Vladimir Putin is dancing with joy!

Now that "the Donald" in his infinite wisdom went to Europe and trashed 70+ years of US - European relations, economic and military cooperation with Europe is weaker, and Putin is dancing with joy! If Obama or Clinton had done such a thing the GOP would be screaming for their heads, but it's A-OK when the Trumpster does it. Tell us again how smart you are Donald!
Putin is dancing alright, but the problem is, you have no idea why. The reason he is dancing is the snowflakes are doing exactly what he wanted, creating discord and division in America. You are his puppet and you don't even know it.
Having a guy elected as president, who pissed of women, disabled, immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, South America, Europe, Asia, the intelligence community, the press,Gold star families, his own wife and probably the Easter Bunny has nothing to do with the current level of discord????

They needed to be pissed off!

Draining the swamp usually requires getting rid of the gators before they get rid of you!
The dissolution of the EU and the US run by a madman who'll accept bribes and disband NATO are Putin's greatest dreams.
Bribes, like half a million from a Russian bank? That was Clinton. Silly liberals.

Let's not forget Barry cashed in several million from the banks he helped. Sigh...
Yeah that's why Russia interfered in our election on Clinton's behalf :rolleyes:
they did? where's the proof?

How many times is this one pathetic document going to be trotted out

"overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or “trolls.”

Haha. Oookaay. Try this on for size. Had to make it a thumbnail. Please click.
View attachment 129785


Clinton SuperPac Admits to Paying Internet Trolls

Liberals always project don't they?

Haha looking back over that Reddit shot...one of the paid trolls for Hillary claimed to be "an avid stitcher" lol
How can this be? I'm told that NATO outspends Russia 2-1 on military WITHOUT the USA.

I'm sure they'll be just fine. After all, they couldn't have possibly believed we pay all their bills forever, could they?

NATO countries spend 921 billion per year. Russia 69 billion. Only Greece, Poland, Britain and Estonia have met their commitments to NATO in the least five years. Angela Merkel claims that Germany will begin meeting it's commitments in 2024.
And yes they believed we would pay their bills forever. Its what socialists do.
Now that "the Donald" in his infinite wisdom went to Europe and trashed 70+ years of US - European relations, economic and military cooperation with Europe is weaker, and Putin is dancing with joy! If Obama or Clinton had done such a thing the GOP would be screaming for their heads, but it's A-OK when the Trumpster does it. Tell us again how smart you are Donald!
The New York limousine liberal Democrat demanded we cut and run from Iraq, and that his friend Nancy Pelosi impeach President Bush.

Now that same huckster is trashing NATO and asking us to serve Russia.

I predicted before the election that Trump would lead his Chumps into the liberal camp.


Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.
We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment.

Well now...this has already been covered. Besides the crime of liking trump...give me an example of Russian interference.
Oh wait..I see it..he "contrasted her unfavorably"....LOL.

Hey in case anyone didn't get that...Putin "contrasted her unfavorably"!!! That dastardly Slavic chessmaster! No wonder the FBI's anonymous sources have been called into action!
This country was never meant to be a progressive....

Actually, that's exactly why it was formed.


IF our founding fathers meant America to be a progressive nation, our Constitution would have been written in such a manner to specify the responsibilities of the country to do for the citizens. Instead, it is just the opposite, which angered petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, the Constitution limits what the government can do to the citizens.

As a matter of fact didn't Barrack Hussein complain that the Constitution got in the way of what he wanted to do?
You have to be a liberal to vote for a guy who demanded we cut and run from Iraq, and who demanded we impeach Bush for lying our way into Iraq.

You have to be a liberal to want to reject NATO and suck up to Russia.

You have to be.

It is the very definition of a liberal.

You dumb shits better wake up and smell the liberal before you end up locked in their cave wondering how the fuck to get out.
Yes, they did. The RNC allowed the FBI to look into their computers to see if they had been hacked and the RNC made their computers more secure. The DNC refused FBI access, were hacked and then they whined.

The NSA says both parties were hacked. But they only released information from democratic sites.


Says nothing of the sort. In that mass of speculation the deep state claims "republican affiliated organizations" were hacked. No names...no hints as to who. I suspect a lie.
Secondly, and I know "cognitive dissonance" is your middle name, but did you ever consider that even if the RNC had been hacked (it wasn't...tried and failed) that hacking honest people is just not worth reporting? Could be dull as dishwater.
Thirdly..thank God the DNC isn't in charge of national security. From basement servers to clicking on silly links these people are clueless from their arrogance. Too bad they didn't take a hammer to their servers before they got exposed..like they did to Clinton's hard drive and iPhone.

And lastly, it is with great pleasure, that I point out once again that to a Democrat simply being exposed is the absolute worst catastrophe that could have ever happened. I enjoyed it tremendously.

Poor Seth Rich...thank you sir for your service.
Bribes, like half a million from a Russian bank? That was Clinton. Silly liberals.

Let's not forget Barry cashed in several million from the banks he helped. Sigh...
Yeah that's why Russia interfered in our election on Clinton's behalf :rolleyes:
they did? where's the proof?

How many times is this one pathetic document going to be trotted out

"overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or “trolls.”

Haha. Oookaay. Try this on for size. Had to make it a thumbnail. Please click.
View attachment 129785


Clinton SuperPac Admits to Paying Internet Trolls

Liberals always project don't they?
Good for you! Now contact the FBI and tell them there's no reason to continue the Trump criminal investigation!
I already did.

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