Vladimir Putin Didn't Save The World. The World, Me And John Kerry Did. Right?

The reason why Asshat and Putin are caving is because they know Obama isn't bullshitting.

Our war ships have drawn closer and he'll act with or without the approval of our moronic do-nothing Congress.

Russia desires a stake in whatever energy plans there are in Syria and if Obama bombs them, then controlling interests veer towards us.

I would prefer it if we took out Asshat's military targets. You can't use chemical weapons against your own people and expect to get away with it. Syrians want him out. They also don't want us there. So, they deserve the Libya treatment. Weaken the dictator, allowing for the people to take their country back. We stay home, they move on and have to figure out their own country. Period.

Given the choice to fight for Obama or Asshat and Putin, I'll fight for Obama and America every single time. Fuck those ass clowns. They're not dealing with Jimmy Carter. They're dealing with a Democratic Ronald Reagan who is going to do what he thinks is best, regardless of our stupid Congress.
It's always about claiming victory for Obama.
I guess you can make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

All politics is "claiming victory".

I think it's fucking hilarious how Conservatives have now made it their job to claim victory for their new best friend Glorious Leader Putin. Nothing says "patriotism" quite like outright worship of our opponents.

We've come full circle from the 50s.

Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

Think Kerry will put himself in for a medal?

Of course. And then he'll throw it over the White House fence, go before the senate and declare our boys baby killers ..again.

Bloodrock44, you will probably enjoy this impression of one writer:

Max Boot does an excellent job explaining why the new Russian proposal on removing chemical weapons from Syria is almost certainly a mirage. Not surprisingly, however, President Obama is eager to embrace it. After all, doing so will avoid Congress rejecting his request to use military strikes against Syria–and the de facto collapse of his presidency.

But this will come at quite a high cost. Russia is now establishing itself as the preeminent power in the region, having displaced the United States. American prestige and credibility lie in ruins. President Obama has succeeded in undermining the moderate rebels he promised to assist. He has strengthened the murderous anti-American regime he declared he wanted gone. A despot who used chemical weapons and committed, in the words of Secretary of State John Kerry, a “moral obscenity” will now escape any punishment (which after all was the stated purpose of Obama’s threats to strike Syria). And Iran and Hezbollah, having (along with Russia) come to the aid of Assad, will emerge from this whole thing in a much stronger position.

It is hard to overstate how much of a debacle Syria has been for America. The damage we have sustained is deep and durable. The balance of power has shifted dramatically against America. It may take decades for us to undo the damage, if even that is possible.

This period may well turn out to be a hinge moment in the Middle East–and one of the worst diplomatic chapters in modern American history. Such is the cost to a nation when a community organizer is promoted to the job of commander in chief.

Obama?s Syria Debacle Inflicts Historic Damage on America « Commentary Magazine

Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

Think Kerry will put himself in for a medal?

Of course. And then he'll throw it over the White House fence, go before the senate and declare our boys baby killers ..again.

Speaking of John Kerry, I wasn't aware he could play the piano......

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=an_by5r8EUc]You Rang - YouTube[/ame]
Obama go it alone cowboy diplomacy almost started WWIII. Thankfully Putin was the adult

I remember many people saying the same thing about Reagan, but most cons loved him. Obama isn't much different than Reagan in what he has done, but he's black and a Democrat, so you guys can't stand him. It's pretty funny really.
Mark Levin's radio show was in a commercial break so I switched over to radio Lib Randi Rhodes

She said she was in awe of what Obama accomplished with regard to Syria admitting they had chemical weapons,agreeing to accept the international control of them and agreeing to not producing any more....

What a crock of shit....

Change the name of the president to Romney and you guys would be slobbering all over yourselves telling us what a masterful job he had done getting Putin to do all the work while never having to fire a shot. You clowns are hilarious.
The reason why Asshat and Putin are caving is because they know Obama isn't bullshitting.

Our war ships have drawn closer and he'll act with or without the approval of our moronic do-nothing Congress.

Russia desires a stake in whatever energy plans there are in Syria and if Obama bombs them, then controlling interests veer towards us.

I would prefer it if we took out Asshat's military targets. You can't use chemical weapons against your own people and expect to get away with it. Syrians want him out. They also don't want us there. So, they deserve the Libya treatment. Weaken the dictator, allowing for the people to take their country back. We stay home, they move on and have to figure out their own country. Period.

Given the choice to fight for Obama or Asshat and Putin, I'll fight for Obama and America every single time. Fuck those ass clowns. They're not dealing with Jimmy Carter. They're dealing with a Democratic Ronald Reagan who is going to do what he thinks is best, regardless of our stupid Congress.

While I have been and still am completely against any military action in Syria, I agree 100% that Obama orchestrated this entire scenario to his advantage, and yes, his actions are very reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. That is what makes all these con's babblings so funny.
It's always about claiming victory for Obama.
I guess you can make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

All politics is "claiming victory".

I think it's fucking hilarious how Conservatives have now made it their job to claim victory for their new best friend Glorious Leader Putin. Nothing says "patriotism" quite like outright worship of our opponents.

We've come full circle from the 50s.

The cons are making themselves look silly worshiping Putin because they missed the fact that Obama played Putin to the nth degree.

Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

Think Kerry will put himself in for a medal?

he certainly qualifies for the bruised ego he got

The reason why Asshat and Putin are caving is because they know Obama isn't bullshitting.

Our war ships have drawn closer and he'll act with or without the approval of our moronic do-nothing Congress.

Russia desires a stake in whatever energy plans there are in Syria and if Obama bombs them, then controlling interests veer towards us.

I would prefer it if we took out Asshat's military targets. You can't use chemical weapons against your own people and expect to get away with it. Syrians want him out. They also don't want us there. So, they deserve the Libya treatment. Weaken the dictator, allowing for the people to take their country back. We stay home, they move on and have to figure out their own country. Period.

Given the choice to fight for Obama or Asshat and Putin, I'll fight for Obama and America every single time. Fuck those ass clowns. They're not dealing with Jimmy Carter. They're dealing with a Democratic Ronald Reagan who is going to do what he thinks is best, regardless of our stupid Congress.

While I have been and still am completely against any military action in Syria, I agree 100% that Obama orchestrated this entire scenario to his advantage, and yes, his actions are very reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. That is what makes all these con's babblings so funny.

Oh please. Give me a break. Barry couldn't hold Ronnie's jock strap. You're telling me that Barry "orchestrated" this nonsense!?!?! You have a screw loose.

He's now thrown his very own secretary of state under the damned bus twice in one day.

Barry couldn't "orchestrate" a wet dream.
The reason why Asshat and Putin are caving is because they know Obama isn't bullshitting.

Our war ships have drawn closer and he'll act with or without the approval of our moronic do-nothing Congress.

Russia desires a stake in whatever energy plans there are in Syria and if Obama bombs them, then controlling interests veer towards us.

I would prefer it if we took out Asshat's military targets. You can't use chemical weapons against your own people and expect to get away with it. Syrians want him out. They also don't want us there. So, they deserve the Libya treatment. Weaken the dictator, allowing for the people to take their country back. We stay home, they move on and have to figure out their own country. Period.

Given the choice to fight for Obama or Asshat and Putin, I'll fight for Obama and America every single time. Fuck those ass clowns. They're not dealing with Jimmy Carter. They're dealing with a Democratic Ronald Reagan who is going to do what he thinks is best, regardless of our stupid Congress.

While I have been and still am completely against any military action in Syria, I agree 100% that Obama orchestrated this entire scenario to his advantage, and yes, his actions are very reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. That is what makes all these con's babblings so funny.

Oh please. Give me a break. Barry couldn't hold Ronnie's jock strap. You're telling me that Barry "orchestrated" this nonsense!?!?! You have a screw loose.

He's now thrown his very own secretary of state under the damned bus twice in one day.

Barry couldn't "orchestrate" a wet dream.

if barry is using the Reagan "Peace though strength model"

barry has certainly blown the liberal mindset of befriending our enemies

into peace out of the water

making Reagan right after all


Unfortunately Putin is holding some pretty powerful cards right now. If Obama tries to go on some kind of victory lap over this -- deserved or undeserved -- Putin would be able to slap him down very easily and very publicly. And that goes for other prominent Dems, too, including congressional leaders and the media.

It doesn't matter to Putin if he has to lie to do it. Does anyone think he wouldn't take advantage of such an opportunity?

That's the position we put ourselves in.

We just don't learn.

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Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

Another CommieCon..


Putin's your man!
All in all, I feel sorry for the Republicans

Looks like Obama has wiggled out of another crisis and all Republicans have left is to heap praise on Putin. They were licking their chops at the prospect of the US getting involved in the Syrian civil war and were ready to condemn Obama regardless of which side won

Looks like inaction has worked out in Obamas favor
While I have been and still am completely against any military action in Syria, I agree 100% that Obama orchestrated this entire scenario to his advantage, and yes, his actions are very reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. That is what makes all these con's babblings so funny.

Oh please. Give me a break. Barry couldn't hold Ronnie's jock strap. You're telling me that Barry "orchestrated" this nonsense!?!?! You have a screw loose.

He's now thrown his very own secretary of state under the damned bus twice in one day.

Barry couldn't "orchestrate" a wet dream.

if barry is using the Reagan "Peace though strength model"

barry has certainly blown the liberal mindset of befriending our enemies

into peace out of the water

making Reagan right after all


Reagan was never right, and aside from being a traitor by making secret deals with the Iranians to get elected and get some cash to support to contras - his part of the reason for the Chemical Weapon mess.

His administration sold Chem Tech to Iraq to use against Iran. That set a precedent.

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