Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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My white friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.
I can assure you if we met face to face I would not be a white you dislike. But, I am going to push back on your last few statements so the online me might rub you the wrong way, not as a sign of disrespect but I just think your perspective needs to be challenged. At the same time I’m open to learning more about your thought process.

I honestly don’t see how generizing a racial group and judging people based on those generalizations can be a good thing... I only see prejudice, divisiveness and animosity stemming from that. Is that your goal?
You dont seem like a white person I would dislike and I appreciate the challenge. I can respect that.

Its neither good or bad to generalize. Its necessary for Black people to do so. Its for survival.
I’m not a black persons so I can’t say that I know what it’s like to walk in their shoes. But I can observe cause and effect. What productive effect to you see stemming from your survival technique of generalizing and disliking white people. How does that help you?
its helped me in both the corporate world and my private life. As a Black man you have to assume traps are being laid for you by whites. When I worked in corporate world I could easily out smart white boys trying to get me fired because I saw their traps coming. Imagine if I had been some naive fool believing that all their niceness was genuine?

Holy Hate Speech Bat Man. So that job at McDonalds didn't work out? Sorry to hear that.
Thanks for making what he was talking about abundantly clear and legit.
I can assure you if we met face to face I would not be a white you dislike. But, I am going to push back on your last few statements so the online me might rub you the wrong way, not as a sign of disrespect but I just think your perspective needs to be challenged. At the same time I’m open to learning more about your thought process.

I honestly don’t see how generizing a racial group and judging people based on those generalizations can be a good thing... I only see prejudice, divisiveness and animosity stemming from that. Is that your goal?
You dont seem like a white person I would dislike and I appreciate the challenge. I can respect that.

Its neither good or bad to generalize. Its necessary for Black people to do so. Its for survival.
I’m not a black persons so I can’t say that I know what it’s like to walk in their shoes. But I can observe cause and effect. What productive effect to you see stemming from your survival technique of generalizing and disliking white people. How does that help you?
its helped me in both the corporate world and my private life. As a Black man you have to assume traps are being laid for you by whites. When I worked in corporate world I could easily out smart white boys trying to get me fired because I saw their traps coming. Imagine if I had been some naive fool believing that all their niceness was genuine?

Holy Hate Speech Bat Man. So that job at McDonalds didn't work out? Sorry to hear that.
Thanks for making what he was talking about abundantly clear and legit.

Great...another hate speech advocate.
If you have white friends and family then how in the world can you say the term “I dislike white people” don’t you see how that just feeds the problem?

If you are really standing up for the black community and racial justice then you wouldn’t project by making statements like that. It means you are using a similar divisive and racist mindset of the people you are fighting against.

There are many shitty people in this world, they come in all colors. There are many wonderful people in this world, they come in all colors. We shouldn’t be judging one group by any standards, we should be judging the individual by their words and actions.
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.

By preaching hatred of all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. How proud your parents must be....
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
No. I said I dislike white people and there is no proof you fake jews are the real Hebrews described in the bible.
If you have white friends and family then how in the world can you say the term “I dislike white people” don’t you see how that just feeds the problem?

If you are really standing up for the black community and racial justice then you wouldn’t project by making statements like that. It means you are using a similar divisive and racist mindset of the people you are fighting against.

There are many shitty people in this world, they come in all colors. There are many wonderful people in this world, they come in all colors. We shouldn’t be judging one group by any standards, we should be judging the individual by their words and actions.
My white friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.
I can assure you if we met face to face I would not be a white you dislike. But, I am going to push back on your last few statements so the online me might rub you the wrong way, not as a sign of disrespect but I just think your perspective needs to be challenged. At the same time I’m open to learning more about your thought process.

I honestly don’t see how generizing a racial group and judging people based on those generalizations can be a good thing... I only see prejudice, divisiveness and animosity stemming from that. Is that your goal?
You dont seem like a white person I would dislike and I appreciate the challenge. I can respect that.

Its neither good or bad to generalize. Its necessary for Black people to do so. Its for survival.
I’m not a black persons so I can’t say that I know what it’s like to walk in their shoes. But I can observe cause and effect. What productive effect to you see stemming from your survival technique of generalizing and disliking white people. How does that help you?
its helped me in both the corporate world and my private life. As a Black man you have to assume traps are being laid for you by whites. When I worked in the corporate world I could easily out smart white boys trying to get me fired because I saw their traps coming. Imagine if I had been some naive fool believing that all their niceness was genuine?
I understand that. I imagine women, Muslims, gays and other groups have to deal with the same struggles. Like I said there, are a lot of shitty people out there as unfortunately some groups are bigger targets than others. I’m all about fighting against that. Let me rephrase, I’m a white male who is all about fighting against that. You gotta recognize that while you have plenty of white “enemies” you also have plenty of white “allies”. You gotta stop making the fight against whites and make it against discrimination.
Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.

By preaching hatred of all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. How proud your parents must be....
I have you so flustered you just broke a rule and mentioned my family. :laugh:
Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
No. I said I dislike white people and there is no proof you fake jews are the real Hebrews described in the bible.

Nah...none...we made it up so that we can be discriminated against worldwide. 1940 - 1945 was especially fun in Europe and Russia.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.

By preaching hatred of all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. How proud your parents must be....
I have you so flustered you just broke a rule and mentioned my family. :laugh:

There is a rule? How would I know I broke a rule when I didn't know it was a rule? Emojis are for losers. BAD DONKEY!
He owns the democrat Party and has completely radicalized it. It has been totally pushed out into Leftists Lunatic Fringe land. Soros knows that they surest way to destroy a county from within. Had Hillary won, we'd be at war with Russia and Soros would have made Billions selling the USA Short. Instead, Hillary fucked his dreams of turning the USA into his own personal dictatorship, so he's decided to stage a coup.

I think maybe within a generation the smoke will clear and it might be OK for people to say that, "Yes, I'm a democrat"
Cool story bro.

Got any links to back that claptrap up?
My white friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.
I can assure you if we met face to face I would not be a white you dislike. But, I am going to push back on your last few statements so the online me might rub you the wrong way, not as a sign of disrespect but I just think your perspective needs to be challenged. At the same time I’m open to learning more about your thought process.

I honestly don’t see how generizing a racial group and judging people based on those generalizations can be a good thing... I only see prejudice, divisiveness and animosity stemming from that. Is that your goal?
You dont seem like a white person I would dislike and I appreciate the challenge. I can respect that.

Its neither good or bad to generalize. Its necessary for Black people to do so. Its for survival.
I’m not a black persons so I can’t say that I know what it’s like to walk in their shoes. But I can observe cause and effect. What productive effect to you see stemming from your survival technique of generalizing and disliking white people. How does that help you?
its helped me in both the corporate world and my private life. As a Black man you have to assume traps are being laid for you by whites. When I worked in the corporate world I could easily out smart white boys trying to get me fired because I saw their traps coming. Imagine if I had been some naive fool believing that all their niceness was genuine?
I understand that. I imagine women, Muslims, gays and other groups have to deal with the same struggles. Like I said there, are a lot of shitty people out there as unfortunately some groups are bigger targets than others. I’m all about fighting against that. Let me rephrase, I’m a white male who is all about fighting against that. You gotta recognize that while you have plenty of white “enemies” you also have plenty of white “allies”. You gotta stop making the fight against whites and make it against discrimination.
In my experience white people that are true allies are very very rare. I see the problem of racism as a disease white people catch. Einstein even said the same thing. So its not conducive to my goals to pretend I am not fighting against white led racism.
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He owns the democrat Party and has completely radicalized it. It has been totally pushed out into Leftists Lunatic Fringe land. Soros knows that they surest way to destroy a county from within. Had Hillary won, we'd be at war with Russia and Soros would have made Billions selling the USA Short. Instead, Hillary fucked his dreams of turning the USA into his own personal dictatorship, so he's decided to stage a coup.

I think maybe within a generation the smoke will clear and it might be OK for people to say that, "Yes, I'm a democrat"
Cool story bro.

Got any links to back that claptrap up?

You have Google, do your own research.
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
He is engaged in a pretty heated and defensive debate, as are you. That environment only pushes people to the extremes. It’s shocking how much common ground we find when we can speak to each other with respect and cool minds. I bet if you two met at a picnic and engaged in a thoughtful conversation you’d both find much more common ground than what’s going on here.

Unfortunately our society is turning into drama hungry tribes being fed by our leaders and news media who only care about ratings and elections.
I can assure you if we met face to face I would not be a white you dislike. But, I am going to push back on your last few statements so the online me might rub you the wrong way, not as a sign of disrespect but I just think your perspective needs to be challenged. At the same time I’m open to learning more about your thought process.

I honestly don’t see how generizing a racial group and judging people based on those generalizations can be a good thing... I only see prejudice, divisiveness and animosity stemming from that. Is that your goal?
You dont seem like a white person I would dislike and I appreciate the challenge. I can respect that.

Its neither good or bad to generalize. Its necessary for Black people to do so. Its for survival.
I’m not a black persons so I can’t say that I know what it’s like to walk in their shoes. But I can observe cause and effect. What productive effect to you see stemming from your survival technique of generalizing and disliking white people. How does that help you?
its helped me in both the corporate world and my private life. As a Black man you have to assume traps are being laid for you by whites. When I worked in the corporate world I could easily out smart white boys trying to get me fired because I saw their traps coming. Imagine if I had been some naive fool believing that all their niceness was genuine?
I understand that. I imagine women, Muslims, gays and other groups have to deal with the same struggles. Like I said there, are a lot of shitty people out there as unfortunately some groups are bigger targets than others. I’m all about fighting against that. Let me rephrase, I’m a white male who is all about fighting against that. You gotta recognize that while you have plenty of white “enemies” you also have plenty of white “allies”. You gotta stop making the fight against whites and make it against discrimination.
In my experience white people that are true allies are very very rare. I see the problem of discrimination as a disease white people catch. Einstein even said the same thing. So its not conducive to my goals to pretend I am not fighting against white led racism.

Yet somehow you're infected with it. LOL. Do you have proof of this widespread white racism?
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
No. I said I dislike white people and there is no proof you fake jews are the real Hebrews described in the bible.

Nah...none...we made it up so that we can be discriminated against worldwide. 1940 - 1945 was especially fun in Europe and Russia.
I thought yall made up it so you could occupy Israel?
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.
Why do you think Whites want to stop being racist?

Why do you think Whites need to stop being racist? By what justification?

What makes you believe it is to Whites' benefit to not be racist?
Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
He is engaged in a pretty heated and defensive debate, as are you. That environment only pushes people to the extremes. It’s shocking how much common ground we find when we can speak to each other with respect and cool minds. I bet if you two met at a picnic and engaged in a thoughtful conversation you’d both find much more common ground than what’s going on here.

Unfortunately our society is turning into drama hungry tribes being fed by our leaders and news media who only care about ratings and elections.

With all due respect he hates me for being white and a Jew. He does not want to know anything else about me. He is the epitome of a low life.
Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
He is engaged in a pretty heated and defensive debate, as are you. That environment only pushes people to the extremes. It’s shocking how much common ground we find when we can speak to each other with respect and cool minds. I bet if you two met at a picnic and engaged in a thoughtful conversation you’d both find much more common ground than what’s going on here.

Unfortunately our society is turning into drama hungry tribes being fed by our leaders and news media who only care about ratings and elections.
Not to mention but he blatantly lied about what I said but I guess thats what happens when someone gets emotional.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
No. I said I dislike white people and there is no proof you fake jews are the real Hebrews described in the bible.

Nah...none...we made it up so that we can be discriminated against worldwide. 1940 - 1945 was especially fun in Europe and Russia.
I thought yall made up it so you could occupy Israel?

Occupy by winning two wars? Do you even know history? BAD DONKEY!
Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.

By preaching hatred of all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. How proud your parents must be....
If parents helped make their kids racist then I am sure -- positive -- that they are proud of it yes.
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a smaller minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a larger sized minority than us, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.
So you do believe in being divisive is that right? Through those lessons how does it help the black community and our society in the long run?
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