Virginia man who plowed his truck into Black Lives Matter crowd is the head of the state’s KKK..Sweet Baby Jesus! i thought Antifa were the terrorists

If he ran into a crowd he has to be charged.
But don’t try to equate the kkk with conservatives.

While true, I do believe Trump's inflammatory rhetoric does encourage this kind of thing.
Well we know when they THINK Trump encouraged them to drink bleach, they had to remind the left not to drink bleach. They're so easily led
From an article I just read. Rather interesting and makes no sense, really-
RICHMOND, VA. (AP) — A Virginia prosecutor said Monday she is investigating whether hate crimes charges are appropriate against an “admitted” Ku Klux Klan leader who authorities say revved his vehicle's engine and drove through peaceful protesters occupying a Richmond-area roadway.

If he is indeed, then why wouldn’t hate charges be filed?
Because it's a normal feeling.
Imagine trying to get somewhere and I violent mob is blocking your way.

It is A CRIME to interfere with the flow of traffic. Getting pissed under these circumstances is NORMAL. This act is not necessarily a "hate crime." Idiots need to get out of the road

fuck the KKK
Fucking inbred monkeys. All of them are pussies. You want to have some fun? Find one by himself and slap the shit out of him and watch him turn red. They wont even fight you back.

fuck the KKK
Fucking inbred monkeys. All of them are pussies. You want to have some fun? Find one by himself and slap the shit out of him and watch him turn red. They wont even fight you back.
What about the iron worker union guy that ran 8nto the crowd in Seattle?

fuck the KKK
Fucking inbred monkeys. All of them are pussies. You want to have some fun? Find one by himself and slap the shit out of him and watch him turn red. They wont even fight you back.
What about the iron worker union guy that ran 8nto the crowd in Seattle?
What about him?
Here is another weak pussy in Montana. I noticed he didnt do this in a Black neighborhood. However he found a Black woman who stared him down and he quickly moved a priest.


fuck the KKK
Well I guess Dems finally got what they want.
If he ran into a crowd he has to be charged.
But don’t try to equate the kkk with conservatives.
Okay. But don't try to equate Antifa with liberals. Deal?

ANIFTA are filthy progressives....and you're no liberal.

The two are not the same
It sounded fair to me.
BTW, Antifa are anarchists, not progressives.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and simply believe that you don't know what "progressive" means in a political context.
Hint - it is not "progress".

fuck the KKK
Fucking inbred monkeys. All of them are pussies. You want to have some fun? Find one by himself and slap the shit out of him and watch him turn red. They wont even fight you back.

I actually feel sorry for you.
Lincoln pulled a huge bait and switch on your ancestors by telling them that he could turn property into a free people by simply signing a document.
How does this one bozo nullify and change whatever Antifa has done?
Antifa ARE terrorists! How stupid can people be?
Today? Very stupid.
Our culture is now narrative over everything else. Facts only matter when they support the narrative.
They would rather be wrong, follow a false narrative as long as they get to feel proud of themselves in the process.
That is all that matters.

fuck the KKK
/——/ Yeah, those democRATs are disgusting racists.

fuck the KKK
Fucking inbred monkeys. All of them are pussies. You want to have some fun? Find one by himself and slap the shit out of him and watch him turn red. They wont even fight you back.

I actually feel sorry for you.
Lincoln pulled a huge bait and switch on your ancestors by telling them that he could turn property into a free people by simply signing a document.

Maybe he never dreamed that people would continue to fight equality for another 150 years.

fuck the KKK
Fucking inbred monkeys. All of them are pussies. You want to have some fun? Find one by himself and slap the shit out of him and watch him turn red. They wont even fight you back.

I actually feel sorry for you.
Lincoln pulled a huge bait and switch on your ancestors by telling them that he could turn property into a free people by simply signing a document.

Maybe he never dreamed that people would continue to fight equality for another 150 years.

No, that's not it.

fuck the KKK
Fucking inbred monkeys. All of them are pussies. You want to have some fun? Find one by himself and slap the shit out of him and watch him turn red. They wont even fight you back.

I actually feel sorry for you.
Lincoln pulled a huge bait and switch on your ancestors by telling them that he could turn property into a free people by simply signing a document.
Dont feel sorry for me. I'm free. Discriminated against but I am free or there would be another new and improved version of Nat Turner in your midst.

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