Vivek Ramaswamy campaigns in Iowa, suggests US military could be used to 'annihilate' Mexican drug cartels


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
This is not the only solution to the problem: we must work on the mental health epidemic that contributes to the demand side of the problem. But we must hit the supply side hard too.

The mental health problem comes as a consequence of using the drugs

America should not tolerate drug use, including pot, and we must discourage and punish users who are financing the drug gangs
This is not the only solution to the problem: we must work on the mental health epidemic that contributes to the demand side of the problem. But we must hit the supply side hard too.

Still behind bars i see......
The mental health problem comes as a consequence of using the drugs

America should not tolerate drug use, including pot, and we must discourage and punish users who are financing the drug gangs
thats fine and dandy as long as alcohol and cigarettes are part of that plan.....
Bud Light is not being smuggled across the mexican border and is not killing hundreds of teenagers with just one can consumed
most pot nowadays is grown in this country and is not killing hundreds of teenagers with one joint being smoked...
for some people....many pot smokers tried other things but said fuck that shit and stuck with pot....
A study in Sweden reported that heavy pot use by children resulted in permanent loss of IQ

Maybe not for everyone

But not all cigarette smokers die of lung cancer either
A study in Sweden reported that heavy pot use by children resulted in permanent loss of IQ

Maybe not for everyone

But not all cigarette smokers die of lung cancer either
just like alcohol there is an age limit for pot.....and if you do anything heavily there is usually consequences for your health....
This is not the only solution to the problem: we must work on the mental health epidemic that contributes to the demand side of the problem. But we must hit the supply side hard too.

/----/ I agree the cartels are a major problem, but unless we declare war on Mexico or get their permission to send in troops (which will never happen) it's just an empty campaign talking point.
This is not the only solution to the problem: we must work on the mental health epidemic that contributes to the demand side of the problem. But we must hit the supply side hard too.

We went through this before with Reagan to Trump.
I guess the word "annihilate" is offensive to some people. What would the left do without Soros' Media Matters monitoring every word ever spoken by (only) conservatives?

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