Virginia race too close to call

Republican Ken Cuccinelli’s unexpectedly strong showing in the Virginia governor’s race will make it more difficult for moderate members of the GOP to pull the party toward the center, says Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics.
Republican Ken Cuccinelli’s unexpectedly strong showing in the Virginia governor’s race will make it more difficult for moderate members of the GOP to pull the party toward the center, says Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics.

McAuliffe's victory speech is starting in a minute or two. I could send you the highlights if you don't want to watch.
Chris Christie's big win tonight will no doubt help with his candidacy for 2016. He also has some very rich friends, he is definitely a contender.
JoeB the Dem is trembling, as he will should be.

Why should I be? The national dynamics still suck for the Republicans until they get right with minorities, women and working folks.

And nominating Jabba the Hutt with his corrupt background that Romney rejected isn't going to fix that.

Yup, when you are talking like this, you are worried. You should be.

Guy, I'm not worried, because I know the GOP is going to wreck itself in a civil war between the Wall Street Douchebags and the Teabagging crazies.
Chris Christie's big win tonight will no doubt help with his candidacy for 2016. He also has some very rich friends, he is definitely a contender.

I don't buy that.

He won against a weak contender.

And frankly, while the rich have been able to shove "squishes" down the throats of the rank and file, they are having none of that now.
Why should I be? The national dynamics still suck for the Republicans until they get right with minorities, women and working folks.

And nominating Jabba the Hutt with his corrupt background that Romney rejected isn't going to fix that.

Yup, when you are talking like this, you are worried. You should be.

Guy, I'm not worried, because I know the GOP is going to wreck itself in a civil war between the Wall Street Douchebags and the Teabagging crazies.

It's already started.
Chris Christie's big win tonight will no doubt help with his candidacy for 2016. He also has some very rich friends, he is definitely a contender.

Sorry, very rich won't cut it. He'll need obscenely wealthy, Heritage Foundation type friends.

In other words, how do the Koch Brothers feel about him?
Chris Christie's big win tonight will no doubt help with his candidacy for 2016. He also has some very rich friends, he is definitely a contender.

I don't buy that.

He won against a weak contender.

And frankly, while the rich have been able to shove "squishes" down the throats of the rank and file, they are having none of that now.

The Democrats didn't support her. She had a rough road.
Chris Christie's big win tonight will no doubt help with his candidacy for 2016. He also has some very rich friends, he is definitely a contender.

I don't buy that.

He won against a weak contender.

And frankly, while the rich have been able to shove "squishes" down the throats of the rank and file, they are having none of that now.

The Democrats didn't support her. She had a rough road.

dimocraps war on women? nothing new - the use them and then throw away as utilized condoms:lmao:
Chris Christie's big win tonight will no doubt help with his candidacy for 2016. He also has some very rich friends, he is definitely a contender.

I don't buy that.

He won against a weak contender.

And frankly, while the rich have been able to shove "squishes" down the throats of the rank and file, they are having none of that now.


But republicans need to buy the fact that Christie is the template for any GOP candidate who wants to win in a deep blue state, as well as the presidency.
I don't buy that.

He won against a weak contender.

And frankly, while the rich have been able to shove "squishes" down the throats of the rank and file, they are having none of that now.

The Democrats didn't support her. She had a rough road.

dimocraps war on women? nothing new - the use them and then throw away as utilized condoms:lmao:

It was a business decision. Democrats aren't emotional basket cases like you all are.
It was a business decision. Democrats aren't emotional basket cases like you all are.

that is exactly what I meant.
business as usual.

or utilization of useful idiots :lol:

You're not making any sense, Vox, maybe you should go sleep it off.

yes, I am making perfect sense. you just don't like to digest it - you know perfectly well that dimocraps are using women and simply lying and when it really comes to supporting a woman, they dump her , since money is more important.
keep being brainwashed into simple vaginas with vocal cords - when it comes to real issues - it is business as usual :lmao:
McAuliffe will squeak out the win and people will point out the Tea Party connection hurt the Republicans here they should also remember Obamacare hurt the Democrats making this race a lot closer than it probably should have been. If this dissatisfaction with Obamacare continues this could be a major problem for Democrats in the midterms.

Not a chance. You are talking about the greatest propaganda machine in human history, namely the progressive DNC.

They will spin this and make the insurance companies the bad guy.

The average human being is a retard.

The difference here is people will actually see the hit in their paychecks and wallets very hard to spin that in your favor.
Christie can beat Hillary.

No far right reactionary can do that.

Guy, quit spreading your manure.

The fact is, you have 45% who will ALWAYS vote for the Republican and 47% that will always vote for the Democrat and the race is won or lost in that 8% in between.

If the economy is in good shape in 2016, Hillary can do a victory lap.

If it's in horrible shape, the Republicans can run Cruz and win.

It's really that simple. Not professional partisans, but guys who will end up voting for who they'd like to have a beer with.

Christie's got a whole lot of problems.

He's abrasive, he's fat, and he's got a record of fucking over working folks.

That isn't going to play well nationally.

There's also whatever Romney's vetters found or Christy refused to turn over that made him go with Paul Ryan.

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