Virginia Rejects Weapons Ban

Given the thousands of people slaughtered by firearms each year, it's time to re-shape the way the country deals with it...
* Licensing - different classes of license for different classes of firearms - much like we do with truck-driver licensing
* Registration - every weapon is registered
* Transfer oversight - every sale, gift, inheritance, loan, etc., involving firearms, is approved in advance and tracked
* Quantitative limits - on both weapons and ammunition - you don't need twenty AR-15s... two, maybe... not twenty
* Red Flag temporary confiscations
* Federal Standards for all the above
* Firearms control passes out of control of the States and into the hands of the Federal government
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of these restrictions you seek to lay upon the rights of the law abiding.
True. We cannot demonstrate future results. Merely project them, using common sense.

And it doesn't matter. The 2nd is a limit on what government can do to the people. Live with it or go live in a country more to your liking.
It's all a matter of interpretation...

As in, interpreting the 2nd to better "regulate" the "militia" at-large... just like it says in the US Constitution... :21:
Assholes still did redflag, 1 gun a month, expanded background checks.
Excellent. :21:
You vermin are begging for a war.
Oh, blow it out your ass...

Nobody is talking about taking away your pop-guns, pi$$ant...

Given the thousands of people slaughtered by firearms each year, it's time to re-shape the way the country deals with it...

* Licensing - different classes of license for different classes of firearms - much like we do with truck-driver licensing
* Registration - every weapon is registered
* Transfer oversight - every sale, gift, inheritance, loan, etc., involving firearms, is approved in advance and tracked
* Quantitative limits - on both weapons and ammunition - you don't need twenty AR-15s... two, maybe... not twenty
* Red Flag temporary confiscations
* Federal Standards for all the above
* Firearms control passes out of control of the States and into the hands of the Federal government

And, if need be...

The next time that House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS and legislatures are properly aligned, we amend the Constitution to do it

It's coming... it's just a matter of when...

And... when "when" comes... you will comply with the laws of the United States just like everyone else... guaranteed.

War? The talk of little boys with big bang-bangs and tiny pee-pees. :21:

Good idea. Then when places like Virginia plan on confiscating guns, they'll know where each and every one of them are at. Bravo.
Shift control to the Federal level and you never have to worry about Virginia again...

Just the opposite. Shift Virginia to the federal government, and we all have something to worry about. You stop cancer by attacking it before it spreads, not allow it to spread and then attack it.
Given the thousands of people slaughtered by firearms each year, it's time to re-shape the way the country deals with it...
* Licensing - different classes of license for different classes of firearms - much like we do with truck-driver licensing
* Registration - every weapon is registered
* Transfer oversight - every sale, gift, inheritance, loan, etc., involving firearms, is approved in advance and tracked
* Quantitative limits - on both weapons and ammunition - you don't need twenty AR-15s... two, maybe... not twenty
* Red Flag temporary confiscations
* Federal Standards for all the above
* Firearms control passes out of control of the States and into the hands of the Federal government
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of these restrictions you seek to lay upon the rights of the law abiding.
True. We cannot demonstrate future results. Merely project them, using common sense.

And it doesn't matter. The 2nd is a limit on what government can do to the people. Live with it or go live in a country more to your liking.
It's all a matter of interpretation...

As in, interpreting the 2nd to better "regulate" the "militia" at-large... just like it says in the US Constitution... :21:

Well regulated, at the time it was written meant "in good working order" so by all means go for it, you linguistic cripple.
...Well regulated, at the time it was written meant "in good working order" so by all means go for it, you linguistic cripple.
No, that's not what it meant at the time it was written. 'Regulated' is different than 'good working order', even back then.
...Just the opposite. Shift Virginia to the federal government, and we all have something to worry about. You stop cancer by attacking it before it spreads, not allow it to spread and then attack it.
Owner-licensing and weapons-registration and transactional controls and related standards on the national level are not a cancer.

They are a gigantic step towards sanity and safety; long overdue, and likely to save many thousands of lives over time, once implemented.
Yes. Constitutional Rights can be stripped without due process.
Actually it can't. The bill goes out of it's way to make it hard.
If I call the police and tell them you’ve committed violent threats and are a danger, you don’t get a court date. You get your guns taken away.

And then later that night I come over to your house and cap your ass.
You didn't read it did you?
...Well regulated, at the time it was written meant "in good working order" so by all means go for it, you linguistic cripple.
No, that's not what it meant at the time it was written. 'Regulated' is different than 'good working order', even back then.

You are wrong, as usual. We know you are wrong because high quality clocks made at that time will have "well regulated" engraved upon them.

No laws are needed for clocks so, as per usual, you are wrong.
...Just the opposite. Shift Virginia to the federal government, and we all have something to worry about. You stop cancer by attacking it before it spreads, not allow it to spread and then attack it.
Owner-licensing and weapons-registration and transactional controls and related standards on the national level are not a cancer.

They are a gigantic step towards sanity and safety; long overdue, and likely to save many thousands of lives over time, once implemented.

Yeah, they are. Those laws are being pushed by billionaires.

A thinking person would ask why billionaires were so desperate to enact gun control laws.
Meanwhile in Connecticut, democrats seek to impose a 35% tax on ammo which they think will curtail criminal activity. If they were honest, they would insist nobody can buy ammo unless they have a conceal carry permit. But obviously that is biased against democrat voters who are unqualified as a result of criminal backgrounds and low IQ's.
...Just the opposite. Shift Virginia to the federal government, and we all have something to worry about. You stop cancer by attacking it before it spreads, not allow it to spread and then attack it.
Owner-licensing and weapons-registration and transactional controls and related standards on the national level are not a cancer.

They are a gigantic step towards sanity and safety; long overdue, and likely to save many thousands of lives over time, once implemented.

You have a point there. Criminals will never get guns if they have to be registered. It would be illegal. Look how well it worked out for our recreational drug problem we once had.
...Just the opposite. Shift Virginia to the federal government, and we all have something to worry about. You stop cancer by attacking it before it spreads, not allow it to spread and then attack it.
Owner-licensing and weapons-registration and transactional controls and related standards on the national level are not a cancer.

No... just unnecessary and ineffective,.
Assholes still did redflag, 1 gun a month, expanded background checks.
Excellent. :21:
You vermin are begging for a war.
Oh, blow it out your ass...

Nobody is talking about taking away your pop-guns, pi$$ant...

Given the thousands of people slaughtered by firearms each year, it's time to re-shape the way the country deals with it...

* Licensing - different classes of license for different classes of firearms - much like we do with truck-driver licensing
* Registration - every weapon is registered
* Transfer oversight - every sale, gift, inheritance, loan, etc., involving firearms, is approved in advance and tracked
* Quantitative limits - on both weapons and ammunition - you don't need twenty AR-15s... two, maybe... not twenty
* Red Flag temporary confiscations
* Federal Standards for all the above
* Firearms control passes out of control of the States and into the hands of the Federal government

And, if need be...

The next time that House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS and legislatures are properly aligned, we amend the Constitution to do it

It's coming... it's just a matter of when...

And... when "when" comes... you will comply with the laws of the United States just like everyone else... guaranteed.

War? The talk of little boys with big bang-bangs and tiny pee-pees. :21:

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