Voice of Russia

The White House approved the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine. This is understandable, Washington is interested in the growing tensions in the Russian borders and in supporting the opponents of Russia. But still sad, from such impudent impunity of the United States.
We Need Putin to Advise Us; He Doesn't Need Our Nagging Interference

In the United States from the 1820s, we have the Monroe Doctrine to prevent hostile powers from getting too close to our borders. That's all Putin is doing, while we ourselves are led by unpatriotic cowards who let Mexico invade us and not face military retaliation.
Just looks like a Black Friday at a local Walmart.. People will be people , where ever they are...

Yes, that's it :) We, of course, have people that are more victorious than in the US, so the scale is smaller. And not so crazy as in China, where people sell their kidneys to buy an iPhone :) But it sometimes happens that to buy a new prestigious phone they take loans, because it costs more than a monthly salary :)
In Moscow, a foreign invasion. For some reason, the tram is managed by Santa Claus with deer, not Ded Moroz with Snegurochka (Dead Morose Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden)!



20 minutes ago the New Year came to Russia! :) Since childhood, I still remember the stamp. When on the radio at 15:00 the time was listed on the time zones, the enumeration ended with the phrase "In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - midnight". There were even jokes, in the spirit, "It's always midnight in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" :)

So, here, it was 15:00 in Moscow, and, therefore, the New Year began its journey in Russia! He will end at 01:00 Moscow time New Year in Kaliningrad.

Congratulations to all on the holiday! :D

Putin's 2018 New Year greetings (English translation)

New Year fireworks in Moscow

(skip first 5 minutes of the video ^ to watch the fireworks)

Happy New Year, Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Several high-profile news from Syria. At first there was sad news that on December 31 the Mi-24 helicopter crashed. Two pilots were killed, the flight engineer was wounded. Militants from Jabal Sheikh Mujahidin said they shot down a helicopter, the Russian Defense Ministry said later that the helicopter was lost due to a technical malfunction.

But this news immediately eclipsed the other. In the Russian media yesterday, a sensation was published. Russian airbase Khmeimim was attacked on the same day, December 31, by mortar shelling by militants. Seven airplanes were destroyed. Including 4 Su-24 bombers, two Su-35S fighters and one An-72 transport aircraft.

This information originated from internal sources. There was no such statement on the part of the militants. Therefore, it was worth attentive to her. The probability that the information was fake is not high, because initially the publication was in the media "Kommersant", which were rarely published on the publication of fakes. A little later, through independent channels, information was received that the shelling was, but the losses are not as terrible as stated in Kommersant.

The Russian Defense Ministry today commented on this information very vaguely: "Information on the destruction of seven planes by the enemy at the airbase of Khmeimim in Syria does not correspond to reality. "Kommersant's" report on the alleged actual destruction of seven Russian military aircraft at the Khmeimim airbase is a fake.The Russian air group in Syria is in combat readiness and continues to fulfill all tasks for the intended purpose in full." Pay attention to the wording - fake actually called the statement of the amount of loss. The fact of the shelling itself is not denied and is not confirmed. It is claimed that the air group is combat-ready, but this is possible in the presence of losses.

That is, collecting all the sources of information into a single whole, it turns out that the shelling was, there are some losses of technology, but not in the same volume as it is stated in Kommersant. And the Ministry of Defense did not lie, having got rid of the truth in a streamlined form :)

And, finally, there were the first unofficial photos from the air base of Khmeimim. It can be seen that at least one Su-24 is moderately damaged. He has destroyed the fin tail and there is a hole in the fuel tank. We are waiting for more information :)

And I wonder in what form all this will be filed in Western media :)

Although, of course, the fact that the militants were allowed into the distance mortar shot - this is a huge miscalculation of the security services.


Russian Defense Ministry planes delivered school boards and New Year gifts to Syria.

It looks like trolling from the Ministry of Defense :) The plot at 01:19 shows the Su-24 with the number 29, which was recently shown damaged. Whether the recording was made before December 31, whether it had already been repaired, or whether the number had been repainted for another plane.
Today there was another video clip, where again without commentary they show the Su-24 with the onboard number 29. The fact that this is a thin trolling of the Defense Ministry is obvious :)
Христос рождается, славите!

Many thanks! Although I'm an atheist myself, but I'm not an antitheist and appreciate cultural traditions. In addition, I have many close friends and relatives who are Orthodox Christians. As I often call myself, I'm an Orthodox atheist :)

Христос рождается, славите!

Many thanks! Although I'm an atheist myself, but I'm not an antitheist and appreciate cultural traditions. In addition, I have many close friends and relatives who are Orthodox Christians. As I often call myself, I'm an Orthodox atheist :)

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Thanks for the wonderful picture. Enjoy the last day of your New Year vacations, the weather seems to be unusually warm so far unlike in USA. It must be Putin who hacked all good weather in USA and sent Siberian frosts and snow there.
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Enjoy the last day of your New Year vacations

Yes, now the New Year holidays have been reduced and tomorrow they already go to work in Russia. But, in general, the last informal New Year's holiday is on January 13. New Year in the old, Julian calendar :)

the weather seems to be unusually warm so far unlike in USA. It must be Putin who hacked all good weather in USA and sent Siberian frosts and snow there.

Yeah. In Moscow, the temperature beats records of heat for the entire history of observations. And we also joke that Americans should blame Putin for hacking the weather :)
Enjoy the last day of your New Year vacations

Yes, now the New Year holidays have been reduced and tomorrow they already go to work in Russia. But, in general, the last informal New Year's holiday is on January 13. New Year in the old, Julian calendar :)
Technically, the last day of Orthodox Christian holidays (святок) is Jan. 19, the day of Jesus' Baptizing according to Julian calendar.
Technically, the last day of Orthodox Christian holidays (святок) is Jan. 19, the day of Jesus' Baptizing according to Julian calendar.

Despite the fact that formally representatives of Orthodox culture in Russia consider themselves 70 percent of the population (and I including :)), the true Orthodox believers in Russia are about 2%. Therefore, few people in Russia celebrate all Orthodox holidays. During the years of atheistic propaganda in the USSR, the main holiday was the New Year. The night from December 31 to January 1. But, since the USSR was constantly referring to the old, pre-revolutionary Julian calendar, the main dates were also cited "according to the old style." So in the USSR there was an unofficial tradition of meeting the "Old New Year" on January 13 :) In the West, as far as I can tell, the main New Year's holiday is not the New Year, but Christmas, December 25. Therefore, although this holiday did not become very popular in Russia, nevertheless, after the fall of the Iron Curtain, many also unofficially began to meet and Christmas in the western style. And, of course, with the restoration of Orthodox traditions, we began to celebrate Orthodox Christmas on the Julian calendar. Jan. 7. Thus, the main New Year holidays were four: D Catholic Christmas, New Year, Orthodox Christmas and "Old New Year".

Baptism is a very important Orthodox holiday, but it is marked by a much smaller number of people and does not formally refer to the New Year holidays. But for some time now, in a literally new Russian show tradition, bathing in Epiphany frosts turns :D




Despite the fact that formally representatives of Orthodox culture in Russia consider themselves 70 percent of the population (and I including :)), the true Orthodox believers in Russia are about 2%.
If you said that during Soviet times, I would agree. Now there are so many new churches built and restored all over historical Russia and they all get pretty full even on each Saturday/Sunday services and during Christmas and Easter times they are so full that many people have to stay outside the churches during services. And each year more and more people are coming to the churches all over historical Russia. They ARE true believers and they are a lot more than 2%.

Russian Sociology institute found out 79% of Russian population consider themselves Orthodox Christians and 4% consider themselves Muslims. The number of atheists is decreasing.

According to American Research Center Pew 71% or Russians are Orthodox Christians (in 1991 there were only 37%) and 10% are Muslims.
Despite the fact that formally representatives of Orthodox culture in Russia consider themselves 70 percent of the population (and I including :)), the true Orthodox believers in Russia are about 2%.
Russian Sociology institute found out 79% of Russian population consider themselves Orthodox Christians

These are people who refer themselves to the Christian culture, but they are not real Christians :)

They just observe Christian traditions. But the church does not go to church regularly, but on the occasion, the fasting are not regularly observed, the Bible is not known well or does not know at all and the like. I will be an atheist, the basic Orthodox, but I know Bible much better than 90% of them :)

True Orthodox believers who faithfully and faithfully observe all the canons of Orthodoxy - about 2%: Большинство россиян проигнорируют Великий пост: Общество: Россия: Lenta.ru

Most Russians (73 percent) are not going to change their diet during Lent. This is evidenced by data from the Levada Center research, Interfax reported.

Two percent of respondents intend to abide by all restrictions for seven weeks. Partly observe fasting, for example, refuse meat and alcohol, about 18 percent of respondents gather, and four percent plan to fast in the last, most strict week of fasting.

Most Russians actually have a very peculiar mixture of Christianity, paganism and agnosticism. And an easy admixture of East Asian beliefs. The most popular answer to the question of whether there is a God - "well, probably there is some kind of supermind" or "the universe, of course, is reasonable, and our actions affect our karma" :)

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