Vladimir Putin Didn't Save The World. The World, Me And John Kerry Did. Right?

What does it say that a KGB dictator thug prevented our Nobel Peace Prize winner from waging war?
The Republicans were licking their chops. They had Obama in a no win situation that they could exploit in the 2014 elections.

Americans were against the attacks and Congress would have voted against it. If Obama didn't attack he would be labled as weak on foreign affairs for ignoring a WMD attack. If he did attack, he would be labled a war monger going against the will of the people

Then Putin stepped in and saved Obama's ass

All the Republicans can do is sulk
What does it say that a KGB dictator thug prevented our Nobel Peace Prize winner from waging war?

Putin's one of the last guys on the freakin' planet I would want to have pulled this off, one of the very few who could have pulled it off, and we handed it to him on a silver platter.


The reason why Asshat and Putin are caving is because they know Obama isn't bullshitting.

Our war ships have drawn closer and he'll act with or without the approval of our moronic do-nothing Congress.

Russia desires a stake in whatever energy plans there are in Syria and if Obama bombs them, then controlling interests veer towards us.

I would prefer it if we took out Asshat's military targets. You can't use chemical weapons against your own people and expect to get away with it. Syrians want him out. They also don't want us there. So, they deserve the Libya treatment. Weaken the dictator, allowing for the people to take their country back. We stay home, they move on and have to figure out their own country. Period.

Given the choice to fight for Obama or Asshat and Putin, I'll fight for Obama and America every single time. Fuck those ass clowns. They're not dealing with Jimmy Carter. They're dealing with a Democratic Ronald Reagan who is going to do what he thinks is best, regardless of our stupid Congress.

Caving ? What caving ? Neither Russia nor Syria intend to allow the coalition that has sworn to depose Assad to succeed.
How does this plan steer any controlling interest in energy plans towards the United states ?
How about conventional weapons ? Are they ok to use against your own people ? How about invading a sovereign country and forcing hundreds of thousands to flee to refugee camps ?
Obama refuses to speak to his real agenda for the region because it would expose America to serious condemnation. He is assisting foreign powers to overthrow Assad in the interest of big oil and sectarian revenge.
That's why Kerry, supposedly a diplomat, has been actively pursuing war. Is that really the job of our Secretary of State ?

Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

:lmao: :lmao: :rofl:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVs6l4H2Omw]Pelosi: Russian Proposal on Syria 'Victory' - YouTube[/ame]

All these pathetic liberals care about is how Obama looks, what dose this do for Obama what a joke they are:cuckoo:
It's always about claiming victory for Obama.
I guess you can make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

All politics is "claiming victory".

I think it's fucking hilarious how Conservatives have now made it their job to claim victory for their new best friend Glorious Leader Putin. Nothing says "patriotism" quite like outright worship of our opponents.

We've come full circle from the 50s.

The cons are making themselves look silly worshiping Putin because they missed the fact that Obama played Putin to the nth degree.
Obama achieved none of his stated goals.
Putin achieved all of his goals.

Looks like you've been played by both Putin and Obama.
It is a mistake to think that President Putin pulled the world back from World War III because he's being altruistic. He has another plan. He hates little o obama way too much and way to personally to be throwing obama a lifeline. obama may have grabbed this lifeline way too quickly. Probably because he was again driven by his ego and could not pass up the chance to say he is responsible and it was his use of force that saved the day. President Putin has a plan for this lifeline to become a noose to hang obama's ego. Putin doesn't want WWIII. He does want to destroy obama completely. Partly because obama is so stupid, he can.

Barry is doing a fine job of destroying himself without Putin's assistance. I swear, I have never, in my lifetime, seen a Chief Executive as ineffectual as Barry is.

my friend, i want to agree and disagree with you at the same time.., i'll try to explain: he is effectively destroying this once great U.S.A. as he planed from the beginning, DISAGREE:

Remember when candidate Barack Obama promised his acolytes that they were only “five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”? That was back in October 2008, when the hectic flush of Obamamania was at its peak. To be fair, it’s taken a bit longer than five days, but here we are, five years into the most destructive presidency in the country’s history, and we can see that fundamental transformation at work just about everywhere.*

* not my words but that is exactly what i would say.

yes !! IF he truly were being a president for the people of this once great country :up: i truly am very sad that the uninformed re-elected this GOON :up:
Sad day for all Americans when the Russian President makes the American President look like a babbling fool.

And just for the record, Obama you did build that. Oh yeah you had some help, but it's all yours.
Sad day for all Americans when the Russian President makes the American President look like a babbling fool.

And just for the record, Obama you did build that. Oh yeah you had some help, but it's all yours.

What exactly is his?
Sad day for all Americans when the Russian President makes the American President look like a babbling fool.

And just for the record, Obama you did build that. Oh yeah you had some help, but it's all yours.

What exactly is his?

Worst economic recovery post WW2
Lowest labor force participation rate since Carter
Highest number of people on foodstamps ever
Highest number on disability ever

And that's for starters.

Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

There was not going to be any World War III any more than there was in the Persian Gulf War in 1991, the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the bombing of Libya in 2011 or the war over Kosovo in 1999.

Putin did this to shrink Obama's strike momentum. Obama should have struck the Syrians back in August. Now the United States looks like a weak war weary nation that rogue states can take advantage of.

Even if Syria gives up its current stock pile of Chemical weapons, they can make more next year or the year after that, potentially without other countries including the United States even knowing that they have.
Sad day for all Americans when the Russian President makes the American President look like a babbling fool.

And just for the record, Obama you did build that. Oh yeah you had some help, but it's all yours.

What exactly is his?

Worst economic recovery post WW2
Lowest labor force participation rate since Carter
Highest number of people on foodstamps ever
Highest number on disability ever

And that's for starters.

WTF are you babbling about?

Are you capable of staying on topic?

Oh please. Give me a break. Barry couldn't hold Ronnie's jock strap. You're telling me that Barry "orchestrated" this nonsense!?!?! You have a screw loose.

He's now thrown his very own secretary of state under the damned bus twice in one day.

Barry couldn't "orchestrate" a wet dream.

if barry is using the Reagan "Peace though strength model"

barry has certainly blown the liberal mindset of befriending our enemies

into peace out of the water

making Reagan right after all


Reagan was never right, and aside from being a traitor by making secret deals with the Iranians to get elected and get some cash to support to contras - his part of the reason for the Chemical Weapon mess.

His administration sold Chem Tech to Iraq to use against Iran. That set a precedent.

Proof? Those "sales" were never anything more than allegations made by a Democrat Senator (Reigle) and never proven. I'll be waiting. Iraq's chemical weapons (which YOU GUYS said he didn't have) came from the Soviet Union. KVR-227 and DE-19 (Anthrax) comes directly from Russia.

Nice try, though.
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anyone beginning to wonder if Kerry is in the early signs of Alheimers/Lou Gherigs, or maybe he keeps forgetting to take his "Medications" before he speaks to the world?
anyone beginning to wonder if Kerry is in the early signs of Alheimers/Lou Gherigs, or maybe he keeps forgetting to take his "Medications" before he speaks to the world?

Kerry is probably suffering from an OD of Botox. Geezz..I don't think the idiot can shut his eyes.
Hillary VS John Kerry, thats like comparing John Kennedy to Howard Dean. No wonder Hillary ran for the woods, she probably saw all this coming.
wasn't John Kerry one of the muppets or one of the characters on sesame street before he became senator?
The reason why Asshat and Putin are caving is because they know Obama isn't bullshitting.

Our war ships have drawn closer and he'll act with or without the approval of our moronic do-nothing Congress.

Russia desires a stake in whatever energy plans there are in Syria and if Obama bombs them, then controlling interests veer towards us.

I would prefer it if we took out Asshat's military targets. You can't use chemical weapons against your own people and expect to get away with it. Syrians want him out. They also don't want us there. So, they deserve the Libya treatment. Weaken the dictator, allowing for the people to take their country back. We stay home, they move on and have to figure out their own country. Period.

Given the choice to fight for Obama or Asshat and Putin, I'll fight for Obama and America every single time. Fuck those ass clowns. They're not dealing with Jimmy Carter. They're dealing with a Democratic Ronald Reagan who is going to do what he thinks is best, regardless of our stupid Congress.

While I have been and still am completely against any military action in Syria, I agree 100% that Obama orchestrated this entire scenario to his advantage, and yes, his actions are very reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. That is what makes all these con's babblings so funny.

Oh please. Give me a break. Barry couldn't hold Ronnie's jock strap. You're telling me that Barry "orchestrated" this nonsense!?!?! You have a screw loose.

He's now thrown his very own secretary of state under the damned bus twice in one day.

Barry couldn't "orchestrate" a wet dream.

Ask yourself one simple question; would Putin have ever suggested that Syria turn over their chemical weapons if Obama had not threatened military action? If you believe he would have then you are living in a fantasy world. The only reason this came about was due to the fact Obama was planning on moving ahead with a military strike with or without the approval of Congress. Now you can make an argument whether he can do this or not, but the fact is that his threat to do so is what caused Putin to come up with his alternative plan. And if you want to know why Putin needed this alternative plan, it is very simple. He had no way to stop Obama and the US from striking on a Russian ally. Had the US struck, what was Putin going to do, start WWIII? If he chose to retaliate with conventional forces, the US would pound outdated Russian weapons and ships. All of a sudden, Putin would have found himself potentially being driven from office.

Obama played this and drew a royal flush. The same way so many of you underestimated him during the reelection campaign, you are underestimating him again.

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