Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.
Why do you think Whites want to stop being racist?

Why do you think Whites need to stop being racist? By what justification?

What makes you believe it is to Whites' benefit to not be racist?

I dont think they do to be honest. They benefit from being racist so it will continue as long as they benefit from it.

I dont understand this question.

Its not to whites benefit to get rid of racism.
It is to the benefit of any good hearted human being that loves their fellow neighbors and wants to live in a better more accepting society. Many people, including whites people, feel this way
I dont see many whites that feel this way. I see the opposite.
We see what we look for...
If you have white friends and family then how in the world can you say the term “I dislike white people” don’t you see how that just feeds the problem?

If you are really standing up for the black community and racial justice then you wouldn’t project by making statements like that. It means you are using a similar divisive and racist mindset of the people you are fighting against.

There are many shitty people in this world, they come in all colors. There are many wonderful people in this world, they come in all colors. We shouldn’t be judging one group by any standards, we should be judging the individual by their words and actions.
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a bigger minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a bigger minority than me, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.

Why is there no Polish hockey team? They all drowned during Spring Training...he he he he. Sorry could not resist.
My favorite two polish inventions are the ejection seat for helicopters and the screen doors for submarines. I have a bunch for sale if anybody is interested in buying!

Why do many Liberals insist that Polish jokes are a funny "Prejudice" but Black jokes are a mean "Prejudice"
Because of slavery and Jim Crow
I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be attacked by aliens. Perhaps then we will unite as one world and one race. These little groups we divide and define ourselves into are superficial and ridiculous. We are all living human beings who need to get past the sociological stereotypes that the power hungry use to divide and control us. Where we were born, what skin color we have, what gender we are, none of that crap is anything we can control. It’s stupid to judge anybody by those standards. It just is. Treat each other as a fellow human and judge each other based on our individual actions. End of story, elementary school kid know that.
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.
Why do you think Whites want to stop being racist?

Why do you think Whites need to stop being racist? By what justification?

What makes you believe it is to Whites' benefit to not be racist?
I believe in the golden rule. Treat others how you’d like to be treated. Racism doesn’t fit into that. That’s my justification

So, I should treat you the way you treat others?

Shall I start insulting your heritage, as you've insulted mine, by telling dirty Greasy Guido jokes, or British Limey bucktooth beaver jokes?
Correct. The word he used was racism. I dont see that same drive in other races to the same degree whites have it. Blacks are notorious for accepting other races often to their detriment.
It sounds like you are promoting blacks to stop accepting other races and stick to their own with discrimination against whites. In other words you think it better for the black community to stick with their own and be divided amoungst whites in America. Is that right?

I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, just trying to understand your philosophy, so please correct me if I’m wrong.
I think if Blacks spent less time worrying about what whites think and concentrate on building nothing can stop us. I think Blacks need a timeout from whites. Too many are focused on just surviving instead of thriving. I noticed that my life calmed down a whole lot once I realized I couldnt be stopped. I simply had to accept the fact that whites were going to throw obstacles in my way. I just had to learn how to navigate and never quit.
I think your philosophy would be MUCH more effective if you taught that everybody is capable of throwing obstacles in your way, even blacks to blacks. You can have healthy paranoia and self preservation instincts and keep pushing the “nothing can stop me” mentality. It doesn’t have to be anti white thing. Along the way you find friends and allies through the relationships you build. That is a personal and unique thing for all of us, and those relationships can be formed between people of all colors. You have a major blindspot in your teachings that limit opportunity to your people and exposes a vulnerability. I hope you reflect on that for a bit.
I can only go off my own personal results. I have thrived under my philosophy of not trusting and disliking whites in general and still managed to have white friends that helped me along the way. Matter of fact one of my biggest leaps forward was with help from a white woman in the corporate world.
Well there you go, I said a few posts ago that working with white people can be a strength and you responded by saying that you weren’t interested in working with white people and wanted to promote the black community to stick with their own. Yet you just said that your experience includes a valuable ally from a white person. Don’t you see hat contradiction?

Why aren’t you promoting individuality and preserverance? There are so many tools you can use to promote your efforts. But by preaching anti-white rhetoric you simply limit yourself and fuel your opponents. You can do better than that.
I dont see that as a contradiction. I didnt ask her to do anything. She took that on herself. If I had asked her for assistance then it would be a contradiction. She simply got the racist fired and moved me into her group.

I dont believe in individuality for the sake of being an individual. I believe you should be the best individual you can in order to help your race move forward. I dont preach anti white rhetoric. I preach what I see as reality
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a bigger minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a bigger minority than me, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.

Why is there no Polish hockey team? They all drowned during Spring Training...he he he he. Sorry could not resist.
My favorite two polish inventions are the ejection seat for helicopters and the screen doors for submarines. I have a bunch for sale if anybody is interested in buying!

Why do many Liberals insist that Polish jokes are a funny "Prejudice" but Black jokes are a mean "Prejudice"
Because of slavery and Jim Crow

What about Jewish jokes?
Are they covered, or not because of the Nazis?
I’ve thought about it a lot and I make no excuses for our past and even support many current efforts to specifically help the black community through tax funded programs and legislation.

I don’t see what that has to do with the mentality that I’m speaking about which challenges a mindset of divisiveness and finger pointing at “whites” in general. There are many many many white people with good hearts who sincerely want to help and support black people, not from a position of superiority but from a position of equality. Do you not realize that?
What are the things you perceive to be "finger pointing at whites?"

I see this sentiment on here a lot, so let's air it out.
Have you been reading this thread? Asclepius and made many pointed accusations to blame whites in general for black oppression. I agree with him that there are bad white people out there. I don’t think it constructive to point to the entire race
Asclepias does not believe Jesus was a Jew. He was "too white".

You cannot make this stuff up.
Jesus was Black. That photo you have of him was made long after his death by whites that wanted to portray him as a white person. The earliest depictions show him as a Black person.

Jesus died at roughly 30 years of age, he had White hair, and Red eyes.
Kind of like a Caucasian Albino, you know.
He had white hair like wool, red eyes, and bronze skin. Sounds like a old Black dude that stayed up late.
Asclepias does not believe Jesus was a Jew. He was "too white".

You cannot make this stuff up.
Jesus was Black. That photo you have of him was made long after his death by whites that wanted to portray him as a white person. The earliest depictions show him as a Black person.

Jesus died at roughly 30 years of age, he had White hair, and Red eyes.
Kind of like a Caucasian Albino, you know.
He had white hair like wool, red eyes, and bronze skin. Sounds like a old Black dude that stayed up late.

But, people with White hair, and Red eyes at the age of 30 are typically Albinos, no?

In fact, Caucasian Albinos.
I’ve thought about it a lot and I make no excuses for our past and even support many current efforts to specifically help the black community through tax funded programs and legislation.

I don’t see what that has to do with the mentality that I’m speaking about which challenges a mindset of divisiveness and finger pointing at “whites” in general. There are many many many white people with good hearts who sincerely want to help and support black people, not from a position of superiority but from a position of equality. Do you not realize that?
What are the things you perceive to be "finger pointing at whites?"

I see this sentiment on here a lot, so let's air it out.
Have you been reading this thread? Asclepius and made many pointed accusations to blame whites in general for black oppression. I agree with him that there are bad white people out there. I don’t think it constructive to point to the entire race
How does one point out that white people as a group are racist without knowing specifically which ones are non racists?
That might do it but I guarantee some of us will sellout the others for a better position in the new hierarchy.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.
Why do you think Whites want to stop being racist?

Why do you think Whites need to stop being racist? By what justification?

What makes you believe it is to Whites' benefit to not be racist?
I believe in the golden rule. Treat others how you’d like to be treated. Racism doesn’t fit into that. That’s my justification

So, I should treat you the way you treat others?

Shall I start insulting your heritage, as you've insulted mine, by telling dirty Greasy Guido jokes, or British Limey bucktooth beaver jokes?
Ha, I’m honored you remember my heritage. Yeah we make fun of ourselves all the time. If I offended you then I apologize and I won’t do it again. I come from an eclectic environment where we all make fun of each other. It meant to be light hearted and comical not intended to hurt or offend.
Asclepias does not believe Jesus was a Jew. He was "too white".

You cannot make this stuff up.
Jesus was Black. That photo you have of him was made long after his death by whites that wanted to portray him as a white person. The earliest depictions show him as a Black person.

Jesus died at roughly 30 years of age, he had White hair, and Red eyes.
Kind of like a Caucasian Albino, you know.
He had white hair like wool, red eyes, and bronze skin. Sounds like a old Black dude that stayed up late.

But, people with White hair, and Red eyes at the age of 30 are typically Albinos, no?

In fact, Caucasian Albinos.
You do realize that Black people can be albino right? Especially if they have woolly hair?
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know hat but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective

Sir, you are talking to a man who said he hates all white people and that white Jews are not real Jews. He is not exactly a thought leader.
He is engaged in a pretty heated and defensive debate, as are you. That environment only pushes people to the extremes. It’s shocking how much common ground we find when we can speak to each other with respect and cool minds. I bet if you two met at a picnic and engaged in a thoughtful conversation you’d both find much more common ground than what’s going on here.

Unfortunately our society is turning into drama hungry tribes being fed by our leaders and news media who only care about ratings and elections.

With all due respect he hates me for being white and a Jew. He does not want to know anything else about me. He is the epitome of a low life.
I’m white and he has treated me with respect so far. I imagine there is more to the beef y’all have with each other than just skin color.
The Polish dude was racist too and I poked fun at him equally. I am an equal opportunity offender.

You've actually insulted Polish more than Blacks in response.

Why is that?

Are you a Liberal?
It sounds like you are promoting blacks to stop accepting other races and stick to their own with discrimination against whites. In other words you think it better for the black community to stick with their own and be divided amoungst whites in America. Is that right?

I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, just trying to understand your philosophy, so please correct me if I’m wrong.
I think if Blacks spent less time worrying about what whites think and concentrate on building nothing can stop us. I think Blacks need a timeout from whites. Too many are focused on just surviving instead of thriving. I noticed that my life calmed down a whole lot once I realized I couldnt be stopped. I simply had to accept the fact that whites were going to throw obstacles in my way. I just had to learn how to navigate and never quit.
I think your philosophy would be MUCH more effective if you taught that everybody is capable of throwing obstacles in your way, even blacks to blacks. You can have healthy paranoia and self preservation instincts and keep pushing the “nothing can stop me” mentality. It doesn’t have to be anti white thing. Along the way you find friends and allies through the relationships you build. That is a personal and unique thing for all of us, and those relationships can be formed between people of all colors. You have a major blindspot in your teachings that limit opportunity to your people and exposes a vulnerability. I hope you reflect on that for a bit.
I can only go off my own personal results. I have thrived under my philosophy of not trusting and disliking whites in general and still managed to have white friends that helped me along the way. Matter of fact one of my biggest leaps forward was with help from a white woman in the corporate world.
Well there you go, I said a few posts ago that working with white people can be a strength and you responded by saying that you weren’t interested in working with white people and wanted to promote the black community to stick with their own. Yet you just said that your experience includes a valuable ally from a white person. Don’t you see hat contradiction?

Why aren’t you promoting individuality and preserverance? There are so many tools you can use to promote your efforts. But by preaching anti-white rhetoric you simply limit yourself and fuel your opponents. You can do better than that.
I dont see that as a contradiction. I didnt ask her to do anything. She took that on herself. If I had asked her for assistance then it would be a contradiction. She simply got the racist fired and moved me into her group.

I dont believe in individuality for the sake of being an individual. I believe you should be the best individual you can in order to help your race move forward. I dont preach anti white rhetoric. I preach what I see as reality
If she would of been a black woman would you have asked for her help?
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Asclepias does not believe Jesus was a Jew. He was "too white".

You cannot make this stuff up.
Jesus was Black. That photo you have of him was made long after his death by whites that wanted to portray him as a white person. The earliest depictions show him as a Black person.

Jesus died at roughly 30 years of age, he had White hair, and Red eyes.
Kind of like a Caucasian Albino, you know.
He had white hair like wool, red eyes, and bronze skin. Sounds like a old Black dude that stayed up late.

But, people with White hair, and Red eyes at the age of 30 are typically Albinos, no?

In fact, Caucasian Albinos.
You do realize that Black people can be albino right? Especially if they have woolly hair?

Well, IDK, most Black people Albinos have hazel eyes, from what I've seen.
I think if Blacks spent less time worrying about what whites think and concentrate on building nothing can stop us. I think Blacks need a timeout from whites. Too many are focused on just surviving instead of thriving. I noticed that my life calmed down a whole lot once I realized I couldnt be stopped. I simply had to accept the fact that whites were going to throw obstacles in my way. I just had to learn how to navigate and never quit.
I think your philosophy would be MUCH more effective if you taught that everybody is capable of throwing obstacles in your way, even blacks to blacks. You can have healthy paranoia and self preservation instincts and keep pushing the “nothing can stop me” mentality. It doesn’t have to be anti white thing. Along the way you find friends and allies through the relationships you build. That is a personal and unique thing for all of us, and those relationships can be formed between people of all colors. You have a major blindspot in your teachings that limit opportunity to your people and exposes a vulnerability. I hope you reflect on that for a bit.
I can only go off my own personal results. I have thrived under my philosophy of not trusting and disliking whites in general and still managed to have white friends that helped me along the way. Matter of fact one of my biggest leaps forward was with help from a white woman in the corporate world.
Well there you go, I said a few posts ago that working with white people can be a strength and you responded by saying that you weren’t interested in working with white people and wanted to promote the black community to stick with their own. Yet you just said that your experience includes a valuable ally from a white person. Don’t you see hat contradiction?

Why aren’t you promoting individuality and preserverance? There are so many tools you can use to promote your efforts. But by preaching anti-white rhetoric you simply limit yourself and fuel your opponents. You can do better than that.
I dont see that as a contradiction. I didnt ask her to do anything. She took that on herself. If I had asked her for assistance then it would be a contradiction. She simply got the racist fired and moved me into her group.

I dont believe in individuality for the sake of being an individual. I believe you should be the best individual you can in order to help your race move forward. I dont preach anti white rhetoric. I preach what I see as reality
If she would have been a black woman would you have asked for her help?
Absolutely. However, I hadnt caught on yet that the prick was racist. In this particular instance I would have asked a Black woman what was taking so long for me to be moved into the group.
Of course my rant was idealistic, I know that but IMO that’s what we should be teaching and projecting. There are still many racist people out there and many systemic problems that have resulted from a very flawed past. I’m not saying that we need to ignore or dismiss those issues, in fact we should take those on, but we should do so together with clear and open minds towards what we are trying to achieve.

You should be working with whites that want to stand up for oppressed blacks, there are plenty. You arent fighting against whites you are fighting against racism and discrimination. That’s the perspective change it sounds to me like you need if you want to be more effective
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.
Why do you think Whites want to stop being racist?

Why do you think Whites need to stop being racist? By what justification?

What makes you believe it is to Whites' benefit to not be racist?
I believe in the golden rule. Treat others how you’d like to be treated. Racism doesn’t fit into that. That’s my justification

So, I should treat you the way you treat others?

Shall I start insulting your heritage, as you've insulted mine, by telling dirty Greasy Guido jokes, or British Limey bucktooth beaver jokes?
Ha, I’m honored you remember my heritage. Yeah we make fun of ourselves all the time. If I offended you then I apologize and I won’t do it again. I come from an eclectic environment where we all make fun of each other. It meant to be light hearted and comical not intended to hurt or offend.

I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Jesus was Black. That photo you have of him was made long after his death by whites that wanted to portray him as a white person. The earliest depictions show him as a Black person.

Jesus died at roughly 30 years of age, he had White hair, and Red eyes.
Kind of like a Caucasian Albino, you know.
He had white hair like wool, red eyes, and bronze skin. Sounds like a old Black dude that stayed up late.

But, people with White hair, and Red eyes at the age of 30 are typically Albinos, no?

In fact, Caucasian Albinos.
You do realize that Black people can be albino right? Especially if they have woolly hair?

Well, IDK, most Black people Albinos have hazel eyes, from what I've seen.
From what youve seen huh?
Asclepias does not believe Jesus was a Jew. He was "too white".

You cannot make this stuff up.
Jesus was Black. That photo you have of him was made long after his death by whites that wanted to portray him as a white person. The earliest depictions show him as a Black person.

Jesus died at roughly 30 years of age, he had White hair, and Red eyes.
Kind of like a Caucasian Albino, you know.
He had white hair like wool, red eyes, and bronze skin. Sounds like a old Black dude that stayed up late.
Asclepias does not believe Jesus was a Jew. He was "too white".

You cannot make this stuff up.
Jesus was Black. That photo you have of him was made long after his death by whites that wanted to portray him as a white person. The earliest depictions show him as a Black person.

Jesus died at roughly 30 years of age, he had White hair, and Red eyes.
Kind of like a Caucasian Albino, you know.
He had white hair like wool, red eyes, and bronze skin. Sounds like a old Black dude that stayed up late.

But, people with White hair, and Red eyes at the age of 30 are typically Albinos, no?

In fact, Caucasian Albinos.

I’m not saying this because of your post I’m quoting, but you may be the biggest bigot on this site. Get help
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