Virgin appears, says that Rome will lose the faith...

Sorry bout that,

1. "Who am I to judge"
2. Said recently.
3. After centuries of condemnation and being a *judge*, a prominent person in the church accepted homosexuality.
4. So hell has prevailed.
5. Is it Christ's Church?
6. For decades the church has voted democrat.
7. Isn't that contrary to what Christ taught?
8. Go figure that out.

where on Earth do you get your information?

If I am not mistaken, CAtholics voted for Trump, a majority of them

Catholics all have a mind of their own, just like everyone else.. Some of them do vote dim but those are not TRUE Catholics or they wouldn't vote for someone who promotes abortion like hrc and etc..

and Hell has not prevailed over the RCC... That Church still exists. It just isn't the one t hat Pope F presides over. He is notCatholic.

and isn't it a tad hypocritical that protestants mention the old gates of hell prevailing against the Church... but when it comes to looking at Luther... and how he separated Christians in Europe who had once been united under the Original Church... well, somehow that "gates of Hell" passage doesn't apply to the divisions Protestants cause..

then there are all the 60,000 different denoms... each teaching a different thing... and that is not ever called what it is... (dividing the Church.. )

There is only ONE Church. Which one is it?
Shows how little YOU know about the Catholic Crime Syndicate!!! LMAOROFL!!

They've been found, over many, many, MANY hundreds of years to be the center for death, destruction, murder, coercion, drug trafficking, human trafficking, black market babies, etc.....

Not to forget all the PEDOPHILES, and child RAPISTS they hire as "spiritual leaders"!!!

You might want to pull your head out of your butt once a year and take a breath of REALITY!!
this is not worth my time

you can imbibe fake news and fake history to your heart's content... have at it... your life
where on Earth do you get your information?

If I am not mistaken, CAtholics voted for Trump, a majority of them

Catholics all have a mind of their own, just like everyone else.. Some of them do vote dim but those are not TRUE Catholics or they wouldn't vote for someone who promotes abortion like hrc and etc..

and Hell has not prevailed over the RCC... That Church still exists. It just isn't the one t hat Pope F presides over. He is notCatholic.

and isn't it a tad hypocritical that protestants mention the old gates of hell prevailing against the Church... but when it comes to looking at Luther... and how he separated Christians in Europe who had once been united under the Original Church... well, somehow that "gates of Hell" passage doesn't apply to the divisions Protestants cause..

then there are all the 60,000 different denoms... each teaching a different thing... and that is not ever called what it is... (dividing the Church.. )

There is only ONE Church. Which one is it?
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm Catholic.
2. And I see whats going on.
3. Seems like the light of the church glows dimly.
4. And can be hidden with a handkerchief.
5. Not out, just a sparce flicker.
6. The Pope speaks for G-D on Earth.
7. So if the Pope says something contrary to G-D hasn't the Church been overthrown?
8. Answer carefully.
9. Or don't answer that, and say I'm not sure.

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Sorry bout that,

1. I'm Catholic.
2. And I see whats going on.
3. Seems like the light of the church glows dimly.
4. And can be hidden with a handkerchief.
5. Not out, just a sparce flicker.
6. The Pope speaks for G-D on Earth.
7. So if the Pope says something contrary to G-D hasn't the Church been overthrown?
8. Answer carefully.
9. Or don't answer that, and say I'm not sure.

i don't get all of your comments here but I 've said this following many times here:

The true Church is NOT the novus ordo one. The Church was essentially stolen out from under us by liberals. .. liberal popes, to be exact. (Vatican II)

the true Church is being persecuted and lives on in the SSPX where things are done according to the good popes who preceded these bad (hideous ) ones..

Even JP II

he is not a saint.. IMO. But hey, when you take over the Church, you can proclaim anyone you want a saint...

sad but the true Church survived, as Jesus promised it would... mt1618
and isn't it a tad hypocritical that protestants mention the old gates of hell prevailing against the Church... but when it comes to looking at Luther... and how he separated Christians in Europe who had once been united under the Original Church... well, somehow that "gates of Hell" passage doesn't apply to the divisions Protestants cause..

then there are all the 60,000 different denoms... each teaching a different thing... and that is not ever called what it is... (dividing the Church.. )

There is only ONE Church. Which one is it?
Actually... the church was already divided a long time already, protestants did not initiate that. You would have to disregard all other movements in Christianity prior to the reformation, including the separated Eastern Orthodox churches, for that view. There was not the continuously united original church.

What would I call the one church? Not what you would. Maybe I would be justified to say it is the believers who come out of Mystery Babylon, which is needed, but I am not sure. Maybe some believers won't figure out they have to leave it and won't make it out, while still of the body of believers.

Christ will still save all the real repentant believers from judgment that is coming ultimately on the unrepentant.
Sorry bout that,

1. So if the gates prevail against Christ's Church is it Christ's Church then?, or is there another, its been said, in the ends times faith will fail many.
2. Is Christ's Church meant to fail somewhat?
3. Lots of prophecy in regards to this.
4. "Will faith be found in the world?"
5. Are those who split early on, from the Catholics, now the only root, of Christ's Church thats stayed true to the faith?
6. Is failing ok, is the, Church of Christ, the Catholic Church not immune to failings?
7. Is failing a way of learning, do we all fail, and then ask to be forgiven of Christ in the end, like Peter?
8. If I say the truth, and your offended then you might be in error.
9. Is failing ingrained in humanity.

The Eastern Orthodox are pretty solid; Moscow excepted maybe.

i don't get all of your comments here but I 've said this following many times here:

The true Church is NOT the novus ordo one. The Church was essentially stolen out from under us by liberals. .. liberal popes, to be exact. (Vatican II)

the true Church is being persecuted and lives on in the SSPX where things are done according to the good popes who preceded these bad (hideous ) ones..

Even JP II

he is not a saint.. IMO. But hey, when you take over the Church, you can proclaim anyone you want a saint...

sad but the true Church survived, as Jesus promised it would... mt1618

Do you read and speak Latin?
no, it hasn't... shows your abysmal lack of knowledge about the historical Church

It went astray with Pius XII and associates

But Jesus said he would be with us until the end.. Mt 2820

and that the gates of Hell would not prevail against His Church (and He only established ONE of those... did not say "Churches")

Just bc the popes lose the faith doesn't mean every other Catholic does...

Who decides who has lost the faith?
The entire Catholic organized crime syndicate has BEEN the "antichrist" all along!!!
all along?

no, things began to go haywire in the 1960s w/ Vatican II and all that nonsense. Up until then Catholics believed that Jesus and His Church, the one (an there is only one) He founded were necessary for salvation ("No one comes to the Father except through Me"-Jesus said). Vatican II was a takeover of anti-Catholic (read: anti-Christian) people, some een Communists who secretly wanted to destroy the Church.. didn't do too bad a job.. Now we have a heretic for pope (He says people in mortal sin can receive Communion, etc..).

The Church was fine up until then. No, it does not have a perfect history, but show me a church or a so called church that does.. (again, there is only ONE Church)

What Protestants forget is that you cannot "blame the entire Church" for what its more sinful members or purported members do. They forget that a lot.
Who decides who has lost the faith?
it's not rocket science.

If you know what Jesus taught, you know that someone coming along professing to believe what He taught but showing in his actions/words that is not so.. you know that person is not following Jesus.

and by the way, Pope Pius was not "in on it"... the steal of the Church

and once the Church "fell" or virtually fell w/ Vatican II... everything else fell as well.. kind of like when Adam and Eve sinned and all of nature fell as well and so we humans are all born in original sin (removed by baptism).

We certainly see how the US govt has also fallen...
it's not rocket science.

If you know what Jesus taught, you know that someone coming along professing to believe what He taught but showing in his actions/words that is not so.. you know that person is not following Jesus.

and by the way, Pope Pius was not "in on it"... the steal of the Church

and once the Church "fell" or virtually fell w/ Vatican II... everything else fell as well.. kind of like when Adam and Eve sinned and all of nature fell as well and so we humans are all born in original sin (removed by baptism).

We certainly see how the US govt has also fallen...

So, if the Bible says "treat thy neighbor as you'd want to be treated" and you treat different people differently, like, say, gay people, it means you're not following Jesus?

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