Virginia Yard Signs: ‘Keep Parents Out Of Classrooms — Vote McAuliffe’

Whatever, it's not a McAuliffe sign. And indeed, parents have a right to bitch (PEACEFULLY) at school board meetings, but should leave curriculum up to professional educators.
Not if those professional educators are teaching that this is a systemically racist country and that whites are all racist. ”Professional educators” have always been on the liberal side, but these days they’ve become part of the the radical left.

Take Baltimore, where you have an entire city school where not ONE single black kid scored proficient in math and many are functionally illiterate. Instead of indoctrinating these poorly educated black kids with the idea that whites are oppressors, maybe the teachers should teach them some basics. That way, when they graduate, they could get a job, instead of being so uneducated they can’t even get a basic job - and then of course blame it on racism.
McAuliff must be pretty fucking stupid if he believes this is a winning strategy. Only NAZIs believe parents shouldn't have a say in what their children are taught. McAuliff believes children are the property of the state.
On Monday, the Gateway Pundit reported that yard signs are popping up across Virginia that read, “Keep parents out of classrooms,” followed by, “Vote McAuliffe” and “Keep Virginia Blue.”
According to Jim Hoft, the signs are being put up by supporters of Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who single-handedly changed the course of the gubernatorial campaign by saying parents should not be allowed to tell schools what to teach.
“I’m not gonna let parents come to schools and actually take books out and make their own decision,” McAuliffe said during a debate with his Republican opponent, Glenn Youngkin. “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

Parents should NOT be dictating what their children are taught. They're in no way qualified and nothing makes this clearer than this hysteria about Critical Race Theory.

Parents need to be reminded that "education" is about preparing their little darlings to function in a 21st Century economy, not to teach your children Republican dogma. Do that at home. Republican parents have so successfully shielded their children from 21st Century science and economics, that they kids aren't qualified to work in the real world, what with their belief in Creationism, and their denial of manmade climate change, racial and gender equality, and even the science behind Einstein's theory of relativity, although they're not above using GPS or other benefits of modern science.
Parents should NOT be dictating what their children are taught. They're in no way qualified and nothing makes this clearer than this hysteria about Critical Race Theory.

Parents need to be reminded that "education" is about preparing their little darlings to function in a 21st Century economy, not to teach your children Republican dogma. Do that at home. Republican parents have so successfully shielded their children from 21st Century science and economics, that they kids aren't qualified to work in the real world, what with their belief in Creationism, and their denial of manmade climate change, racial and gender equality, and even the science behind Einstein's theory of relativity, although they're not above using GPS or other benefits of modern science.

Parents have every right to know and have input on what their children are taught you befuddled loon
Not if those professional educators are teaching that this is a systemically racist country and that whites are all racist. ”Professional educators” have always been on the liberal side, but these days they’ve become part of the the radical left.

Take Baltimore, where you have an entire city school where not ONE single black kid scored proficient in math and many are functionally illiterate. Instead of indoctrinating these poorly educated black kids with the idea that whites are oppressors, maybe the teachers should teach them some basics. That way, when they graduate, they could get a job, instead of being so uneducated they can’t even get a basic job - and then of course blame it on racism.

1. Public school student aren't being taught anything like that. That's just another Republican lie.

2. Your racist lies about the intelligence of non-whites is disgusting. Where ever you got your information from with regard to Baltimore children it's utter false. This news report says that 1/3 of Baltimore students passed the college admittance standards in reading. Nothing like your report that says none of them passed.

If Republicans didn't lie about black people, they'd have NOTHING to say.
Parents should NOT be dictating what their children are taught. They're in no way qualified and nothing makes this clearer than this hysteria about Critical Race Theory.

Parents need to be reminded that "education" is about preparing their little darlings to function in a 21st Century economy, not to teach your children Republican dogma. Do that at home. Republican parents have so successfully shielded their children from 21st Century science and economics, that they kids aren't qualified to work in the real world, what with their belief in Creationism, and their denial of manmade climate change, racial and gender equality, and even the science behind Einstein's theory of relativity, although they're not above using GPS or other benefits of modern science.
If you’re such a liberal who thinks that children should be taught how racist this country is, then why do have disgusting Antisemitic comments as part of your signature? You’re opposed to bigotry against blacks while actively screaming it against Jews.
Parents should NOT be dictating what their children are taught. They're in no way qualified and nothing makes this clearer than this hysteria about Critical Race Theory.

Parents need to be reminded that "education" is about preparing their little darlings to function in a 21st Century economy, not to teach your children Republican dogma. Do that at home. Republican parents have so successfully shielded their children from 21st Century science and economics, that they kids aren't qualified to work in the real world, what with their belief in Creationism, and their denial of manmade climate change, racial and gender equality, and even the science behind Einstein's theory of relativity, although they're not above using GPS or other benefits of modern science.

So parents pay for the education, and are told fuck off about what is taught?

Fuck you.
McAuliff must be pretty fucking stupid if he believes this is a winning strategy. Only NAZIs believe parents shouldn't have a say in what their children are taught. McAuliff believes children are the property of the state.
On Monday, the Gateway Pundit reported that yard signs are popping up across Virginia that read, “Keep parents out of classrooms,” followed by, “Vote McAuliffe” and “Keep Virginia Blue.”
According to Jim Hoft, the signs are being put up by supporters of Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who single-handedly changed the course of the gubernatorial campaign by saying parents should not be allowed to tell schools what to teach.
“I’m not gonna let parents come to schools and actually take books out and make their own decision,” McAuliffe said during a debate with his Republican opponent, Glenn Youngkin. “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
McAuliffe is in full blown panic mode as the race is now seen as a dead heat. Who thought alienating parents was a good idea?
Parents should NOT be dictating what their children are taught. They're in no way qualified and nothing makes this clearer than this hysteria about Critical Race Theory.

Parents need to be reminded that "education" is about preparing their little darlings to function in a 21st Century economy, not to teach your children Republican dogma. Do that at home. Republican parents have so successfully shielded their children from 21st Century science and economics, that they kids aren't qualified to work in the real world, what with their belief in Creationism, and their denial of manmade climate change, racial and gender equality, and even the science behind Einstein's theory of relativity, although they're not above using GPS or other benefits of modern science.
Keep your Nazi bullshit in Canada. Real Americans will be involved with their kids education whether you like it or not. Indoctrination, child porn in libraries, and CRT will not be tolerated.
1. Public school student aren't being taught anything like that. That's just another Republican lie.

2. Your racist lies about the intelligence of non-whites is disgusting. Where ever you got your information from with regard to Baltimore children it's utter false. This news report says that 1/3 of Baltimore students passed the college admittance standards in reading. Nothing like your report that says none of them passed.

If Republicans didn't lie about black people, they'd have NOTHING to say.
So why is the gifted and talented program being ended in NYC? Because whites and Asians are too smart and blacks aren’t being left behind. So now everybody gets to be treated as equally stupid. Leading to parents pulling kids from public schools and going the charter route.
That's because you use shit sources. Let me guess, they didn't even bother to ask the campaign if they were there signs and you didn't think that would be kind of the responsible thing an actual journalist would do.

Again, why do you guys continue to fall for such obviously stupid shit?
Yeah, I knew it was a false flag sign as soon as I clicked the link in the OP.

What's really scary, though, is that McAuliffe actually said precisely that.

And Biden's DOJ is trying to keep parents out of school board meetings too.

They want unhindered ability to indoctrinate our youth in their re-education camps so they can raise a whole generation of woke anti-American Socialists. And I am not exaggerating one bit.

Is it sad that you guys really believe this is a McAuliffe sign? Or do I have to lower my expectations again?

Why would it not be a McAuliffe sign? McAuliffe is on tape saying parents should have no say in their child’s education. That’s a fact.
Not if those professional educators are teaching that this is a systemically racist country and that whites are all racist. ”Professional educators” have always been on the liberal side, but these days they’ve become part of the the radical left.

Take Baltimore, where you have an entire city school where not ONE single black kid scored proficient in math and many are functionally illiterate. Instead of indoctrinating these poorly educated black kids with the idea that whites are oppressors, maybe the teachers should teach them some basics. That way, when they graduate, they could get a job, instead of being so uneducated they can’t even get a basic job - and then of course blame it on racism.

No one wants to teach that “all whites are racist”. That’s a turd that won’t float.
We teach a little something called “American history”.
Perhaps you should learn some.

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