Virginia rejects death with dignity bill

This is largely theater. This has legally been going on for a very long time. I had a friend that had cancer (for the third time). His doctor prescribed him something for pain with the warning that if he took too many he wouldn't wake back up.

They basically do this to you in the hospital once they decide the end is near anyway. They keep on pumping you full of drugs until you are no more.

I don't believe anyone has the right to take the life of another but it was my friends choice that he made.
I don't know man, you had the likes of Wexton (D-VA 10) promoting it.....I could see that bitch trying to get it passed on a national level like in Canada.
They basically do this to you in the hospital once they decide the end is near anyway. They keep on pumping you full of drugs until you are no more.
Sure, but it puts a huge emotional and financial strain on the survivors. If you can't afford the "treatment" you must turn everything you own and go on medicaid. We can do better.
Sure, but it puts a huge emotional and financial strain on the survivors. If you can't afford the "treatment" you must turn everything you own and go on medicaid. We can do better.

I just faced the potential of all of that with my Mom. 7K a month for a "memory care" facility is no joke.
Missed opportunity to provide options for suffering people and families. Apparently church people ( and most likely pharma and med care beneficiaries) believe it is more humane for the patient to suffer and have the family face financial ruin for an extension of the suffering. Virginia lawmakers defeat medically assisted suicide bill
My father in law could have legally killed himself after being diagnosed with terminal cancer.

15 years later he died of a heart attack because he kept smoking.
Sure, but it puts a huge emotional and financial strain on the survivors. If you can't afford the "treatment" you must turn everything you own and go on medicaid. We can do better.

You can take all your pain meds one night. Nothing stops you.
This is largely theater. This has legally been going on for a very long time. I had a friend that had cancer (for the third time). His doctor prescribed him something for pain with the warning that if he took too many he wouldn't wake back up.

They basically do this to you in the hospital once they decide the end is near anyway. They keep on pumping you full of drugs until you are no more.

I don't believe anyone has the right to take the life of another but it was my friends choice that he made.
That's the way to do it. At some point, the goals of alleviating suffering and prolonging life come into conflict. That doesn't mean that doctors need to become euthanizers. People like Kavorkian are just a little too eager for me to want them to make end-of-life decisions for me. Give me the meds, and I'll decide on risk v. reward.
My father in law could have legally killed himself after being diagnosed with terminal cancer.
I believe people should make their own decisions, good or bad, without the government intervention. No one knows what will help you more than your family, especially some bureaucrat looking at a file. No one is asking for more federal money, this would be privately funded, a good option for end of life, and I don't think the bean counters are comfortable with that. Those people that preach from a chair about the sanctity of life will drop you like a prom dress when you or someone you love falls ill.
Absolutely not. Talk about a Pandora's box and a slippery slope. You can go off life support and OD on pain killers without making doctors, family members, and society complicit.
Absolutely not. Talk about a Pandora's box and a slippery slope. You can go off life support and OD on pain killers without making doctors, family members, and society complicit.

Virginia lawmakers on Monday defeated for another year legislation that would allow certain adults facing terminal illness to end their own lives with a self-administered controlled substance prescribed by a health care provider.

Self administered.
I guess that at the end you could self identify as a fetus and then there should be no problem. Just curl up and suck your thumb and then there would be federal guidelines.
Virginia lawmakers on Monday defeated for another year legislation that would allow certain adults facing terminal illness to end their own lives with a self-administered controlled substance prescribed by a health care provider.

Self administered.
I said complicit in. Here is the bill and all the people who have to be involved in signing off and delivering the fatal drugs. The government should not impose on anyone to participate in killing someone. The government and healthcare system has demonstrated their tolerance for anyone to opt out of providing government approved "treatment".


Death with Dignity Act; penalties. Allows an adult who has been determined by an attending physician and consulting physician to be suffering from a terminal condition to request medication for the purpose of ending his life in a humane and dignified manner. The bill requires that a patient's request for medication to end his life be given orally on two occasions, that such request be in writing, that such request be signed by the patient and two witnesses, and that the patient be given an express opportunity to rescind his request. The bill requires that before a patient is prescribed medication to end his life, the attending physician must (i) confirm that the patient is making an informed decision, (ii) refer the patient to a capacity reviewer if the physician is uncertain as to whether the patient is making an informed decision, (iii) refer the patient to a consulting physician for confirmation or rejection of the attending physician's diagnosis, and (iv) inform the patient that he may rescind the request at any time. The bill provides that neither a patient's request for medication to end his life in a humane and dignified manner nor his act of ingesting such medication shall have any effect upon a life, health, or accident insurance policy or an annuity contract. The bill makes it a Class 2 felony (a) to willfully and deliberately alter, forge, conceal, or destroy a patient's request, or rescission of request, for medication to end his life with the intent and effect of causing the patient's death or (b) to coerce, intimidate, or exert undue influence on a patient to request medication for the purpose of ending his life or to destroy the patient's rescission of such request with the intent and effect of causing the patient's death. Finally, the bill grants immunity from civil or criminal liability and professional disciplinary action to any person who complies with the provisions of the bill and allows health care providers to refuse to participate in the provision of medication to a patient for the purpose of ending the patient's life.

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