Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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I’ve thought about it a lot and I make no excuses for our past and even support many current efforts to specifically help the black community through tax funded programs and legislation.

I don’t see what that has to do with the mentality that I’m speaking about which challenges a mindset of divisiveness and finger pointing at “whites” in general. There are many many many white people with good hearts who sincerely want to help and support black people, not from a position of superiority but from a position of equality. Do you not realize that?
What are the things you perceive to be "finger pointing at whites?"

I see this sentiment on here a lot, so let's air it out.
Have you been reading this thread? Asclepius and made many pointed accusations to blame whites in general for black oppression. I agree with him that there are bad white people out there. I don’t think it constructive to point to the entire race
How does one point out that white people as a group are racist without knowing specifically which ones are non racists?
You just be honest and don’t claim that white people as a group are racist. Especially when you have white friendships and family that prove there are non racist whites out there. By saying whites are racist and blacks should dislike them you are pushing the good hearted whites out and fueling the actual racists out there. By acknowledging the non-racist whites as allies you encourage growth and inclusion to work with them to stomp out the bad apples
That wouldnt be being honest. Whites as a group are racist. Harping on the few good ones lead to the "good white person" syndrome. This is the one where Blacks say "see? white people arent racist" and they wait for things to change instead of realizing whites are still putting obstacles in their way.
If I bought into that mentality then I could say that blacks And Hispanics are criminals because the crime rate amongst those two groups is much higher than any other racial group. I don’t buy into that mentality and don’t think that’s a fair statement to say just as I don’t think your statement that whites are racist is a fair statement to say.
Ha, I’m honored you remember my heritage. Yeah we make fun of ourselves all the time. If I offended you then I apologize and I won’t do it again. I come from an eclectic environment where we all make fun of each other. It meant to be light hearted and comical not intended to hurt or offend.

I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive

Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
Good for you. I disagree
Well there you go, I said a few posts ago that working with white people can be a strength and you responded by saying that you weren’t interested in working with white people and wanted to promote the black community to stick with their own. Yet you just said that your experience includes a valuable ally from a white person. Don’t you see hat contradiction?

Why aren’t you promoting individuality and preserverance? There are so many tools you can use to promote your efforts. But by preaching anti-white rhetoric you simply limit yourself and fuel your opponents. You can do better than that.
I dont see that as a contradiction. I didnt ask her to do anything. She took that on herself. If I had asked her for assistance then it would be a contradiction. She simply got the racist fired and moved me into her group.

I dont believe in individuality for the sake of being an individual. I believe you should be the best individual you can in order to help your race move forward. I dont preach anti white rhetoric. I preach what I see as reality
If she would have been a black woman would you have asked for her help?
Absolutely. However, I hadnt caught on yet that the prick was racist. In this particular instance I would have asked a Black woman what was taking so long for me to be moved into the group.
Don’t you think there are self interested black people out there who would have no problems throwing other blacks people under the bus? Don’t you expose a vulnerability if you teach that whites are the enemy and blacks are your ally? You gotta be able to judge each person for who they are and not what they look like. That’s your blindspot
Pretty sure there are some Blacks like that. However I dont have to teach other Blacks how to deal them. They already know. Since the odds of them encountering a racist white is higher than them encountering an uncle ruckus I think its more important to teach people to be pleasantly surprised when a white person isnt racist. A uncle rukus gives him or herself away the moment you see or meet them.
You skating a fine line with what you are trying to do and your job would be much easier and effective you just taught awareness and preseverence skills without the unnecessary prejudice stuff. You can use examples of how protect oneself against racism in the workplace. That’s fine. But don’t teach that all whites do that. That’s counterproductive and untrue
Yep, it's that time again, the White Supremacists have managed to get Virginia to declare a state of emergency...

There's a lot of White Supremacists out there folks.

More cities and like jurisdictions will need to do the same in response to rightwing ignorance, fear, and hate.
What are the things you perceive to be "finger pointing at whites?"

I see this sentiment on here a lot, so let's air it out.
Have you been reading this thread? Asclepius and made many pointed accusations to blame whites in general for black oppression. I agree with him that there are bad white people out there. I don’t think it constructive to point to the entire race
How does one point out that white people as a group are racist without knowing specifically which ones are non racists?
You just be honest and don’t claim that white people as a group are racist. Especially when you have white friendships and family that prove there are non racist whites out there. By saying whites are racist and blacks should dislike them you are pushing the good hearted whites out and fueling the actual racists out there. By acknowledging the non-racist whites as allies you encourage growth and inclusion to work with them to stomp out the bad apples
That wouldnt be being honest. Whites as a group are racist. Harping on the few good ones lead to the "good white person" syndrome. This is the one where Blacks say "see? white people arent racist" and they wait for things to change instead of realizing whites are still putting obstacles in their way.
If I bought into that mentality then I could say that blacks And Hispanics are criminals because the crime rate amongst those two groups is much higher than any other racial group. I don’t buy into that mentality and don’t think that’s a fair statement to say just as I don’t think your statement that whites are racist is a fair statement to say.
You could do that. However, doing so wouldnt change your chances of thriving. Basically youre comparing apples to oranges. If I dont think the way I do then I get blindsided. I get fired or cheated out of some opportunity. If you dont think that way nothing changes in your reality.
Ha, I’m honored you remember my heritage. Yeah we make fun of ourselves all the time. If I offended you then I apologize and I won’t do it again. I come from an eclectic environment where we all make fun of each other. It meant to be light hearted and comical not intended to hurt or offend.

I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive
I dont see anything wrong with him wanting to live in an all white society to be honest. Now if it involves removing other races instead of him moving then I can see your point.
You and he seem to have a lot in common. I just think the seperatist mentality is destructive and counter productive
I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive

Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
Good for you. I disagree

So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
I dont see that as a contradiction. I didnt ask her to do anything. She took that on herself. If I had asked her for assistance then it would be a contradiction. She simply got the racist fired and moved me into her group.

I dont believe in individuality for the sake of being an individual. I believe you should be the best individual you can in order to help your race move forward. I dont preach anti white rhetoric. I preach what I see as reality
If she would have been a black woman would you have asked for her help?
Absolutely. However, I hadnt caught on yet that the prick was racist. In this particular instance I would have asked a Black woman what was taking so long for me to be moved into the group.
Don’t you think there are self interested black people out there who would have no problems throwing other blacks people under the bus? Don’t you expose a vulnerability if you teach that whites are the enemy and blacks are your ally? You gotta be able to judge each person for who they are and not what they look like. That’s your blindspot
Pretty sure there are some Blacks like that. However I dont have to teach other Blacks how to deal them. They already know. Since the odds of them encountering a racist white is higher than them encountering an uncle ruckus I think its more important to teach people to be pleasantly surprised when a white person isnt racist. A uncle rukus gives him or herself away the moment you see or meet them.
You skating a fine line with what you are trying to do and your job would be much easier and effective you just taught awareness and preseverence skills without the unnecessary prejudice stuff. You can use examples of how protect oneself against racism in the workplace. That’s fine. But don’t teach that all whites do that. That’s counterproductive and untrue
I dont teach all whites do it. I teach not to trust whites until you know them very well and have determined they are not racist.
There would be no danger of violence if we all just ignored these dummies and let them do their little march.
What other problem does ignoring it solve Mac?
Doesn't matter. In this case, we're just inspiring future bad behavior by going drama queen over some little march.

What does human nature dictate? Do you think a violent counter-protest will make them change their minds? Really?
I think a violent counter protest will definitely change their minds.
A violent counter protest is exactly what they want.
I dont mind giving it to them if thats what they truly want but their pick of locations tells me thats not really what they want.

^Asslips proves the point of white supremacists. It’s likely he’s really a white supremacist pretending to be the dumbest negroid on the planet.
I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive
I dont see anything wrong with him wanting to live in an all white society to be honest. Now if it involves removing other races instead of him moving then I can see your point.
You and he seem to have a lot in common. I just think the seperatist mentality is destructive and counter productive

Let's forget about Whites for a moment.

The majority of Native Americans, and the majority of Jewish Americans mix with people outside their own.

Why do you think millions of Native Americans, and millions of Jewish Americans should disappear?

You are promoting by choice, an eradication that the likes of Nazis, and Colonists couldn't have dreamed of.
I'm more irked at the fact that you claim to be anti-Prejudices, but engage in it, anyways.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive
I dont see anything wrong with him wanting to live in an all white society to be honest. Now if it involves removing other races instead of him moving then I can see your point.
You and he seem to have a lot in common. I just think the seperatist mentality is destructive and counter productive
Agreeing on one subject doesnt equate to having a lot in common. When Blacks were not integrated with whites our communities were stronger culturally and in many cases financially despite whites doing their best to hold us back. I want to return to this mentality. I have a problem with segregation but not separation.
Have you been reading this thread? Asclepius and made many pointed accusations to blame whites in general for black oppression. I agree with him that there are bad white people out there. I don’t think it constructive to point to the entire race
How does one point out that white people as a group are racist without knowing specifically which ones are non racists?
You just be honest and don’t claim that white people as a group are racist. Especially when you have white friendships and family that prove there are non racist whites out there. By saying whites are racist and blacks should dislike them you are pushing the good hearted whites out and fueling the actual racists out there. By acknowledging the non-racist whites as allies you encourage growth and inclusion to work with them to stomp out the bad apples
That wouldnt be being honest. Whites as a group are racist. Harping on the few good ones lead to the "good white person" syndrome. This is the one where Blacks say "see? white people arent racist" and they wait for things to change instead of realizing whites are still putting obstacles in their way.
If I bought into that mentality then I could say that blacks And Hispanics are criminals because the crime rate amongst those two groups is much higher than any other racial group. I don’t buy into that mentality and don’t think that’s a fair statement to say just as I don’t think your statement that whites are racist is a fair statement to say.
You could do that. However, doing so wouldnt change your chances of thriving. Basically youre comparing apples to oranges. If I dont think the way I do then I get blindsided. I get fired or cheated out of some opportunity. If you dont think that way nothing changes in your reality.
Sure it does. If I thought that way I would avoid opening a business or buying a house in an area that has a large black or Hispanic population. I would keep my kids out of schools with those populations. This limits investment and growth in minority communities. Do you see how the mentality leads to nothing good for our society as a whole and how we can actually be stronger together?
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive

Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
Good for you. I disagree

So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
Not heartless, just promote liberty and equality. Simple
You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive

Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
Good for you. I disagree

So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
Not heartless, just promote liberty and equality. Simple

How do you figure that Balkanization between ethnics, religions, and races eases racial tensions (Racism) rather than being an ignition for racial tensions (Racism)??

The best way to stop it, is to separate, keep in mind no ones a victim of racial prejudices, if they are in a society where there is only their own race. (Duh)
How does one point out that white people as a group are racist without knowing specifically which ones are non racists?
You just be honest and don’t claim that white people as a group are racist. Especially when you have white friendships and family that prove there are non racist whites out there. By saying whites are racist and blacks should dislike them you are pushing the good hearted whites out and fueling the actual racists out there. By acknowledging the non-racist whites as allies you encourage growth and inclusion to work with them to stomp out the bad apples
That wouldnt be being honest. Whites as a group are racist. Harping on the few good ones lead to the "good white person" syndrome. This is the one where Blacks say "see? white people arent racist" and they wait for things to change instead of realizing whites are still putting obstacles in their way.
If I bought into that mentality then I could say that blacks And Hispanics are criminals because the crime rate amongst those two groups is much higher than any other racial group. I don’t buy into that mentality and don’t think that’s a fair statement to say just as I don’t think your statement that whites are racist is a fair statement to say.
You could do that. However, doing so wouldnt change your chances of thriving. Basically youre comparing apples to oranges. If I dont think the way I do then I get blindsided. I get fired or cheated out of some opportunity. If you dont think that way nothing changes in your reality.
Sure it does. If I thought that way I would avoid opening a business or buying a house in an area that has a large black or Hispanic population. I would keep my kids out of schools with those populations. This limits investment and growth in minority communities. Do you see how the mentality leads to nothing good for our society as a whole and how we can actually be stronger together?
But youre not Black or Latino (as far as I know). You could simply go do all that in a entirely white neighborhood and be just as well off. You lose nothing by changing your belief system. Your money isnt spent in those communities. Basically by opening a business in those areas you are snatching the dollar out of those communities.and competing with Black or Latino owned businesses for those dollars.
How does one point out that white people as a group are racist without knowing specifically which ones are non racists?
You just be honest and don’t claim that white people as a group are racist. Especially when you have white friendships and family that prove there are non racist whites out there. By saying whites are racist and blacks should dislike them you are pushing the good hearted whites out and fueling the actual racists out there. By acknowledging the non-racist whites as allies you encourage growth and inclusion to work with them to stomp out the bad apples
That wouldnt be being honest. Whites as a group are racist. Harping on the few good ones lead to the "good white person" syndrome. This is the one where Blacks say "see? white people arent racist" and they wait for things to change instead of realizing whites are still putting obstacles in their way.
If I bought into that mentality then I could say that blacks And Hispanics are criminals because the crime rate amongst those two groups is much higher than any other racial group. I don’t buy into that mentality and don’t think that’s a fair statement to say just as I don’t think your statement that whites are racist is a fair statement to say.
You could do that. However, doing so wouldnt change your chances of thriving. Basically youre comparing apples to oranges. If I dont think the way I do then I get blindsided. I get fired or cheated out of some opportunity. If you dont think that way nothing changes in your reality.
Sure it does. If I thought that way I would avoid opening a business or buying a house in an area that has a large black or Hispanic population. I would keep my kids out of schools with those populations. This limits investment and growth in minority communities. Do you see how the mentality leads to nothing good for our society as a whole and how we can actually be stronger together?

So, why do Liberals also cry about gentrification by Whites pushing out Ghetto folks?

No one gave a damn, when my father's majority Polish, and Italian neighborhood became a violent, Black / Hispanic ghetto.

Oh no, the Liberals instead cry "White Flight" evil Whitey. Like when my Polish uncle was beaten up, and robbed by a group of Blacks.
(How dare he leave his neighborhood in White flight)

But, then they care when the poor Blacks have Whites coming in, and building up that neighborhood.

Far Left Liberals are f*cking garbage.
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive

Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
Good for you. I disagree

So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
How is it offensive? If races had not merged whites would still be living in the caves of europe. You guys benefited from merging with Black cultures from Africa and also the Asian cultures..
You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive

Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
Good for you. I disagree

So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
How is it offensive? If races had not merged whites would still be living in the caves of europe. You guys benefited from merging with Black cultures from Africa and also the Asian cultures..

So, you're okay with African Americans being assimilated to "American culture"

That's the point, down the line we'll just be a World of "America's Capitalist junk"

Basically there will be no race, no ethnicity's, no religions.

We'll pray to Capitalist tech, and have no real culture, except Capitalist crap.
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive

Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
Good for you. I disagree

So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
How is it offensive? If races had not merged whites would still be living in the caves of europe. You guys benefited from merging with Black cultures from Africa and also the Asian cultures..

So, you're okay with African Americans being assimilated to "American culture"

That's the point, down the line we'll just be a World of "America's Capitalist junk"

Basically there will be no race, no ethnicity's, no religions.

We'll pray to Capitalist tech, and have no real culture, except Capitalist crap.
Blacks are american culture. We know all about your white culture but that wasn't the point. The point was you benefited from African and Asian culture. There will be a race. It will look like Tiger woods most likely since Asians and Blacks are the largest races on the planet.

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