Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt 'Government Ideology' or Pay $100K

I don't remember Christ saying to treat people differently when it came to ministry.
I don't remember Christ telling people to use government force to make other people accept as legitimate certain "sinful" behaviors.

If you can cite an example, I will change my mind.
You quoted Jesus out of context

because He told the woman being stoned to “go and SIN no more.”
This part of the report stood out to me:

ban the ministries from even communicating their biblical beliefs;

If true thats a direct godless lib attack on the 1st Amendment
I don't remember Christ saying to treat people differently when it came to ministry.
I don't remember Christ telling people to use government force to make other people accept as legitimate certain "sinful" behaviors.

If you can cite an example, I will change my mind.
You quoted Jesus out of context

because He told the woman being stoned to “go and SIN no more.”
Yet, he did not expel her from forever having contact with him.
What the Democrats have in store nationally.

Three Christian schools and a Christian network of pregnancy centers are suing Attorney General Mark Herring (D-Va.) in order to prevent Virginia from implementing two pro-LGBT laws that force “people of faith to adopt a particular government ideology under threat of punishment.” The two laws purport to prevent “discrimination” against LGBT people but, in reality, they force Christian ministries to choose between violating their sincerely held religious beliefs or paying hefty fines, as much as $100,000 per offense.

Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt 'Government Ideology' or Pay $100K
I don't remember Christ saying to treat people differently when it came to ministry.
/——/ It’s always amusing when religion hating pagans try to teach Christians the teachings of Christ.
Discrimination is not part of our American values. Discrimination against LGBTs is part of the "Christian values" only of certain varieties of the Christian faith. Not all. Nor are people of various religions entitled to more or superior rights to those to which other citizens are entitled, regardless of who they are. Every member of every religion must come to terms with how to observe the tenets of their faith and the requirements of the law simultaneously. There is no reason to allow anyone to transfer this burden onto other people. People forget that in cases such as these, LGBTs would bear the burden of a "government ideology," even though they are not responsible for what someone else believes.

Lots of words for forcing your beliefs on a religious organization despite their beliefs to the contrary.

Compromise is not possible with SJW morons like you, if it were we would all be better off.

How do you "compromise" when all it means is that everybody has to bow down to you? These shit-for-brains types are trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Sorry, we don't scapegoat a whole group of people or try to exclude them from general society just because some cults don't like them. LGBTs are NOT RESPONSIBLE for whatever beliefs someone else chooses to have. Beliefs are a choice. They should not become a government ideology. BTW: I'm proud to be an "SJW." It sure beats the alternative of being a warrior for social injustice.

How is forcing a church or religious school to hire say a secretary who lives a lifestyle that doesn't agree with said church or schools teachings making everyone "bow down"

This is the same bullshit as forcing the bakers to bake for Same sex weddings, it's not about fairness, it's about forced acceptance.

The force here is on the government, not on the school or church.

SJW's are today's fascists, really something to be proud of. You are just as bad as those Moral Majority assholes back in the 80's going after rock music.

Would you have the same response if someone refused to hire a Southern Baptist based on the chosen lifestyle of members of this "Christian" denomination, their love of discrimination, and their attacks on the rights of others, or refused to bake a cake for them?
Discrimination is not part of our American values. Discrimination against LGBTs is part of the "Christian values" only of certain varieties of the Christian faith. Not all. Nor are people of various religions entitled to more or superior rights to those to which other citizens are entitled, regardless of who they are. Every member of every religion must come to terms with how to observe the tenets of their faith and the requirements of the law simultaneously. There is no reason to allow anyone to transfer this burden onto other people. People forget that in cases such as these, LGBTs would bear the burden of a "government ideology," even though they are not responsible for what someone else believes.

Lots of words for forcing your beliefs on a religious organization despite their beliefs to the contrary.

Compromise is not possible with SJW morons like you, if it were we would all be better off.

How do you "compromise" when all it means is that everybody has to bow down to you? These shit-for-brains types are trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Sorry, we don't scapegoat a whole group of people or try to exclude them from general society just because some cults don't like them. LGBTs are NOT RESPONSIBLE for whatever beliefs someone else chooses to have. Beliefs are a choice. They should not become a government ideology. BTW: I'm proud to be an "SJW." It sure beats the alternative of being a warrior for social injustice.

How is forcing a church or religious school to hire say a secretary who lives a lifestyle that doesn't agree with said church or schools teachings making everyone "bow down"

This is the same bullshit as forcing the bakers to bake for Same sex weddings, it's not about fairness, it's about forced acceptance.

The force here is on the government, not on the school or church.

SJW's are today's fascists, really something to be proud of. You are just as bad as those Moral Majority assholes back in the 80's going after rock music.

Would you have the same response if someone refused to hire a Southern Baptist based on the chosen lifestyle of members of this "Christian" denomination, their love of discrimination, and their attacks on the rights of others, or refused to bake a cake for them?
/—-/ Why must you resort to Strawman arguments? Any fake outrage over Muslim bakers who refuse to bake cakes for Gaye weddings? How about the Gaye baker who refuses to bake a cake inscribed homosexuality is a sin?
I don't remember Christ saying to treat people differently when it came to ministry.
I don't remember Christ telling people to use government force to make other people accept as legitimate certain "sinful" behaviors.

If you can cite an example, I will change my mind.
You quoted Jesus out of context

because He told the woman being stoned to “go and SIN no more.”
Yet, he did not expel her from forever having contact with him.
And you want government to punish other for not having contact with the sinner?

Holy Shit!!!
Discrimination is not part of our American values. Discrimination against LGBTs is part of the "Christian values" only of certain varieties of the Christian faith. Not all. Nor are people of various religions entitled to more or superior rights to those to which other citizens are entitled, regardless of who they are. Every member of every religion must come to terms with how to observe the tenets of their faith and the requirements of the law simultaneously. There is no reason to allow anyone to transfer this burden onto other people. People forget that in cases such as these, LGBTs would bear the burden of a "government ideology," even though they are not responsible for what someone else believes.

Lots of words for forcing your beliefs on a religious organization despite their beliefs to the contrary.

Compromise is not possible with SJW morons like you, if it were we would all be better off.

How do you "compromise" when all it means is that everybody has to bow down to you? These shit-for-brains types are trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Sorry, we don't scapegoat a whole group of people or try to exclude them from general society just because some cults don't like them. LGBTs are NOT RESPONSIBLE for whatever beliefs someone else chooses to have. Beliefs are a choice. They should not become a government ideology. BTW: I'm proud to be an "SJW." It sure beats the alternative of being a warrior for social injustice.

How is forcing a church or religious school to hire say a secretary who lives a lifestyle that doesn't agree with said church or schools teachings making everyone "bow down"

This is the same bullshit as forcing the bakers to bake for Same sex weddings, it's not about fairness, it's about forced acceptance.

The force here is on the government, not on the school or church.

SJW's are today's fascists, really something to be proud of. You are just as bad as those Moral Majority assholes back in the 80's going after rock music.

Would you have the same response if someone refused to hire a Southern Baptist based on the chosen lifestyle of members of this "Christian" denomination, their love of discrimination, and their attacks on the rights of others, or refused to bake a cake for them?

If said organization had as one of it's religious tenets that southern baptism was sinful?


Why is it such a requirement that SJW's have to have everyone not just tolerate others, but accept others OR ELSE.

Free exercise is a thing in this country, despite your ignorance of it.

Should the Catholic Church be forced to accept women priests, or gay priests, or Lutherans as priests?
I don't remember Christ saying to treat people differently when it came to ministry.
I don't remember Christ telling people to use government force to make other people accept as legitimate certain "sinful" behaviors.

If you can cite an example, I will change my mind.
I love people who take the Bible out of context, so by your way of thinking, no one can be judged, so why have laws in the first place?
What the Democrats have in store nationally.

Three Christian schools and a Christian network of pregnancy centers are suing Attorney General Mark Herring (D-Va.) in order to prevent Virginia from implementing two pro-LGBT laws that force “people of faith to adopt a particular government ideology under threat of punishment.” The two laws purport to prevent “discrimination” against LGBT people but, in reality, they force Christian ministries to choose between violating their sincerely held religious beliefs or paying hefty fines, as much as $100,000 per offense.

Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt 'Government Ideology' or Pay $100K
I don't remember Christ saying to treat people differently when it came to ministry.

Name one company that will hire or retain people who don't support the companies values and mission.

Discrimination is not part of our American values. Discrimination against LGBTs is part of the "Christian values" only of certain varieties of the Christian faith. Not all. Nor are people of various religions entitled to more or superior rights to those to which other citizens are entitled, regardless of who they are. Every member of every religion must come to terms with how to observe the tenets of their faith and the requirements of the law simultaneously. There is no reason to allow anyone to transfer this burden onto other people. People forget that in cases such as these, LGBTs would bear the burden of a "government ideology," even though they are not responsible for what someone else believes.

Lots of words for forcing your beliefs on a religious organization despite their beliefs to the contrary.

Compromise is not possible with SJW morons like you, if it were we would all be better off.

How do you "compromise" when all it means is that everybody has to bow down to you? These shit-for-brains types are trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Sorry, we don't scapegoat a whole group of people or try to exclude them from general society just because some cults don't like them. LGBTs are NOT RESPONSIBLE for whatever beliefs someone else chooses to have. Beliefs are a choice. They should not become a government ideology. BTW: I'm proud to be an "SJW." It sure beats the alternative of being a warrior for social injustice.

How is forcing a church or religious school to hire say a secretary who lives a lifestyle that doesn't agree with said church or schools teachings making everyone "bow down"

This is the same bullshit as forcing the bakers to bake for Same sex weddings, it's not about fairness, it's about forced acceptance.

The force here is on the government, not on the school or church.

SJW's are today's fascists, really something to be proud of. You are just as bad as those Moral Majority assholes back in the 80's going after rock music.

Would you have the same response if someone refused to hire a Southern Baptist based on the chosen lifestyle of members of this "Christian" denomination, their love of discrimination, and their attacks on the rights of others, or refused to bake a cake for them?

If said organization had as one of it's religious tenets that southern baptism was sinful?


Why is it such a requirement that SJW's have to have everyone not just tolerate others, but accept others OR ELSE.

Free exercise is a thing in this country, despite your ignorance of it.

Should the Catholic Church be forced to accept women priests, or gay priests, or Lutherans as priests?
/——/ Actually, the Catholic Church accepts Lutheran ministers into the priesthood and they can stay married.
How do you "compromise" when all it means is that everybody has to bow down to you? These shit-for-brains types are trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Sorry, we don't scapegoat a whole group of people or try to exclude them from general society just because some cults don't like them. LGBTs are NOT RESPONSIBLE for whatever beliefs someone else chooses to have. Beliefs are a choice. They should not become a government ideology. BTW: I'm proud to be an "SJW." It sure beats the alternative of being a warrior for social injustice.

What is it about the FREE EXERCISE clause that you don't understand? You're bullshit is in line with the communist of the Soviet Union, China and North Korea. Good job COMMIE you're upholding the doctrine very well.

Discrimination is not part of our American values. Discrimination against LGBTs is part of the "Christian values" only of certain varieties of the Christian faith. Not all. Nor are people of various religions entitled to more or superior rights to those to which other citizens are entitled, regardless of who they are. Every member of every religion must come to terms with how to observe the tenets of their faith and the requirements of the law simultaneously. There is no reason to allow anyone to transfer this burden onto other people. People forget that in cases such as these, LGBTs would bear the burden of a "government ideology," even though they are not responsible for what someone else believes.

Lots of words for forcing your beliefs on a religious organization despite their beliefs to the contrary.

Compromise is not possible with SJW morons like you, if it were we would all be better off.

How do you "compromise" when all it means is that everybody has to bow down to you? These shit-for-brains types are trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Sorry, we don't scapegoat a whole group of people or try to exclude them from general society just because some cults don't like them. LGBTs are NOT RESPONSIBLE for whatever beliefs someone else chooses to have. Beliefs are a choice. They should not become a government ideology. BTW: I'm proud to be an "SJW." It sure beats the alternative of being a warrior for social injustice.

How is forcing a church or religious school to hire say a secretary who lives a lifestyle that doesn't agree with said church or schools teachings making everyone "bow down"

This is the same bullshit as forcing the bakers to bake for Same sex weddings, it's not about fairness, it's about forced acceptance.

The force here is on the government, not on the school or church.

SJW's are today's fascists, really something to be proud of. You are just as bad as those Moral Majority assholes back in the 80's going after rock music.

Would you have the same response if someone refused to hire a Southern Baptist based on the chosen lifestyle of members of this "Christian" denomination, their love of discrimination, and their attacks on the rights of others, or refused to bake a cake for them?
/—-/ Why must you resort to Strawman arguments? Any fake outrage over Muslim bakers who refuse to bake cakes for Gaye weddings? How about the Gaye baker who refuses to bake a cake inscribed homosexuality is a sin?

Everybody has to serve people they don't like under public accommodation laws. Your comments suggest that people from religious groups should be able to discriminate against people they dislike based on characteristics other than religion, but that somehow people cannot discriminate against religious people of whose beliefs they do not approve.
Would you have the same response if someone refused to hire a Southern Baptist based on the chosen lifestyle of members of this "Christian" denomination, their love of discrimination, and their attacks on the rights of others, or refused to bake a cake for them?

So you think Planned Parenthood should have to hire anit-abortionist to be counselors in their clinics? Really?????????????

Discrimination is not part of our American values. Discrimination against LGBTs is part of the "Christian values" only of certain varieties of the Christian faith. Not all. Nor are people of various religions entitled to more or superior rights to those to which other citizens are entitled, regardless of who they are. Every member of every religion must come to terms with how to observe the tenets of their faith and the requirements of the law simultaneously. There is no reason to allow anyone to transfer this burden onto other people. People forget that in cases such as these, LGBTs would bear the burden of a "government ideology," even though they are not responsible for what someone else believes.

Lots of words for forcing your beliefs on a religious organization despite their beliefs to the contrary.

Compromise is not possible with SJW morons like you, if it were we would all be better off.

How do you "compromise" when all it means is that everybody has to bow down to you? These shit-for-brains types are trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Sorry, we don't scapegoat a whole group of people or try to exclude them from general society just because some cults don't like them. LGBTs are NOT RESPONSIBLE for whatever beliefs someone else chooses to have. Beliefs are a choice. They should not become a government ideology. BTW: I'm proud to be an "SJW." It sure beats the alternative of being a warrior for social injustice.

How is forcing a church or religious school to hire say a secretary who lives a lifestyle that doesn't agree with said church or schools teachings making everyone "bow down"

This is the same bullshit as forcing the bakers to bake for Same sex weddings, it's not about fairness, it's about forced acceptance.

The force here is on the government, not on the school or church.

SJW's are today's fascists, really something to be proud of. You are just as bad as those Moral Majority assholes back in the 80's going after rock music.

Would you have the same response if someone refused to hire a Southern Baptist based on the chosen lifestyle of members of this "Christian" denomination, their love of discrimination, and their attacks on the rights of others, or refused to bake a cake for them?
/—-/ Why must you resort to Strawman arguments? Any fake outrage over Muslim bakers who refuse to bake cakes for Gaye weddings? How about the Gaye baker who refuses to bake a cake inscribed homosexuality is a sin?

Everybody has to serve people they don't like under public accommodation laws. Your comments suggest that people from religious groups should be able to discriminate against people they dislike based on characteristics other than religion, but that somehow people cannot discriminate against religious people of whose beliefs they do not approve.
/——/ Those people could have gone to any number of bakeries that would bake a Gaye cake. They targeted religious bakers intentionally to harm their business. Should Hala or Kosher food stores be forced to sell pork?
Discrimination is not part of our American values. Discrimination against LGBTs is part of the "Christian values" only of certain varieties of the Christian faith. Not all. Nor are people of various religions entitled to more or superior rights to those to which other citizens are entitled, regardless of who they are. Every member of every religion must come to terms with how to observe the tenets of their faith and the requirements of the law simultaneously. There is no reason to allow anyone to transfer this burden onto other people. People forget that in cases such as these, LGBTs would bear the burden of a "government ideology," even though they are not responsible for what someone else believes.

Lots of words for forcing your beliefs on a religious organization despite their beliefs to the contrary.

Compromise is not possible with SJW morons like you, if it were we would all be better off.

How do you "compromise" when all it means is that everybody has to bow down to you? These shit-for-brains types are trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Sorry, we don't scapegoat a whole group of people or try to exclude them from general society just because some cults don't like them. LGBTs are NOT RESPONSIBLE for whatever beliefs someone else chooses to have. Beliefs are a choice. They should not become a government ideology. BTW: I'm proud to be an "SJW." It sure beats the alternative of being a warrior for social injustice.

How is forcing a church or religious school to hire say a secretary who lives a lifestyle that doesn't agree with said church or schools teachings making everyone "bow down"

This is the same bullshit as forcing the bakers to bake for Same sex weddings, it's not about fairness, it's about forced acceptance.

The force here is on the government, not on the school or church.

SJW's are today's fascists, really something to be proud of. You are just as bad as those Moral Majority assholes back in the 80's going after rock music.

Would you have the same response if someone refused to hire a Southern Baptist based on the chosen lifestyle of members of this "Christian" denomination, their love of discrimination, and their attacks on the rights of others, or refused to bake a cake for them?
/—-/ Why must you resort to Strawman arguments? Any fake outrage over Muslim bakers who refuse to bake cakes for Gaye weddings? How about the Gaye baker who refuses to bake a cake inscribed homosexuality is a sin?

Everybody has to serve people they don't like under public accommodation laws. Your comments suggest that people from religious groups should be able to discriminate against people they dislike based on characteristics other than religion, but that somehow people cannot discriminate against religious people of whose beliefs they do not approve.

Sorry, but PA laws don't trump Free exercise without a compelling government interest. All of these cases involved contracted services, not point of sale, which the people fighting these things don't contest.

Your hatred of religion doesn't excuse your fascist tendencies when it comes to things like this.
What the Democrats have in store nationally.

Three Christian schools and a Christian network of pregnancy centers are suing Attorney General Mark Herring (D-Va.) in order to prevent Virginia from implementing two pro-LGBT laws that force “people of faith to adopt a particular government ideology under threat of punishment.” The two laws purport to prevent “discrimination” against LGBT people but, in reality, they force Christian ministries to choose between violating their sincerely held religious beliefs or paying hefty fines, as much as $100,000 per offense.

Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt 'Government Ideology' or Pay $100K
We will see who worships what or who. No fence sitting. We will be asked, like we are every day to worship God or money.

Discrimination is not part of our American values. Discrimination against LGBTs is part of the "Christian values" only of certain varieties of the Christian faith. Not all. Nor are people of various religions entitled to more or superior rights to those to which other citizens are entitled, regardless of who they are. Every member of every religion must come to terms with how to observe the tenets of their faith and the requirements of the law simultaneously. There is no reason to allow anyone to transfer this burden onto other people. People forget that in cases such as these, LGBTs would bear the burden of a "government ideology," even though they are not responsible for what someone else believes.

Lots of words for forcing your beliefs on a religious organization despite their beliefs to the contrary.

Compromise is not possible with SJW morons like you, if it were we would all be better off.

How do you "compromise" when all it means is that everybody has to bow down to you? These shit-for-brains types are trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Sorry, we don't scapegoat a whole group of people or try to exclude them from general society just because some cults don't like them. LGBTs are NOT RESPONSIBLE for whatever beliefs someone else chooses to have. Beliefs are a choice. They should not become a government ideology. BTW: I'm proud to be an "SJW." It sure beats the alternative of being a warrior for social injustice.

How is forcing a church or religious school to hire say a secretary who lives a lifestyle that doesn't agree with said church or schools teachings making everyone "bow down"

This is the same bullshit as forcing the bakers to bake for Same sex weddings, it's not about fairness, it's about forced acceptance.

The force here is on the government, not on the school or church.

SJW's are today's fascists, really something to be proud of. You are just as bad as those Moral Majority assholes back in the 80's going after rock music.

Would you have the same response if someone refused to hire a Southern Baptist based on the chosen lifestyle of members of this "Christian" denomination, their love of discrimination, and their attacks on the rights of others, or refused to bake a cake for them?

If said organization had as one of it's religious tenets that southern baptism was sinful?


Why is it such a requirement that SJW's have to have everyone not just tolerate others, but accept others OR ELSE.

Free exercise is a thing in this country, despite your ignorance of it.

Should the Catholic Church be forced to accept women priests, or gay priests, or Lutherans as priests?

One does not have to be a member of an organized religion to have a sincerely held belief. I personally find the southern baptist lifestyle and many of this religion's teachings unacceptable and reprehensible, but I would still have to serve them under the public accommodation laws and tolerate them if they served along with me in some public/governmental capacity. In other words, I would have to "tolerate" them. Accepting them would mean that I was being forced to mingle with them socially.
Every religious group is free to choose their officers and exclude others, as you mentioned with the Catholic Church. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has a ministerial exemption. But is person who disapproves of a religious group's exclusionary policies or is a member of an excluded group allowed to discriminate against this religious group, refuse to "tolerate" or "accept" members of this group, refuse to hire them or refuse to serve them? This also would be "free exercise."

Do you tolerate or accept every sincerely held belief of every individual and religion?

This is an awkward and confusing situation. Some of these religions make blanket statements about women and about LGBTs, not just women or LGBTs who are members of their congregations. In these circumstances, how are women and LGBTs to protect themselves and their own freedom?

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