Virginia Governor Ralph Northam posthumously pardons ‘Martinsville Seven’, 7 Black men executed in 1951 for the rape of a white woman

this doesn't mean a thing

No, it does mean something unfortunately.....7 black men violently ganged raped a woman in the 1950's. They were put to death for it which they richly deserved but because they are black almost 70 years later some asshole woke pos has pardon these violent rapists.
No, it does mean something unfortunately.....7 black men violently ganged raped a woman in the 1950's. They were put to death for it which they richly deserved but because they are black almost 70 years later some asshole woke pos has pardon these violent rapists.
"The Martinsville Seven were not given adequate due process ‘simply for being black,’ they were sentenced to death for a crime that a white person would not have been executed for ‘simply for being black,’ and they were killed, by the Commonwealth, ‘simply for being black,' " the advocates wrote in their letter to Northam.
"The Martinsville Seven were not given adequate due process ‘simply for being black,’ they were sentenced to death for a crime that a white person would not have been executed for ‘simply for being black,’ and they were killed, by the Commonwealth, ‘simply for being black,' " the advocates wrote in their letter to Northam.
All rapist should be executed.............. black, white, brown or yellow.
"The Martinsville Seven were not given adequate due process ‘simply for being black,’ they were sentenced to death for a crime that a white person would not have been executed for ‘simply for being black,’ and they were killed, by the Commonwealth, ‘simply for being black,' " the advocates wrote in their letter to Northam.
They were VIOLENT RAPISTS and as such deserved to be killed off regardless of what did or did not happen to others. In the 1950's, rape was punishable by death and even if the courts did not kill off the rapists or they were not arrested, "things" often happened to them....i.e like they being lyinched.

White rapists btw were put to death as well despite the articles spin.....7 men gang raping a woman would have certainly been given the death even if white in this time period. 7 men attacking and raping like these animals did would have been unheard of then to many.

Tired of the race card---these were awful people who deserved and needed to be killed off. But you know these stupid and I do mean STUPID black racists---think color over crime to stupid to realize that such violent rapists would be attacking black women as well.

The jury that convicted these animals btw was unique in its racial makeup...both blacks and whites served on the jury convicting these 7 animals who had confessed to their crimes.........Think people, including black people, were smarter back then than now. Geesh what a bunch of dumbasses thrilled that violent rapists have been pardoned by a politician trying to score cheap easy political points for doing the woke thing.
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They were VIOLENT RAPISTS and as such deserved to be killed off regardless of what did or did not happen to others. In the 1950's, rape was punishable by death and even if the courts did not kill off the rapists or they were not arrested, "things" often happened to them....i.e like they being lyinched.

White rapists btw were put to death as well despite the articles spin.....7 men gang raping a woman would have certainly been given the death even if white in this time period. 7 men attacking and raping like these animals did would have been unheard of then to many.

Tired of the race card---these were awful people who deserved and needed to be killed off. But you know these stupid and I do mean STUPID black racists---think color over crime to stupid to realize that such violent rapists would be attacking black women as well.
U.S. Department of Justice, between 1930 and 1972, 455 people were executed for rape, and 405 of those were African American. Moreover, according to the Wolfgang and Riedel study, African American defendants whose victims were white were sentenced to death about 18 times more frequently than defendants in any other racial combination of defendant and victim. Notably, no white man has ever been executed in the U.S. for the non-homicide rape of an African American woman or child.
Northam figures when you're a total failure at leading, it's time do a little disingenuous pandering. Any Black person who came away from his phony performance thinking Northam is a real sensitive guy, just isn't too bright.
"The Martinsville Seven were not given adequate due process ‘simply for being black,’ they were sentenced to death for a crime that a white person would not have been executed for ‘simply for being black,’ and they were killed, by the Commonwealth, ‘simply for being black,' " the advocates wrote in their letter to Northam.
White people received the death penalty for rape as well. In fact, we did it until the supreme court shut it down in the 70s. Louisiana tried to do it to a WHITE MAN a few years ago and it got turned down.
IDK why you dumb mother fuckers cant look shit up.
Lazy, lyin assholes. The lot of ya
White people received the death penalty for rape as well. In fact, we did it until the supreme court shut it down in the 70s. Louisiana tried to do it to a WHITE MAN a few years ago and it got turned down.
IDK why you dumb mother fuckers cant look shit up.
Lazy, lyin assholes. The lot of ya
U.S. Department of Justice, between 1930 and 1972, 455 people were executed for rape, and 405 of those were African American. Moreover, according to the Wolfgang and Riedel study, African American defendants whose victims were white were sentenced to death about 18 times more frequently than defendants in any other racial combination of defendant and victim. Notably, no white man has ever been executed in the U.S. for the non-homicide rape of an African American woman or child.
They got away with raping black women and many white women.
U.S. Department of Justice, between 1930 and 1972, 455 people were executed for rape, and 405 of those were African American. Moreover, according to the Wolfgang and Riedel study, African American defendants whose victims were white were sentenced to death about 18 times more frequently than defendants in any other racial combination of defendant and victim. Notably, no white man has ever been executed in the U.S. for the non-homicide rape of an African American woman or child.
They got away with raping black women and many white women.
jesus fucking christ
It’s a pure symbolic move obviously…but Gov Blackface’s move here wont erase the history his party, the party of the Klan, did to African Americans in VA for all those years they maintained total power
Not a good message to give to young African American men, that its ok to gang-rape white women.

There was no evidence offered to show these men were innocent. None.

Further, what message does this give to broads in Virginia, that their governor doesn't believe them?

The grandchildren and nephew of the woman that Klansman Ralph Northam accused of lying should stand up to the guv over this.

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