Vladimir Putin Didn't Save The World. The World, Me And John Kerry Did. Right?

While I have been and still am completely against any military action in Syria, I agree 100% that Obama orchestrated this entire scenario to his advantage, and yes, his actions are very reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. That is what makes all these con's babblings so funny.

Oh please. Give me a break. Barry couldn't hold Ronnie's jock strap. You're telling me that Barry "orchestrated" this nonsense!?!?! You have a screw loose.

He's now thrown his very own secretary of state under the damned bus twice in one day.

Barry couldn't "orchestrate" a wet dream.

Ask yourself one simple question; would Putin have ever suggested that Syria turn over their chemical weapons if Obama had not threatened military action? If you believe he would have then you are living in a fantasy world. The only reason this came about was due to the fact Obama was planning on moving ahead with a military strike with or without the approval of Congress. Now you can make an argument whether he can do this or not, but the fact is that his threat to do so is what caused Putin to come up with his alternative plan. And if you want to know why Putin needed this alternative plan, it is very simple. He had no way to stop Obama and the US from striking on a Russian ally. Had the US struck, what was Putin going to do, start WWIII? If he chose to retaliate with conventional forces, the US would pound outdated Russian weapons and ships. All of a sudden, Putin would have found himself potentially being driven from office.

Obama played this and drew a royal flush. The same way so many of you underestimated him during the reelection campaign, you are underestimating him again.

Putin was faced with losing his only ally in the Middle East. Assad is on the brink of tumbling as it is, a US Attack could take out Assad or turn the ballance of power
Kerry opened the door with his remark and Putin saw that as the only way out.

Who wins? Mostly everyone
Obama does not have to make an unpopular strike, Assad gets to live another day and Putin looks like a diplomat

The only losers are the Republicans who thought they had Obama in a politically unwinnable situation.......Obama comes out ahead once again

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