Voice of Russia

i hope STUTINK.RU pays to the forum, but stil this look more and more like WC.ru




I mean, if a lowly used car salesman from Iran knew the truth about our dealings with Iran, then it must be common knowledge on the streets of the Middle East, and our media had been keeping it hidden from the public. .... :cool:

I have already written many times that I am amazed at how much Westerners are credulous about the media and official information. For those who grew up in the USSR and its culture, it seems obvious that politicians and journalists can not be trusted, even if they are telling the truth. Even the truth can be said so that an impression will be created that does not correspond to reality. In the USSR, for example, official sources of information almost never lied. But they gave a one-sided interpretation.

There was such a very popular anecdote. Brezhnev and Reagan arranged a competition for running. The next day, the newspaper Pravda publishes the results of the competition: "Our Secretary General took the second place in the race. The American president came to the finish of the penultimate". Not a word of lies, only truth. But what an interpretation! :)

Today journalists and politicians of all countries often do not just give a one-sided interpretation, but they are directly lying. And if few people believe in empty words in Russia, then in the West this belief is sometimes amazing.
I mean, if a lowly used car salesman from Iran knew the truth about our dealings with Iran, then it must be common knowledge on the streets of the Middle East, and our media had been keeping it hidden from the public. .... :cool:

I have already written many times that I am amazed at how much Westerners are credulous about the media and official information. For those who grew up in the USSR and its culture, it seems obvious that politicians and journalists can not be trusted, even if they are telling the truth. Even the truth can be said so that an impression will be created that does not correspond to reality. In the USSR, for example, official sources of information almost never lied. But they gave a one-sided interpretation.

There was such a very popular anecdote. Brezhnev and Reagan arranged a competition for running. The next day, the newspaper Pravda publishes the results of the competition: "Our Secretary General took the second place in the race. The American president came to the finish of the penultimate". Not a word of lies, only truth. But what an interpretation! :)

Today journalists and politicians of all countries often do not just give a one-sided interpretation, but they are directly lying. And if few people believe in empty words in Russia, then in the West this belief is sometimes amazing.
why did your main- boss like to to kiss other men?
In recent months, a very aggressive and obviously coordinated attack on Russia in general and against Putin's government in particular has been carried out in social networks. I am not his supporter, rather, I choose him as the least of evils, but the mass character and consistency of the shares attracts attention. Obviously, someone before the elections is very active in influencing the election results :)

Now Putin is speaking to the Federal Assembly. In Twitter, instantly appeared hundreds of comments on the discrediting of any of his statements. At what almost all statements or are simple insults, or operate with outright lies. For example, according to the published figures, it turns out that:

- "The average Russian works for 12 hours a day". In fact, we have a working day of 8 hours, many actually work less - late for the start of the working day or in the evening leave work earlier. People at us lazy, here I will not embroider smile :) Work more than 8 hours happens, but just not at the state enterprises for which the government answers, and in commerce.

- "The average salary for these 12 hours of work is 20,000 rubles/month ($354)". In fact, now the average salary is about 37 thousand rubles per month ($656) .

- "People rarely live up to 50 years". That's only the average life expectancy has grown to 72.5 years and is constantly growing :)

"Russians were completely impoverished during Putin's reign". On this issue, I've written here more than once. The average increase in welfare over the past 25 years was 10-15 times. Even life 10 years ago seems much more poor than now.

- "In pharmacies do not find drugs cheaper 200-300 rubles ($3.5-$5.5)". Really in Moscow, prices for the most affordable medications start from 6-10 rubles ($0.1 - $0.2). In the province, usually even cheaper.

The saddest thing is that the phenomenon is massive, no denials (except for me sometimes: D) no one writes, so with all the inconsistency of such statements with reality, the notorious "70% of the conforming population", having read this, will also be considered as well. In my opinion, Russia is now clearly losing the information war in social networks.
Russia has new modern weapons now unlike any other weapons in the world. Bravo, Russia!

Putin today: As such, Russia has developed, and works continuously to perfect, highly effective but modestly priced systems to overcome missile defence. They are installed on all of our intercontinental ballistic missile complexes.

In addition, we have embarked on the development of the next generation of missiles. For example, the Defence Ministry and enterprises of the missile and aerospace industry are in the active phase of testing a new missile system with a heavy intercontinental missile. We called it Sarmat.

That said, the capabilities of the Sarmat missile are much higher. Weighing over 200 tonnes, it has a short boost phase, which makes it more difficult to intercept for missile defence systems. Sarmat will be equipped with a broad range of powerful nuclear warheads, including hypersonic, and the most modern means of evading missile defence. The high degree of protection of missile launchers and significant energy capabilities the system offers will make it possible to use it in any conditions.

Sarmat has practically no range restrictions, it can attack targets both via the North and South poles.

Sarmat is a formidable missile and, owing to its characteristics, is untroubled by even the most advanced missile defence systems.

But we did not stop at that. We started to develop new types of strategic arms that do not use ballistic trajectories at all when moving toward a target and, therefore, missile defence systems are useless against them, absolutely pointless.

Russia’s advanced arms are based on the cutting-edge, unique achievements of our scientists, designers and engineers. One of them is a small-scale heavy-duty nuclear energy unit that can be installed in a missile like our latest X-101 air-launched missile or the American Tomahawk missile – a similar type but with a range dozens of times longer, dozens, basically an unlimited range. It is a low-flying stealth missile carrying a nuclear warhead, with almost an unlimited range, unpredictable trajectory and ability to bypass interception boundaries. It is invincible against all existing and prospective missile defence and counter-air defence systems. I will repeat this several times today.

In late 2017, Russia successfully launched its latest nuclear-powered missile at the Central training ground. During its flight, the nuclear-powered engine reached its design capacity and provided the necessary propulsion.

Now that the missile launch and ground tests were successful, we can begin developing a completely new type of weapon, a strategic nuclear weapons system with a nuclear-powered missile.

The missile bypasses interceptors. As the range is unlimited, the missile can manoeuvre for as long as necessary.

As you no doubt understand, no other country has developed anything like this. There will be something similar one day but by that time our guys will have come up with something even better.

Now, we all know that the design and development of unmanned weapon systems is another common trend in the world. As concerns Russia, we have developed unmanned submersible vehicles that can move at great depths (I would say extreme depths) intercontinentally, at a speed multiple times higher than the speed of submarines, cutting-edge torpedoes and all kinds of surface vessels, including some of the fastest. It is really fantastic. They are quiet, highly manoeuvrable and have hardly any vulnerabilities for the enemy to exploit. There is simply nothing in the world capable of withstanding them.

Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly
Putin isn't concerned with political opponents, because they end up in prison, poisoned, or disappear altogether.

A few days ago I would ask you to give evidence of this. But yesterday something has changed in me. I thought to the last that Russians and Americans, nevertheless, can have mutual understanding. But I do not think so. I came to American forums to better understand the Americans and explain in Russia that people in the US are the same as us and that we can have a dialogue. But I was wrong. The average American is not capable of dialogue. He blindly believes what he is told by the media. And with the faithful, the dispute is impossible. And while America is fanning the anti-Russian tantrum, such deeply religious Americans are Russia's direct enemies. So it happened that three years ago I came in search of understanding, but became an anti-American :)

So you can consider anything that Russia is being killed by the opposition, that Russia is eating children, that corruption is rampant in Russia and that everyone in Russia is drinking vodka instead of tea. I do not care any more :) The more hatred and anger in the words of the enemy, the more correct our actions.


I know perfectly well that among Americans there are thinking people. Even the direct open enemies of Russia. And I respect such people. But such - very little and they do not affect the atmosphere as a whole.
Putin isn't concerned with political opponents, because they end up in prison, poisoned, or disappear altogether.

A few days ago I would ask you to give evidence of this. But yesterday something has changed in me. I thought to the last that Russians and Americans, nevertheless, can have mutual understanding. But I do not think so. I came to American forums to better understand the Americans and explain in Russia that people in the US are the same as us and that we can have a dialogue. But I was wrong. The average American is not capable of dialogue. He blindly believes what he is told by the media. And with the faithful, the dispute is impossible. And while America is fanning the anti-Russian tantrum, such deeply religious Americans are Russia's direct enemies. So it happened that three years ago I came in search of understanding, but became an anti-American :)

So you can consider anything that Russia is being killed by the opposition, that Russia is eating children, that corruption is rampant in Russia and that everyone in Russia is drinking vodka instead of tea. I do not care any more :) The more hatred and anger in the words of the enemy, the more correct our actions.


I know perfectly well that among Americans there are thinking people. Even the direct open enemies of Russia. And I respect such people. But such - very little and they do not affect the atmosphere as a whole.
I was quite a bit luckier than you: I've met so many people on this forum who understand that Soros Media has been fooling them for years spinning their Hollywood stories about "bad Russians" and would be truly happy if USA/Russia relationship becomes better (if it's even possible). Actually, I've met a lot more smart&decent people here than I would EVER think. Especially after Trump has appeared on the political stage.

But there is a very small but very powerful group of people in USA who benefits from USA/Russia confrontation quite a bit.

Tucked deep inside the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, under a category entitled, “Countering Russian Aggression,” $4.6 billion is casually set aside for the so-called European Deterrence Initiative (EDI) to “reassure NATO allies and enhance the U.S. deterrent and defense postures in Europe.” It’s 3 times more than last year!
US Congress to spend $4.6 bn for ‘reassuring NATO allies’ as anti-Russia hysteria mounts

Do you think these ^ people want good relationship with Russia? For them "Russia the aggressor" is a dollar pyramid, when a small group on the top (Deep State) benefits from American taxpayers (on the bottom).
And all at American taxpayers' expense, EXPENSE, EXPENSE, EXPENSE ....

Neocons have embedded themselves in the corridors of power. They claim to be interested in spreading ‘democracy’, but the reality is that the neocon movement is all about money and profits.
Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia
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Russia has new modern weapons now unlike any other weapons in the world. Bravo, Russia!

Putin today: As such, Russia has developed, and works continuously to perfect, highly effective but modestly priced systems to overcome missile defence. They are installed on all of our intercontinental ballistic missile complexes.

In addition, we have embarked on the development of the next generation of missiles. For example, the Defence Ministry and enterprises of the missile and aerospace industry are in the active phase of testing a new missile system with a heavy intercontinental missile. We called it Sarmat.

That said, the capabilities of the Sarmat missile are much higher. Weighing over 200 tonnes, it has a short boost phase, which makes it more difficult to intercept for missile defence systems. Sarmat will be equipped with a broad range of powerful nuclear warheads, including hypersonic, and the most modern means of evading missile defence. The high degree of protection of missile launchers and significant energy capabilities the system offers will make it possible to use it in any conditions.

Sarmat has practically no range restrictions, it can attack targets both via the North and South poles.

Sarmat is a formidable missile and, owing to its characteristics, is untroubled by even the most advanced missile defence systems.

But we did not stop at that. We started to develop new types of strategic arms that do not use ballistic trajectories at all when moving toward a target and, therefore, missile defence systems are useless against them, absolutely pointless.

Russia’s advanced arms are based on the cutting-edge, unique achievements of our scientists, designers and engineers. One of them is a small-scale heavy-duty nuclear energy unit that can be installed in a missile like our latest X-101 air-launched missile or the American Tomahawk missile – a similar type but with a range dozens of times longer, dozens, basically an unlimited range. It is a low-flying stealth missile carrying a nuclear warhead, with almost an unlimited range, unpredictable trajectory and ability to bypass interception boundaries. It is invincible against all existing and prospective missile defence and counter-air defence systems. I will repeat this several times today.

In late 2017, Russia successfully launched its latest nuclear-powered missile at the Central training ground. During its flight, the nuclear-powered engine reached its design capacity and provided the necessary propulsion.

Now that the missile launch and ground tests were successful, we can begin developing a completely new type of weapon, a strategic nuclear weapons system with a nuclear-powered missile.

The missile bypasses interceptors. As the range is unlimited, the missile can manoeuvre for as long as necessary.

As you no doubt understand, no other country has developed anything like this. There will be something similar one day but by that time our guys will have come up with something even better.

Now, we all know that the design and development of unmanned weapon systems is another common trend in the world. As concerns Russia, we have developed unmanned submersible vehicles that can move at great depths (I would say extreme depths) intercontinentally, at a speed multiple times higher than the speed of submarines, cutting-edge torpedoes and all kinds of surface vessels, including some of the fastest. It is really fantastic. They are quiet, highly manoeuvrable and have hardly any vulnerabilities for the enemy to exploit. There is simply nothing in the world capable of withstanding them.

Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly
Mongolian bamboo Ulus of Juchi made one more media - fart


Russia has new modern weapons now unlike any other weapons in the world. Bravo, Russia!

Putin today: As such, Russia has developed, and works continuously to perfect, highly effective but modestly priced systems to overcome missile defence. They are installed on all of our intercontinental ballistic missile complexes.

In addition, we have embarked on the development of the next generation of missiles. For example, the Defence Ministry and enterprises of the missile and aerospace industry are in the active phase of testing a new missile system with a heavy intercontinental missile. We called it Sarmat.

That said, the capabilities of the Sarmat missile are much higher. Weighing over 200 tonnes, it has a short boost phase, which makes it more difficult to intercept for missile defence systems. Sarmat will be equipped with a broad range of powerful nuclear warheads, including hypersonic, and the most modern means of evading missile defence. The high degree of protection of missile launchers and significant energy capabilities the system offers will make it possible to use it in any conditions.

Sarmat has practically no range restrictions, it can attack targets both via the North and South poles.

Sarmat is a formidable missile and, owing to its characteristics, is untroubled by even the most advanced missile defence systems.

But we did not stop at that. We started to develop new types of strategic arms that do not use ballistic trajectories at all when moving toward a target and, therefore, missile defence systems are useless against them, absolutely pointless.

Russia’s advanced arms are based on the cutting-edge, unique achievements of our scientists, designers and engineers. One of them is a small-scale heavy-duty nuclear energy unit that can be installed in a missile like our latest X-101 air-launched missile or the American Tomahawk missile – a similar type but with a range dozens of times longer, dozens, basically an unlimited range. It is a low-flying stealth missile carrying a nuclear warhead, with almost an unlimited range, unpredictable trajectory and ability to bypass interception boundaries. It is invincible against all existing and prospective missile defence and counter-air defence systems. I will repeat this several times today.

In late 2017, Russia successfully launched its latest nuclear-powered missile at the Central training ground. During its flight, the nuclear-powered engine reached its design capacity and provided the necessary propulsion.

Now that the missile launch and ground tests were successful, we can begin developing a completely new type of weapon, a strategic nuclear weapons system with a nuclear-powered missile.

The missile bypasses interceptors. As the range is unlimited, the missile can manoeuvre for as long as necessary.

As you no doubt understand, no other country has developed anything like this. There will be something similar one day but by that time our guys will have come up with something even better.

Now, we all know that the design and development of unmanned weapon systems is another common trend in the world. As concerns Russia, we have developed unmanned submersible vehicles that can move at great depths (I would say extreme depths) intercontinentally, at a speed multiple times higher than the speed of submarines, cutting-edge torpedoes and all kinds of surface vessels, including some of the fastest. It is really fantastic. They are quiet, highly manoeuvrable and have hardly any vulnerabilities for the enemy to exploit. There is simply nothing in the world capable of withstanding them.

Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly
Mongolian bamboo Ulus of Juchi made one more media - fart



Do you mean, leaders of Britain, Germany and USA all are criminals and must be in Russian prison? :-\ Such a disrespect of message board owners!!!
In recent months, a very aggressive and obviously coordinated attack on Russia in general and against Putin's government in particular has been carried out in social networks. I am not his supporter, rather, I choose him as the least of evils, but the mass character and consistency of the shares attracts attention. Obviously, someone before the elections is very active in influencing the election results :)

Now Putin is speaking to the Federal Assembly. In Twitter, instantly appeared hundreds of comments on the discrediting of any of his statements. At what almost all statements or are simple insults, or operate with outright lies. For example, according to the published figures, it turns out that:

- "The average Russian works for 12 hours a day". In fact, we have a working day of 8 hours, many actually work less - late for the start of the working day or in the evening leave work earlier. People at us lazy, here I will not embroider smile :) Work more than 8 hours happens, but just not at the state enterprises for which the government answers, and in commerce.

- "The average salary for these 12 hours of work is 20,000 rubles/month ($354)". In fact, now the average salary is about 37 thousand rubles per month ($656) .

- "People rarely live up to 50 years". That's only the average life expectancy has grown to 72.5 years and is constantly growing :)

"Russians were completely impoverished during Putin's reign". On this issue, I've written here more than once. The average increase in welfare over the past 25 years was 10-15 times. Even life 10 years ago seems much more poor than now.

- "In pharmacies do not find drugs cheaper 200-300 rubles ($3.5-$5.5)". Really in Moscow, prices for the most affordable medications start from 6-10 rubles ($0.1 - $0.2). In the province, usually even cheaper.

The saddest thing is that the phenomenon is massive, no denials (except for me sometimes: D) no one writes, so with all the inconsistency of such statements with reality, the notorious "70% of the conforming population", having read this, will also be considered as well. In my opinion, Russia is now clearly losing the information war in social networks.

You may also consider "All Russian are not people, but daemons from cold winter night" - it's a final target of this propaganda...

As for me, some friends said me - "don't visit USA for work, you'll need to work more than in Russia"... "Relax" - I said them - "I work about ten hours here, because I'm in IT. So, I don't think, in US people work more than 10 hours per day". Offcourse, if it not own business or some specific jobs like long distance driver... But it seems in Russia a bit more holidays :)

And about pharmacies another joke :) I'm principially don't buy drugs more expensive than 2$ - and it's good drugs, because they're usually developed in USSR...:)
Heck. The biggest loss of Russia in Syria. At the airbase Khemeymim, at the approach to landing, An-26 transport aircraft crashed. 32 people died.
great news, sunni - arabs can fight back Iran -Muscovite - Assadists occupants

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Heck. The biggest loss of Russia in Syria. At the airbase Khemeymim, at the approach to landing, An-26 transport aircraft crashed. 32 people died.
great news, sunni - arabs can fight back Iran -Muscovy - Assadists

What is the reason for you to be glad, except money, paid by ISIS curators for each your post?
you thought it´d a easy job to kill 70% of Syrian population (sunni- arabs) , but somethings 70% of Syrian population fights back. vania by the way, how many of your guys were killed in Syria and Ukraine, where can i find the official numbers?
Heck. The biggest loss of Russia in Syria. At the airbase Khemeymim, at the approach to landing, An-26 transport aircraft crashed. 32 people died.
great news, sunni - arabs can fight back Iran -Muscovy - Assadists

What is the reason for you to be glad, except money, paid by ISIS curators for each your post?
you thought it´d a easy job to kill 70% of Syrian population (sunni- arabs) , but somethings 70% of Syrian population fights back. vania by the way, how many of your guys were killed in Syria and Ukraine, where can i find the official numbers?

I know nothing about how easy to kill Syrian civilians. Only ISIS and their agents could coolly discuss this theme. You're just the one of islamists agent - now I understand it.

Tell your ISIS patrones, Russia will fight with international terrorism till this terrorism would be eliminated :)
Heck. The biggest loss of Russia in Syria. At the airbase Khemeymim, at the approach to landing, An-26 transport aircraft crashed. 32 people died.
great news, sunni - arabs can fight back Iran -Muscovy - Assadists

What is the reason for you to be glad, except money, paid by ISIS curators for each your post?
you thought it´d a easy job to kill 70% of Syrian population (sunni- arabs) , but somethings 70% of Syrian population fights back. vania by the way, how many of your guys were killed in Syria and Ukraine, where can i find the official numbers?

I know nothing about how easy to kill Syrian civilians. Only ISIS and their agents could coolly discuss this theme. You're just the one of islamists agent - now I understand it.

Tell your ISIS patrones, Russia will fight with international terrorism till this terrorism would be eliminated :)

the same IS which your punia has created from Iraqi baath? back to the real world :

Russia accused of war crimes in Syria at UN security council session ...

Sep 25, 2016 - Russia has been directly and repeatedly accused of war crimes at the UN security council in an unusually blunt session, as hopes of any form of ceasefire were flattened by the scale and ferocity of the Syrian regime's assault on eastern Aleppo. The war crimes accusations centred on the widespread use of ...

U.N.: Russia may have committed war crimes in Syria market attack ...

5 hours ago - March 6 (UPI) -- The U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Syria said Tuesday a Russian Air Force attack on a civilian area in Aleppo last year may amount to a war crime. The report, which chronicled violations between July 2017 and January 2018, called for accountability from military campaigns that "toppled" ...


as a humanist tell you that today is a great day, finally the Muscovite terrorists paid
Heck. The biggest loss of Russia in Syria. At the airbase Khemeymim, at the approach to landing, An-26 transport aircraft crashed. 32 people died.
great news, sunni - arabs can fight back Iran -Muscovy - Assadists

What is the reason for you to be glad, except money, paid by ISIS curators for each your post?
you thought it´d a easy job to kill 70% of Syrian population (sunni- arabs) , but somethings 70% of Syrian population fights back. vania by the way, how many of your guys were killed in Syria and Ukraine, where can i find the official numbers?

I know nothing about how easy to kill Syrian civilians. Only ISIS and their agents could coolly discuss this theme. You're just the one of islamists agent - now I understand it.

Tell your ISIS patrones, Russia will fight with international terrorism till this terrorism would be eliminated :)

the same IS which your punia has created from Iraqi baath? back to the real world :

Russia accused of war crimes in Syria at UN security council session ...

Sep 25, 2016 - Russia has been directly and repeatedly accused of war crimes at the UN security council in an unusually blunt session, as hopes of any form of ceasefire were flattened by the scale and ferocity of the Syrian regime's assault on eastern Aleppo. The war crimes accusations centred on the widespread use of ...

U.N.: Russia may have committed war crimes in Syria market attack ...

5 hours ago - March 6 (UPI) -- The U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Syria said Tuesday a Russian Air Force attack on a civilian area in Aleppo last year may amount to a war crime. The report, which chronicled violations between July 2017 and January 2018, called for accountability from military campaigns that "toppled" ...

View attachment 180792

as a humanist tell you that today is a great day, finally the Muscovite terrorists paid

How fast you found response with "Syrian civilians" :)) There's no doubts, you're an agent of ISIS, having all their bases of false photos of "Syrian civilians" and so on... But some photo, I know, are reals, it's a people, murdered by your patrons to make a "good paint" for your propaganda dames... ISIS is forbidden in Russia, I hope, our guys will eliminate your terroristic masters from the face of Earth...
great news, sunni - arabs can fight back Iran -Muscovy - Assadists

What is the reason for you to be glad, except money, paid by ISIS curators for each your post?
you thought it´d a easy job to kill 70% of Syrian population (sunni- arabs) , but somethings 70% of Syrian population fights back. vania by the way, how many of your guys were killed in Syria and Ukraine, where can i find the official numbers?

I know nothing about how easy to kill Syrian civilians. Only ISIS and their agents could coolly discuss this theme. You're just the one of islamists agent - now I understand it.

Tell your ISIS patrones, Russia will fight with international terrorism till this terrorism would be eliminated :)

the same IS which your punia has created from Iraqi baath? back to the real world :

Russia accused of war crimes in Syria at UN security council session ...

Sep 25, 2016 - Russia has been directly and repeatedly accused of war crimes at the UN security council in an unusually blunt session, as hopes of any form of ceasefire were flattened by the scale and ferocity of the Syrian regime's assault on eastern Aleppo. The war crimes accusations centred on the widespread use of ...

U.N.: Russia may have committed war crimes in Syria market attack ...

5 hours ago - March 6 (UPI) -- The U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Syria said Tuesday a Russian Air Force attack on a civilian area in Aleppo last year may amount to a war crime. The report, which chronicled violations between July 2017 and January 2018, called for accountability from military campaigns that "toppled" ...

View attachment 180792

as a humanist tell you that today is a great day, finally the Muscovite terrorists paid

How fast you found response with "Syrian civilians" :)) There's no doubts, you're an agent of ISIS, having all their bases of false photos of "Syrian civilians" and so on... But some photo, I know, are reals, it's a people, murdered by your patrons to make a "good paint" for your propaganda dames... ISIS is forbidden in Russia, I hope, our guys will eliminate your terroristic masters from the face of Earth...
me, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, UN, Médecins Sans Frontières, EU, according your TV.ru we all work for IS, how can this bumish gang afford us?
According to Amnesty International, in late February 2016 Russian warplanes deliberately targeted civilians and rescue workers during their bombing campaign.[368] The human rights group has documented attacks on schools, hospitals and civilian homes. Amnesty International also said that "Russia is guilty of some the most egregious war crimes" it had seen "in decades". The director of Amnesty's crisis response program, Tirana Hassan, said that after bombing civilian targets, the Russian warplanes "loop around" for a second attack to target the humanitarian workers and civilians who are trying to help those have been injured in the first sortie.[131][368]

In February 2016, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported extensive use of cluster munitions by Syria and Russia, in violation of United Nations resolution 2139 of 22 February 2014, which demanded that all parties end "indiscriminate employment of weapons in populated areas". HRW said that "Russian or Syrian forces were responsible for the attacks" and that the munitions were "manufactured in the former Soviet Union or Russia" and that some were of a type that had "not been documented as used in Syria" prior to Russia's involvement in the war, which they claimed, suggested that "either Russian aircraft dropped them or Russian authorities recently provided the Syrian government with more cluster munitions, or both".[133] HRW also noted that while neither Russia nor Syria are parties to the Cluster Munitions Convention, the use of such munitions contradicts statements issued by the Syrian government that they would refrain from using them.[133]

In February 2016, Médecins Sans Frontières has said that either "Syrian regime" or Russian warplanes deliberately attacked a hospital in Maarat al-Numan.[369] The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights stated that it was Russian warplanes that destroyed the hospital.[370]

In 2016, opposition activists and local witnesses have reported that Russia has used white phosphorus against targets in Raqqa[371] and Idlib,[372] causing civilian casualties with the weapons.[373]

U.S. officials repeatedly stated that hospitals in Syria were attacked by Russian forces.[374][375][376] The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that by mid-February 2016, Russian air strikes had killed 1,000 civilians, including 200 children, since the initiation of the intervention in September 2015.[377] In March 2016, Amnesty International reported "compelling evidence" of at least six such attacks.[378] These reports, including the bombing of two hospitals by Russian Air Force planes, have been denied by Russian officials.[379][380] In May 2016 the Russian delegation to the UN Security Council vetoed a statement condemning the air strikes on a refugee camp in Idlib on 5 May.[381]

In June 2016 Russia Today, while reporting minister Shoigu's visit to Hmeymim air base, showed incendiary cluster bombs being loaded onto Russian airplanes, identified as RBK-500 ZAB-2.5SM thanks to clearly visible markings. After this information, inconsistent with official Russian statements. The video was removed but later reinstated and uploaded by RT. An editorial note below the video made no mention of the weapon, saying a frame in the video has caused "concern for personnel safety" because of a pilot’s close-up. "Upon re-evaluation it was deemed that the frame did not pose any risks; it had since been restored and the video is up in its original cut," the RT statement said.[134][382]"

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