Voice of Russia

I have just above written about the terrorist attacks, carried out and prevented. And then - fresh news. Today in St. Petersburg, a group of seven terrorists were detained, who planned a series of terrorist attacks on the New Year holidays.

I have just above written about the terrorist attacks, carried out and prevented. And then - fresh news. Today in St. Petersburg, a group of seven terrorists were detained, who planned a series of terrorist attacks on the New Year holidays.

<LOL, only a bummer believes in your TV ru propaganda, this is the reality :

Canada decided to supply lethal weapons to Ukraine. The leadership of the Donbas is now also ready to supply lethal weapons to Ukraine in response. Unexpected move. But, in general, it is logical. Although, I think this is an empty statement. Russia is not interested in aggravating the situation in Ukraine and therefore, most likely, will not allow the leaders of the DPR and LPR to take such a step.
How many times have seen the Star Wars, but never paid attention to the fact that Princess Leia is armed with the Russian sports pistol of Margolin :) For me, his image is somehow used since childhood, so the eye did not even cling.



MCM pistol - Wikipedia

I think someone will be interested in the fact that Russian weapons designer Mikhail Margolin was completely blind. He was wounded in the head in 1924 and completely lost his sight. In 1926, already blind, he became an instructor in small arms. He studied the design of the weapon to the touch. Since 1933, he himself began designing small arms.


In my opinion, this is the only case in the world when a blind person has mastered the profession of a small arms designer.

Unfortunately, there is no article on this man on the English Wikipedia, only in Russian:

Марголин, Михаил Владимирович — Википедия
xwsmithx said:
I think it's time we rehabilitated and forgave the average Nazi German soldier

Simple German soldiers in Russia have never really been accused. Stalin in the hardest, in 1942, when the Germans stood near Moscow, he wrote "The experience of history says that the hitlers come and go, and the people are German, and the German state remains." The Germans killed tens of millions of Russians. What is the majority of these killed - the civilian population. This is a terrible number that few people can imagine. And, of course, in Russia, many hated the Germans. But this was never an official position of the state and propaganda always separated a simple German soldier from the Nazi command. In Russia, they always remembered about German antifascists.

But in this case, however, it is a question of another. I do not know whether it will be possible to convey subtlety through electronic translation. Everyone who came to fight in Russia, even if they did not tarnish themselves in war crimes, can not be innocent. Even if these soldiers came to Russia by military conscription, and not by volunteers, they went to war and kill. And on each of them there is a blood of 27 million killed Russians. We forgave them in Russia. And the German Democratic Republic was the most loyal ally of the USSR after the war. But those who have memory will never call innocent German soldiers who fought in Russia.
nothing@ZeroNet said:
yeah.. forgive germans right.. you know the germans or russians around now had nothing to do with the shitty part of history.. things hapend and we move forward. hopefully toghether :)

In Russia, in general, there are almost no claims to modern Germans. There are, of course, claims to those who support Merkel in terms of anti-Russian sanctions, but this is another story :) With the Second World War, this has nothing to do. The text above refers to a sensational event when a Russian schoolboy speaking in Germany called ordinary German soldiers innocent victims of the war.

Russians and Germans, in general, are two different, but very close in spirit people. It is a great tragedy that we fought so much with each other instead of building a common world.
Christmas decoration in Saldus, Latvian city. I understand that fascism in the US is not perceived with such a negative as in Russia. But, at least someone will understand that all the allegations that there is no support for fascism in the Baltics is a lie.

Three policemen in a suburban electric train attacked a passenger and took away his tablet computer. After a while, all three were detained. The day before yesterday, the court passed a guilty verdict. All three were sentenced for about two years in the correctional colony of the general regime. In addition, they are deprived of titles and are prohibited from holding positions in law enforcement bodies after serving the main punishment.
Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev at a meeting with the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church. I do not know if such photos are known in the West, but many believe that the church was subjected to persecution and persecution during the Soviet times :) While in the USSR itself, the majority believed that the Orthodox Church was a tool of the KGB.

nothing@ZeroNet said:
... you seem to know wayyy fu**ing more about politics and things than i ever have :)

I just started to be interested in politics even during the USSR :) On the one hand, I was an active schoolboy who participated in a lot of official political events. On the other hand, I listened to a lot of Western radio stations that were waging an information war with the USSR - Voice of America, Deutsche Welle, Radio Sweden. And I could not help asking questions comparing different information :) Later I came across very many points of view on the most different events in the world. This leaves its imprint on the perception of the world. In addition, in Russia, since the Perestroika period in the late 1980s, it is very difficult to avoid politics.
The voice of Russia...

There are many idiots in the world.
If you think that level of idiotism depends on nation you are one of them.

As for me I am absolutely sure that people are not to be devided by nations, confessions or political signs but they are devided to normal people and idiots: as for idiots - they are to be devided by nations, confessions or political signs.

So, you think Chinese, and Ethiopians are somehow equal in intelligence?

According to Slavic calendar it is 7526 year now. So this civilisation is at least 10 thousands years old. Do you really think more stupid nations would have survived in past times when the cleverer nation the stronger it is.

I think that it's completely impossible for different nations to have completely even levels of natural selection leading to biological equality.

No, I don't think that Slavic peoples are even...

I think South-Slavs are inferior over North-Slavs.

South-Slavs score lower IQ, and PISA scores generally.

Also I think West-Slavs are superior over East-Slavs.

The IQ, and PISA scores of West Slavs is slightly higher.

But, what's more shocking is how much more uncivilized East Slavs are than West Slavs, they have not only a much worse history of violence, but also have much higher murder rates than West Slavs.

Yes, I do happen to think Poles are smarter than Russians, PISA, and IQ testing gives Poles a slight advantage over Russians.

The fact that Poles won in many battles when outnumbered against Russians, like the Battle of Komarow in 1920, the Battle of Klushino in 1610 are big ones that prove that.

Also a lot of "Superior Russians" have had a Polish background, certainly strongly disproportionate for the numbers of Poles in Russia.

This includes

- Konstantin Ciolkowski founder of modern rocketry.

- Stefan Drzewiecki founder of the Russian submarine fleet.

- Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky inventor of the 3 phase generator, and 3 phase transformer.

- Igor Sikorsky inventor of modern helicopters, airliners, and air-bombers.

- Mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky

- Writer Nikolai Gogol.

- Writer Dostoeyevsky.

- Classical composer Igor Stravinsky.

- Classical composer Dimitri Shostakovich.

- Classical composer Mikhail Glinka.

- Artist Malevich.

- Playwriter Leonid Andreyev.

- Filmaker Andrei Tarkowsky.

- General Konstantin Rokossovsky

- General Anton Deniken.

- Geographer Nikolay Przhevalsky.

what do you think about 100% Slavic dances in Moscow ? something for NY?

What a racism propagated here? Being litwin or someone else not allow you to propagate nazism and fascism here.... You're just a good example, all Baltic "civilized" countries just a reserves of nazism and Hitler's ideas...
There are many idiots in the world.
If you think that level of idiotism depends on nation you are one of them.

As for me I am absolutely sure that people are not to be devided by nations, confessions or political signs but they are devided to normal people and idiots: as for idiots - they are to be devided by nations, confessions or political signs.

So, you think Chinese, and Ethiopians are somehow equal in intelligence?

According to Slavic calendar it is 7526 year now. So this civilisation is at least 10 thousands years old. Do you really think more stupid nations would have survived in past times when the cleverer nation the stronger it is.

I think that it's completely impossible for different nations to have completely even levels of natural selection leading to biological equality.

No, I don't think that Slavic peoples are even...

I think South-Slavs are inferior over North-Slavs.

South-Slavs score lower IQ, and PISA scores generally.

Also I think West-Slavs are superior over East-Slavs.

The IQ, and PISA scores of West Slavs is slightly higher.

But, what's more shocking is how much more uncivilized East Slavs are than West Slavs, they have not only a much worse history of violence, but also have much higher murder rates than West Slavs.

Yes, I do happen to think Poles are smarter than Russians, PISA, and IQ testing gives Poles a slight advantage over Russians.

The fact that Poles won in many battles when outnumbered against Russians, like the Battle of Komarow in 1920, the Battle of Klushino in 1610 are big ones that prove that.

Also a lot of "Superior Russians" have had a Polish background, certainly strongly disproportionate for the numbers of Poles in Russia.

This includes

- Konstantin Ciolkowski founder of modern rocketry.

- Stefan Drzewiecki founder of the Russian submarine fleet.

- Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky inventor of the 3 phase generator, and 3 phase transformer.

- Igor Sikorsky inventor of modern helicopters, airliners, and air-bombers.

- Mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky

- Writer Nikolai Gogol.

- Writer Dostoeyevsky.

- Classical composer Igor Stravinsky.

- Classical composer Dimitri Shostakovich.

- Classical composer Mikhail Glinka.

- Artist Malevich.

- Playwriter Leonid Andreyev.

- Filmaker Andrei Tarkowsky.

- General Konstantin Rokossovsky

- General Anton Deniken.

- Geographer Nikolay Przhevalsky.

I wonder how stupid east slavanians have managed to?

I wouldn't call East Slavians stupid, just not as smart as Poles.

Keep in mind Poland had founded the scientific revolution with Copernicus.

Russia hardly had any kind of impact in Europe during the Renaissance like Poland had.

Offcourse, a first and single Polish astronaut flew in space at Russian spaceships only because Poles smarter than Russians :))
you like nazi theory
you're polish and most polish hate russians
so most polish are nazi I guess or how one can explain polish genocide of jews in august of 1945 when thousands of jews just liberated by soviets from conc.camps were killed in "pieceful" Poland and thosands were forced to leave to Israel.

damn...wish such bastards all were in jail.
Several thousands lives of Soviet soldiers were paid for liberation of Poland from Hitler Nazis (their monuments are destroyed in Poland now).

As Poland moves to expunge traces of the Soviet Union from its history, the Russian Defense Ministry has declassified papers listing the extensive assistance the Soviets provided to the Poles in the final years of World War II.

The documents from the Central Archive of Russia’s Defense Ministry, “never previously published in open sources,”detail the support that Poland received from the Soviet Union during its liberation from the Nazis in 1944-45.

"During the period between March and November 1945 alone, more than 1.5 billion rubles (around $283 million) worth of food in the prices of 1945 was provided for the sake of the Polish population and the sowing campaign in the country,” the ministry said. “The Provisional Government of Poland was supplied with over 130,000 tons of food, 20,000 tons of cotton, 100,000 tons of leather, and more than 2,000 trucks during the second and third quarters of 1945,” the documents revealed.

The documents detail the supply of 8,000 tons of meat, as well as seeds and agricultural machinery for sowing, to Poland. These were backed by receipts signed by the receiving Poles. The Red Army was also involved in rebuilding railroads and bridges blown up by the Nazi forces retreating from Poland.

Declassified documents reveal vast Soviet assistance to Poland during WWII

And Soviet people were starved after the WW2 as well but still shared that with Polish friends (they thought Poles were friends). I bet Polish government prefers to stay silent about that.

So, "Friends" commit a Katyn Massacre?
Katyn massacre has been condemned by Russian officials long time ago. To blame and to hate contemporary Russia for Soviet crimes makes same sense as to blame and to hate contemporary Germany for Hitler. Russians DO NOT hate Germans even though they costed us over 25 million lives of Soviet people.

History can repeat it's self.

But, it's interesting that some Russians hate Poles, and Ukrainians more than Germans considering history.

"Katyn massacre" - is a shame of current Russian officials, admitted fake under pressure of EU. God already said his opinion, dropped Tu-154 with Kachinski :)

Man, it may be I'm ethnically Polish as you, and... don't you think, all real smart Polish are already in Russia and named as Russian, because of Russia is real poly-ethnic country? :)
Max Rockatansky said:
Who did Russians fight in Afghanistan for 10 years, Georgia, Chechnya, Ukraine and Syria?

1. Afghanistan formally invited the USSR. Now in Afghanistan there are USA. But this, apparently, is not aggression, right? :)

2. Russia did not attack Georgia. On August 8, 2008, Georgian troops attacked Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia. After that, the Georgian army was defeated. Russia did not occupy Georgia. Although, of course, after the destruction of the Georgian army, this would not be difficult.

3. Chechnya is part of Russia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, she was granted de facto independence. But Chechnya became a hotbed of terrorists, Chechens began to attack neighboring regions and organize terrorist attacks. After that, Russia was forced to return Chechnya to the leadership of Moscow. Is it possible to consider aggression when Spain is putting things in order in Catalonia?

4. Russia did not attack Ukraine. In Ukraine, there was a pro-Western coup d'état and a civil war began. Yes, Russian volunteers are fighting in Donbas and Russia informally helps the Donbas. But there is no direct aggression against Ukraine. For almost four years, no American intelligence has been able to find Russian troops in the Donbas. But there are American troops in Ukraine.

5. In Syria, Russia is at the invitation of a legitimate government. But what is the US doing there? Who invited them there?

In response, I can ask, by what right have the United States bombed Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya? Why did NATO begin to expand to the east despite all the agreements long before Russia had to take retaliatory measures?

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