Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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Have you been reading this thread? Asclepius and made many pointed accusations to blame whites in general for black oppression. I agree with him that there are bad white people out there. I don’t think it constructive to point to the entire race
When I ask this question to you, I'm really hoping to get a specific answer from you.

Clearly we're not perceiving things the same way, this is the reason for the question, moreover, why the question is so important.

So list an example or two or three of "finger pointing at whites", if you please.
Polish Americans like myself make up 3% of the population, Black Americans like yourself make up 13% of the population.

We're even a bigger minority than you.

Yes, we are squeezed in general, by everybody in this nation.

Polish enclaves in big cities are often ruined by Blacks like in Chicago, Hispanics like in New Britain, CT, or even Muslims like in Hamtranck, Michigan, or by Hipster Liberals in the case of Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Why should we enjoy that, or enjoy that if we move away from the violence of your "Minority hoods" that we'd be picked on as "Dumb Polak" in the Germanic White dominated suburbs, exhurbs, or rural communities.

You are a bigger minority than me, who is largely promoted in this society.

Even though there is no "Dumb Negro" joke like there is for "Dumb Polak" you get Black History Month.

Why is there no Polish hockey team? They all drowned during Spring Training...he he he he. Sorry could not resist.
My favorite two polish inventions are the ejection seat for helicopters and the screen doors for submarines. I have a bunch for sale if anybody is interested in buying!

Why do many Liberals insist that Polish jokes are a funny "Prejudice" but Black jokes are a mean "Prejudice"
Because of slavery and Jim Crow

What about Jewish jokes?
Are they covered, or not because of the Nazis?
It all depends on the audience.
Why is there no Polish hockey team? They all drowned during Spring Training...he he he he. Sorry could not resist.
My favorite two polish inventions are the ejection seat for helicopters and the screen doors for submarines. I have a bunch for sale if anybody is interested in buying!

Why do many Liberals insist that Polish jokes are a funny "Prejudice" but Black jokes are a mean "Prejudice"
Because of slavery and Jim Crow

What about Jewish jokes?
Are they covered, or not because of the Nazis?
It all depends on the audience.

Polish were killed by Nazis too, why aren't they covered then?
Why do many Liberals insist that Polish jokes are a funny "Prejudice" but Black jokes are a mean "Prejudice"
I don't know that many liberals do that, but I do know that Polish girls are kinda attractive, typically slender/small and delicate looking.

No booties though, and they lack luscious lips, but, I guess that's to be expected...nobody's perfect.
I’ve thought about it a lot and I make no excuses for our past and even support many current efforts to specifically help the black community through tax funded programs and legislation.

I don’t see what that has to do with the mentality that I’m speaking about which challenges a mindset of divisiveness and finger pointing at “whites” in general. There are many many many white people with good hearts who sincerely want to help and support black people, not from a position of superiority but from a position of equality. Do you not realize that?
What are the things you perceive to be "finger pointing at whites?"

I see this sentiment on here a lot, so let's air it out.
Have you been reading this thread? Asclepius and made many pointed accusations to blame whites in general for black oppression. I agree with him that there are bad white people out there. I don’t think it constructive to point to the entire race
How does one point out that white people as a group are racist without knowing specifically which ones are non racists?
You just be honest and don’t claim that white people as a group are racist. Especially when you have white friendships and family that prove there are non racist whites out there. By saying whites are racist and blacks should dislike them you are pushing the good hearted whites out and fueling the actual racists out there. By acknowledging the non-racist whites as allies you encourage growth and inclusion to work with them to stomp out the bad apples
I think your philosophy would be MUCH more effective if you taught that everybody is capable of throwing obstacles in your way, even blacks to blacks. You can have healthy paranoia and self preservation instincts and keep pushing the “nothing can stop me” mentality. It doesn’t have to be anti white thing. Along the way you find friends and allies through the relationships you build. That is a personal and unique thing for all of us, and those relationships can be formed between people of all colors. You have a major blindspot in your teachings that limit opportunity to your people and exposes a vulnerability. I hope you reflect on that for a bit.
I can only go off my own personal results. I have thrived under my philosophy of not trusting and disliking whites in general and still managed to have white friends that helped me along the way. Matter of fact one of my biggest leaps forward was with help from a white woman in the corporate world.
Well there you go, I said a few posts ago that working with white people can be a strength and you responded by saying that you weren’t interested in working with white people and wanted to promote the black community to stick with their own. Yet you just said that your experience includes a valuable ally from a white person. Don’t you see hat contradiction?

Why aren’t you promoting individuality and preserverance? There are so many tools you can use to promote your efforts. But by preaching anti-white rhetoric you simply limit yourself and fuel your opponents. You can do better than that.
I dont see that as a contradiction. I didnt ask her to do anything. She took that on herself. If I had asked her for assistance then it would be a contradiction. She simply got the racist fired and moved me into her group.

I dont believe in individuality for the sake of being an individual. I believe you should be the best individual you can in order to help your race move forward. I dont preach anti white rhetoric. I preach what I see as reality
If she would have been a black woman would you have asked for her help?
Absolutely. However, I hadnt caught on yet that the prick was racist. In this particular instance I would have asked a Black woman what was taking so long for me to be moved into the group.
Don’t you think there are self interested black people out there who would have no problems throwing other blacks people under the bus? Don’t you expose a vulnerability if you teach that whites are the enemy and blacks are your ally? You gotta be able to judge each person for who they are and not what they look like. That’s your blindspot
I dont see a need to work with whites. I think if whites want to work they are fully capable of forming their own groups to fight racism in their race. I am of the opinion that if whites want to stop being racist then they will do that. I concentrate more on teaching Black people to stop waiting on whites to make that decision. I see no point in trying to effect something I have no control over. I can control my own actions which is to build better and stronger Black communities.
Why do you think Whites want to stop being racist?

Why do you think Whites need to stop being racist? By what justification?

What makes you believe it is to Whites' benefit to not be racist?
I believe in the golden rule. Treat others how you’d like to be treated. Racism doesn’t fit into that. That’s my justification

So, I should treat you the way you treat others?

Shall I start insulting your heritage, as you've insulted mine, by telling dirty Greasy Guido jokes, or British Limey bucktooth beaver jokes?
Ha, I’m honored you remember my heritage. Yeah we make fun of ourselves all the time. If I offended you then I apologize and I won’t do it again. I come from an eclectic environment where we all make fun of each other. It meant to be light hearted and comical not intended to hurt or offend.

I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.
Why do you think Whites want to stop being racist?

Why do you think Whites need to stop being racist? By what justification?

What makes you believe it is to Whites' benefit to not be racist?
I believe in the golden rule. Treat others how you’d like to be treated. Racism doesn’t fit into that. That’s my justification

So, I should treat you the way you treat others?

Shall I start insulting your heritage, as you've insulted mine, by telling dirty Greasy Guido jokes, or British Limey bucktooth beaver jokes?
Ha, I’m honored you remember my heritage. Yeah we make fun of ourselves all the time. If I offended you then I apologize and I won’t do it again. I come from an eclectic environment where we all make fun of each other. It meant to be light hearted and comical not intended to hurt or offend.

I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Have you been reading this thread? Asclepius and made many pointed accusations to blame whites in general for black oppression. I agree with him that there are bad white people out there. I don’t think it constructive to point to the entire race
When I ask this question to you, I'm really hoping to get a specific answer from you.

Clearly we're not perceiving things the same way, this is the reason for the question, moreover, why the question is so important.

So list an example or two or three of "finger pointing at whites", if you please.
Im on my phone so it would take too long to scroll back but i can say what started this conversation were comments that said blacks should dislike and disengage from whites because they are inherently racist and will not help the black community. The conversation stemmed from there and I’ve been promoting individualism over stereotyping
I believe in the golden rule. Treat others how you’d like to be treated. Racism doesn’t fit into that. That’s my justification

So, I should treat you the way you treat others?

Shall I start insulting your heritage, as you've insulted mine, by telling dirty Greasy Guido jokes, or British Limey bucktooth beaver jokes?
Ha, I’m honored you remember my heritage. Yeah we make fun of ourselves all the time. If I offended you then I apologize and I won’t do it again. I come from an eclectic environment where we all make fun of each other. It meant to be light hearted and comical not intended to hurt or offend.

I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive
I’ve thought about it a lot and I make no excuses for our past and even support many current efforts to specifically help the black community through tax funded programs and legislation.

I don’t see what that has to do with the mentality that I’m speaking about which challenges a mindset of divisiveness and finger pointing at “whites” in general. There are many many many white people with good hearts who sincerely want to help and support black people, not from a position of superiority but from a position of equality. Do you not realize that?
What are the things you perceive to be "finger pointing at whites?"

I see this sentiment on here a lot, so let's air it out.
Have you been reading this thread? Asclepius and made many pointed accusations to blame whites in general for black oppression. I agree with him that there are bad white people out there. I don’t think it constructive to point to the entire race
How does one point out that white people as a group are racist without knowing specifically which ones are non racists?
You just be honest and don’t claim that white people as a group are racist. Especially when you have white friendships and family that prove there are non racist whites out there. By saying whites are racist and blacks should dislike them you are pushing the good hearted whites out and fueling the actual racists out there. By acknowledging the non-racist whites as allies you encourage growth and inclusion to work with them to stomp out the bad apples
That wouldnt be being honest. Whites as a group are racist. Harping on the few good ones lead to the "good white person" syndrome. This is the one where Blacks say "see? white people arent racist" and they wait for things to change instead of realizing whites are still putting obstacles in their way.
So, I should treat you the way you treat others?

Shall I start insulting your heritage, as you've insulted mine, by telling dirty Greasy Guido jokes, or British Limey bucktooth beaver jokes?
Ha, I’m honored you remember my heritage. Yeah we make fun of ourselves all the time. If I offended you then I apologize and I won’t do it again. I come from an eclectic environment where we all make fun of each other. It meant to be light hearted and comical not intended to hurt or offend.

I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive

Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
I can only go off my own personal results. I have thrived under my philosophy of not trusting and disliking whites in general and still managed to have white friends that helped me along the way. Matter of fact one of my biggest leaps forward was with help from a white woman in the corporate world.
Well there you go, I said a few posts ago that working with white people can be a strength and you responded by saying that you weren’t interested in working with white people and wanted to promote the black community to stick with their own. Yet you just said that your experience includes a valuable ally from a white person. Don’t you see hat contradiction?

Why aren’t you promoting individuality and preserverance? There are so many tools you can use to promote your efforts. But by preaching anti-white rhetoric you simply limit yourself and fuel your opponents. You can do better than that.
I dont see that as a contradiction. I didnt ask her to do anything. She took that on herself. If I had asked her for assistance then it would be a contradiction. She simply got the racist fired and moved me into her group.

I dont believe in individuality for the sake of being an individual. I believe you should be the best individual you can in order to help your race move forward. I dont preach anti white rhetoric. I preach what I see as reality
If she would have been a black woman would you have asked for her help?
Absolutely. However, I hadnt caught on yet that the prick was racist. In this particular instance I would have asked a Black woman what was taking so long for me to be moved into the group.
Don’t you think there are self interested black people out there who would have no problems throwing other blacks people under the bus? Don’t you expose a vulnerability if you teach that whites are the enemy and blacks are your ally? You gotta be able to judge each person for who they are and not what they look like. That’s your blindspot
Pretty sure there are some Blacks like that. However I dont have to teach other Blacks how to deal them. They already know. Since the odds of them encountering a racist white is higher than them encountering an uncle ruckus I think its more important to teach people to be pleasantly surprised when a white person isnt racist. A uncle rukus gives him or herself away the moment you see or meet them.
So, I should treat you the way you treat others?

Shall I start insulting your heritage, as you've insulted mine, by telling dirty Greasy Guido jokes, or British Limey bucktooth beaver jokes?
Ha, I’m honored you remember my heritage. Yeah we make fun of ourselves all the time. If I offended you then I apologize and I won’t do it again. I come from an eclectic environment where we all make fun of each other. It meant to be light hearted and comical not intended to hurt or offend.

I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive
I dont see anything wrong with him wanting to live in an all white society to be honest. Now if it involves removing other races instead of him moving then I can see your point.
They should take their white s. bs and shove it up their asses and Obama's while they're at it.

Affinity Magazine wrote, “Actually… Straight White Men Are the Root of Our Problems.” The Root put out an article called “Polite White People are Useless.” A Boston University scholar said “Stephen King’s ‘It’ Is Bad Because It’s Full Of ‘White, Straight, Able-Bodied’ Males.” CNN also blamed ordinary people for being “white supremacists by default.” There were people on Twitter hoping Hurricane Harvey would help “cleanse” Texas of white people. Then there was this comment from Munroe Bergdorf, the first transgender model hired by L’Oréal.
Liberals Don’t Get To Have It Both Ways With White Americans | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

THE ROOT IS TH EMOST RACIST POS SITE , just ike the hypocritical bitch who lead the BLM that bitch hates cops.. go figure. The root love baiting their idiots into the race game.
What does that mean?

Break it down, aka explain that.

Certainly racism exists. And inequality exists as a consequence of racism. Though, bigotry is likely a better term, in my own view. Looking at the prison population alone, we're able to see that inequality in Legal justice is the norm. The actual wealth gap exists, but is largely a product of the monetary policy, which, btw, does discriminate. The first people who receive all of that money that gets printed are the wealthy one percenters who get to insert that money into the economy the way they want it inserted, It tends to get distributed in a very, biased way. Kind of a friends network of good old boys, so to speak. The entire system is rigged in their favor. We're all slaves in that regard.

Anyway. That's a little deeper than what you're asking me here. When I talk about collectivism, I'm talking about the idea that humans are always seen as members of groups rather than as Individuals when assessing the issues of the day. This is the very heart of racism. And the heart of the problem in whole. Collectivism is just another ugly form of racism. It instigates more divide and it keeps racism alive when we collectivize humans into groups like whites, blacks or browns or whatever. It doesn't solve anything.

Largely speaking, it's the advocates of diversity who actually perpetuate racism when they refer to people as members of groups rather than as Individuals, aka 'whites' or 'blacks' or whatever the target group might be goven a specific problem or issue..

We should understand that reducing racism requires a shift from group thinking.
What does that mean?

Break it down, aka explain that.

Certainly racism exists. And inequality exists as a consequence of racism. Though, bigotry is likely a better term, in my own view. Looking at the prison population alone, we're able to see that inequality in Legal justice is the norm. The actual wealth gap exists, but is largely a product of the monetary policy, which, btw, does discriminate. The first people who receive all of that money that gets printed are the wealthy one percenters who get to insert that money into the economy the way they want it inserted, It tends to get distributed in a very, biased way. Kind of a friends network of good old boys, so to speak. The entire system is rigged in their favor. We're all slaves in that regard.

Anyway. That's a little deeper than what you're asking me here. When I talk about collectivism, I'm talking about the idea that humans are always seen as members of groups rather than as Individuals when assessing the issues of the day. This is the very heart of racism. And the heart of the problem in whole. Collectivism is just another ugly form of racism. It instigates more divide and it keeps racism alive when we collectivize humans into groups like whites, blacks or browns or whatever. It doesn't solve anything.

Largely speaking, it's the advocates of diversity who actually perpetuate racism when they refer to people as members of groups rather than as Individuals, aka 'whites' or 'blacks' or whatever the target group might be goven a specific problem or issue..

We should understand that reducing racism requires a shift from group thinking.
No. Diversity is saying its ok to be Black, Latino, Asian, or Caucasoid etc. I think and live this way. I am different from you and thats ok. Its an acceptance of our differences instead of using those differences to legislate a 2 century head start for yourself.
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive
Multiculturalism has produced nothin but debt and misery for white cultures.

Glad to hear you're "deeply offended" by monolithic Asian and African nations
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