses jail over telling the truth about a corrupt president. Or, maybe the choice is between doing a Vince Foster or going to jail---------------------
Every hearing I watch, my assumption seems more and more true.

I think it all boils down to Citizens United, understaffing, and the Tea Party-named groups growing in such an unprecedented number whilst being an OBVIOUSLY political party (the have senators and representatives, for shits' sakes) - - - - - and time mismanagement.

I've not seen one shred of anything yet to tell me that Barack Obama said "listen Lois, about them tea baggers, lets not give them a tax break cuz that'll certainly quiet them down and get them out of my hair."

you haven't heard about it because Lerner took the 5th. When she is forced to tell the truth or go to jail, you will hear about it. Unless, like Susan McDougall, she chooses jail over telling the truth about a corrupt president. Or, maybe the choice is between doing a Vince Foster or going to jail---------------------

I heard her lawyer's justification for pleading the 5th, and it makes pretty damned good sense.
No link to what, scumbag?

There's links all over the internet and in here?

What do you want, photographic evidence of Cummings in a closet with a 10 year old?

Like you'd care. You'd deny that, too.

You're a scumbag. You're not an American, you're a socialist scumbag who puts party above everything.

I'm not even sure you qualify as human.

You want to 'otherize' the opposition? You're doing it to yourselves, scumbag.

It will just make it easier when the time comes.

I just hope I'm there to watch
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." - Voltaire

I'm a calm guy but I'm telling you.... There are forces out there at work who are not at all like me.

You better hope they don't become agitated is all I'm saying.

You won't like it if they do.

And right now, we're sitting on a tinder box. Trust me on that one.

you are correct, the people stood up on the govt vs cattle deal in AZ, and they are getting fed up with a dictatorial govt that has way too much power. We are sitting on a tinder box. Americans will not tolerate a tyranical govt, and if it comes down to it, the military will side with the people.
Cummings was within his right to request publicly available information - Issa did the same thing with the IRS in regards to ACORN.

By the way, True the Vote broke the law by giving 5,000 to the republican party.
It is becoming more and more apparent that Lois Lerner didn't initiate the illegal actions against the Conservative and Patriotic 501(c)4 organizations on her own.

She did it at the request of congressional dimocrap scum.

THAT is what dimocrap scum are afraid of.

They really couldn't care less if one more foot soldier gets thrown under the bus. The investigation is starting to lead to the REAL criminals.....

congressional dimocrap scum

Will it break open?

Not if the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM can help it. But FNC is all over it. And it IS real
Every hearing I watch, my assumption seems more and more true.

I think it all boils down to Citizens United, understaffing, and the Tea Party-named groups growing in such an unprecedented number whilst being an OBVIOUSLY political party (the have senators and representatives, for shits' sakes) - - - - - and time mismanagement.

I've not seen one shred of anything yet to tell me that Barack Obama said "listen Lois, about them tea baggers, lets not give them a tax break cuz that'll certainly quiet them down and get them out of my hair."

So let me see if I get this straight...

The primary criticism of the "Tea Party" is that they lack direction, a common message, consistency...

Yet.....any organization that uses the term "tea party" in it Is directly affiliated with a larger group that has direction, a common message and seeing as one organization has political ties....they ALL must.

Go ahead GT....have fun punching holes in it. I am sure you will somehow find a way to do it.
No, ass clown.

I ragged on their trust of feable news sources.

I wasn't wrong. It's pretty basic shit not to trust those sites and to verify on your own like a normal person.

Like I did.


And sorry - you don't get to choose my politics for me, mmkay?

Apparently their trust in what ever a "feable news source" is was justified. Thanks for proving just that!

No, trusting a biased news source is never justified.

It is when what they report is factual, as it was in this case.
"At least as early as February 2012, the IRS was requesting information from True the Vote about its activities, including any for-profit organizations it was associated with.

A few months later, in August, Cummings contacted the IRS to notify the agency that his own staff was planning to investigate the organization. On October 4, 2012, his office sent the first of a series of letters to True the Vote requesting information about its activities.

Cummings was concerned that the group was engaging in voter intimidation and partisan activities, such as making a $5,000 donation to the Republican State Leadership Committee. Cummings asked the IRS for "publicly available information" about the group in January 2013."
Every hearing I watch, my assumption seems more and more true.

I think it all boils down to Citizens United, understaffing, and the Tea Party-named groups growing in such an unprecedented number whilst being an OBVIOUSLY political party (the have senators and representatives, for shits' sakes) - - - - - and time mismanagement.

I've not seen one shred of anything yet to tell me that Barack Obama said "listen Lois, about them tea baggers, lets not give them a tax break cuz that'll certainly quiet them down and get them out of my hair."

you haven't heard about it because Lerner took the 5th. When she is forced to tell the truth or go to jail, you will hear about it. Unless, like Susan McDougall, she chooses jail over telling the truth about a corrupt president. Or, maybe the choice is between doing a Vince Foster or going to jail---------------------

I heard her lawyer's justification for pleading the 5th, and it makes pretty damned good sense.

You and the rest of your diseased pals are always making oblique references to things unsaid and calling them logical.

How about you post the relevant parts of the scumbag lawyer's scumbag defense that you think makes so much sense first and THEN tell us why you think it makes sense?

Cummings was within his right to request publicly available information - Issa did the same thing with the IRS in regards to ACORN.

By the way, True the Vote broke the law by giving 5,000 to the republican party.

These things don't matter in a witch hunt.

you haven't heard about it because Lerner took the 5th. When she is forced to tell the truth or go to jail, you will hear about it. Unless, like Susan McDougall, she chooses jail over telling the truth about a corrupt president. Or, maybe the choice is between doing a Vince Foster or going to jail---------------------

I heard her lawyer's justification for pleading the 5th, and it makes pretty damned good sense.

You and the rest of your diseased pals are always making oblique references to things unsaid and calling them logical.

How about you post the relevant parts of the scumbag lawyer's scumbag defense that you think makes so much sense first and THEN tell us why you think it makes sense?


How about you google it yourself, you scared little pussy?
"At least as early as February 2012, the IRS was requesting information from True the Vote about its activities, including any for-profit organizations it was associated with.

A few months later, in August, Cummings contacted the IRS to notify the agency that his own staff was planning to investigate the organization. On October 4, 2012, his office sent the first of a series of letters to True the Vote requesting information about its activities.

Cummings was concerned that the group was engaging in voter intimidation and partisan activities, such as making a $5,000 donation to the Republican State Leadership Committee. Cummings asked the IRS for "publicly available information" about the group in January 2013."

Then why did he deny it?
Every hearing I watch, my assumption seems more and more true.

I think it all boils down to Citizens United, understaffing, and the Tea Party-named groups growing in such an unprecedented number whilst being an OBVIOUSLY political party (the have senators and representatives, for shits' sakes) - - - - - and time mismanagement.

I've not seen one shred of anything yet to tell me that Barack Obama said "listen Lois, about them tea baggers, lets not give them a tax break cuz that'll certainly quiet them down and get them out of my hair."

you haven't heard about it because Lerner took the 5th. When she is forced to tell the truth or go to jail, you will hear about it. Unless, like Susan McDougall, she chooses jail over telling the truth about a corrupt president. Or, maybe the choice is between doing a Vince Foster or going to jail---------------------

I heard her lawyer's justification for pleading the 5th, and it makes pretty damned good sense.

I have no doubt that it makes sense for her to do it.

And she has the legal right to do it.

But it doesn't make it ethical.
I heard her lawyer's justification for pleading the 5th, and it makes pretty damned good sense.
I'm going to guess that it had nothing to do with letting Americans know how the government they supposedly own does business?

No, because she did all of that in her private interviews with Issa and his team, and Issa wont release the transcripts.
you haven't heard about it because Lerner took the 5th. When she is forced to tell the truth or go to jail, you will hear about it. Unless, like Susan McDougall, she chooses jail over telling the truth about a corrupt president. Or, maybe the choice is between doing a Vince Foster or going to jail---------------------

I heard her lawyer's justification for pleading the 5th, and it makes pretty damned good sense.

I have no doubt that it makes sense for her to do it.

And she has the legal right to do it.

But it doesn't make it ethical.

It is completely ethical. She is combating a team of "investigators" who are driven by POLITICS, not truth. And that's for both sides, but she is smart for heeding her Lawyer's professional advice.
I see the far left is yet again in denial.

The far left pushed for this to happen around the elections, they are scared that this will be linked to their messiah, who they defend at all costs and beyond any sense of logic or reasoning.
Cummings was within his right to request publicly available information - Issa did the same thing with the IRS in regards to ACORN.

By the way, True the Vote broke the law by giving 5,000 to the republican party.

These things don't matter in a witch hunt.


Paperview neglected to point out one simple item...

If he wanted that info, he could have gone to the group itself.....but to ask it from the IRS gave the IRS reason to do what they did....STALL THE APPLICATION PROCESS.

And that was exactly what the original complaint was all about...

Conservative groups had their applications stalled for as long as 3 years. Despite submitting all required info, they continually were asked for more.......

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