Virginia Patriots are forming militia

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
From a doomporners blog

I read every comment posted here. (Yes Trolls, even your screeds that I sh*t-can.) Some mornings and some comments make everything worthwhile. This is one of them


Thank you for recognizing our work to create the muster here in Bedford County. Yes, there are many of us that read your blog. Like you said, it didn't take much to be honest. Just a close knit group of guys that have had enough. We have been lobbying at Lobby day for years now, went to the rally, sent our emails, made our phone calls and we have been training with a more quiet and smaller group for years now.

We decided it was time to make this happen. We put out the flyer which was a copy of the Floyd County muster flyer (which happened back in Jan), and then started posting it in every convenience store, fire station, YMCA, etc we could post it. Called the news media and sent them the flyer, told them what was going on, etc. Some of our team met with the Sheriff and his team and he was very supportive and glad to see we were organized, had thought through everything and he saw no reason for him nor any of his deputies to attend after he learned of our intentions and why we were calling it.

With that, we borrowed a PA system, had some signs made to place in the roads to direct people, found more volunteers, created our muster cards, had hats made for sale, and made it happen. Again, the work of a dozen focused men to create this and then about 25 of us (men and ladies) on the day.

Now what? Now, we go to the Board of Supervisors and make this an official militia so there is legal weight to it. We have training scheduled for the next two months already, we have emails and info regarding next steps ready to go, we are looking for more trainers and land to train on. We are meeting with the Sheriff again and keeping a dialogue open.

We are also organizing the Campbell County Muster as well (adjacent to Bedford County) and hoping for the same turn out.

#wewillnotcomply But wait, there's more:
Wes Gardner (Yes the one in Va) said...
Thank you for covering our event in Bedford.

We are currently involved with groups putting together militia efforts in the following counties as well:


And a few others in the early startup stages.

We are sending a very clear message to Richmond and the rest of the country that we will not stand by idly as our God given rights are trampled on.

Also, you hit the nail on the head! We are going to be a mobilized force that can work diligently to put forth strong candidates that will truly represent the commonwealth.

These forts will help to ensure that Virginia remains a great place to raise a family, start a business, feel safe from crime, experience the birthright of freedom that was born here.

We will continue forth and carryon the fight.

God bless you
God bless America

That's an embarrassment of riches.

Like we've been telling you, small groups of committed individuals change the world: they're the only thing that ever has.

22,000 people once is a mob photo op.
500 guys in one county, who have guns, won't comply, and train together month after month is a battalion.

Learn the difference.

And in 90 counties? That's an army of freedom.
Before whom tyrants (even elected ones, like Gov. Blackface Babykiller) tremble.

Best Wishes to the fine folks in Bedford County doing this, and kudos to them for doing the same thing in the counties next door. And so on. And so on.

You go, patriots.


Hell 500 a county is a nice goal 100 or 2 would even do

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