Visceral racist responses to Miss America winner

New Miss America's Indian heritage sparks racist comments* -

Ironically, I suspect the same retards would have been butt hurt reaction had a "native" American won.

I know one thing, based on the number of large breasted blonds in that competition, they surely don't represent America: not the real America. There are not that many, percentage wise, natural blonds with natural big breasts in America.

I think that's true. In fact I'm doing a survey right now. Not quite done yet... :evil:
Who cares about 1921? That was when the pageant began. Black women could not partcipate until the 70's ....50 years after the contest began, with the first black winner in 1984. 63 years later. They have spent far more decades barred from the competition than being able to participate. Now do you understand?

it's 2013

do you understand?

Congratulations, you know what year it is. Now, do you understand recent history?

squeeze berry? :eusa_eh: he's willfully ignorant in order to support his :up: pro-racist views


Miss America began in 1921. Rule number Seven stated they must be of the white race, racist. Black women were not even allowed to participate until the 70's, and in 1984, Vanessa Williams became the first non-white Miss America.

You were saying, moron?

Miss America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wasn't around in 1921 were you moron?

But you were around yesterday, when the post you demanded a link for was:

Then there's;

Miss Black America: Home

Welcome to the Miss Black America Pageant

Then there are;

. The Miss LatinoAmerica Pageant

. The Miss India America 2013 Beauty Pageant

. The Miss Chinese American Beauty Pageant

Here's an idea...what about a Miss White America beauty pageant?

You had one for years.



You got your link, and you got owned and your ass handed to you after having the floor mopped with it. And you actually think taking the original point out of the post makes it like it never existed.

That's so cute.
What dicks.

“9/11 was 4 days ago and she gets miss America?”

“Miss America is a terrorist. Whatever. It’s fine.”

“And the Arab wins Miss America. Classic.”

Motherfuckers are so stupid in this country sometimes, she is not an Arab and not even a Muslim. Sweet Jesus.
New Miss America's Indian heritage sparks racist comments* -

Ironically, I suspect the same retards would have been butt hurt reaction had a "native" American won.

I know one thing, based on the number of large breasted blonds in that competition, they surely don't represent America: not the real America. There are not that many, percentage wise, natural blonds with natural big breasts in America.

I spent quite a bit of time researching just that question and I can tell you that there are a lot of them roaming the continent if you are willing to search for them.
I wasn't aware that the contestants were forced into participation. There should really be a law or something about that.

You think law is the only way to degrade people then?

Do you think any of these women were forced to participate in the pageant?

Maybe you should ask the guy who brought up "forced". Here he comes now...

New Miss America's Indian heritage sparks racist comments* -

Ironically, I suspect the same retards would have been butt hurt reaction had a "native" American won.

I know one thing, based on the number of large breasted blonds in that competition, they surely don't represent America: not the real America. There are not that many, percentage wise, natural blonds with natural big breasts in America.

I spent quite a bit of time researching just that question and I can tell you that there are a lot of them roaming the continent if you are willing to search for them.

I'm finding that's true -- you just have to know where to look.
Again, just a theory subject to further testing... :eusa_shhh:

Oh wait -- "roaming the continent"? I think what you've got there are buffalo.
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I am a republican, a conservative, an evangelical Christian. I think the new Miss America is gorgeous and I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with her race, background or even if she worships pumpkins as a reincarnation of some diety.

Funny how the left rants and raves on a thread about students removing a 9/11 memorial that conservatives shouldn't paint every liberal with the same brush that they paint those students who are doing the vandalism, but then turn around and do the same thing to conservatives when it fits their criteria.

Funny, but not shocking... the broadest brush is usually held by a liberal.
Do you think any of these women were forced to participate in the pageant?

Maybe you should ask the guy who brought up "forced". Here he comes now...


You seemed eager to speak for him before, Mr. Wizard.

Uh, yeah. If quoting from the qualifications of the pageant from the first half of the 20th century is speaking for a straw man then guilty as charged Mr. Wonderful.

New Miss America's Indian heritage sparks racist comments* -

Ironically, I suspect the same retards would have been butt hurt reaction had a "native" American won.

I know one thing, based on the number of large breasted blonds in that competition, they surely don't represent America: not the real America. There are not that many, percentage wise, natural blonds with natural big breasts in America.

The racism in America is sickening. Very sad for the country as a whole.
It is a beauty contest. You apparently have a hard time processing that. If we were looking for those typical of American women we would have contestants like Trayvon's gf ffs!
What's wrong with an Indian? They are usually very smart and polite people. Unlike many of the other minorites in the US.

As long as she's an American citizen, it shouldn't matter. However, If she's an Indian, like everyone is saying, then how did she get into the "Miss America Pageant?" Or has that become like the presidency, citizenship doesn't matter anymore (don't attack me, I said that with my tongue in my cheek)?
Liberal dumbasses. (My apologies for the redundancy)

Tweets come in from everywhere and everybody. Anyone can tweet any stupid thing they want to. To use the tweets about this for political points is absurd. Who's stupid enough to think that this means anything?

Oh, yeah. The race-baiting liberal dumbasses.

What's wrong with an Indian? They are usually very smart and polite people. Unlike many of the other minorites in the US.

As long as she's an American citizen, it shouldn't matter. However, If she's an Indian, like everyone is saying, then how did she get into the "Miss America Pageant?" Or has that become like the presidency, citizenship doesn't matter anymore (don't attack me, I said that with my tongue in my cheek)?

My understanding is that she was born and raised in NY state.
What's wrong with an Indian? They are usually very smart and polite people. Unlike many of the other minorites in the US.

As long as she's an American citizen, it shouldn't matter. However, If she's an Indian, like everyone is saying, then how did she get into the "Miss America Pageant?" Or has that become like the presidency, citizenship doesn't matter anymore (don't attack me, I said that with my tongue in my cheek)?

My understanding is that she was born and raised in NY state.

So, she's and American, what's the problem? Why are we calling her an Indian?
As long as she's an American citizen, it shouldn't matter. However, If she's an Indian, like everyone is saying, then how did she get into the "Miss America Pageant?" Or has that become like the presidency, citizenship doesn't matter anymore (don't attack me, I said that with my tongue in my cheek)?

My understanding is that she was born and raised in NY state.

So, she's and American, what's the problem? Why are we calling her an Indian?
It doesn't matter, but he is. This from "Mike the Greek".

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