Voice of Russia

Continuing..bla bla

even a blind idiot sees that it was made in STUDIO , punia and all putlerists are such losers
Urban Dictionary: Putlerist

The third launch from the new spaceport "Vostochny" ("Eastern"). Successfully put into orbit 11 small satellites, including four American satellites.

View attachment 174446

LOL, thank you sputink TV.ru , here is YOUR %hitty reality

STEALING vital parts and replacing them with cheaper ones STEALING vital parts and replacing them with cheaper ones STEALING vital parts and replacing them with cheaper ones STEALING vital parts and replacing them with cheaper ones STEALING vital parts and replacing them with cheaper ones STEALING vital parts and replacing them with cheaper ones STEALING vital parts and replacing them with cheaper ones STEALING vital parts and replacing them with cheaper ones

LOL :abgg2q.jpg:

Russia space rocket programme halted after workers replace vital ...

1 feb. 2017 - Workers swapped alloys with less heat-resistant ones - discovered weeks after a Soyuz rocket with an engine from same factory crashed en route to the ... Russia has been forced to halt its space rocket programme after workers were found to be STEALING vital parts and replacing them with cheaper ones.

Russian space programme close to collapse as latest failure exposes ...
6 dec. 2017 - The political fallout from last Tuesday's unsuccessful launch of a Soyuz 2-1b rocket continues at the highest level. And Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin, who has been responsible for the Russian space programme since late 2011, has been attracting a large part of the criticism. Tuesday's crash was, after all, ..."

'Stolen' Russian missile explodes after being sold for scrap - BBC News

11 aug. 2017 - News website The Insider says that emergency response workers later found another intact rocket from the S-200 missile system. The incident has ignited lively discussion on Russian social media, with many asking on popular social network VKontakte how it came to be at a recycling plant in the first place."





Korean fans meet in Seoul, Russian athletes who went to the Olympics-2018. Despite all the witch hunts unleashed in the Olympic movement against Russia.

As the pressure on the Russian athletes increases from the side of the Olympic Committee in Russia, hatred for the Olympics in general grows. The last drop in the form of non-admission even justified by the international arbitration court of sportsmen in general caused a big wave of protests. Most of my friends believe that Russia should boycott the Olympics at least and engage in complete reformation and destruction of the modern form of the Olympic movement, as a maximum.

I do not agree with them. I believe that in this round of political struggle Russia was beaten and defeated. But the boycott of the Olympics is the final defeat in the round of information war. We must go and fight. Even if we have knocked out all the strong athletes, only the Olympians of the second and third echelon remained. This will not bring us medals, but will allow us to remain on hearing. But here I am in a very pronounced minority. Even my wife believes that Russia should boycott the Olympics :)
Korean fans meet in Seoul, Russian athletes who went to the Olympics-2018. Despite all the witch hunts unleashed in the Olympic movement against Russia.

I believe that in this round of political struggle Russia was beaten and defeated. But the boycott of the Olympics is the final defeat in the round of information war. We must go and fight. Even if we have knocked out all the strong athletes, only the Olympians of the second and third echelon remained. This will not bring us medals, but will allow us to remain on hearing. But here I am in a very pronounced minority. Even my wife believes that Russia should boycott the Olympics :)
I trust Putin: he usually knows what he's doing and we may see it later.

The whole corrupt IOC and WADA system must be defeated and noway Russia can achieve that goal by boycotting Olympics. Also think about Russian sportsmen: they've been working hard to be able to compete, not to seat at home and to participate dirty political games. They are anxious to participate real sports games, at least as many of sportsmen as possible at the moment.
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Korean fans meet in Seoul, Russian athletes who went to the Olympics-2018. Despite all the witch hunts unleashed in the Olympic movement against Russia.

As the pressure on the Russian athletes increases from the side of the Olympic Committee in Russia, hatred for the Olympics in general grows. The last drop in the form of non-admission even justified by the international arbitration court of sportsmen in general caused a big wave of protests. Most of my friends believe that Russia should boycott the Olympics at least and engage in complete reformation and destruction of the modern form of the Olympic movement, as a maximum.

I do not agree with them. I believe that in this round of political struggle Russia was beaten and defeated. But the boycott of the Olympics is the final defeat in the round of information war. We must go and fight. Even if we have knocked out all the strong athletes, only the Olympians of the second and third echelon remained. This will not bring us medals, but will allow us to remain on hearing. But here I am in a very pronounced minority. Even my wife believes that Russia should boycott the Olympics :)

i like your Olympian style Muscovites :



try to find 2 differences


Do you want a real example of a really strong influence? A real propaganda? Imagine, your family in New York goes to bed. A daughter in Russian sings "V lesu rodilas' yolochka, v lesu ona rosla ...", then - "Malenkoy yolochke kholodno zimoy. Iz lesu yolochku vzyali my domoy". And you suddenly realize that the daughter does not know by heart "Jingle Bells" or "I Wish You A Merry Christmas" in your English. Have you imagined it?

Now my daughter before the bed sings in English "Jingle Bells" and "I Wish You A Merry Christmas". And she does not know our Russian New Year songs. Only a few lines. In part, this is my omission, I did not teach our Russian songs with her. At school they do not learn Russian songs. And in English lessons, obviously, they learn songs in English. But imagine the degree of influence of the West on Russia :)

And you - "Russian advertising looked 1000 people." Ugh!

Doug1943 said:
I haven't followed this issue closely -- weren't the Russians accused of systematic doping?

How do I see what's happening. There is an axiom. All sportsmen of the Big Sports take dope. Different stimulating drugs. Some are permitted, some are forbidden. In all countries of the world. Which drugs are allowed and which are not, WADA decides. For example, 3/4 athletes from Norway "suffer from asthma." And taking drugs against asthma. These are prohibited drugs that are considered doping. But WADA allows the use of banned drugs to specific athletes in the form of exceptions. In total, 3/4 of the Norwegian athletes take medications that are considered doping for other athletes.

When in 2014 the confrontation between the US and Russia began to gain momentum, America immediately struck on many fronts, including the Olympic movement. Russian athletes are traditionally very strong and therefore their discrediting is a powerful PR move.

In sport, the blow was inflicted immediately from many directions:

Immediately after the 2014 Olympics in Sochi and Russia's next success in the sports field, the ill-wishers began to actively seek ways to put pressure on Russia. The obvious step is doping. First, the soil began to be prepared through odious media. Who was behind this specifically, I do not know, but the German company ARD in late 2014 and early 2015 released two large materials on the massive use of doping in Russia. The charge was massive (more than 5,000 athletes!). No evidence has been voiced. But the material was very actively advertised in the West. The formation of the reflex "Russian athlete = doping" began.

WADA immediately joined. "Oh, it's awful! We're investigating this problem!". There are no proofs, there are only fantasies of the German journalist Zeppelt, but this is an excuse to remove the Russian athletes from the competitions "for the duration of the investigations."

Here begins the most detective story with the participation of Grigory Rodchenkov. First, WADA accuses him of deliberately destroying doping tests in order to avoid accusations of using doping by Russian athletes. Also WADA accuses Rodchenkov that he was engaged in extorting money from athletes seen in the use of doping.

As a result of the scandal that has arisen, Rodchenkov resigns. Against Rodchenkov's relatives in Russia, in 2011 an investigation was carried out, they were accused of illegal trafficking in certain prohibited drugs. There are rumors that after WADA's accusations against Rodchenkov in Russia they are preparing to conduct a new investigation. Rodchenkov flees to Russia and is hiding in the United States under the witness protection program.

Based on oral testimony of Rodchenkov and indirect signs (mainly the presence of microscopic scratches on some test tubes with samples of Russian athletes), there is a charge that there is a state Russian sports doping program. And that all Russian athletes are taking dope. Funny moment. The absence of scratches on the test tube is also a charge "the Russians then learned to open the samples without leaving scratches."

Then they banned a number of drugs that had been previously allowed. And which were officially used in Russia. First and foremost harmless meldoniy. This, in fact, not even doping, because it does not stimulate, but, on the contrary, inhibits the body. It allows you to more efficiently restore the redirected muscles, first of all - the heart muscle. Insidiousness is that the meldonia is excreted from the body for up to a year. Therefore, it was found in the samples of many of those who honestly stopped taking the drug immediately after the ban. Many dozens of Russian athletes were loudly and publicly disqualified. Later, under the influence of medical research, most of these disqualifications were abolished. But it was already not important, because such cancellations are not widely covered in the media. But the whole world once again remembered that Russian athletes are taking dope!

Then follows the mass of loud exposures, the deprivation of Russian medals, disqualification. Arbitration courts later overturn most of these decisions, but for the media such justifications are no longer interesting, as everyone remembers that Russians are doping!

The result. No direct evidence of admission of Russian athletes doping is not. There is no evidence of a national doping program. All Russian athletes are discredited. All participants of the Sochi Olympics (that is, all the strongest athletes of Russia) are not admitted to the new Olympiad (And this despite the fact that even after all accusations and discredit, Russia still remains the leader in the medal standings). The team that is currently going to the Olympics is placed in conditions of incredible mental pressure - athletes do not have the right to use any symbolism, except neutral, athletes do not have the right to say that they are from Russia, etc. At what, worst of all, in these conditions, Russian athletes lost the support of the majority of Russians, because in Russia they believe that under these conditions it was necessary to boycott the Olympics, and the athletes who are ready to act in such humiliating conditions are traitors.


The electronic translator refused to translate such a large text, so my resume is separate :)

I do not justify the athletes taking dope. I would also like to see the sport clean. I do not believe that Russian sportsmen never took dope and that all the accusations against them are false. But I am 100% sure that in Russia the system of doping is not more extensive than in other countries, including the United States. As I started the previous message - all athletes take dope. And you need to investigate specific cases, improve anti-doping control and the like. But what WADA and the Olympic Committee have now arranged is a purely political action, the task of which is not to fight against doping, but the maximum possible political humiliation of Russia.
A small illustration of the previous post about sport and doping. Here is the official US data from the WADA report for the 2016 Olympics. 398 cases of official permission for the use of prohibited drugs. For comparison, Russia then received only 15 such permits.


Updated: I will clarify that this is 398 athletes not at the Olympics, but in general. At the Olympics, the Americans were officially granted 15 permits.
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A mysterious picture was observed yesterday in Moscow. A horse galloping along the Moscow Highway with tubing. Riderless. People assume that this is the horse of one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse, which fell out of the saddle. Judging by its color, it is a black horse, which John the Apostle is responsible for hunger and other economics.

In Russia, the first time in history, a person sentenced to life imprisonment was released.

I note that in our bloody totalitarian country there is no practice of the death penalty. After the collapse of the USSR, the maximum penalty is life imprisonment. One of the last sentenced to death in the USSR in 1991 was Anwar Masalimov. It was the murderer of the recidivist. Earlier in the USSR, he had already served a sentence of 15 years for premeditated murder and later again committed murder under aggravating circumstances. For which he was sentenced to death. But the USSR disintegrated, the death penalty ceased to be enforced and in 1998 the sentence was re-qualified for life imprisonment.

Now Masalimov was conditionally released ahead of schedule.
In Russia people ask themselves a question. If American troops illegally stationed in Syria can strike attacks on Syrian troops only on one threat to America's allies, then why can not Russia strike at Ukrainian troops that threaten Russia's allies in Ukraine? For this, Russia will not even have to enter the troops to Ukraine, up to the border of 300 miles from the Kremlin. And Poroshenko from the point of view of the Russians is the same bloody illegitimate dictator, like Assad from the point of view of the United States.
Speaking about Ukraine. In a few hours next Olympic games are starting.

I still remember 08.08.08 when China Olympics just started and Georgia attacked South Ossetia, killed lots of Russian peace keepers and civilians there and blamed it all on Russia using all kinds of support from Washington [Deep State puppets].

Who can guarantee that Ukrainian officials who are all Washington puppets won't do the same during this Olympics? Especially, after Washington has supplied them with more lethal weapons... Their Media may even say: it's Putin's pay back for banning best Russian sportsmen...

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