Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
He is engaged in a pretty heated and defensive debate, as are you. That environment only pushes people to the extremes. It’s shocking how much common ground we find when we can speak to each other with respect and cool minds. I bet if you two met at a picnic and engaged in a thoughtful conversation you’d both find much more common ground than what’s going on here.

Unfortunately our society is turning into drama hungry tribes being fed by our leaders and news media who only care about ratings and elections.

With all due respect he hates me for being white and a Jew. He does not want to know anything else about me. He is the epitome of a low life.
I’m white and he has treated me with respect so far. I imagine there is more to the beef y’all have with each other than just skin color.

It is the fact that he wants all Jews eradicated that sort off annoys me. To me a racist is a racist regardless of color. The Polish dude was racist too and I poked fun at him equally. I am an equal opportunity offender.
Youre emotional guy. Calm down. I never said I wanted Jews eradicated.
Not all whites are racist. Dummy. You may feel that way because all whites you meet dislike you. But they dislike you because you are a low life not because of your skin pigmentation.
Yuwer from Baahstan right?

Correct. Home of the Patriots...who embarrassed your Falcons in the SB. Thanks for playing Marky Mark.
I dont hate you. I dont even know you. Youre a fake jew. The sooner you accept this the better off you will be.

You're is two words not one. Captain perfect spelling. I wish Hitler realized my ancestors were fake Jews, I'd have a lot more presents during the holidays. I get really tan in the summer. Am I a fake white too?
Nope. Youre is a contraction dummy. Youre the one that didnt know how to spell hyperbole then claimed I didnt know what it meant. That was classic. :laugh:

Didn't know how or did not do it correctly? BTW - what sort of occupation is "protecting families"? Are you a watch dog? Bark Bark Bark?!?!?
You obviously didnt know how to spell it but I didnt point that out until you claimed I didnt know what it meant.

You really think I don't know how to spell "hyper"? Stop grasping at straws, racist dummy. BAD DONKEY!!!
You really thought I didnt know what it meant when you obviously couldnt spell the word hyperbole?
I’m not a black persons so I can’t say that I know what it’s like to walk in their shoes. But I can observe cause and effect. What productive effect to you see stemming from your survival technique of generalizing and disliking white people. How does that help you?
its helped me in both the corporate world and my private life. As a Black man you have to assume traps are being laid for you by whites. When I worked in the corporate world I could easily out smart white boys trying to get me fired because I saw their traps coming. Imagine if I had been some naive fool believing that all their niceness was genuine?
I understand that. I imagine women, Muslims, gays and other groups have to deal with the same struggles. Like I said there, are a lot of shitty people out there as unfortunately some groups are bigger targets than others. I’m all about fighting against that. Let me rephrase, I’m a white male who is all about fighting against that. You gotta recognize that while you have plenty of white “enemies” you also have plenty of white “allies”. You gotta stop making the fight against whites and make it against discrimination.
In my experience white people that are true allies are very very rare. I see the problem of discrimination as a disease white people catch. Einstein even said the same thing. So its not conducive to my goals to pretend I am not fighting against white led racism.
Might you be confusing racism, in some cases, with peoples instincts to look out for their own self interests? Something that we all have
Correct. The word he used was racism. I dont see that same drive in other races to the same degree whites have it. Blacks are notorious for accepting other races often to their detriment.
It sounds like you are promoting blacks to stop accepting other races and stick to their own with discrimination against whites. In other words you think it better for the black community to stick with their own and be divided amoungst whites in America. Is that right?

I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, just trying to understand your philosophy, so please correct me if I’m wrong.
Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
He is engaged in a pretty heated and defensive debate, as are you. That environment only pushes people to the extremes. It’s shocking how much common ground we find when we can speak to each other with respect and cool minds. I bet if you two met at a picnic and engaged in a thoughtful conversation you’d both find much more common ground than what’s going on here.

Unfortunately our society is turning into drama hungry tribes being fed by our leaders and news media who only care about ratings and elections.

With all due respect he hates me for being white and a Jew. He does not want to know anything else about me. He is the epitome of a low life.
I’m white and he has treated me with respect so far. I imagine there is more to the beef y’all have with each other than just skin color.

It is the fact that he wants all Jews eradicated that sort off annoys me. To me a racist is a racist regardless of color. The Polish dude was racist too and I poked fun at him equally. I am an equal opportunity offender.
Youre emotional guy. Calm down. I never said I wanted Jews eradicated.

You certainly did. Here comes the racist back track. Of course you don't think white people can be Jews.
Yep, it's that time again, the White Supremacists have managed to get Virginia to declare a state of emergency...

There's a lot of White Supremacists out there folks.

There were like 200 white supremacists at the Charlottesville event last August. That's not that many.

And considering a large number of the white supremacists were actually FBI and other law enforcement plants into radical groups, and a number are plants by the media to get people "embedded" into the groups, and still other like Dave Duke are transported out of their old folks home by CNN so they can attend and be interviewed, it isn't a very large group at all.

If the media stopped publicizing the event, and the FBI withdrew their undercover agents, white supremacy would collapse due to lack of interest.

James Alex Fields, of Charlottesville infamy, was NOT a member of any white supremacist group, and was only baited out of his mum's basement because of CNN doing their best to promote the event.
Yep, it's that time again, the White Supremacists have managed to get Virginia to declare a state of emergency...

There's a lot of White Supremacists out there folks.

There were like 200 white supremacists at the Charlottesville event last August. That's not that many.

And considering a large number of the white supremacists were actually FBI and other law enforcement plants into radical groups, and a number are plants by the media to get people "embedded" into the groups, and still other like Dave Duke are transported out of their old folks home by CNN so they can attend and be interviewed, it isn't a very large group at all.

If the media stopped publicizing the event, and the FBI withdrew their undercover agents, white supremacy would collapse due to lack of interest.

James Alex Fields, of Charlottesville infamy, was NOT a member of any white supremacist group, and was only baited out of his mum's basement because of CNN doing their best to promote the event.

One is too many.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
Interesting...when did you first start realizing this?
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
He is engaged in a pretty heated and defensive debate, as are you. That environment only pushes people to the extremes. It’s shocking how much common ground we find when we can speak to each other with respect and cool minds. I bet if you two met at a picnic and engaged in a thoughtful conversation you’d both find much more common ground than what’s going on here.

Unfortunately our society is turning into drama hungry tribes being fed by our leaders and news media who only care about ratings and elections.

With all due respect he hates me for being white and a Jew. He does not want to know anything else about me. He is the epitome of a low life.
I’m white and he has treated me with respect so far. I imagine there is more to the beef y’all have with each other than just skin color.

It is the fact that he wants all Jews eradicated that sort off annoys me. To me a racist is a racist regardless of color. The Polish dude was racist too and I poked fun at him equally. I am an equal opportunity offender.
Eradicating Jews is a foolish and outright stupid proposition... Yeah the polish dude is pretty extreme, I’ve gotten into it plenty of times with him. Crazy that these people still exist in our society... pretty sad
its helped me in both the corporate world and my private life. As a Black man you have to assume traps are being laid for you by whites. When I worked in the corporate world I could easily out smart white boys trying to get me fired because I saw their traps coming. Imagine if I had been some naive fool believing that all their niceness was genuine?
I understand that. I imagine women, Muslims, gays and other groups have to deal with the same struggles. Like I said there, are a lot of shitty people out there as unfortunately some groups are bigger targets than others. I’m all about fighting against that. Let me rephrase, I’m a white male who is all about fighting against that. You gotta recognize that while you have plenty of white “enemies” you also have plenty of white “allies”. You gotta stop making the fight against whites and make it against discrimination.
In my experience white people that are true allies are very very rare. I see the problem of discrimination as a disease white people catch. Einstein even said the same thing. So its not conducive to my goals to pretend I am not fighting against white led racism.
Might you be confusing racism, in some cases, with peoples instincts to look out for their own self interests? Something that we all have
Correct. The word he used was racism. I dont see that same drive in other races to the same degree whites have it. Blacks are notorious for accepting other races often to their detriment.
It sounds like you are promoting blacks to stop accepting other races and stick to their own with discrimination against whites. In other words you think it better for the black community to stick with their own and be divided amoungst whites in America. Is that right?

I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, just trying to understand your philosophy, so please correct me if I’m wrong.
I think if Blacks spent less time worrying about what whites think and concentrate on building nothing can stop us. I think Blacks need a timeout from whites. Too many are focused on just surviving instead of thriving. I noticed that my life calmed down a whole lot once I realized I couldnt be stopped. I simply had to accept the fact that whites were going to throw obstacles in my way. I just had to learn how to navigate and never quit.
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
Interesting...when did you first start realizing this?
The thing about aliens?? It dawned on me today :)
Anyone who does not like to be around Negroes should simply move to the Rocky Mountains.

It's too cold for them here. We have very few -- just a couple or so who are obviously lost.
There were like 200 white supremacists at the Charlottesville event last August. That's not that many.

And considering a large number of the white supremacists were actually FBI and other law enforcement plants into radical groups, and a number are plants by the media to get people "embedded" into the groups, and still other like Dave Duke are transported out of their old folks home by CNN so they can attend and be interviewed, it isn't a very large group at all.

If the media stopped publicizing the event, and the FBI withdrew their undercover agents, white supremacy would collapse due to lack of interest.

James Alex Fields, of Charlottesville infamy, was NOT a member of any white supremacist group, and was only baited out of his mum's basement because of CNN doing their best to promote the event.
Were you amongst those on the right who were having fits, fainting spells and conniptions over these TWO gentlemen who were simply standing outside near a voting area?

He is engaged in a pretty heated and defensive debate, as are you. That environment only pushes people to the extremes. It’s shocking how much common ground we find when we can speak to each other with respect and cool minds. I bet if you two met at a picnic and engaged in a thoughtful conversation you’d both find much more common ground than what’s going on here.

Unfortunately our society is turning into drama hungry tribes being fed by our leaders and news media who only care about ratings and elections.

With all due respect he hates me for being white and a Jew. He does not want to know anything else about me. He is the epitome of a low life.
I’m white and he has treated me with respect so far. I imagine there is more to the beef y’all have with each other than just skin color.

It is the fact that he wants all Jews eradicated that sort off annoys me. To me a racist is a racist regardless of color. The Polish dude was racist too and I poked fun at him equally. I am an equal opportunity offender.
Youre emotional guy. Calm down. I never said I wanted Jews eradicated.

You certainly did. Here comes the racist back track. Of course you don't think white people can be Jews.
You should provide the quote where I said I wanted Jews to be eradicated. Jews are my people and no you white boys are not the real Jews.
Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
He is engaged in a pretty heated and defensive debate, as are you. That environment only pushes people to the extremes. It’s shocking how much common ground we find when we can speak to each other with respect and cool minds. I bet if you two met at a picnic and engaged in a thoughtful conversation you’d both find much more common ground than what’s going on here.

Unfortunately our society is turning into drama hungry tribes being fed by our leaders and news media who only care about ratings and elections.

With all due respect he hates me for being white and a Jew. He does not want to know anything else about me. He is the epitome of a low life.
I’m white and he has treated me with respect so far. I imagine there is more to the beef y’all have with each other than just skin color.

It is the fact that he wants all Jews eradicated that sort off annoys me. To me a racist is a racist regardless of color. The Polish dude was racist too and I poked fun at him equally. I am an equal opportunity offender.
Eradicating Jews is a foolish and outright stupid proposition... Yeah the polish dude is pretty extreme, I’ve gotten into it plenty of times with him. Crazy that these people still exist in our society... pretty sad

And the Muslim Brotherhood folks are equally bad IMO. All I am saying.
I understand that. I imagine women, Muslims, gays and other groups have to deal with the same struggles. Like I said there, are a lot of shitty people out there as unfortunately some groups are bigger targets than others. I’m all about fighting against that. Let me rephrase, I’m a white male who is all about fighting against that. You gotta recognize that while you have plenty of white “enemies” you also have plenty of white “allies”. You gotta stop making the fight against whites and make it against discrimination.
In my experience white people that are true allies are very very rare. I see the problem of discrimination as a disease white people catch. Einstein even said the same thing. So its not conducive to my goals to pretend I am not fighting against white led racism.
Might you be confusing racism, in some cases, with peoples instincts to look out for their own self interests? Something that we all have
Correct. The word he used was racism. I dont see that same drive in other races to the same degree whites have it. Blacks are notorious for accepting other races often to their detriment.
It sounds like you are promoting blacks to stop accepting other races and stick to their own with discrimination against whites. In other words you think it better for the black community to stick with their own and be divided amoungst whites in America. Is that right?

I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, just trying to understand your philosophy, so please correct me if I’m wrong.
I think if Blacks spent less time worrying about what whites think and concentrate on building nothing can stop us. I think Blacks need a timeout from whites. Too many are focused on just surviving instead of thriving. I noticed that my life calmed down a whole lot once I realized I couldnt be stopped. I simply had to accept the fact that whites were going to throw obstacles in my way. I just had to learn how to navigate and never quit.
Good analysis.

This is called bootstrapping.

Another synonym is resilience.

Good luck with that.

You are right -- it is your only hope.

I have found the same thing to be true for any oppressed group as well, such as older workers trying to find work in a workforce overflowing with the younger.

There is no sense crying about the status quo.
With all due respect he hates me for being white and a Jew. He does not want to know anything else about me. He is the epitome of a low life.
I’m white and he has treated me with respect so far. I imagine there is more to the beef y’all have with each other than just skin color.

It is the fact that he wants all Jews eradicated that sort off annoys me. To me a racist is a racist regardless of color. The Polish dude was racist too and I poked fun at him equally. I am an equal opportunity offender.
Youre emotional guy. Calm down. I never said I wanted Jews eradicated.

You certainly did. Here comes the racist back track. Of course you don't think white people can be Jews.
You should provide the quote where I said I wanted Jews to be eradicated. Jews are my people and no you white boys are not the real Jews.

You're not a real human being IMO. So that is fine.
There were like 200 white supremacists at the Charlottesville event last August. That's not that many.

And considering a large number of the white supremacists were actually FBI and other law enforcement plants into radical groups, and a number are plants by the media to get people "embedded" into the groups, and still other like Dave Duke are transported out of their old folks home by CNN so they can attend and be interviewed, it isn't a very large group at all.

If the media stopped publicizing the event, and the FBI withdrew their undercover agents, white supremacy would collapse due to lack of interest.

James Alex Fields, of Charlottesville infamy, was NOT a member of any white supremacist group, and was only baited out of his mum's basement because of CNN doing their best to promote the event.
Were you amongst those on the right who were having fits, fainting spells and conniptions over these TWO gentlemen who were simply standing outside near a voting area?


I just told you that ONE was too many when it came to the white trash supremacists. So....
I understand that. I imagine women, Muslims, gays and other groups have to deal with the same struggles. Like I said there, are a lot of shitty people out there as unfortunately some groups are bigger targets than others. I’m all about fighting against that. Let me rephrase, I’m a white male who is all about fighting against that. You gotta recognize that while you have plenty of white “enemies” you also have plenty of white “allies”. You gotta stop making the fight against whites and make it against discrimination.
In my experience white people that are true allies are very very rare. I see the problem of discrimination as a disease white people catch. Einstein even said the same thing. So its not conducive to my goals to pretend I am not fighting against white led racism.
Might you be confusing racism, in some cases, with peoples instincts to look out for their own self interests? Something that we all have
Correct. The word he used was racism. I dont see that same drive in other races to the same degree whites have it. Blacks are notorious for accepting other races often to their detriment.
It sounds like you are promoting blacks to stop accepting other races and stick to their own with discrimination against whites. In other words you think it better for the black community to stick with their own and be divided amoungst whites in America. Is that right?

I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, just trying to understand your philosophy, so please correct me if I’m wrong.
I think if Blacks spent less time worrying about what whites think and concentrate on building nothing can stop us. I think Blacks need a timeout from whites. Too many are focused on just surviving instead of thriving. I noticed that my life calmed down a whole lot once I realized I couldnt be stopped. I simply had to accept the fact that whites were going to throw obstacles in my way. I just had to learn how to navigate and never quit.
I think your philosophy would be MUCH more effective if you taught that everybody is capable of throwing obstacles in your way, even blacks to blacks. You can have healthy paranoia and self preservation instincts and keep pushing the “nothing can stop me” mentality. It doesn’t have to be anti white thing. Along the way you find friends and allies through the relationships you build. That is a personal and unique thing for all of us, and those relationships can be formed between people of all colors. You have a major blindspot in your teachings that limit opportunity to your people and exposes a vulnerability. I hope you reflect on that for a bit.
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