Zone1 Vis a vis the sub(mersible): Did you ask yourself: Why did God allow that tragedy?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Well, people like me are always asking WHY did God allow (whatever... fill in the blanks)

so there's that.

But anyhow, yeh... Why didn't God remind these people who were responsible for.. such things as carbon fiber in the walls of the sub (and how that is not good for anything that is under great pressure from the outside...).... etc.

I mean, God could have put the thought in the head of the CEO that he shouldn't allow that sub-standard material in the sub

and etc... etc....

But why do I want to say Here we go again: blaming God (for what humans foolishly do)?

Death is for everyone, no matter how much money one has. EVERYONE knows THAT (if they don't know anything else)

And again, why all this money spent on a voyage to such a dangerous environment just to see a 100+ year old wreck of a ship that we already have photos of anyhow?

I don't know.. Is God trying to tell us something here?





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Well, people like me are always asking WHY did God allow (whatever... fill in the blanks)

so there's that.

But anyhow, yeh... Why didn't God remind these people who were responsible for.. such things as carbon fiber in the walls of the sub (and how that is not good for anything that is under great pressure from the outside...).... etc.

I mean, God could have put the thought in the head of the CEO that he shouldn't allow that sub-standard material in the sub

and etc... etc....

But why do I want to say Here we go again: blaming God (for what humans foolishly do)?

Death is for everyone, no matter how much money one has. EVERYONE knows THAT (if they don't know anything else)

And again, why all this money spent on a voyage to such a dangerous environment just to see a 100+ year old wreck of a ship that we already have photos of anyhow?

I don't know.. Is God trying to tell us something here?





God once murdered the entire planet by drowning on a whim. In this case, maybe he was just scratching that itch.
It's possible that the tragedy had more to do with a viewing window only rated to 4000 feet, and nothing to do with divine intervention.
It's insulting to science and engineering to suggest that an imaginary god had something to do with the accident!

Trolling and spamming deserves no further comment.
Well, people like me are always asking WHY did God allow (whatever... fill in the blanks)

so there's that.

But anyhow, yeh... Why didn't God remind these people who were responsible for.. such things as carbon fiber in the walls of the sub (and how that is not good for anything that is under great pressure from the outside...).... etc.

I mean, God could have put the thought in the head of the CEO that he shouldn't allow that sub-standard material in the sub

and etc... etc....

But why do I want to say Here we go again: blaming God (for what humans foolishly do)?

Death is for everyone, no matter how much money one has. EVERYONE knows THAT (if they don't know anything else)

And again, why all this money spent on a voyage to such a dangerous environment just to see a 100+ year old wreck of a ship that we already have photos of anyhow?

I don't know.. Is God trying to tell us something here?

If God didn't intervene when Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot killed millions why would you expect him to care about a few rich folk in a sub?
Death is for everyone, no matter how much money one has. EVERYONE knows THAT (if they don't know anything else)

Debatable . We all have an enveloping/surrounding force field -- electro magnetic ,. You cannot destroy energy( life), just transfer or change its form . You refer to physical death as though we are only made up of physical matter .Mistake . Or, as we believe , a disastrous blunder .
Free will - That is your answer.

Those that "designed" the doomed sub had a choice of what materials to use: those that were tested and proven to withstand the forces encountered underwater or go with what they wanted and had been told by numerous people that it was a disaster waiting to happen. We all know what they chose.
God once murdered the entire planet by drowning on a whim. In this case, maybe he was just scratching that itch.

um... If you're going to refer to a story in the Bible, maybe you should get the WHOLE story.

RE the Flood: Humanity had forsaken God and were deep into mortal sin. God regretted making man.

It looks like this is one part of history that will, one way or another, repeat itself.

God isn't going to wait forever for people to repent.
Debatable . We all have an enveloping/surrounding force field -- electro magnetic ,. You cannot destroy energy( life), just transfer or change its form . You refer to physical death as though we are only made up of physical matter .Mistake . Or, as we believe , a disastrous blunder .
Tell that to the loved ones left behind

Free will - That is your answer.

Those that "designed" the doomed sub had a choice of what materials to use: those that were tested and proven to withstand the forces encountered underwater or go with what they wanted and had been told by numerous people that it was a disaster waiting to happen. We all know what they chose.
But WHY?

Didn't they know they were taking a big chance? I mean, it doesn't make sense. Wasn't one of them an engineer . . more than 1?
If God didn't intervene when Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot killed millions why would you expect him to care about a few rich folk in a sub?
How do you know God didn't intervene w/ Hitler..?

The Allies DID win... not in time to save everyone in the death camps, but I'm sure God cared for all of them... maybe by getting them to repent of their sins, knowing death was near. I don't know... I'm not God but I do know a few things about how He has worked in my own life... showing me this and that.. about whatever
God once murdered the entire planet by drowning on a whim. In this case, maybe he was just scratching that itch.
When God takes life, it is not murder. It is more like capital punishment or something else... like.. Humans all die ?
God is a sadist.
Who says?

I have felt the same thing b4... but maybe it is humans and Satan who are evil and God just... deals with it as He deals with it... often in mysterious ways...

Satan is evil. People are sinners... That doesn't appear to exactly add up to: God is a sadist.
I have a question:

Was the Titanic ever lifted out of the ocean? I saw a photo of what looked like the Titanic (as it looks in underwater photos) but it wasn't under water.. so that's why I'm asking.. maybe it was just a replica (don't recall where on the i-net I saw this)
But WHY?

Didn't they know they were taking a big chance? I mean, it doesn't make sense. Wasn't one of them an engineer . . more than 1?
Of course they knew they were taking a chance. You'd have to ask them why. All the rest of us can do is speculate. Maybe they wanted to save money (greed), but that leads to the question of "Why take a chance on human life?" I watched a couple of video clips of what the controls and interior looked like. I don't understand how those that paid to go in that thing didn't have red flags going off in their heads. Just looking at the exterior alone is a huge NO with me.
Of course they knew they were taking a chance. You'd have to ask them why. All the rest of us can do is speculate. Maybe they wanted to save money (greed), but that leads to the question of "Why take a chance on human life?" I watched a couple of video clips of what the controls and interior looked like. I don't understand how those that paid to go in that thing didn't have red flags going off in their heads. Just looking at the exterior alone is a huge NO with me.
how so?

you're saying both exterior and interior looked troublesome?

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