Viral News: Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings revealed as one of the IRS conspirators

Form 990: Could yours be front page news? : Tax Law and Business Organization Strategy

Seems like the Form 990 BY ITSELF is not restricted for public disclosure EXCEPT for the list of donors in the case of certain 501C(x) status.. So the copy above does not show that section and we don't know if the Donor list was made public..

But as the link above shows -- Congress has access to these..
Edgedup seems to think those 990 forms are private taxpayer information, apparently.

So do the doofus' at Judicial Watch and other assorted uneducated connies.

You do realize that Cummings denied any involvement with the irs over True the Vote, correct? Trying to change the narrative here isn't going to work.
Form 990: Could yours be front page news? : Tax Law and Business Organization Strategy

Seems like the Form 990 BY ITSELF is not restricted for public disclosure EXCEPT for the list of donors in the case of certain 501C(x) status.. So the copy above does not show that section and we don't know if the Donor list was made public..

But as the link above shows -- Congress has access to these..
Edgedup seems to think those 990 forms are private taxpayer information, apparently.

So do the doofus' at Judicial Watch and other assorted uneducated connies.

You do realize that Cummings denied any involvement with the irs over True the Vote, correct? Trying to change the narrative here isn't going to work.

I was incorrect.

Write it down. Like Halley's Comet, you won't see it very often
Here are my questions:

1) Why did Cummings deny his office asked for that info?

2) How could President Obama state emphatically that there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS in early February seeing as the Acting Director of the IRS, in March, claimed it could take years to produce the documents requested by the committee to come to that conclusion

Does anyone have an answer to these questions above....or is this not about debating and simply about insulting....

till no answer. Just rants about 990's and other deflective crap...
Here are my questions:

1) Why did Cummings deny his office asked for that info?

2) How could President Obama state emphatically that there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS in early February seeing as the Acting Director of the IRS, in March, claimed it could take years to produce the documents requested by the committee to come to that conclusion

Does anyone have an answer to these questions above....or is this not about debating and simply about insulting....

till no answer. Just rants about 990's and other deflective crap...

I think they took the 5th :dunno:
Form 990: Could yours be front page news? : Tax Law and Business Organization Strategy

Seems like the Form 990 BY ITSELF is not restricted for public disclosure EXCEPT for the list of donors in the case of certain 501C(x) status.. So the copy above does not show that section and we don't know if the Donor list was made public..

But as the link above shows -- Congress has access to these..
Edgedup seems to think those 990 forms are private taxpayer information, apparently.

So do the doofus' at Judicial Watch and other assorted uneducated connies.

You do realize that Cummings denied any involvement with the irs over True the Vote, correct? Trying to change the narrative here isn't going to work.
No, he didn't.

You didn't watch the hearings did you??
"Congressman Cummings took it upon himself—and I think that
I was not representing True the Vote in that particular proceeding,
but there were a series of letters sent to True the Vote from Congressman
Cummings, which purported to be on behalf of the committee,
using the franking privilege, and which sought to delve into
the inner workings of True the Vote and to make allegations about
True the Vote that were not true, demanding materials, demanding
information, demanding that Catherine Engelbrecht and representatives
of True the Vote make themselves available in Washington.
And frankly, we think that is improper, and we will deal with that
in a different proceeding, but we also—because we—but we also
want to know whether there was any effort.
We want to get to the bottom of how these coincidences happened,
and we’re going to try to figure out whether any—if there
was any staff of this committee that might have been involved in
putting True the Vote on the radar screen of some of these Federal
agencies. We don’t know that, but we—we’re going to do everything
we can do to try to get to the bottom of how did this all happen.

Mr. CUMMINGS. Will the gentleman yield?


Mr. CUMMINGS. I want to thank the gentleman for his courtesy.
What she just said is absolutely incorrect and not true. Letters
were sent out as the ranking member. I am the ranking member
of this committee.

I did nothing different than what Mr. Issa has
done when looking into situations, and I don’t want to put out
there that I was trying to act on behalf of the committee or anything
unusual. We were basically looking into voting situations and
whether voters were in any way, in any way, being impeded from

I want to thank the gentleman. And we have the letters, by the
way, and the only one—and Chairman Issa was sent copies of all
of the letters, so we weren’t hiding anything.
Thank you very much for yielding.

Mr. MEADOWS. Well, and I thank the gentleman and certainly
wanting to make sure that you have the opportunity.
And so, Ms. Engelbrecht, the gentleman from Maryland obviously
is one that—from a targeting standpoint, so I would just let
him follow up on that and make sure—and give him—yield to him
in terms of following up to assure you that neither he nor his staff
or anyone would have contacted the IRS to investigate you and to
do that. And so I’d yield to the gentleman and let him give you
those personal assurances."

Serial No. 113-85 (HOUSE Hearing) - THE IRS TARGETING INVESTIGATION: WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATION DOING? [PDF 7833 KB] Congressional Hearings. General. Oversight and Government Reform. Thursday, February 6, 2014.
"Congressman Cummings took it upon himself—and I think that
I was not representing True the Vote in that particular proceeding,
but there were a series of letters sent to True the Vote from Congressman
Cummings, which purported to be on behalf of the committee,
using the franking privilege, and which sought to delve into
the inner workings of True the Vote and to make allegations about
True the Vote that were not true, demanding materials, demanding
information, demanding that Catherine Engelbrecht and representatives
of True the Vote make themselves available in Washington.
And frankly, we think that is improper, and we will deal with that
in a different proceeding, but we also—because we—but we also
want to know whether there was any effort.
We want to get to the bottom of how these coincidences happened,
and we’re going to try to figure out whether any—if there
was any staff of this committee that might have been involved in
putting True the Vote on the radar screen of some of these Federal
agencies. We don’t know that, but we—we’re going to do everything
we can do to try to get to the bottom of how did this all happen.

Mr. CUMMINGS. Will the gentleman yield?


Mr. CUMMINGS. I want to thank the gentleman for his courtesy.
What she just said is absolutely incorrect and not true. Letters
were sent out as the ranking member. I am the ranking member
of this committee.

I did nothing different than what Mr. Issa has
done when looking into situations, and I don’t want to put out
there that I was trying to act on behalf of the committee or anything
unusual. We were basically looking into voting situations and
whether voters were in any way, in any way, being impeded from

I want to thank the gentleman. And we have the letters, by the
way, and the only one—and Chairman Issa was sent copies of all
of the letters, so we weren’t hiding anything.
Thank you very much for yielding.

Mr. MEADOWS. Well, and I thank the gentleman and certainly
wanting to make sure that you have the opportunity.
And so, Ms. Engelbrecht, the gentleman from Maryland obviously
is one that—from a targeting standpoint, so I would just let
him follow up on that and make sure—and give him—yield to him
in terms of following up to assure you that neither he nor his staff
or anyone would have contacted the IRS to investigate you and to
do that. And so I’d yield to the gentleman and let him give you
those personal assurances."

Hearing IRS Targeting Investigation Part 1 | Video |

Serial No. 113-85 (HOUSE Hearing) - THE IRS TARGETING INVESTIGATION: WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATION DOING? [PDF 7833 KB] Congressional Hearings. General. Oversight and Government Reform. Thursday, February 6, 2014.

What part of he denied it do you not get?
"In this case the ranking member requested documents to investigate
serious public allegations of voter disenfranchisement regarding
True the Vote.

He wrote letters laying out these allegations,
he cited the sources for his information, and he asked True
the Vote to provide documents to either prove or disprove these allegations.
Mr. Cummings’ actions were no different than those of Congressman
Issa when he served as this committee’s ranking member, and
Representative Issa sent letters after letter in his making similar
document requests from all kinds of government and private entities.

I would expect that you and every other member of this committee
would defend the right of all members to seek information
and documents, regardless of party affiliation. It’s no surprise but
the group the ranking member has been investigating should lash
out against him.

What is surprising is that they would suggest that
the FBI investigate his actions as potential illegal activity. And
what is so astonishing to me is that you would give them a public
forum to do so.

The false and outrageous allegations against Mr. Cummings
were included in written testimony distributed by this committee
in advance of today’s hearing and posted on the Committee’s public
Web site. You knew this was coming, and you allowed it to happen.
And earlier today,

Mr. Cummings wrote a letter to the Board of the
Office of Congressional Ethics easily debunking these claims and
providing full copies of all of his correspondence with True the
Vote. He also made all those letters available to the public on the
Democratic Committee Web site.

I ask that his letter be made part of the hearing record today,
and I regret that our committee would allow itself to be used for
such a blatant political stunt.

Mr. JORDAN. Without objection.

Ms. DUCKWORTH. Thank you.

Hearing IRS Targeting Investigation Part 1 | Video |

Serial No. 113-85 (HOUSE Hearing) - THE IRS TARGETING INVESTIGATION: WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATION DOING? [PDF 7833 KB] Congressional Hearings. General. Oversight and Government Reform. Thursday, February 6, 2014.
Last edited:
"Congressman Cummings took it upon himself—and I think that
I was not representing True the Vote in that particular proceeding,
but there were a series of letters sent to True the Vote from Congressman
Cummings, which purported to be on behalf of the committee,
using the franking privilege, and which sought to delve into
the inner workings of True the Vote and to make allegations about
True the Vote that were not true, demanding materials, demanding
information, demanding that Catherine Engelbrecht and representatives
of True the Vote make themselves available in Washington.
And frankly, we think that is improper, and we will deal with that
in a different proceeding, but we also—because we—but we also
want to know whether there was any effort.
We want to get to the bottom of how these coincidences happened,
and we’re going to try to figure out whether any—if there
was any staff of this committee that might have been involved in
putting True the Vote on the radar screen of some of these Federal
agencies. We don’t know that, but we—we’re going to do everything
we can do to try to get to the bottom of how did this all happen.

Mr. CUMMINGS. Will the gentleman yield?


Mr. CUMMINGS. I want to thank the gentleman for his courtesy.
What she just said is absolutely incorrect and not true. Letters
were sent out as the ranking member. I am the ranking member
of this committee.

I did nothing different than what Mr. Issa has
done when looking into situations, and I don’t want to put out
there that I was trying to act on behalf of the committee or anything
unusual. We were basically looking into voting situations and
whether voters were in any way, in any way, being impeded from

I want to thank the gentleman. And we have the letters, by the
way, and the only one—and Chairman Issa was sent copies of all
of the letters, so we weren’t hiding anything.
Thank you very much for yielding.

Mr. MEADOWS. Well, and I thank the gentleman and certainly
wanting to make sure that you have the opportunity.
And so, Ms. Engelbrecht, the gentleman from Maryland obviously
is one that—from a targeting standpoint, so I would just let
him follow up on that and make sure—and give him—yield to him
in terms of following up to assure you that neither he nor his staff
or anyone would have contacted the IRS to investigate you and to
do that. And so I’d yield to the gentleman and let him give you
those personal assurances."

Hearing IRS Targeting Investigation Part 1 | Video |

Serial No. 113-85 (HOUSE Hearing) - THE IRS TARGETING INVESTIGATION: WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATION DOING? [PDF 7833 KB] Congressional Hearings. General. Oversight and Government Reform. Thursday, February 6, 2014.

What part of he denied it do you not get?
He never denied he contact the slimes at TTV. You lie.
cummings is a dimocrap, ergo he is a lying scumbag.

I really don't think Issa would jeopardize the entire proceedings on a hunch.

cummings is going down. Hard.

And I am only incorrect so far on the private information disclosure by the IRS to the lying scumbag cummings.

I guarantee you, there's some dirt going on here and it WILL come out.

What you hope to do is to drag it ou until people lose interest in it. Which the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM never had any interest in it in the first place, so that might happen.

But when we take the Senate and we appoint a Select Committee, heads are gonna roll.

And we take the White House and get the worst AG in history out of there and on trial for his life, we can start to prsoecute the criminals in the dimocrap party. Which, BTW, is most of them.

So we'll just prosecute the worst ones.

People are going to prison over this. Count on it. Maybe not now, but at some point it's gonna happen.

And, of course, you'll hide under your desk when it does. You won't mutter a word.
Edgedup seems to think those 990 forms are private taxpayer information, apparently.

So do the doofus' at Judicial Watch and other assorted uneducated connies.

You do realize that Cummings denied any involvement with the irs over True the Vote, correct? Trying to change the narrative here isn't going to work.
No, he didn't.

You didn't watch the hearings did you??

Yes he did. And you don't find it suspicious that the questions asked of True The Vote by The IRS and his staff were nearly identical?
cummings is a dimocrap, ergo he is a lying scumbag.

I really don't think Issa would jeopardize the entire proceedings on a hunch.

cummings is going down. Hard.

And I am only incorrect so far on the private information disclosure by the IRS to the lying scumbag cummings.

I guarantee you, there's some dirt going on here and it WILL come out.

What you hope to do is to drag it ou until people lose interest in it. Which the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM never had any interest in it in the first place, so that might happen.

But when we take the Senate and we appoint a Select Committee, heads are gonna roll.

And we take the White House and get the worst AG in history out of there and on trial for his life, we can start to prsoecute the criminals in the dimocrap party. Which, BTW, is most of them.

So we'll just prosecute the worst ones.

People are going to prison over this. Count on it. Maybe not now, but at some point it's gonna happen.

And, of course, you'll hide under your desk when it does. You won't mutter a word.
You do realize that Cummings denied any involvement with the irs over True the Vote, correct? Trying to change the narrative here isn't going to work.
No, he didn't.

You didn't watch the hearings did you??

Yes he did. And you don't find it suspicious that the questions asked of True The Vote by The IRS and his staff were nearly identical?

When you inquire about a non profit tax exempt org there are some very standard questions about how they operate.

That you (and other RW knuts) think because these standard questions are similar -- there must have been collusion, is absurd to anyone with two nickles of IQ points to rub together.
I never left the Republican Party. It left me when it decided to worship lying (christie), greed (romney), ignorance (palin), and stupidity (bachmann).

And so you turned to a moron who embodies all four of your complaints? That was smart.
No, I turned to four different morons who happen to be the leaders of the republican party. I notice you were unable to defend any of them. Not a surprise. Basically the republican party is a sinking ship. Now on a sinking ship it is usually the rats who leave first. But in the republican party it is the people who left first and it is the rats who have stayed behind. Is it any wonder Obama won the last two presidential elections?
Ha ha. The sinking ship you're going to see is the Democrat Party after the crap you jackasses pulled on the American people. Obama and senators are running scared for the next election. You can blame Dear Leader and those who voted for him. Like you?
"Congressman Cummings took it upon himself—and I think that
I was not representing True the Vote in that particular proceeding,
but there were a series of letters sent to True the Vote from Congressman
Cummings, which purported to be on behalf of the committee,
using the franking privilege, and which sought to delve into
the inner workings of True the Vote and to make allegations about
True the Vote that were not true, demanding materials, demanding
information, demanding that Catherine Engelbrecht and representative's
of True the Vote make themselves available in Washington.
And frankly, we think that is improper, and we will deal with that
in a different proceeding, but we also—because we—but we also
want to know whether there was any effort.
We want to get to the bottom of how these coincidences happened,
and we’re going to try to figure out whether any—if there
was any staff of this committee that might have been involved in
putting True the Vote on the radar screen of some of these Federal
agencies. We don’t know that, but we—we’re going to do everything
we can do to try to get to the bottom of how did this all happen.

Mr. CUMMINGS. Will the gentleman yield?


Mr. CUMMINGS. I want to thank the gentleman for his courtesy.
What she just said is absolutely incorrect and not true. Letters
were sent out as the ranking member. I am the ranking member
of this committee.

I did nothing different than what Mr. Issa has
done when looking into situations, and I don’t want to put out
there that I was trying to act on behalf of the committee or anything
unusual. We were basically looking into voting situations and
whether voters were in any way, in any way, being impeded from

I want to thank the gentleman. And we have the letters, by the
way, and the only one—and Chairman Issa was sent copies of all
of the letters, so we weren’t hiding anything.
Thank you very much for yielding.

Mr. MEADOWS. Well, and I thank the gentleman and certainly
wanting to make sure that you have the opportunity.
And so, Ms. Engelbrecht, the gentleman from Maryland obviously
is one that—from a targeting standpoint, so I would just let
him follow up on that and make sure—and give him—yield to him
in terms of following up to assure you that neither he nor his staff
or anyone would have contacted the IRS to investigate you and to
do that. And so I’d yield to the gentleman and let him give you
those personal assurances."

Hearing IRS Targeting Investigation Part 1 | Video |

Serial No. 113-85 (HOUSE Hearing) - THE IRS TARGETING INVESTIGATION: WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATION DOING? [PDF 7833 KB] Congressional Hearings. General. Oversight and Government Reform. Thursday, February 6, 2014.

What part of he denied it do you not get?
He never denied he contact the slimes at TTV. You lie.

Bull and your continued obfuscation will not change that fact.
All you wingers prove is you never actually saw the full hearings and just depend on the right wing echo chamber to give you the smoothie you need to soothe and feed your id.
All you wingers prove is you never actually saw the full hearings and just depend on the right wing echo chamber to give you the smoothie you need to soothe and feed your id.

As I stated, your continued obfuscation does not change the facts. Winning is not on your side.
All you wingers prove is you never actually saw the full hearings and just depend on the right wing echo chamber to give you the smoothie you need to soothe and feed your id.

As I stated, your continued obfuscation does not change the facts. Winning is not on your side.
We'll let the readers decide who has brought actual raw, original facts and primary sources to the table here and who is doing the obfuscation.

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